function HTMLtargetTerms($tema_id)
    $sql = SQLtargetTerms($tema_id);
    if ($sql[cant]) {
        $rows = '<ul>';
        while ($array = mysqli_fetch_array($sql[datos])) {
            $del = $_SESSION[$_SESSION["CFGURL"]][ssuser_id] ? '[<a id="elimina_' . $array[tterm_id] . '" title="' . LABEL_borraRelacion . '"  class="eliminar" href="' . $PHP_SELF . '?tterm_id=' . $array[tterm_id] . '&amp;tema=' . $tema_id . '&amp;tvocab_id=' . $array[tvocab_id] . '&amp;taskrelations=delTgetTerm" onclick="return askData();"><acronym title="' . LABEL_borraRelacion . '" lang="' . LANG . '">x</acronym></a>]' : '';
            $rows .= '<li>' . $del . ' ' . FixEncoding(ucfirst($array[tvocab_label])) . ' <a href="' . $array[tterm_url] . '" title="' . FixEncoding($array[tterm_string]) . '">' . FixEncoding($array[tterm_string]) . '</a></li>';
        $rows .= '</ul>';
    return $rows;
 function fetchLast()
     $sql = SQLlastTerms(50);
     while ($array = $sql->FetchRow()) {
         $array["cuando_final"] = $array["cuando_final"] > 0 ? $array["cuando_final"] : '';
         $result["result"]["{$array['tema_id']}"] = array("term_id" => $array["tema_id"], "code" => $array["code"], "lang" => $array["idioma"], "string" => FixEncoding($array["tema"]), "isMetaTerm" => $array["isMetaTerm"], "date_create" => $array["cuando"], "date_mod" => $array["cuando_final"]);
     return $result;
function HTMLlistaTermsTargetVocabularios($tvocab_id, $from = "0")
    $ARRAYtargetVocabulary = ARRAYtargetVocabulary($tvocab_id);
    $from = is_numeric($from) ? $from : '0';
    $from = $from < $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[cant] ? $from : '0';
    if ($ARRAYtargetVocabulary[cant] > 20) {
        $linkMore = $from < $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[cant] - 20 ? '<a href="admin.php?doAdmin=seeTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;tvocab_id=' . $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[tvocab_id] . '&amp;f=' . ($from + 20) . '"> + 20</a>' : "";
        $linkLess = $from > 0 ? '<a href="admin.php?doAdmin=seeTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;tvocab_id=' . $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[tvocab_id] . '&amp;f=' . ($from - 20) . '"> - 20</a>' : "";
        $linkFirst = $from > 0 ? '<a href="admin.php?doAdmin=seeTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;tvocab_id=' . $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[tvocab_id] . '&amp;f=0"><<</a> &middot; ' : "";
        $linkLast = $from < $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[cant] - 20 ? ' &middot; <a href="admin.php?doAdmin=seeTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;tvocab_id=' . $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[tvocab_id] . '&amp;f=' . ($ARRAYtargetVocabulary[cant] - 20) . '">>></a>' : "";
        $next20 = $from + 20 < $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[cant] ? $from + 20 : $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[cant];
        $labelShow = $from > 0 ? ' | ' . $from . ' - ' . $next20 . ' | ' : $from . ' - ' . $next20 . ' | ';
    $sql = SQLtargetTermsVocabulary($tvocab_id, $from);
    $rows .= '<tbody>';
    while ($array = mysqli_fetch_array($sql[datos])) {
        $status_tterm = '1';
        $last_term_update = $array[cuando_last] ? $array[cuando_last] : $array[cuando];
        if ($_GET["doAdmin2"] == 'checkDateTermsTargetVocabulary') {
            $iUpd = 0;
            $ARRAYSimpleChkUpdateTterm = ARRAYSimpleChkUpdateTterm("tematres", $array[tterm_uri]);
            		El término no existe más en el vocabulario de destino
            if (!$ARRAYSimpleChkUpdateTterm[result][term][tema_id]) {
                $linkUpdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"] .= '<ul class="errorNoImage">';
                $linkUpdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"] .= '<li><strong>' . ucfirst(LABEL_notFound) . '</strong></li>';
                $linkUpdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"] .= '<li>[<a href="admin.php?doAdmin=seeTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;doAdmin2=checkDateTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;tvocab_id=' . $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[tvocab_id] . '&amp;f=' . $from . '&amp;tterm_id=' . $array[tterm_id] . '&amp;tema=' . $array[tema_id] . '&amp;taskrelations=delTgetTerm" title="' . ucfirst(LABEL_borraRelacion) . '">' . ucfirst(LABEL_borraRelacion) . '</a>]</li>';
                $linkUpdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"] .= '</ul>';
                $status_tterm = 'x';
            } elseif ($ARRAYSimpleChkUpdateTterm[result][term][date_mod] > $last_term_update) {
                $iUpd = ++$iUpd;
                $ARRAYupdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"]["string"] = FixEncoding($ARRAYSimpleChkUpdateTterm[result][term]["string"]);
                $ARRAYupdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"]["date_mod"] = $ARRAYSimpleChkUpdateTterm[result][term]["date_mod"];
                $linkUpdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"] .= '<ul class="warningNoImage">';
                $linkUpdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"] .= '<li><strong>' . $ARRAYupdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"]["string"] . '</strong></li>';
                $linkUpdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"] .= '<li>' . $ARRAYupdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"]["date_mod"] . '</li>';
                $linkUpdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"] .= '<li>[<a href="admin.php?doAdmin=seeTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;doAdmin2=checkDateTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;tvocab_id=' . $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[tvocab_id] . '&amp;f=' . $from . '&amp;tterm_id=' . $array[tterm_id] . '&amp;tgetTerm_id=' . $array[tterm_id] . '&amp;tema=' . $array[tema_id] . '&amp;taskrelations=updTgetTerm" title="' . ucfirst(LABEL_actualizar) . '">' . ucfirst(LABEL_actualizar) . '</a>]</li>';
                $linkUpdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"] .= '<li>[<a href="admin.php?doAdmin=seeTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;doAdmin2=checkDateTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;tvocab_id=' . $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[tvocab_id] . '&amp;f=' . $from . '&amp;tterm_id=' . $array[tterm_id] . '&amp;tema=' . $array[tema_id] . '&amp;taskrelations=delTgetTerm" title="' . ucfirst(LABEL_borraRelacion) . '">' . ucfirst(LABEL_borraRelacion) . '</a>]</li>';
                $linkUpdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"] .= '</ul>';
                $status_tterm = '1';
        $rows .= '<tr>';
        $rows .= '<td class="izq"><a href="index.php?tema=' . $array[tema_id] . '" title="' . LABEL_verDetalle . ' ' . $array[tema] . '">' . $array[tema] . '</a></td>';
        $rows .= '<td class="izq">';
        $rows .= $status_tterm == '1' ? ' <a href="' . $array[tterm_url] . '" title="' . LABEL_verDetalle . ' ' . FixEncoding($array[tterm_string]) . '" >' . FixEncoding($array[tterm_string]) . '</a>' : FixEncoding($array[tterm_string]);
        $rows .= ' ' . $linkUpdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"] . '</td>';
        $rows .= '<td class="izq">' . $last_term_update . '</td>';
        $rows .= '</tr>';
    $rows .= '</tbody>';
    $rows .= '<tfoot>';
    $rows .= '<tr>';
    $rows .= '<td class="izq" colspan="3">' . $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[cant] . ' ' . FORM_LABEL_Terminos . ': ' . $linkFirst . $linkLess . ' ' . $labelShow . ' ' . $linkMore . $linkLast . ' ';
    if ($ARRAYtargetVocabulary[cant] > 0) {
        $rows .= '&middot;  <a href="admin.php?doAdmin=seeTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;doAdmin2=checkDateTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;tvocab_id=' . $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[tvocab_id] . '&amp;f=' . $from . '">' . ucfirst(LABEL_ShowTargetTermsforUpdate) . '</a>';
    if (isset($iUpd)) {
        $rows .= ': ' . $iUpd . ' ' . LABEL_targetTermsforUpdate;
    $rows .= '</td>';
    $rows .= '</tr>';
    $rows .= '</tfoot>';
    $rows .= '</table>        ';
    $thead .= '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="' . LABEL_lcConfig . '" >';
    $thead .= '<thead>';
    $thead .= '<tr>';
    $thead .= '<th class="izq" colspan="3"><a href="admin.php" title="' . ucfirst(LABEL_lcConfig) . '">' . ucfirst(LABEL_lcConfig) . '</a> &middot; ' . $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[tvocab_title] . ' &middot ' . ($array[tvocab_status] == '1' ? LABEL_enable : LABEL_disable) . '</th>';
    $thead .= '</tr>';
    $thead .= '<tr>';
    $thead .= '<th class="izq" colspan="3">' . $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[cant] . ' ' . FORM_LABEL_Terminos . ': ' . $linkFirst . $linkLess . ' ' . $labelShow . ' ' . $linkMore . $linkLast . ' ';
    if ($ARRAYtargetVocabulary[cant] > 0) {
        $thead .= '&middot;  <a href="admin.php?doAdmin=seeTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;doAdmin2=checkDateTermsTargetVocabulary&amp;tvocab_id=' . $ARRAYtargetVocabulary[tvocab_id] . '&amp;f=' . $from . '">' . ucfirst(LABEL_ShowTargetTermsforUpdate) . '</a>';
    if (isset($iUpd)) {
        $thead .= ': ' . $iUpd . ' ' . LABEL_targetTermsforUpdate;
    $thead .= '</th>';
    $thead .= '</tr>';
    $thead .= '<tr>';
    $thead .= '<th>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Termino) . '</th>';
    $thead .= '<th>' . ucfirst($ARRAYtargetVocabulary[tvocab_label]) . '</th>';
    $thead .= '<th>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Fecha) . '</th>';
    $thead .= '</tr>';
    $thead .= '</thead>';
    $rows = $thead . $rows;
    return $rows;
function HTMLtargetVocabularySearchResult($array, $string_search, $arrayVocab, $tema_id)
    $tag_type = 'ol';
    $div_title = 'Resultados para <i>' . $string_search . '</i> en ' . FixEncoding($arrayVocab[tvocab_title]) . ': ';
    $rows .= '<h3>' . $div_title . ' (' . $array["resume"]["cant_result"] . ')</h3><' . $tag_type . '>';
    if ($array["resume"]["cant_result"] > "0") {
        foreach ($array["result"] as $key => $value) {
            while (list($k, $v) = each($value)) {
                $i = ++$i;
                //Controlar que no sea un resultado unico
                if (is_array($v)) {
                    $rows .= '<li>';
                    $rows .= '<a title="" href="' . $PHP_SELF . '?tema=' . $tema_id . '&amp;tvocab_id=' . $arrayVocab[tvocab_id] . '&amp;tgetTerm_id=' . $v[term_id] . '&amp;taskrelations=addTgetTerm">' . FixEncoding($v[string]) . '</a>';
                    $rows .= '</li>';
                } else {
                    //controlar que sea la ultima
                    if (count($value) == $i) {
                        $rows .= '<li>';
                        $rows .= '<a title="" href="' . $PHP_SELF . '?tema=' . $tema_id . '&amp;tvocab_id=' . $arrayVocab[tvocab_id] . '&amp;tgetTerm_id=' . $value[term_id] . '&amp;taskrelations=addTgetTerm">' . FixEncoding($value[string]) . '</a>';
                        $rows .= '</li>';
        $rows .= '</' . $tag_type . '>';
    return $rows;
function txt4term($tema_id, $params = array())
    $arrayTema = ARRAYverTerminoBasico($tema_id);
    $txt .= "\n" . $arrayTema[tema] . "\r\n";
    $label_target_vocabulary = '';
    $txt .= $params["includeCreatedDate"] == 1 ? LABEL_fecha_creacion . ': ' . $arrayTema[cuando] . "\r\n" : '';
    if ($arrayTema[cuando_final] > $arrayTema[cuando] && $params["includeModDate"] == 1) {
        $txt .= LABEL_fecha_modificacion . ': ' . $arrayTema[cuando_final] . "\r\n";
    $sqlNotas = SQLdatosTerminoNotas($arrayTema[tema_id]);
    while ($arrayNotas = $sqlNotas->FetchRow()) {
        $arrayNotas[label_tipo_nota] = in_array($arrayNotas[ntype_id], array(8, 9, 10, 11, 15)) ? arrayReplace(array(8, 9, 10, 11, 15), array(LABEL_NA, LABEL_NH, LABEL_NB, LABEL_NP, LABEL_NC), $arrayNotas[ntype_id]) : $arrayNotas[ntype_code];
        if ($arrayNotas[tipo_nota] !== 'NP' && in_array($arrayNotas[tipo_nota], $params["includeNote"])) {
            $txt .= '	' . $arrayNotas[label_tipo_nota] . ': ' . html2txt($arrayNotas[nota]) . "\r\n";
    $sqlRelaciones = SQLverTerminoRelaciones($arrayTema[tema_id]);
    $arrayRelacionesVisibles = array(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
    // TG/TE/UP/TR
    while ($arrayRelaciones = $sqlRelaciones->FetchRow()) {
        if (in_array($arrayRelaciones[t_relacion], $arrayRelacionesVisibles)) {
            $acronimo = arrayReplace($arrayRelacionesVisibles, array(TR_acronimo, TG_acronimo, UP_acronimo, EQP_acronimo, EQ_acronimo, NEQ_acronimo), $arrayRelaciones[t_relacion]);
            if (in_array($arrayRelaciones[t_relacion], array(5, 6, 7))) {
                //términos equivalentes .. se concatenan después de los TE/NT
                $label_target_vocabulary .= '	' . $acronimo . ': ' . $arrayRelaciones[tema] . ' (' . $arrayRelaciones[titulo] . ')' . "\r\n";
            } else {
                $txt .= '	' . $acronimo . $arrayRelaciones[rr_code] . ': ' . $arrayRelaciones[tema] . "\r\n";
    //Terminos especificos
    $SQLTerminosE = SQLverTerminosE($arrayTema[tema_id]);
    while ($arrayTE = $SQLTerminosE->FetchRow()) {
        $txt .= '	' . TE_acronimo . $arrayTE[rr_code] . ': ' . $arrayTE[tema] . "\r\n";
    $txt .= $label_target_vocabulary;
    //Terminos equivalentes web services
    $SQLtargetTerms = SQLtargetTerms($arrayTema[tema_id]);
    while ($arrayTT = $SQLtargetTerms->FetchRow()) {
        $txt .= '	' . FixEncoding(ucfirst($arrayTT[tvocab_label])) . ': ' . FixEncoding($arrayTT[tterm_string]) . "\r\n";
    return $txt;
function HTMLformTargetVocabularySuggested($arrayTterm, $t_relation, $string_search, $arrayVocab, $tema_id)
    //SEND_KEY to prevent duplicated
    $_SESSION['SEND_KEY'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
    $label_relation = ucfirst(arrayReplace(array('0', '2', '3', '4'), array(LABEL_Termino, TR_termino, TE_termino, UP_termino), $t_relation));
    $rows .= '<h3 id="suggestResult">' . FixEncoding($arrayVocab["tvocab_title"]) . '</h3>';
    if (count($arrayTterm) > 0) {
        $rows .= '<form role="form" name="select_multi_term" action="index.php" method="post">';
        $rows .= '	<div class="row">
		    <div class="col-lg-10">
		        <legend class="alert alert-info"> ' . $label_relation . ': ' . count($arrayTterm) . ' ' . MSG_ResultBusca . ' <i>' . $string_search . '</i></legend>
		    <!-- panel  -->

		    <div class="col-lg-10">
		        <div class="panel panel-default">
		            <div class="panel-body form-horizontal">';
        $rows .= '<div><input id="filter" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="' . ucfirst(LABEL_type2filter) . '"></div>';
        $rows .= '<div class="table-responsive"> ';
        $rows .= '<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed table-hover">
			<th align="center"></th>
			<th>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Termino) . '</th>
		<tbody class="searchable">';
        foreach ($arrayTterm as $value) {
            $rows .= '<tr>';
            $rows .= '     	<td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="selectedTerms[]" id="tterm_' . $value["term_id"] . '" title="' . $value["source_string"] . ' (' . $label_relation . ')" value="' . $value["string"] . '|tterm_|' . $value["term_id"] . '" /> </td>';
            $rows .= '      <td><label class="check_label" title="' . $value["source_string"] . ' (' . $label_relation . ')" for="tterm_' . $value["term_id"] . '">' . $value["string"] . ' <span style="font-weight:normal;">[<a href="' . $arrayVocab["tvocab_url"] . '?tema=' . $value["source_term_id"] . '" title="' . $value["source_string"] . ' (' . $label_relation . ')" target="_blank">' . LABEL_Detalle . '</a>]</span></label></td>';
            $rows .= '</tr>';
        $rows .= '        </tbody>		</table>';
        $rows .= '        </div>';
        if ($t_relation !== "4") {
            $ARRAYuriReference = ARRAYfetchValue("URI_TYPE", "exactMatch");
            $rows .= '<div class="form-group">
			<input type="checkbox" name="addLinkReference" id="addLinkReference" value="' . $ARRAYuriReference["value_id"] . '" alt="' . ucfirst(LABEL_addExactLink) . '" />
			<div class="col-sm-4">
			<label for="addLinkReference">' . ucfirst(LABEL_addExactLink) . '</label>
            $rows .= '<div class="form-group">
			<input type="checkbox" name="addMappReference" id="addMappReference" value="1" alt="' . ucfirst(LABEL_addMapLink) . ' (' . ucfirst($arrayVocab["tvocab_label"]) . '" checked />
			<div class="col-sm-4">
			<label for="addMappReference">' . ucfirst(LABEL_addMapLink) . '</label>
            $rows .= '<div class="form-group">
			<input type="checkbox" name="addNoteReference" id="addNoteReference" value="1" alt="' . ucfirst(LABEL_addSourceNote) . '" checked  />
			<div class="col-sm-4">
			<label for="addNoteReference">' . ucfirst(LABEL_addSourceNote) . '</label>
        $rows .= '	<div class="form-group">
				<div class="col-sm-12 text-center">
				<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="' . LABEL_Enviar . '"/>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Enviar) . '</button>
				 <button type="button" class="btn btn" name="cancelar" type="button" onClick="location.href=\'index.php?tema=' . $ARRAYtermino["idTema"] . '\'" value="' . ucfirst(LABEL_Cancelar) . '"/>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Cancelar) . '</button>
	</div> <!-- / panel  -->';
        $rows .= '<input type="hidden"  name="ks" id="ks" value="' . $_SESSION["SEND_KEY"] . '"/>';
        $rows .= '<input type="hidden"  name="tema" value="' . $tema_id . '" />';
        $rows .= '<input type="hidden" id="t_relation" name="t_relation" value="' . $t_relation . '"/>';
        $rows .= '<input type="hidden" id="taskterm" name="taskterm" value="addSuggestedTerms"/>';
        $rows .= '<input type="hidden" name="tvocab_id" name="tvocab_id" value="' . $arrayVocab["tvocab_id"] . '"/>';
        $rows .= '</form>';
    } else {
        $rows .= '<p class="alert alert-danger"> ' . $label_relation . ': ' . count($arrayTterm) . ' ' . MSG_ResultBusca . ' <i>' . $string_search . '</i></p>';
    return $rows;
    //gestión de codigo de tema
    if ($_POST["edit_tema_id"]) {
        $tema_id = str_replace("edit_tema", "", $_POST["edit_tema_id"]);
        //additional secure check
        $string_term = secure_data($_POST["edit_tema"], "sql");
        if (is_numeric($tema_id) && strlen($string_term) > 0) {
            $task = abm_tema('mod', $string_term, $tema_id);
        $arrayTerm = ARRAYverTerminoBasico($tema_id);
        echo $arrayTerm[tema];
$searchq = $_GET['q'];
if (!$searchq) {
if (strlen($searchq) >= CFG_MIN_SEARCH_SIZE) {
    $getRecord_sql = $_GET[t] == 'e' ? SQLSimpleSearchTrueTerms($searchq, "15") : SQLbuscaTerminosSimple($searchq, "15");
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------- //
    // AJAX Response													//
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------- //
    if ($getRecord_sql[cant] > 0) {
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($getRecord_sql[datos])) {
            $tema = $CFG["_CHAR_ENCODE"] == 'utf-8' ? $row[tema] : FixEncoding($row[tema]);
            if (strpos(strtolower($tema), $searchq) !== false) {
                echo "{$tema}|{$row['tema_id']}\n";
function world_broadcast($socket, $message, $hue)
    $tmessage = FixEncoding($message);
    $tmessage = substr($tmessage, 0, 499);
    // max size 65535, we restrict the size to not more than 500 to avoid too large packet size.
    $packet = $tmessage . chr(0);
    $packet .= pack("n", $hue);
    $packet .= pack("c", 0);
    // only use UTF-8 at this moment
    $packet = remoteadmin_packet("F", $packet);
    $packet_size = strlen($packet) + 4;	// there are 4 bytes which is the command packet
    if ($packet_size > 255)	// construct the command packet, the packet size is the 2nd & 3rd byte of the command packet
    	$len_higher_bit = $packet_size >> 8;
    	$len_lower_bit = $packet_size & 0x000000ff;	// PHP integer has 4-bytes
    	$packet = "\xf1".chr($len_higher_bit).chr($len_lower_bit)."\x46".$packet;
    	$packet = "\xf1\x00".chr($packet_size)."\x46".$packet;
    if ($result = socket_write($socket, $packet, strlen($packet))) {
        if ($buf = socket_read($socket, 1024, PHP_BINARY_READ)) {
            if (strpos($buf, "Message Broadcasted")) {
                return $buf;
    return false;
function HTMLcheckTargetTerm($array)
    $dataSimpleChkUpdateTterm = dataSimpleChkUpdateTterm("tematres", $array["tterm_uri"]);
    if ($dataSimpleChkUpdateTterm->result->term->term_id) {
        $tterm_string = (string) $dataSimpleChkUpdateTterm->result->term->string;
        $tterm_id = (int) $dataSimpleChkUpdateTterm->result->term->term_id;
        $tterm_date = $dataSimpleChkUpdateTterm->result->term->date_mod;
    $last_term_update = $array["cuando_last"] ? $array["cuando_last"] : $array["cuando"];
    El término no existe más en el vocabulario de destino
    if ($tterm_id < 1) {
        $rows .= '<ul class="errorNoImage list-unstyled">';
        $rows .= '<li><strong>' . ucfirst(LABEL_notFound) . '</strong></li>';
        $rows .= '<li><a href="index.php?tvocab_id=' . $array["tvocab_id"] . '&amp;tterm_id=' . $array["tterm_id"] . '&amp;tema=' . $array["tema_id"] . '&amp;taskrelations=delTgetTerm" class="eliminar" title="' . ucfirst(LABEL_borraRelacion) . '">' . ucfirst(LABEL_borraRelacion) . '</a></li>';
        $rows .= '</ul>';
    } elseif ($tterm_date > $last_term_update) {
        $ARRAYupdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"]["string"] = FixEncoding($tterm_string);
        $ARRAYupdateTterm["{$array['tterm_uri']}"]["date_mod"] = $tterm_date;
        $rows .= '<ul class="warningNoImage list-unstyled">';
        $rows .= '<li><strong>' . $tterm_string . '</strong></li>';
        $rows .= '<li>' . $tterm_date . '</li>';
        $rows .= '<li><a href="index.php?tvocab_id=' . $array["tvocab_id"] . '&amp;tterm_id=' . $array["tterm_id"] . '&amp;tgetTerm_id=' . $array["tterm_id"] . '&amp;tema=' . $array["tema_id"] . '&amp;taskrelations=updTgetTerm" class="btn btn-success btn-xs" title="' . ucfirst(LABEL_actualizar) . '">' . ucfirst(LABEL_actualizar) . '</a></li>';
        $rows .= '<li><a href="index.php?tvocab_id=' . $array["tvocab_id"] . '&amp;tterm_id=' . $array["tterm_id"] . '&amp;tema=' . $array["tema_id"] . '&amp;taskrelations=delTgetTerm" title="' . ucfirst(LABEL_borraRelacion) . '" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs">' . ucfirst(LABEL_borraRelacion) . '</a></li>';
        $rows .= '</ul>';
    } else {
        $rows = '<span class="successNoImage">' . LABEL_termUpdated . '</span>';
    return $rows;