public function construct() { $configuration = $this->configuration; // Get RedBeanPHP. require_once 'plugins/RedBeanORM/resources/rb.php'; // Setup ReadBeanPHP. if (empty($this->dsn)) { $db_settings = PU_GetDBSettings($configuration); R::setup("mysql:host={$db_settings['host']};dbname={$db_settings['database']}", $db_settings['username'], $db_settings['password'], $configuration['production']); } else { R::setup($this->dsn); } }
function checkConfigFiles() { global $data; global $errors; $configFolder = '../../config/'; $config_file = $configFolder . $data['config_file']; // Can we load the configuration file? if (!file_exists($config_file)) { addError('config_file', sprintf(_('The configuration file (%s) could not be read or found. Have you renamed the configuration file as specified in the readme file?'), $config_file)); } else { // Include the config file. include_once $configFolder . 'PHPDS-defaults.config.php'; @(include_once $configFolder . 'single-site.config.php'); require_once $config_file; $db_settings = PU_GetDBSettings($configuration); // Check if we have a matching configuration file. if ($data['db_name'] != $db_settings['database']) { addError('db_name', _('Mismatching database name with the one provided in the config.php file.')); } if ($data['db_username'] != $db_settings['username']) { addError('db_username', _('Mismatching database username with the one provided in the config.php file.')); } if ($data['db_password'] != $db_settings['password']) { addError('db_password', _('Mismatching database password with the one provided in the config.php file.')); } if ($data['db_server'] != $db_settings['host']) { addError('db_server', _('Mismatching database server address (host) with the one provided in the config.php file.')); } if ($data['db_prefix'] != $db_settings['prefix']) { addError('db_prefix', _('Mismatching database prefix with the one provided in the config.php file.')); } // Check if folders are writable. if (!empty($configuration['session_path']) && !is_writeable('../../' . $configuration['session_path'])) { addError(kConfigSessionPath, sprintf(_('Your session path or "write" directory (%s) is currently not writable, please check the readme/install file for instructions.'), '../../' . $configuration['session_path'])); } if (!is_writeable('../../' . $configuration['compile_path'])) { addError(kConfigDBCompilePath, sprintf(_('Your compile path or "write" directory (%s) is currently not writable, please check the readme/install file for instructions.'), '../../' . $configuration['compile_path'])); } } return count($errors) == 0; }
/** * Sets the configuration settings for this connector as per the configuration file. * * @date 20120321 * @version 1.0 * @author Don Schoeman */ private function applyConfig($db_config = '') { $db = $this->db; // Retrieve all the database settings $db_settings = PU_GetDBSettings($this->configuration, $db_config); // For backwards compatibility, set the database class's parameters here as we don't know if anyone references // db's properties somewhere else $db->server = $db_settings['host']; $db->dbName = $db_settings['database']; $db->dbUsername = $db_settings['username']; $db->dbPassword = $db_settings['password']; // Set our own internal properties for faster access and better accessibility. $this->dbDSN = $db_settings['dsn']; $this->dbHost = $db_settings['host']; $this->dbName = $db_settings['database']; $this->dbUsername = $db_settings['username']; $this->dbPassword = $db_settings['password']; $this->dbPersistent = $db_settings['persistent']; $this->dbPrefix = $db_settings['prefix']; $this->dbCharset = $db_settings['charset']; }
</p> </blockquote> <h2>The configuration</h2> <h3>Configuration files actually used:</h3> <?php echo $conf['used']; ?> <h3>Configuration files which would have been used if they were present:</h3> <?php echo $conf['missing']; ?> <h3>Main database info</h3> <?php $db_settings = PU_GetDBSettings($config); echo "<p>Database <i>{$db_settings['database']}</i> with prefix <i>{$db_settings['prefix']}</i> on host <i>{$db_settings['host']}</i> with user <i>{$db_settings['username']}</i>.</p>"; ?> <h3>Other useful configuration settings</h3> <?php echo '<p>Sef URL is <i>' . ($config['sef_url'] ? 'on' : 'off') . '</i> ; default template is ' . ($config['default_template'] ? '<i>' . $config['default_template'] . '</i>' : '<b>not set</b>') . '.</p>'; echo '<p>Guest role is ' . (empty($config['guest_role']) ? '<b>not set</b>' : '<i>' . $config['guest_role'] . '</i>') . ' ; guest group is ' . (empty($config['guest_group']) ? '<b>not set</b>' : '<i>' . $config['guest_group'] . '</i>') . '.</p>'; list($plugin, $menu_link) = $this->navigation->menuPath(); echo empty($plugin) ? '<p>No plugin currently selected</p>' : '<p>Current plugin is <strong>' . $plugin . '</strong> (path is ' . $menu_link . ')</p>'; ?> <h2>The Backtrace:</h2> <p>All relative file pathes are relative to the server root (namely <tt><?php echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; ?> / )</tt></p>