/** * @return array */ function cartGetCartContent() { $cart_content = array(); $total_price = 0; $freight_cost = 0; $variants = ''; $currencyEntry = Currency::getSelectedCurrencyInstance(); $customerEntry = Customer::getAuthedInstance(); if (!is_null($customerEntry)) { //get cart content from the database $q = db_phquery(' SELECT t3.*, t1.itemID, t1.Quantity, t1.sample, t4.thumbnail FROM ?#SHOPPING_CARTS_TABLE t1 LEFT JOIN ?#SHOPPING_CART_ITEMS_TABLE t2 ON t1.itemID=t2.itemID LEFT JOIN ?#PRODUCTS_TABLE t3 ON t2.productID=t3.productID LEFT JOIN ?#PRODUCT_PICTURES t4 ON t3.default_picture=t4.photoID WHERE customerID=?', $customerEntry->customerID); while ($cart_item = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { // get variants $variants = GetConfigurationByItemId($cart_item["itemID"]); LanguagesManager::ml_fillFields(PRODUCTS_TABLE, $cart_item); if (isset($cart_item["sample"]) && $cart_item["sample"] == 1) { $q_sample_price = db_phquery('SELECT sample_price FROM SC_categories WHERE categoryID=(SELECT categoryID FROM SC_products WHERE productID=?)', $cart_item["productID"]); $sample_price = db_fetch_assoc($q_sample_price); $costUC = $sample_price["sample_price"]; $quantity = 1; $free_shipping = 1; } else { $costUC = GetPriceProductWithOption($variants, $cart_item["productID"]); $quantity = $cart_item["Quantity"]; $free_shipping = $cart_item["free_shipping"]; } $tmp = array("productID" => $cart_item["productID"], "slug" => $cart_item["slug"], "id" => $cart_item["itemID"], "name" => $cart_item["name"], 'thumbnail_url' => $cart_item['thumbnail'] && file_exists(DIR_PRODUCTS_PICTURES . '/' . $cart_item['thumbnail']) ? URL_PRODUCTS_PICTURES . '/' . $cart_item['thumbnail'] : '', "brief_description" => $cart_item["brief_description"], "quantity" => $quantity, "free_shipping" => $free_shipping, "costUC" => $costUC, "product_priceWithUnit" => show_price($costUC), "cost" => show_price($quantity * $costUC), "product_code" => $cart_item["product_code"]); if ($tmp['thumbnail_url']) { list($thumb_width, $thumb_height) = getimagesize(DIR_PRODUCTS_PICTURES . '/' . $cart_item['thumbnail']); list($tmp['thumbnail_width'], $tmp['thumbnail_height']) = shrink_size($thumb_width, $thumb_height, round(CONF_PRDPICT_THUMBNAIL_SIZE / 2), round(CONF_PRDPICT_THUMBNAIL_SIZE / 2)); } $freight_cost += $cart_item["Quantity"] * $cart_item["shipping_freight"]; $strOptions = GetStrOptions(GetConfigurationByItemId($tmp["id"])); if (trim($strOptions) != "") { $tmp["name"] .= " (" . $strOptions . ")"; } if (isset($cart_item["sample"]) && $cart_item["sample"] == 1) { $tmp["name"] .= " [SAMPLE]"; } if ($cart_item["min_order_amount"] > $cart_item["Quantity"]) { $tmp["min_order_amount"] = $cart_item["min_order_amount"]; } if ($cart_item["min_order_amount"] > 1 && $cart_item["Quantity"] % $cart_item["min_order_amount"] != 0) { $tmp["multiplicity"] = $cart_item["min_order_amount"]; } if (isset($cart_item["sample"]) && $cart_item["sample"] == 1) { unset($tmp["min_order_amount"]); unset($tmp["multiplicity"]); $tmp["sample"] = 1; } $total_price += $quantity * $costUC; $cart_content[] = $tmp; } } else { //unauthorized user - get cart from session vars $total_price = 0; //total cart value $cart_content = array(); //shopping cart items count if (isset($_SESSION["gids"])) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($_SESSION["gids"]); $j++) { if ($_SESSION["gids"][$j]) { $session_items[] = CodeItemInClient($_SESSION["configurations"][$j], $_SESSION["gids"][$j]); $q = db_phquery("SELECT t1.*, p1.thumbnail FROM ?#PRODUCTS_TABLE t1 LEFT JOIN ?#PRODUCT_PICTURES p1 ON t1.default_picture=p1.photoID WHERE t1.productID=?", $_SESSION["gids"][$j]); if ($r = db_fetch_row($q)) { LanguagesManager::ml_fillFields(PRODUCTS_TABLE, $r); if (isset($_SESSION["sample"][$j]) && $_SESSION["sample"][$j] == 1) { $q_sample_price = db_phquery('SELECT sample_price FROM SC_categories WHERE categoryID=(SELECT categoryID FROM SC_products WHERE productID=?)', $_SESSION["gids"][$j]); $sample_price = db_fetch_assoc($q_sample_price); $costUC = $sample_price["sample_price"]; $quantity = 1; $free_shipping = 1; } else { $costUC = GetPriceProductWithOption($_SESSION["configurations"][$j], $_SESSION["gids"][$j]); $quantity = $_SESSION["counts"][$j]; $free_shipping = $r["free_shipping"]; } $id = $_SESSION["gids"][$j]; if (count($_SESSION["configurations"][$j]) > 0) { for ($tmp1 = 0; $tmp1 < count($_SESSION["configurations"][$j]); $tmp1++) { $id .= "_" . $_SESSION["configurations"][$j][$tmp1]; } } $tmp = array("productID" => $_SESSION["gids"][$j], "slug" => $r['slug'], "id" => $id, "name" => $r['name'], 'thumbnail_url' => $r['thumbnail'] && file_exists(DIR_PRODUCTS_PICTURES . '/' . $r['thumbnail']) ? URL_PRODUCTS_PICTURES . '/' . $r['thumbnail'] : '', "brief_description" => $r["brief_description"], "quantity" => $quantity, "free_shipping" => $free_shipping, "costUC" => $costUC, "product_priceWithUnit" => show_price($costUC), "cost" => show_price($costUC * $quantity)); if ($tmp['thumbnail_url']) { list($thumb_width, $thumb_height) = getimagesize(DIR_PRODUCTS_PICTURES . '/' . $r['thumbnail']); list($tmp['thumbnail_width'], $tmp['thumbnail_height']) = shrink_size($thumb_width, $thumb_height, round(CONF_PRDPICT_THUMBNAIL_SIZE / 2), round(CONF_PRDPICT_THUMBNAIL_SIZE / 2)); } $strOptions = GetStrOptions($_SESSION["configurations"][$j]); if (trim($strOptions) != "") { $tmp["name"] .= " (" . $strOptions . ")"; } if (isset($_SESSION["sample"][$j]) && $_SESSION["sample"][$j] == 1) { $tmp["name"] .= " [SAMPLE]"; } $q_product = db_query("select min_order_amount, shipping_freight from " . PRODUCTS_TABLE . " where productID=" . $_SESSION["gids"][$j]); $product = db_fetch_row($q_product); if ($product["min_order_amount"] > $_SESSION["counts"][$j]) { $tmp["min_order_amount"] = $product["min_order_amount"]; } if ($product["min_order_amount"] > 1 && $_SESSION["counts"][$j] % $product["min_order_amount"] != 0) { $tmp["multiplicity"] = $product["min_order_amount"]; } if (isset($_SESSION["sample"][$j]) && $_SESSION["sample"][$j] == 1) { unset($tmp["min_order_amount"]); unset($tmp["multiplicity"]); $tmp["sample"] = 1; } $freight_cost += $_SESSION["counts"][$j] * $product["shipping_freight"]; $cart_content[] = $tmp; if (isset($_SESSION["sample"][$j]) && $_SESSION["sample"][$j] == 1) { $q_sample_price = db_phquery('SELECT sample_price FROM SC_categories WHERE categoryID=(SELECT categoryID FROM SC_products WHERE productID=?)', $_SESSION["gids"][$j]); $sample_price = db_fetch_assoc($q_sample_price); $total_price += $sample_price["sample_price"]; } else { $total_price += GetPriceProductWithOption($_SESSION["configurations"][$j], $_SESSION["gids"][$j]) * $_SESSION["counts"][$j]; } } } } } } return array("cart_content" => $cart_content, "total_price" => $total_price, "freight_cost" => $freight_cost); }
function cartGetCartContent() { $cart_content = array(); $total_price = 0; $freight_cost = 0; if (isset($_SESSION['log'])) { //get cart content from the database $sql = ' SELECT itemID, Quantity FROM ' . SHOPPING_CARTS_TABLE . ' WHERE customerID=' . (int) regGetIdByLogin($_SESSION['log']); $q = db_query($sql); while ($cart_item = db_fetch_row($q)) { // get variants $variants = GetConfigurationByItemId($cart_item['itemID']); // shopping cart item $sql = ' SELECT productID FROM ' . SHOPPING_CART_ITEMS_TABLE . ' WHERE itemID=' . (int) $cart_item['itemID']; $q_shopping_cart_item = db_query($sql); $shopping_cart_item = db_fetch_row($q_shopping_cart_item); $sql = ' SELECT name, productID, min_order_amount, shipping_freight, free_shipping, product_code, categoryID, opt_margin, uri, uri_opt_val FROM ' . PRODUCTS_TABLE . ' WHERE productID=' . (int) $shopping_cart_item['productID']; $q_products = db_query($sql); if ($product = db_fetch_row($q_products)) { $costUC = GetPriceProductWithOption($variants, $shopping_cart_item['productID']); $tmp = array('productID' => $product['productID'], 'categoryID' => $product['categoryID'], 'uri' => $product['uri'], 'uri_opt_val' => $product['uri_opt_val'], 'id' => $cart_item['itemID'], 'name' => $product['name'], 'quantity' => $cart_item['Quantity'], 'free_shipping' => $product['free_shipping'], 'costUC' => $costUC, 'cost' => show_price($cart_item['Quantity'] * GetPriceProductWithOption($variants, $shopping_cart_item['productID'])), 'product_code' => $product['product_code'], 'opt_margin' => $product['opt_margin']); $freight_cost += $cart_item['Quantity'] * $product['shipping_freight']; $strOptions = GetStrOptions(GetConfigurationByItemId($tmp['id'])); if (trim($strOptions) != '') { $tmp['name'] .= ' (' . $strOptions . ')'; } if ($product['min_order_amount'] > $cart_item['Quantity']) { $tmp['min_order_amount'] = $product['min_order_amount']; } $cart_content[] = $tmp; $total_price += $cart_item['Quantity'] * GetPriceProductWithOption($variants, $shopping_cart_item['productID']); } } } else { //unauthorized user - get cart from session vars $total_price = 0; //total cart value $cart_content = array(); //shopping cart items count if (isset($_SESSION['gids'])) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($_SESSION['gids']); $j++) { if ($_SESSION['gids'][$j]) { $session_items[] = CodeItemInClient($_SESSION['configurations'][$j], $_SESSION['gids'][$j]); $sql = ' SELECT name, shipping_freight, free_shipping, product_code, categoryID, opt_margin, uri, uri_opt_val FROM ' . PRODUCTS_TABLE . ' WHERE productID=' . (int) $_SESSION['gids'][$j]; $q = db_query($sql); if ($r = db_fetch_row($q)) { /* * $_SESSION['counts'][$j] */ $costUC = GetPriceProductWithOption($_SESSION['configurations'][$j], $_SESSION['gids'][$j]); $id = $_SESSION['gids'][$j]; if (count($_SESSION['configurations'][$j]) > 0) { for ($tmp1 = 0; $tmp1 < count($_SESSION['configurations'][$j]); $tmp1++) { $id .= '_' . $_SESSION['configurations'][$j][$tmp1]; } } $tmp = array('productID' => $_SESSION['gids'][$j], 'categoryID' => $r['categoryID'], 'uri' => $r['uri'], 'uri_opt_val' => $r['uri_opt_val'], 'id' => $id, 'name' => $r[0], 'quantity' => $_SESSION['counts'][$j], 'free_shipping' => $r['free_shipping'], 'costUC' => $costUC, 'cost' => show_price($costUC * $_SESSION['counts'][$j]), 'product_code' => $r['product_code'], 'opt_margin' => $r['opt_margin']); $strOptions = GetStrOptions($_SESSION['configurations'][$j]); if (trim($strOptions) != '') { $tmp['name'] .= ' (' . $strOptions . ')'; } $sql = ' SELECT min_order_amount, shipping_freight, categoryID, uri, uri_opt_val FROM ' . PRODUCTS_TABLE . ' WHERE productID=' . (int) $_SESSION['gids'][$j]; $q_product = db_query($sql); $product = db_fetch_row($q_product); if ($product['min_order_amount'] > $_SESSION['counts'][$j]) { $tmp['min_order_amount'] = $product['min_order_amount']; } $freight_cost += $_SESSION['counts'][$j] * $product['shipping_freight']; $cart_content[] = $tmp; $total_price += GetPriceProductWithOption($_SESSION['configurations'][$j], $_SESSION['gids'][$j]) * $_SESSION['counts'][$j]; } } } } } return array('cart_content' => $cart_content, 'total_price' => $total_price, 'freight_cost' => $freight_cost); }