if ($section != "step5") {
    if ($totalRows_judging_locs > 0 && $action == "default") {
        $output_datatables_aaSorting = "[1,'asc']";
        $output_datatables_aoColumns = "null, null, null, null,\tnull, { \"asSorting\": [  ] }";
        $output_datatables_head .= "<tr>";
        $output_datatables_head .= "<th>Name</th>";
        $output_datatables_head .= "<th>Date</th>";
        $output_datatables_head .= "<th>Start Time</th>";
        $output_datatables_head .= "<th>Address</th>";
        $output_datatables_head .= "<th># of Rounds</th>";
        $output_datatables_head .= "<th>Actions</th>";
        $output_datatables_head .= "</tr>";
        $output_datatables_head .= "";
        do {
            $output_datatables_edit_link = build_action_link("fa-pencil", $base_url, "admin", "judging", "edit", $filter, $row_judging_locs['id'], $dbTable, "Edit " . $row_judging_locs['judgingLocName']);
            $output_datatables_delete_link = build_action_link("fa-trash-o", $base_url, "admin", "judging", "delete", $filter, $row_judging_locs['id'], $judging_locations_db_table, "Are you sure you want to delete " . $row_judging_locs['judgingLocName'] . "? This cannot be undone");
            $output_datatables_actions = $output_datatables_edit_link . " " . $output_datatables_delete_link;
            $output_datatables_body .= "<tr>";
            $output_datatables_body .= "<td>" . $row_judging_locs['judgingLocName'] . "</td>";
            $output_datatables_body .= "<td>" . getTimeZoneDateTime($_SESSION['prefsTimeZone'], $row_judging_locs['judgingDate'], $_SESSION['prefsDateFormat'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeFormat'], "long", "date") . "</td>";
            $output_datatables_body .= "<td>" . getTimeZoneDateTime($_SESSION['prefsTimeZone'], $row_judging_locs['judgingDate'], $_SESSION['prefsDateFormat'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeFormat'], "long", "time-gmt") . "</td>";
            $output_datatables_body .= "<td>" . $row_judging_locs['judgingLocation'] . "</td>";
            $output_datatables_body .= "<td>" . $row_judging_locs['judgingRounds'] . "</td>";
            $output_datatables_body .= "<td>" . $output_datatables_actions . "</td>";
            $output_datatables_body .= "</tr>";
        } while ($row_judging_locs = mysql_fetch_assoc($judging_locs));
    // end if (($totalRows_judging_locs > 0) && ($action == "default"))
// end if ($section != "step5")
// *****************************************************************************
            $output_datatables_delete_link = build_action_link("bin_closed", $base_url, "admin", "participants", "delete", $row_brewer['uid'], $row_brewer['uid'], $brewer_db_table, "Are you sure you want to delete the participant " . $row_brewer['brewerFirstName'] . " " . $row_brewer['brewerLastName'] . "? ALL entries for this participant WILL BE DELETED as well. This cannot be undone.");
        } else {
            $output_datatables_delete_link = "<span class='icon'><img src='" . $base_url . "images/bin_closed_fade.png' title='You cannot delete yourself!'></span>";
        if ($user_info[1] <= "1") {
            $change_icon = "lock_open";
        } else {
            $change_icon = "lock_edit";
        $output_datatables_other_link = build_action_link($change_icon, $base_url, "admin", "make_admin", "default", "default", $row_brewer['uid'], "default", "Change " . $row_brewer['brewerFirstName'] . " " . $row_brewer['brewerLastName'] . "&rsquo;s User Level");
        $output_datatables_view_link = "";
        if (strpos($brewer_assignment, 'Judge') !== false) {
            $output_datatables_view_link = build_output_link("page_white_acrobat", $base_url, "labels.php", "admin", "participants", "judging_labels", "default", $row_brewer['id'], "default", "Download judging labels for " . $row_brewer['brewerFirstName'] . " " . $row_brewer['brewerLastName'], FALSE);
        if ($row_brewer['brewerEmail'] != $_SESSION['loginUsername']) {
            $output_datatables_other_link2 = build_action_link("email_edit", $base_url, "user", "default", "username", "admin", $row_brewer['id'], "default", "Change " . $row_brewer['brewerFirstName'] . " " . $row_brewer['brewerLastName'] . "&rsquo;s Email Address");
        } else {
            $output_datatables_other_link2 = "<span class='icon'><img src='" . $base_url . "images/page_edit_fade.png' title='Use the Change Your Email Link from the My Info and Entries page to change your email.'></span>";
        $output_datatables_actions = $output_datatables_add_link . $output_datatables_edit_link . $output_datatables_other_link2 . $output_datatables_other_link . $output_datatables_delete_link . $output_datatables_view_link;
        $output_datatables_body .= "<td class='dataList' nowrap='nowrap'>" . $output_datatables_actions . "</td>";
    $output_datatables_body .= "</tr>";
} while ($row_brewer = mysql_fetch_assoc($brewer));
// ----------------------------------------- Presentation ------------------------------------------
// Display Top Of Page Elements (Subtitle, Primary Page Info, Nav, and Secondary Page Info)
echo $subtitle;
echo $primary_page_info;
echo $goto_nav;
echo $secondary_nav;
echo $secondary_page_info;
 $link_text = "";
 $link_text .= "Print ";
 if (!NHC && ($_SESSION['prefsEntryForm'] == "B" || $_SESSION['prefsEntryForm'] == "M" || $_SESSION['prefsEntryForm'] == "U" || $_SESSION['prefsEntryForm'] == "N")) {
     $link_text .= "Entry Form/";
 $link_text .= "Bottle Labels";
 $print_forms_link = build_action_link("printer", $base_url, $_SESSION['user_id'], $go, "delete", $filter, $row_log['id'], $brewing_db_table, $alt_title, 2, $link_text);
 // Print Recipe
 $print_recipe_link = "<span class='icon'><img src='" . $base_url . "images/printer.png'  border='0' alt='Print Recipe Form for " . $row_log['brewName'] . "' title='Print Recipe for " . $row_log['brewName'] . "'></span><a id='modal_window_link' href='" . $base_url . "output/entry.php?go=recipe&amp;id=" . $row_log['id'] . "&amp;bid=" . $_SESSION['brewerID'] . "' title='Print Recipe Form for " . $row_log['brewName'] . "'>Print Recipe</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
 if ($comp_entry_limit) {
     $warning_append = "\nAlso, you will not be able to add another entry since the entry limit for the competition has been reached. Click Cancel in this box and then edit the entry instead if you wish to keep it.";
 } else {
     $warning_append = "";
 if ($entry_window_open == 1) {
     $delete_link = build_action_link("bin_closed", $base_url, $section, $go, "delete", $filter, $row_log['id'], $brewing_db_table, "Delete " . $row_log['brewName'] . "? This cannot be undone. " . $warning_append, 1, "Delete");
 if (judging_date_return() > 0 && $action != "print") {
     $entry_output .= "<td class='dataList' nowrap='nowrap'>";
     if ($registration_open == 1 || $entry_window_open == 1) {
         $entry_output .= $edit_link;
     if (pay_to_print($_SESSION['prefsPayToPrint'], $row_log['brewPaid'])) {
         $entry_output .= $print_forms_link;
     if (NHC && $prefix == "final_") {
         $entry_output .= $print_recipe_link;
     if ($row_log['brewPaid'] != 1) {
         $entry_output .= $delete_link;