function DisplayCategory($iCategoryID, $aCategory) { global $CFG, $dbConn, $aViewedThreads, $aCategories, $aForums; $aUsers = array(); // Get the user's per-page settings. $iThreadsPerPage = $_SESSION['threadsperpage']; $iPostsPerPage = $_SESSION['postsperpage']; // Build a list of our children forums. foreach ($aForums as $iForumID => $aForum) { // Is this forum our child? if ($aForum[PARENT] == $iCategoryID) { // Yes, so save the forum to the list. $aChildren[$iForumID] = $aForum; // Add the last poster to our list of users to get names for. if ($aForum[LPOSTER]) { $aUsers[] = $aForum[LPOSTER]; } } } // Get any needed usernames. $aUsernames = GetUsernames($aUsers); unset($aUsers); // Get any new posts. $strForums = implode(', ', array_keys($aChildren)); $dbConn->query("SELECT, post.datetime_posted, post.parent, thread.parent FROM post LEFT JOIN thread ON ( = post.parent) WHERE thread.parent IN ({$strForums}) AND datetime_posted > {$_SESSION['lastactive']} ORDER BY datetime_posted DESC"); while (list($iPostID, $tPosted, $iThreadID, $iParentID) = $dbConn->getresult()) { // If we've read the thread, have we read it since the post was made? if (!isset($aViewedThreads[$iThreadID]) || $aViewedThreads[$iThreadID] < $tPosted) { // No, so there are unread posts for that forum. $aNewPosts[$iParentID] = TRUE; } } // Template require "./skins/{$CFG['skin']}/displaycategory.tpl.php"; // Send the page. exit; }
function Tracking() { global $CFG, $dbConn, $aPostIcons; $aUsers = array(); $aFolders = array('Inbox', 'Sent Items'); // Get all messages that we've sent that have tracking enabled. $dbConn->query("SELECT id, datetime, recipient, subject, icon, beenread, readtime FROM pm WHERE author={$_SESSION['userid']} AND tracking=1 ORDER BY datetime DESC"); while ($aSQLResult = $dbConn->getresult(TRUE)) { // Has this message been read or unread? if ($aSQLResult['beenread']) { // Read. $iMessageID = $aSQLResult['id']; $aRead[$iMessageID][DATETIME] = $aSQLResult['datetime']; $aRead[$iMessageID][RECIPIENT] = $aSQLResult['recipient']; $aRead[$iMessageID][SUBJECT] = $aSQLResult['subject']; $aRead[$iMessageID][ICON][URL] = "{$CFG['paths']['posticons']}{$aPostIcons[$aSQLResult['icon']]['filename']}"; $aRead[$iMessageID][ICON][ALT] = $aPostIcons[$aSQLResult['icon']]['title']; $aRead[$iMessageID][READTIME] = $aSQLResult['readtime']; } else { // Unread. $iMessageID = $aSQLResult['id']; $aUnread[$iMessageID][DATETIME] = $aSQLResult['datetime']; $aUnread[$iMessageID][RECIPIENT] = $aSQLResult['recipient']; $aUnread[$iMessageID][SUBJECT] = $aSQLResult['subject']; $aUnread[$iMessageID][ICON][URL] = "{$CFG['paths']['posticons']}{$aPostIcons[$aSQLResult['icon']]['filename']}"; $aUnread[$iMessageID][ICON][ALT] = $aPostIcons[$aSQLResult['icon']]['title']; } // Add the author to our list of users to get names for. $aUsers[] = $aSQLResult['recipient']; } // Get the usernames. $aUsernames = GetUsernames($aUsers); unset($aUsers); // Get the folders. $dbConn->query("SELECT pmfolders FROM citizen WHERE id={$_SESSION['userid']}"); list($strFolders) = $dbConn->getresult(); $aFolders = $aFolders + unserialize($strFolders); // Template require "./skins/{$CFG['skin']}/pm/tracking.tpl.php"; // Send the page. exit; }
function ViewResultPosts($aResultInfo) { global $CFG, $dbConn, $aViewedThreads, $aPostIcons; $aUsers = array(); // Did this user create the result they're trying to view? if ($aResultInfo['author']) { if ($aResultInfo['author'] != $_SESSION['userid']) { // Nope. Msg("Invalid search result specified.{$CFG['msg']['invalidlink']}"); } } else { if ($aResultInfo['ipaddress'] != $_SESSION['userip'] || $CFG['iplogging'] == FALSE) { // Nope. Msg("Invalid search result specified.{$CFG['msg']['invalidlink']}"); } } // Parse the result information. $iResultID = $aResultInfo['id']; $strQueryString = $aResultInfo['querystring']; $aResults = explode(',', $aResultInfo['results']); list($iSortBy, $bSortOrder) = explode(',', $aResultInfo['sortinfo']); // Get the user's per-page settings. $iPostsPerPage = $_SESSION['postsperpage']; // User-specified value takes precedence. if ((int) $_REQUEST['perpage']) { $iPostsPerPage = abs($_REQUEST['perpage']); } // What page do they want to view? $iPage = (int) $_REQUEST['page']; if ($iPage < 1) { // They don't know what they want. Give them the first page. $iPage = 1; } // Calculate the offset. $iOffset = $iPage * $iPostsPerPage - $iPostsPerPage; // Calculate the number of pages this result is made of. $iNumberPages = ceil(count($aResults) / $iPostsPerPage); // Is the page they asked for out of range? if ($iPage > $iNumberPages) { // Yes, give them the last page and recalculate offset. $iPage = $iNumberPages; $iOffset = $iPage * $iPostsPerPage - $iPostsPerPage; } // Did they specify by what to sort? if (isset($_REQUEST['sortby'])) { // Yes, so use it. $strSortBy = strtolower($_REQUEST['sortby']); switch ($strSortBy) { // They specified us something valid. case 'topic': case 'forum': case 'author': case 'postcount': case 'viewcount': case 'date': break; // They don't know what they want. We'll sort by post date. // They don't know what they want. We'll sort by post date. default: $strSortBy = 'date'; break; } } else { // No, so use what was stored in the search result. $aSortBy = array('topic', 'forum', 'author', 'postcount', 'viewcount', 'date'); $strSortBy = $aSortBy[$iSortBy]; unset($aSortBy); } // Did they specify a sort order? if (isset($_REQUEST['sortorder'])) { // Yes, so use it. $strSortOrder = strtoupper($_REQUEST['sortorder']); if ($strSortOrder != 'ASC' && $strSortOrder != 'DESC') { // They don't know what they want. Are they sorting by post date? if ($strSortBy == 'date') { // Yes, we'll sort descending. $strSortOrder = 'DESC'; } else { // No, we'll sort ascending. $strSortOrder = 'ASC'; } } } else { // No, so use the one stored in the search result. $strSortOrder = $bSortOrder ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; } // Get the posts. $strPostIDs = implode(', ', $aResults); $dbConn->query("SELECT DISTINCT, p.title AS topic, p.icon, p.body,, p.datetime_posted AS date,, t.title, t.icon, t.postcount, t.viewcount,, AS forum, t.closed, t.lpost FROM post AS p LEFT JOIN thread AS t ON ( = p.parent) LEFT JOIN board AS b ON ( = t.parent) WHERE IN ({$strPostIDs}) AND t.visible=1 ORDER BY {$strSortBy} {$strSortOrder}, {$strSortOrder} LIMIT {$iPostsPerPage} OFFSET {$iOffset}"); while ($aSQLResult = $dbConn->getresult()) { // Store the post information into the master array. $iPostID = $aSQLResult[0]; $aPosts[$iPostID][TITLE] = $aSQLResult[1]; $aPosts[$iPostID][ICON][URL] = "{$CFG['paths']['posticons']}{$aPostIcons[$aSQLResult[2]]['filename']}"; $aPosts[$iPostID][ICON][ALT] = $aPostIcons[$aSQLResult[2]]['title']; $aPosts[$iPostID][BODY] = substr(RemoveBBCode($aSQLResult[3]), 0, 255); $aPosts[$iPostID][AUTHOR] = $aSQLResult[4]; $aPosts[$iPostID][POSTDATE] = $aSQLResult[5]; $aPosts[$iPostID][PARENT] = $aSQLResult[6]; // Store the thread information into the thread array. $iThreadID = $aSQLResult[6]; if (!isset($aThreads[$iThreadID])) { $aThreads[$iThreadID][TITLE] = $aSQLResult[7]; $aThreads[$iThreadID][ICON][URL] = "{$CFG['paths']['posticons']}{$aPostIcons[$aSQLResult[8]]['filename']}"; $aThreads[$iThreadID][ICON][ALT] = $aPostIcons[$aSQLResult[8]]['title']; $aThreads[$iThreadID][PCOUNT] = $aSQLResult[9]; $aThreads[$iThreadID][VCOUNT] = $aSQLResult[10]; $aThreads[$iThreadID][PARENT] = $aSQLResult[11]; $aThreads[$iThreadID][ISOPEN] = !$aSQLResult[13]; $aThreads[$iThreadID][NEWPOSTS] = !isset($aViewedThreads[$iThreadID]) && $aSQLResult[14] > $_SESSION['lastactive'] || isset($aViewedThreads[$iThreadID]) && $aViewedThreads[$iThreadID] < $aSQLResult[14] ? TRUE : FALSE; } // Store the forum in the forum list. $iForumID = $aSQLResult[11]; if (!isset($aForums[$iForumID])) { $aForums[$iForumID] = $aSQLResult[12]; } // Is there a post title? if ($aPosts[$iPostID][TITLE] == '') { // No, so let's use the thread's title. $aPosts[$iPostID][TITLE] = $aThreads[$iThreadID][TITLE]; } // Add the post author to our list of users to get names for. $aUsers[] = $aPosts[$iPostID][AUTHOR]; } // Get the usernames. $aUsernames = GetUsernames($aUsers); unset($aUsers); // Results page template require "./skins/{$CFG['skin']}/search/postresults.tpl.php"; // Send the page. exit; }
$dbConn->query("SELECT id, invisible FROM citizen WHERE (lastactive >= {$tOnlineTime}) AND (loggedin = 1)"); while (list($iUserID, $bInvisible) = $dbConn->getresult()) { // Yes. Are they visible (or do we have permission to view invisible users)? if ($bInvisible == 0 || $_SESSION['permissions']['cviewinvisible']) { // Yes. Add them to the list of online users. $aOnlineIDs[] = $iUserID; $aUserIDs[] = $iUserID; } // Increment the count of online members. $iOnlineMembers++; } // Get the online guests. $dbConn->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM guest WHERE lastactive >= {$tOnlineTime}"); list($iOnlineGuests) = $dbConn->getresult(); // Get any usernames we need. $aUsernames = GetUsernames($aUserIDs); unset($aUserIDs); // Get the visible online users. if (isset($aOnlineIDs) && is_array($aOnlineIDs)) { foreach ($aOnlineIDs as $iUserID) { $aOnline[$iUserID] = $aUsernames[$iUserID]; } asort($aOnline); reset($aOnline); } // Get most users stats. $iOnlineUsers = $iOnlineMembers + $iOnlineGuests; $iMostUsersCount = (int) $aStats['mostuserscount']; $iMostUsersDate = (int) $aStats['mostusersdate']; // Do we have a record number of users? if ($iOnlineUsers > $iMostUsersCount) {