function publications_userapi_getpages($args) { extract($args); if (!xarVarValidate('enum:id:index:name:left:right', $key, true)) { $key = 'index'; } // Define if we are looking for the number of pages or the pages themselves $count = empty($count) ? false : true; // Assemble the query sys::import('xaraya.structures.query'); $xartable = xarDB::getTables(); $q = new Query(); $q->addtable($xartable['publications'], 'tpages'); $q->addtable($xartable['publications_types'], 'pt'); $q->join('', 'tpages.pubtype_id'); if ($count) { $q->addfield('COUNT(*)'); } else { $q->setdistinct(true); $q->addfield(' AS id'); $q->addfield(' AS name'); $q->addfield('tpages.title AS title'); $q->addfield('tpages.pubtype_id AS ptid'); $q->addfield('tpages.parent_id AS base_id'); $q->addfield('tpages.sitemap_flag AS sitemap_flag'); $q->addfield('tpages.menu_flag AS menu_flag'); $q->addfield('tpages.locale AS locale'); $q->addfield('tpages.leftpage_id AS leftpage_id'); $q->addfield('tpages.rightpage_id AS rightpage_id'); $q->addfield('tpages.parentpage_id AS parentpage'); $q->addfield('tpages.access AS access'); $q->addfield('tpages.state AS status'); $q->addfield('pt.description AS pubtype_name'); } if (isset($baseonly)) { $q->eq('tpages.parent_id', 0); } if (isset($name)) { $q->eq('', (string) $name); } if (isset($status)) { // If a list of statuses have been provided, then select for any of them. if (strpos($status, ',') === false) { $numeric_status = convert_status($status); $q->eq('tpages.state', strtoupper($status)); } else { $statuses = explode(',', strtoupper($status)); $numeric_statuses = array(); foreach ($statuses as $stat) { $numeric_statuses[] = convert_status($stat); } $q->in('tpages.state', $numeric_statuses); } } if (isset($id)) { $q->eq('', (int) $id); $where[] = ' = ?'; $bind[] = (int) $id; } elseif (!empty($ids)) { $addwhere = array(); foreach ($ids as $myid) { if (!empty($myid) && is_numeric($myid)) { $addwhere[] = (int) $myid; } } $q->in('tpages.state', $addwhere); } if (isset($itemtype)) { $q->eq('tpages.pubtype_id', (int) $itemtype); } if (isset($parent)) { $q->eq('tpages.parentpage_id', (int) $parent); } // Used to retrieve descendants. if (isset($left_range) && is_array($left_range)) { $q->between('tpages.leftpage_id', $left_range); } // Used to prune a single branch of the tree. if (isset($left_exclude) && is_array($left_exclude)) { //'tpages.leftpage_id NOT between ? AND ?' - does not work on some databases $c[] = $q->plt('tpages.leftpage_id', (int) $left_exclude[0]); $c[] = $q->pgt('tpages.leftpage_id', (int) $left_exclude[1]); $q->qor($c); unset($c); } // Used to retrieve ancestors. if (isset($wrap_range) && is_numeric($wrap_range)) { $c[] = $q->ple('tpages.leftpage_id', (int) $wrap_range[0]); $c[] = $q->pge('tpages.leftpage_id', (int) $left_range[1]); // can't be right: this is an array $q->qand($c); unset($c); } // If the request is to fetch a tree that *contains* a particular // page, then add the extra sub-queries in here. if (!empty($tree_contains_id) || !empty($tree_contains_name)) { $q->addtable($xartable['publications'], 'tpages_member'); if (!empty($tree_contains_id)) { $q->eq('', (int) $tree_contains_id); } if (!empty($tree_contains_name)) { $q->eq('', (int) $tree_contains_name); } if (!empty($tree_ancestors)) { // We don't want the complete tree for the matching pages - just // their ancestors. This is useful for checking paths, without // fetching complete trees. $q->between('tpages_member.leftpage_id', 'expr:tpages.leftpage_id AND tpages.rightpage_id'); } else { // Join to find the root page of the tree containing the required page. // This matches the complete tree for the root under the selected page. $q->addtable($xartable['publications'], 'tpages_root'); $q->le('tpages_root.leftpage_id', 'expr:tpages_member.leftpage_id'); $q->ge('tpages_root.rightpage_id', 'expr:tpages_member.rightpage_id'); $q->between('tpages.leftpage_id', 'expr:tpages_root.leftpage_id AND tpages_root.rightpage_id'); $q->eq('tpages_root.parentpage_id', 0); } } // This ordering cannot be changed // We want the pages in the order of the hierarchy. if (empty($count)) { $q->setorder('tpages.leftpage_id', 'ASC'); } // $q->qecho(); $q->run(); if ($count) { $pages = count($q->output()); } else { $index = 0; $id2key = array(); $pages = array(); // Get all the page type details. $pagetypes = xarMod::apiFunc('publications', 'user', 'get_pubtypes', array('key' => 'id')); foreach ($q->output() as $row) { $id = (int) $row['id']; // At this point check the privileges of the page fetched. // To prevent broken trees, if a page is not assessible, prune // (ie discard) descendant pages of that page. Descendants will have // a left value between the left and right values of the // inaccessible page. if (!empty($prune_left)) { if ($row['leftpage_id'] <= $prune_left) { // The current page is still a descendant of the unprivileged page. continue; } else { // We've reached a non-descendant - stop pruning now. $prune_left = 0; } } // JDJ 2008-06-11: now only need ViewPublicationsPage to be able to select the page, // but ReadPublicationsPage to actually read it. // The lowest privilege will be inherited, so one page with only View privilege // will cause all descendent pages to have, at most, view privilege. // We still need to fetch full details of these view-only pages, but we must flag // then up in some way (status?). Displaying any of these pages would instead just // show the 'no privs' page. // Define admin access sys::import(''); $accessproperty = DataPropertyMaster::getProperty(array('name' => 'access')); $typename = $pagetypes[$row['ptid']]['name']; $args = array('instance' => $row['name'] . ":" . $typename, 'level' => 800); $adminaccess = $accessproperty->check($args); $info = unserialize($row['access']); if (!empty($info['view_access'])) { // Decide whether the current user can create blocks of this type $args = array('module' => 'publications', 'component' => 'Page', 'instance' => $name . ":" . $typename, 'group' => $info['view_access']['group'], 'level' => $info['view_access']['level']); if (!$accessproperty->check($args)) { // Save the right value. We need to skip all subsequent // pages until we get to a page to the right of this one. // The pages will be in 'left' order, so the descendants // will be contiguous and will immediately follow this page. $prune_left = $rightpage_id; // Don't get this unless you are an admin if (!$adminaccess) { continue; } } } if (!empty($overview_only_left) && $row['leftpage_id'] <= $overview_only_left) { // We have got past the overview-only page, so can reset the flag. $overview_only_left = 0; } if (!empty($info['display_access'])) { $args = array('module' => 'publications', 'component' => 'Page', 'instance' => $name . ":" . $typename, 'group' => $info['display_access']['group'], 'level' => $info['display_access']['level']); if (!$accessproperty->check($args)) { // We have reached a page that allows only overview access. // Flag all pages with the restricted view until we get past this page. $overview_only_left = $row['rightpage_id']; // Don't get this unless you are an admin if (!$adminaccess) { continue; } } } if (!xarSecurityCheck('ReadPublications', 0, 'Page', $row['name'] . ':' . $typename, 'publications')) { // We have reached a page that allows only overview access. // Flag all pages with the restricted view until we get past this page. $overview_only_left = $row['rightpage_id']; } // Note: ['parent_id'] is the parent page ID, // but ['parent'] is the parent item key in the // pages array. $id2key[(int) $id] = ${$key}; if ($key == 'id') { $parent_key = (int) $row['parentpage']; } else { if (isset($id2key[$row['parentpage']])) { $parent_key = $id2key[$row['parentpage']]; } else { $parent_key = 0; } } $row['key'] = ${$key}; $row['access'] = $info; $row['parent_key'] = (int) $parent_key; $row['left'] = (int) $row['leftpage_id']; $row['right'] = (int) $row['rightpage_id']; unset($row['leftpage_id']); unset($row['rightpage_id']); $pages[${$key}] = $row; $index += 1; } } return $pages; }
function boostrapdrupal_status_messages($variables) { $display = $variables['display']; $output = ''; $status_heading = array('status' => t('Status message'), 'error' => t('Error message'), 'warning' => t('Warning message')); foreach (drupal_get_messages($display) as $type => $messages) { $conv_type = convert_status($type); $output .= "<div class=\"alert {$conv_type} alert-dismissable\">\n"; $output .= '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">×</button>'; if (count($messages) > 1) { $output .= " <ul>\n"; foreach ($messages as $message) { $output .= ' <li>' . $message . "</li>\n"; } $output .= " </ul>\n"; } else { $output .= $messages[0]; } $output .= "</div>\n"; } return $output; }
// Use default category: $post['cats'][0] = $default_category_ID; } // set the post rendering options. TODO: this could probably be an option for the user before importing $postrenderers = 'b2evSmil.b2evALnk.b2WPAutP'; // Check that slug is not empty. Mind you, in WP it CAN happen! if (empty($post['slug'])) { $post['slug'] = preg_replace('¤[^A-Za-z0-9]¤', '-', $post['post_id'] . '-' . $post['title']); echo '<br /> ** WARNING: generated automatic slug: ' . $post['slug']; } // query to insert the posts into the b2evolution table $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $b2 . 'items__item (post_ptyp_ID, post_ID, post_main_cat_ID, post_creator_user_ID, post_lastedit_user_ID, post_datestart, post_datecreated, post_datemodified, post_status, post_locale, post_content, post_excerpt, post_title, post_urltitle, post_comment_status, post_renderers) VALUES ("' . $post['type'] . '", "' . $post['post_id'] . '", "' . $post['cats'][0] . '", "' . $post['author'] . '", "' . $post['author'] . '", "' . fix_date($post['create_date']) . '", "' . fix_date($post['create_date']) . '", "' . fix_date($post['modified_date']) . '", "' . convert_status($post['status']) . '", "' . $locale . '", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($post['content']) . '", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($post['excerpt']) . '", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($post['title']) . '", "' . substr($post['slug'], 0, 50) . '", "' . $post['comment_status'] . '", "' . $postrenderers . '");'; $flag = mysql_query($query); if (!$flag) { pre_dump($query); die('Post importing failed.'); } // insert the post categories into the postcats table foreach ($post['cats'] as $cat) { // query to insert each category for the particular post $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $b2 . 'postcats (postcat_post_ID, postcat_cat_ID) VALUES ("' . $post['post_id'] . '", "' . $cat . '");'; $flag = mysql_query($query); if (!$flag) { die('Post categories insertion failed. Please check your b2evolution installation.'); } } // insert the post tags