Пример #1
function new_contact($uid, $url, $channel, $interactive = false, $confirm = false)
    $result = array('success' => false, 'message' => '');
    $is_red = false;
    $is_http = strpos($url, '://') !== false ? true : false;
    if ($is_http && substr($url, -1, 1) === '/') {
        $url = substr($url, 0, -1);
    if (!allowed_url($url)) {
        $result['message'] = t('Channel is blocked on this site.');
        return $result;
    if (!$url) {
        $result['message'] = t('Channel location missing.');
        return $result;
    // check service class limits
    $r = q("select count(*) as total from abook where abook_channel = %d and abook_self = 0 ", intval($uid));
    if ($r) {
        $total_channels = $r[0]['total'];
    if (!service_class_allows($uid, 'total_channels', $total_channels)) {
        $result['message'] = upgrade_message();
        return $result;
    $arr = array('url' => $url, 'channel' => array());
    call_hooks('follow', $arr);
    if ($arr['channel']['success']) {
        $ret = $arr['channel'];
    } elseif (!$is_http) {
        $ret = Zotlabs\Zot\Finger::run($url, $channel);
    if ($ret && is_array($ret) && $ret['success']) {
        $is_red = true;
        $j = $ret;
    $my_perms = get_channel_default_perms($uid);
    $role = get_pconfig($uid, 'system', 'permissions_role');
    if ($role) {
        $x = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms($role);
        if ($x['perms_connect']) {
            $my_perms = $x['perms_connect'];
    if ($is_red && $j) {
        logger('follow: ' . $url . ' ' . print_r($j, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
        if (!($j['success'] && $j['guid'])) {
            $result['message'] = t('Response from remote channel was incomplete.');
            logger('mod_follow: ' . $result['message']);
            return $result;
        // Premium channel, set confirm before callback to avoid recursion
        if (array_key_exists('connect_url', $j) && $interactive && !$confirm) {
        // do we have an xchan and hubloc?
        // If not, create them.
        $x = import_xchan($j);
        if (array_key_exists('deleted', $j) && intval($j['deleted'])) {
            $result['message'] = t('Channel was deleted and no longer exists.');
            return $result;
        if (!$x['success']) {
            return $x;
        $xchan_hash = $x['hash'];
        if (array_key_exists('permissions', $j) && array_key_exists('data', $j['permissions'])) {
            $permissions = crypto_unencapsulate(array('data' => $j['permissions']['data'], 'key' => $j['permissions']['key'], 'iv' => $j['permissions']['iv']), $channel['channel_prvkey']);
            if ($permissions) {
                $permissions = json_decode($permissions, true);
            logger('decrypted permissions: ' . print_r($permissions, true), LOGGER_DATA);
        } else {
            $permissions = $j['permissions'];
        if (is_array($permissions) && $permissions) {
            foreach ($permissions as $k => $v) {
                set_abconfig($channel['channel_uid'], $xchan_hash, 'their_perms', $k, intval($v));
    } else {
        $xchan_hash = '';
        $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' or xchan_url = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($url), dbesc($url));
        if (!$r) {
            // attempt network auto-discovery
            $d = discover_by_webbie($url);
            if (!$d && $is_http) {
                // try RSS discovery
                if (get_config('system', 'feed_contacts')) {
                    $d = discover_by_url($url);
                } else {
                    $result['message'] = t('Protocol disabled.');
                    return $result;
            if ($d) {
                $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' or xchan_url = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($url), dbesc($url));
        // if discovery was a success we should have an xchan record in $r
        if ($r) {
            $xchan = $r[0];
            $xchan_hash = $r[0]['xchan_hash'];
            $their_perms = 0;
    if (!$xchan_hash) {
        $result['message'] = t('Channel discovery failed.');
        logger('follow: ' . $result['message']);
        return $result;
    $allowed = $is_red || $r[0]['xchan_network'] === 'rss' ? 1 : 0;
    $x = array('channel_id' => $uid, 'follow_address' => $url, 'xchan' => $r[0], 'allowed' => $allowed, 'singleton' => 0);
    call_hooks('follow_allow', $x);
    if (!$x['allowed']) {
        $result['message'] = t('Protocol disabled.');
        return $result;
    $singleton = intval($x['singleton']);
    $aid = $channel['channel_account_id'];
    $hash = get_observer_hash();
    $default_group = $channel['channel_default_group'];
    if ($xchan['xchan_network'] === 'rss') {
        // check service class feed limits
        $r = q("select count(*) as total from abook where abook_account = %d and abook_feed = 1 ", intval($aid));
        if ($r) {
            $total_feeds = $r[0]['total'];
        if (!service_class_allows($uid, 'total_feeds', $total_feeds)) {
            $result['message'] = upgrade_message();
            return $result;
    if ($hash == $xchan_hash) {
        $result['message'] = t('Cannot connect to yourself.');
        return $result;
    $r = q("select abook_xchan, abook_instance from abook where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($xchan_hash), intval($uid));
    if ($is_http) {
        // Always set these "remote" permissions for feeds since we cannot interact with them
        // to negotiate a suitable permission response
        set_abconfig($uid, $xchan_hash, 'their_perms', 'view_stream', 1);
        set_abconfig($uid, $xchan_hash, 'their_perms', 'republish', 1);
    if ($r) {
        $abook_instance = $r[0]['abook_instance'];
        if ($singleton && strpos($abook_instance, z_root()) === false) {
            if ($abook_instance) {
                $abook_instance .= ',';
            $abook_instance .= z_root();
        $x = q("update abook set abook_instance = '%s' where abook_id = %d", dbesc($abook_instance), intval($r[0]['abook_id']));
    } else {
        $closeness = get_pconfig($uid, 'system', 'new_abook_closeness');
        if ($closeness === false) {
            $closeness = 80;
        $r = q("insert into abook ( abook_account, abook_channel, abook_closeness, abook_xchan, abook_feed, abook_created, abook_updated, abook_instance )\n\t\t\tvalues( %d, %d, %d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s' ) ", intval($aid), intval($uid), intval($closeness), dbesc($xchan_hash), intval($is_http ? 1 : 0), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($singleton ? z_root() : ''));
    if (!$r) {
        logger('mod_follow: abook creation failed');
    $all_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::Perms();
    if ($all_perms) {
        foreach ($all_perms as $k => $v) {
            if (in_array($k, $my_perms)) {
                set_abconfig($uid, $xchan_hash, 'my_perms', $k, 1);
            } else {
                set_abconfig($uid, $xchan_hash, 'my_perms', $k, 0);
    $r = q("select abook.*, xchan.* from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash \n\t\twhere abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($xchan_hash), intval($uid));
    if ($r) {
        $result['abook'] = $r[0];
        Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Notifier', 'permission_create', $result['abook']['abook_id']));
    $arr = array('channel_id' => $uid, 'channel' => $channel, 'abook' => $result['abook']);
    call_hooks('follow', $arr);
    /** If there is a default group for this channel, add this connection to it */
    if ($default_group) {
        require_once 'include/group.php';
        $g = group_rec_byhash($uid, $default_group);
        if ($g) {
            group_add_member($uid, '', $xchan_hash, $g['id']);
    $result['success'] = true;
    return $result;
Пример #2
function gnusoc_follow_from_feed(&$a, &$b)
    $item = $b['item'];
    $importer = $b['channel'];
    $xchan = $b['xchan'];
    $author = $b['author'];
    $b['caught'] = true;
    logger('follow activity received');
    if ($author && !$xchan) {
        $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_guid = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($author['author_link']));
        if (!$r) {
            if (discover_by_webbie($author['author_link'])) {
                $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_guid = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($author['author_link']));
                if (!$r) {
                    logger('discovery failed');
            $xchan = $r[0];
        $x = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms('social');
        $their_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledPerms($x['perms_connect']);
        $r = q("select * from abook where abook_channel = %d and abook_xchan = '%s' limit 1", intval($importer['channel_id']), dbesc($xchan['xchan_hash']));
        if ($r) {
            $contact = $r[0];
            $abook_instance = $contact['abook_instance'];
            if ($abook_instance) {
                $abook_instance .= ',';
            $abook_instance .= z_root();
            $r = q("update abook set abook_instance = '%s' where abook_id = %d and abook_channel = %d", dbesc($abook_instance), intval($contact['abook_id']), intval($importer['channel_id']));
            foreach ($their_perms as $k => $v) {
                set_abconfig($importer['channel_id'], $contact['abook_xchan'], 'their_perms', $k, $v);
        } else {
            $role = get_pconfig($importer['channel_id'], 'system', 'permissions_role');
            if ($role) {
                $x = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms($role);
                if ($x['perms_auto']) {
                    $my_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledPerms($x['perms_connect']);
            if (!$my_perms) {
                $my_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledAutoperms($importer['channel_id']);
            $closeness = get_pconfig($importer['channel_id'], 'system', 'new_abook_closeness');
            if ($closeness === false) {
                $closeness = 80;
            $r = q("insert into abook ( abook_account, abook_channel, abook_xchan, abook_closeness, abook_created, abook_updated, abook_connected, abook_dob, abook_pending, abook_instance ) values ( %d, %d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s' )", intval($importer['channel_account_id']), intval($importer['channel_id']), dbesc($xchan['xchan_hash']), intval($closeness), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(NULL_DATE), intval($my_perms ? 0 : 1), dbesc(z_root()));
            if ($r) {
                if ($my_perms) {
                    foreach ($my_perms as $k => $v) {
                        set_abconfig($importer['channel_id'], $xchan['xchan_hash'], 'my_perms', $k, $v);
                if ($their_perms) {
                    foreach ($their_perms as $k => $v) {
                        set_abconfig($importer['channel_id'], $xchan['xchan_hash'], 'their_perms', $k, $v);
                logger("New GNU-Social follower received for {$importer['channel_name']}");
                $new_connection = q("select * from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash left join hubloc on hubloc_hash = xchan_hash where abook_channel = %d and abook_xchan = '%s' order by abook_created desc limit 1", intval($importer['channel_id']), dbesc($xchan['xchan_hash']));
                if ($new_connection) {
                    \Zotlabs\Lib\Enotify::submit(array('type' => NOTIFY_INTRO, 'from_xchan' => $xchan['xchan_hash'], 'to_xchan' => $importer['channel_hash'], 'link' => z_root() . '/connedit/' . $new_connection[0]['abook_id']));
                    if ($default_perms) {
                        // Send back a sharing notification to them
                        $deliver = gnusoc_remote_follow($importer, $new_connection[0]);
                        if ($deliver) {
                            Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Deliver', $deliver));
                    $clone = array();
                    foreach ($new_connection[0] as $k => $v) {
                        if (strpos($k, 'abook_') === 0) {
                            $clone[$k] = $v;
                    $abconfig = load_abconfig($importer['channel_id'], $clone['abook_xchan']);
                    if ($abconfig) {
                        $clone['abconfig'] = $abconfig;
                    build_sync_packet($importer['channel_id'], array('abook' => array($clone)));
Пример #3
 * @brief Create a new channel.
 * Also creates the related xchan, hubloc, profile, and "self" abook records,
 * and an empty "Friends" group/collection for the new channel.
 * @param array $arr assoziative array with:
 *  * \e string \b name full name of channel
 *  * \e string \b nickname "email/url-compliant" nickname
 *  * \e int \b account_id to attach with this channel
 *  * [other identity fields as desired]
 * @returns array
 *     'success' => boolean true or false
 *     'message' => optional error text if success is false
 *     'channel' => if successful the created channel array
function create_identity($arr)
    $ret = array('success' => false);
    if (!$arr['account_id']) {
        $ret['message'] = t('No account identifier');
        return $ret;
    $ret = identity_check_service_class($arr['account_id']);
    if (!$ret['success']) {
        return $ret;
    // save this for auto_friending
    $total_identities = $ret['total_identities'];
    $nick = mb_strtolower(trim($arr['nickname']));
    if (!$nick) {
        $ret['message'] = t('Nickname is required.');
        return $ret;
    $name = escape_tags($arr['name']);
    $pageflags = x($arr, 'pageflags') ? intval($arr['pageflags']) : PAGE_NORMAL;
    $system = x($arr, 'system') ? intval($arr['system']) : 0;
    $name_error = validate_channelname($arr['name']);
    if ($name_error) {
        $ret['message'] = $name_error;
        return $ret;
    if ($nick === 'sys' && !$system) {
        $ret['message'] = t('Reserved nickname. Please choose another.');
        return $ret;
    if (check_webbie(array($nick)) !== $nick) {
        $ret['message'] = t('Nickname has unsupported characters or is already being used on this site.');
        return $ret;
    $guid = zot_new_uid($nick);
    $key = new_keypair(4096);
    $sig = base64url_encode(rsa_sign($guid, $key['prvkey']));
    $hash = make_xchan_hash($guid, $sig);
    // Force a few things on the short term until we can provide a theme or app with choice
    $publish = 1;
    if (array_key_exists('publish', $arr)) {
        $publish = intval($arr['publish']);
    $role_permissions = null;
    if (array_key_exists('permissions_role', $arr) && $arr['permissions_role']) {
        $role_permissions = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms($arr['permissions_role']);
    if ($role_permissions && array_key_exists('directory_publish', $role_permissions)) {
        $publish = intval($role_permissions['directory_publish']);
    $primary = true;
    if (array_key_exists('primary', $arr)) {
        $primary = intval($arr['primary']);
    $expire = 0;
    $r = q("insert into channel ( channel_account_id, channel_primary, \n\t\tchannel_name, channel_address, channel_guid, channel_guid_sig,\n\t\tchannel_hash, channel_prvkey, channel_pubkey, channel_pageflags, channel_system, channel_expire_days, channel_timezone )\n\t\tvalues ( %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, '%s' ) ", intval($arr['account_id']), intval($primary), dbesc($name), dbesc($nick), dbesc($guid), dbesc($sig), dbesc($hash), dbesc($key['prvkey']), dbesc($key['pubkey']), intval($pageflags), intval($system), intval($expire), dbesc(App::$timezone));
    $r = q("select * from channel where channel_account_id = %d \n\t\tand channel_guid = '%s' limit 1", intval($arr['account_id']), dbesc($guid));
    if (!$r) {
        $ret['message'] = t('Unable to retrieve created identity');
        return $ret;
    if ($role_permissions && array_key_exists('limits', $role_permissions)) {
        $perm_limits = $role_permissions['limits'];
    } else {
        $perm_limits = site_default_perms();
    foreach ($perm_limits as $p => $v) {
        \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionLimits::Set($r[0]['channel_id'], $p, $v);
    if ($role_permissions && array_key_exists('perms_auto', $role_permissions)) {
        set_pconfig($r[0]['channel_id'], 'system', 'autoperms', intval($role_permissions['perms_auto']));
    $ret['channel'] = $r[0];
    if (intval($arr['account_id'])) {
        set_default_login_identity($arr['account_id'], $ret['channel']['channel_id'], false);
    // Create a verified hub location pointing to this site.
    $r = q("insert into hubloc ( hubloc_guid, hubloc_guid_sig, hubloc_hash, hubloc_addr, hubloc_primary, \n\t\thubloc_url, hubloc_url_sig, hubloc_host, hubloc_callback, hubloc_sitekey, hubloc_network )\n\t\tvalues ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", dbesc($guid), dbesc($sig), dbesc($hash), dbesc(channel_reddress($ret['channel'])), intval($primary), dbesc(z_root()), dbesc(base64url_encode(rsa_sign(z_root(), $ret['channel']['channel_prvkey']))), dbesc(App::get_hostname()), dbesc(z_root() . '/post'), dbesc(get_config('system', 'pubkey')), dbesc('zot'));
    if (!$r) {
        logger('create_identity: Unable to store hub location');
    $newuid = $ret['channel']['channel_id'];
    $r = q("insert into xchan ( xchan_hash, xchan_guid, xchan_guid_sig, xchan_pubkey, xchan_photo_l, xchan_photo_m, xchan_photo_s, xchan_addr, xchan_url, xchan_follow, xchan_connurl, xchan_name, xchan_network, xchan_photo_date, xchan_name_date, xchan_system ) values ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", dbesc($hash), dbesc($guid), dbesc($sig), dbesc($key['pubkey']), dbesc(z_root() . "/photo/profile/l/{$newuid}"), dbesc(z_root() . "/photo/profile/m/{$newuid}"), dbesc(z_root() . "/photo/profile/s/{$newuid}"), dbesc(channel_reddress($ret['channel'])), dbesc(z_root() . '/channel/' . $ret['channel']['channel_address']), dbesc(z_root() . '/follow?f=&url=%s'), dbesc(z_root() . '/poco/' . $ret['channel']['channel_address']), dbesc($ret['channel']['channel_name']), dbesc('zot'), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($system));
    // Not checking return value.
    // It's ok for this to fail if it's an imported channel, and therefore the hash is a duplicate
    $r = q("INSERT INTO profile ( aid, uid, profile_guid, profile_name, is_default, publish, fullname, photo, thumb)\n\t\tVALUES ( %d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s') ", intval($ret['channel']['channel_account_id']), intval($newuid), dbesc(random_string()), t('Default Profile'), 1, $publish, dbesc($ret['channel']['channel_name']), dbesc(z_root() . "/photo/profile/l/{$newuid}"), dbesc(z_root() . "/photo/profile/m/{$newuid}"));
    if ($role_permissions) {
        $myperms = array_key_exists('perms_connect', $role_permissions) ? $role_permissions['perms_connect'] : array();
    } else {
        $x = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms('social');
        $myperms = $x['perms_connect'];
    $r = q("insert into abook ( abook_account, abook_channel, abook_xchan, abook_closeness, abook_created, abook_updated, abook_self )\n\t\tvalues ( %d, %d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', %d ) ", intval($ret['channel']['channel_account_id']), intval($newuid), dbesc($hash), intval(0), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval(1));
    $x = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledPerms($myperms);
    foreach ($x as $k => $v) {
        set_abconfig($newuid, $hash, 'my_perms', $k, $v);
    if (intval($ret['channel']['channel_account_id'])) {
        // Save our permissions role so we can perhaps call it up and modify it later.
        if ($role_permissions) {
            set_pconfig($newuid, 'system', 'permissions_role', $arr['permissions_role']);
            if (array_key_exists('online', $role_permissions)) {
                set_pconfig($newuid, 'system', 'hide_presence', 1 - intval($role_permissions['online']));
            if (array_key_exists('perms_auto', $role_permissions)) {
                $autoperms = intval($role_permissions['perms_auto']);
                set_pconfig($newuid, 'system', 'autoperms', $autoperms);
                if ($autoperms) {
                    $x = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledPerms($role_permissions['perms_connect']);
                    foreach ($x as $k => $v) {
                        set_pconfig($newuid, 'autoperms', $k, $v);
                } else {
                    $r = q("delete from pconfig where uid = %d and cat = 'autoperms'", intval($newuid));
        // Create a group with yourself as a member. This allows somebody to use it
        // right away as a default group for new contacts.
        require_once 'include/group.php';
        group_add($newuid, t('Friends'));
        group_add_member($newuid, t('Friends'), $ret['channel']['channel_hash']);
        // if our role_permissions indicate that we're using a default collection ACL, add it.
        if (is_array($role_permissions) && $role_permissions['default_collection']) {
            $r = q("select hash from groups where uid = %d and gname = '%s' limit 1", intval($newuid), dbesc(t('Friends')));
            if ($r) {
                q("update channel set channel_default_group = '%s', channel_allow_gid = '%s' where channel_id = %d", dbesc($r[0]['hash']), dbesc('<' . $r[0]['hash'] . '>'), intval($newuid));
        if (!$system) {
            set_pconfig($ret['channel']['channel_id'], 'system', 'photo_path', '%Y-%m');
            set_pconfig($ret['channel']['channel_id'], 'system', 'attach_path', '%Y-%m');
        // auto-follow any of the hub's pre-configured channel choices.
        // Only do this if it's the first channel for this account;
        // otherwise it could get annoying. Don't make this list too big
        // or it will impact registration time.
        $accts = get_config('system', 'auto_follow');
        if ($accts && !$total_identities) {
            require_once 'include/follow.php';
            if (!is_array($accts)) {
                $accts = array($accts);
            foreach ($accts as $acct) {
                if (trim($acct)) {
                    new_contact($newuid, trim($acct), $ret['channel'], false);
        call_hooks('create_identity', $newuid);
        Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Directory', $ret['channel']['channel_id']));
    $ret['success'] = true;
    return $ret;
Пример #4
 function get()
     require_once 'include/acl_selectors.php';
     require_once 'include/permissions.php';
     $yes_no = array(t('No'), t('Yes'));
     $p = q("SELECT * FROM `profile` WHERE `is_default` = 1 AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval(local_channel()));
     if (count($p)) {
         $profile = $p[0];
     load_pconfig(local_channel(), 'expire');
     $channel = \App::get_channel();
     $global_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::Perms();
     $permiss = array();
     $perm_opts = array(array(t('Nobody except yourself'), 0), array(t('Only those you specifically allow'), PERMS_SPECIFIC), array(t('Approved connections'), PERMS_CONTACTS), array(t('Any connections'), PERMS_PENDING), array(t('Anybody on this website'), PERMS_SITE), array(t('Anybody in this network'), PERMS_NETWORK), array(t('Anybody authenticated'), PERMS_AUTHED), array(t('Anybody on the internet'), PERMS_PUBLIC));
     $limits = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionLimits::Get(local_channel());
     foreach ($global_perms as $k => $perm) {
         $options = array();
         foreach ($perm_opts as $opt) {
             if (!strstr($k, 'view') && $opt[1] == PERMS_PUBLIC) {
             $options[$opt[1]] = $opt[0];
         $permiss[] = array($k, $perm, $limits[$k], '', $options);
     $username = $channel['channel_name'];
     $nickname = $channel['channel_address'];
     $timezone = $channel['channel_timezone'];
     $notify = $channel['channel_notifyflags'];
     $defloc = $channel['channel_location'];
     $maxreq = $channel['channel_max_friend_req'];
     $expire = $channel['channel_expire_days'];
     $adult_flag = intval($channel['channel_pageflags'] & PAGE_ADULT);
     $sys_expire = get_config('system', 'default_expire_days');
     //		$unkmail    = \App::$user['unkmail'];
     //		$cntunkmail = \App::$user['cntunkmail'];
     $hide_presence = intval(get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'hide_online_status'));
     $expire_items = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'expire', 'items');
     $expire_items = $expire_items === false ? '1' : $expire_items;
     // default if not set: 1
     $expire_notes = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'expire', 'notes');
     $expire_notes = $expire_notes === false ? '1' : $expire_notes;
     // default if not set: 1
     $expire_starred = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'expire', 'starred');
     $expire_starred = $expire_starred === false ? '1' : $expire_starred;
     // default if not set: 1
     $expire_photos = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'expire', 'photos');
     $expire_photos = $expire_photos === false ? '0' : $expire_photos;
     // default if not set: 0
     $expire_network_only = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'expire', 'network_only');
     $expire_network_only = $expire_network_only === false ? '0' : $expire_network_only;
     // default if not set: 0
     $suggestme = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'suggestme');
     $suggestme = $suggestme === false ? '0' : $suggestme;
     // default if not set: 0
     $post_newfriend = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'post_newfriend');
     $post_newfriend = $post_newfriend === false ? '0' : $post_newfriend;
     // default if not set: 0
     $post_joingroup = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'post_joingroup');
     $post_joingroup = $post_joingroup === false ? '0' : $post_joingroup;
     // default if not set: 0
     $post_profilechange = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'post_profilechange');
     $post_profilechange = $post_profilechange === false ? '0' : $post_profilechange;
     // default if not set: 0
     $blocktags = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'blocktags');
     $blocktags = $blocktags === false ? '0' : $blocktags;
     $timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
     $opt_tpl = get_markup_template("field_checkbox.tpl");
     if (get_config('system', 'publish_all')) {
         $profile_in_dir = '<input type="hidden" name="profile_in_directory" value="1" />';
     } else {
         $profile_in_dir = replace_macros($opt_tpl, array('$field' => array('profile_in_directory', t('Publish your default profile in the network directory'), $profile['publish'], '', $yes_no)));
     $suggestme = replace_macros($opt_tpl, array('$field' => array('suggestme', t('Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?'), $suggestme, '', $yes_no)));
     $subdir = strlen(\App::get_path()) ? '<br />' . t('or') . ' ' . z_root() . '/channel/' . $nickname : '';
     $tpl_addr = get_markup_template("settings_nick_set.tpl");
     $prof_addr = replace_macros($tpl_addr, array('$desc' => t('Your channel address is'), '$nickname' => $nickname, '$subdir' => $subdir, '$basepath' => \App::get_hostname()));
     $stpl = get_markup_template('settings.tpl');
     $acl = new \Zotlabs\Access\AccessList($channel);
     $perm_defaults = $acl->get();
     require_once 'include/group.php';
     $group_select = mini_group_select(local_channel(), $channel['channel_default_group']);
     require_once 'include/menu.php';
     $m1 = menu_list(local_channel());
     $menu = false;
     if ($m1) {
         $menu = array();
         $current = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'channel_menu');
         $menu[] = array('name' => '', 'selected' => !$current ? true : false);
         foreach ($m1 as $m) {
             $menu[] = array('name' => htmlspecialchars($m['menu_name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 'selected' => $m['menu_name'] === $current ? ' selected="selected" ' : false);
     $evdays = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'evdays');
     if (!$evdays) {
         $evdays = 3;
     $permissions_role = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'permissions_role');
     if (!$permissions_role) {
         $permissions_role = 'custom';
     $permissions_set = $permissions_role != 'custom' ? true : false;
     $perm_roles = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::roles();
     if (get_account_techlevel() < 4 && $permissions_role !== 'custom') {
     $vnotify = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'vnotify');
     $always_show_in_notices = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'always_show_in_notices');
     if ($vnotify === false) {
         $vnotify = -1;
     $o .= replace_macros($stpl, array('$ptitle' => t('Channel Settings'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$uid' => local_channel(), '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("settings"), '$nickname_block' => $prof_addr, '$h_basic' => t('Basic Settings'), '$username' => array('username', t('Full Name:'), $username, ''), '$email' => array('email', t('Email Address:'), $email, ''), '$timezone' => array('timezone_select', t('Your Timezone:'), $timezone, '', get_timezones()), '$defloc' => array('defloc', t('Default Post Location:'), $defloc, t('Geographical location to display on your posts')), '$allowloc' => array('allow_location', t('Use Browser Location:'), get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'use_browser_location') ? 1 : '', '', $yes_no), '$adult' => array('adult', t('Adult Content'), $adult_flag, t('This channel frequently or regularly publishes adult content. (Please tag any adult material and/or nudity with #NSFW)'), $yes_no), '$h_prv' => t('Security and Privacy Settings'), '$permissions_set' => $permissions_set, '$server_role' => \Zotlabs\Lib\System::get_server_role(), '$perms_set_msg' => t('Your permissions are already configured. Click to view/adjust'), '$hide_presence' => array('hide_presence', t('Hide my online presence'), $hide_presence, t('Prevents displaying in your profile that you are online'), $yes_no), '$lbl_pmacro' => t('Simple Privacy Settings:'), '$pmacro3' => t('Very Public - <em>extremely permissive (should be used with caution)</em>'), '$pmacro2' => t('Typical - <em>default public, privacy when desired (similar to social network permissions but with improved privacy)</em>'), '$pmacro1' => t('Private - <em>default private, never open or public</em>'), '$pmacro0' => t('Blocked - <em>default blocked to/from everybody</em>'), '$permiss_arr' => $permiss, '$blocktags' => array('blocktags', t('Allow others to tag your posts'), 1 - $blocktags, t('Often used by the community to retro-actively flag inappropriate content'), $yes_no), '$lbl_p2macro' => t('Channel Permission Limits'), '$expire' => array('expire', t('Expire other channel content after this many days'), $expire, t('0 or blank to use the website limit.') . ' ' . (intval($sys_expire) ? sprintf(t('This website expires after %d days.'), intval($sys_expire)) : t('This website does not expire imported content.')) . ' ' . t('The website limit takes precedence if lower than your limit.')), '$maxreq' => array('maxreq', t('Maximum Friend Requests/Day:'), intval($channel['channel_max_friend_req']), t('May reduce spam activity')), '$permissions' => t('Default Access Control List (ACL)'), '$permdesc' => t("(click to open/close)"), '$aclselect' => populate_acl($perm_defaults, false, \Zotlabs\Lib\PermissionDescription::fromDescription(t('Use my default audience setting for the type of object published'))), '$allow_cid' => acl2json($perm_defaults['allow_cid']), '$allow_gid' => acl2json($perm_defaults['allow_gid']), '$deny_cid' => acl2json($perm_defaults['deny_cid']), '$deny_gid' => acl2json($perm_defaults['deny_gid']), '$suggestme' => $suggestme, '$group_select' => $group_select, '$role' => array('permissions_role', t('Channel permissions category:'), $permissions_role, '', $perm_roles), '$profile_in_dir' => $profile_in_dir, '$hide_friends' => $hide_friends, '$hide_wall' => $hide_wall, '$unkmail' => $unkmail, '$cntunkmail' => array('cntunkmail', t('Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:'), intval($channel['channel_max_anon_mail']), t("Useful to reduce spamming")), '$h_not' => t('Notification Settings'), '$activity_options' => t('By default post a status message when:'), '$post_newfriend' => array('post_newfriend', t('accepting a friend request'), $post_newfriend, '', $yes_no), '$post_joingroup' => array('post_joingroup', t('joining a forum/community'), $post_joingroup, '', $yes_no), '$post_profilechange' => array('post_profilechange', t('making an <em>interesting</em> profile change'), $post_profilechange, '', $yes_no), '$lbl_not' => t('Send a notification email when:'), '$notify1' => array('notify1', t('You receive a connection request'), $notify & NOTIFY_INTRO, NOTIFY_INTRO, '', $yes_no), '$notify2' => array('notify2', t('Your connections are confirmed'), $notify & NOTIFY_CONFIRM, NOTIFY_CONFIRM, '', $yes_no), '$notify3' => array('notify3', t('Someone writes on your profile wall'), $notify & NOTIFY_WALL, NOTIFY_WALL, '', $yes_no), '$notify4' => array('notify4', t('Someone writes a followup comment'), $notify & NOTIFY_COMMENT, NOTIFY_COMMENT, '', $yes_no), '$notify5' => array('notify5', t('You receive a private message'), $notify & NOTIFY_MAIL, NOTIFY_MAIL, '', $yes_no), '$notify6' => array('notify6', t('You receive a friend suggestion'), $notify & NOTIFY_SUGGEST, NOTIFY_SUGGEST, '', $yes_no), '$notify7' => array('notify7', t('You are tagged in a post'), $notify & NOTIFY_TAGSELF, NOTIFY_TAGSELF, '', $yes_no), '$notify8' => array('notify8', t('You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post'), $notify & NOTIFY_POKE, NOTIFY_POKE, '', $yes_no), '$lbl_vnot' => t('Show visual notifications including:'), '$vnotify1' => array('vnotify1', t('Unseen grid activity'), $vnotify & VNOTIFY_NETWORK, VNOTIFY_NETWORK, '', $yes_no), '$vnotify2' => array('vnotify2', t('Unseen channel activity'), $vnotify & VNOTIFY_CHANNEL, VNOTIFY_CHANNEL, '', $yes_no), '$vnotify3' => array('vnotify3', t('Unseen private messages'), $vnotify & VNOTIFY_MAIL, VNOTIFY_MAIL, t('Recommended'), $yes_no), '$vnotify4' => array('vnotify4', t('Upcoming events'), $vnotify & VNOTIFY_EVENT, VNOTIFY_EVENT, '', $yes_no), '$vnotify5' => array('vnotify5', t('Events today'), $vnotify & VNOTIFY_EVENTTODAY, VNOTIFY_EVENTTODAY, '', $yes_no), '$vnotify6' => array('vnotify6', t('Upcoming birthdays'), $vnotify & VNOTIFY_BIRTHDAY, VNOTIFY_BIRTHDAY, t('Not available in all themes'), $yes_no), '$vnotify7' => array('vnotify7', t('System (personal) notifications'), $vnotify & VNOTIFY_SYSTEM, VNOTIFY_SYSTEM, '', $yes_no), '$vnotify8' => array('vnotify8', t('System info messages'), $vnotify & VNOTIFY_INFO, VNOTIFY_INFO, t('Recommended'), $yes_no), '$vnotify9' => array('vnotify9', t('System critical alerts'), $vnotify & VNOTIFY_ALERT, VNOTIFY_ALERT, t('Recommended'), $yes_no), '$vnotify10' => array('vnotify10', t('New connections'), $vnotify & VNOTIFY_INTRO, VNOTIFY_INTRO, t('Recommended'), $yes_no), '$vnotify11' => array('vnotify11', t('System Registrations'), $vnotify & VNOTIFY_REGISTER, VNOTIFY_REGISTER, '', $yes_no), '$always_show_in_notices' => array('always_show_in_notices', t('Also show new wall posts, private messages and connections under Notices'), $always_show_in_notices, 1, '', $yes_no), '$evdays' => array('evdays', t('Notify me of events this many days in advance'), $evdays, t('Must be greater than 0')), '$h_advn' => t('Advanced Account/Page Type Settings'), '$h_descadvn' => t('Change the behaviour of this account for special situations'), '$pagetype' => $pagetype, '$lbl_misc' => t('Miscellaneous Settings'), '$photo_path' => array('photo_path', t('Default photo upload folder'), get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'photo_path'), t('%Y - current year, %m -  current month')), '$attach_path' => array('attach_path', t('Default file upload folder'), get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'attach_path'), t('%Y - current year, %m -  current month')), '$menus' => $menu, '$menu_desc' => t('Personal menu to display in your channel pages'), '$removeme' => t('Remove Channel'), '$removechannel' => t('Remove this channel.'), '$firefoxshare' => t('Firefox Share $Projectname provider'), '$cal_first_day' => array('first_day', t('Start calendar week on monday'), get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'cal_first_day') ? 1 : '', '', $yes_no)));
     call_hooks('settings_form', $o);
     //$o .= '</form>' . "\r\n";
     return $o;
Пример #5
function check_for_new_perms()
    $pregistered = get_config('system', 'perms');
    $pcurrent = array_keys(\Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::Perms());
    if (!$pregistered) {
        set_config('system', 'perms', $pcurrent);
    $found_new_perm = false;
    foreach ($pcurrent as $p) {
        if (!in_array($p, $pregistered)) {
            $found_new_perm = true;
            // for all channels
            $c = q("select channel_id from channel where true");
            if ($c) {
                foreach ($c as $cc) {
                    // get the permission role
                    $r = q("select v from pconfig where uid = %d and cat = 'system' and k = 'permissions_role'", intval($cc['uid']));
                    if ($r) {
                        // get a list of connections
                        $x = q("select abook_xchan from abook where abook_channel = %d and abook_self = 0", intval($cc['uid']));
                        // get the permissions role details
                        $rp = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms($r[0]['v']);
                        if ($rp) {
                            // set the channel limits if appropriate or 0
                            if (array_key_exists('limits', $rp) && array_key_exists($p, $rp['limits'])) {
                                \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionLimits::Set($cc['uid'], $p, $rp['limits'][$p]);
                            } else {
                                \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionLimits::Set($cc['uid'], $p, 0);
                            $set = array_key_exists('perms_connect', $rp) && array_key_exists($p, $rp['perms_connect']) ? true : false;
                            // foreach connection set to the perms_connect value
                            if ($x) {
                                foreach ($x as $xx) {
                                    set_abconfig($cc['uid'], $xx['abook_xchan'], 'my_perms', $p, intval($set));
    // We should probably call perms_refresh here, but this should get pushed in 24 hours and there is no urgency
    if ($found_new_perm) {
        set_config('system', 'perms', $pcurrent);
Пример #6
 function get()
     $acc = \App::get_account();
     if (!$acc || $acc['account_id'] != get_account_id()) {
         notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
     $default_role = '';
     $aid = get_account_id();
     if ($aid) {
         $r = q("select count(channel_id) as total from channel where channel_account_id = %d", intval($aid));
         if ($r && !intval($r[0]['total'])) {
             $default_role = get_config('system', 'default_permissions_role');
         $limit = account_service_class_fetch(get_account_id(), 'total_identities');
         if ($r && $limit !== false) {
             $channel_usage_message = sprintf(t("You have created %1\$.0f of %2\$.0f allowed channels."), $r[0]['total'], $limit);
         } else {
             $channel_usage_message = '';
     $privacy_role = x($_REQUEST, 'permissions_role') ? $_REQUEST['permissions_role'] : "";
     $perm_roles = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::roles();
     if (get_account_techlevel() < 4 && $privacy_role !== 'custom') {
     $name = array('name', t('Name or caption'), x($_REQUEST, 'name') ? $_REQUEST['name'] : '', t('Examples: "Bob Jameson", "Lisa and her Horses", "Soccer", "Aviation Group"'), "*");
     $nickhub = '@' . \App::get_hostname();
     $nickname = array('nickname', t('Choose a short nickname'), x($_REQUEST, 'nickname') ? $_REQUEST['nickname'] : '', sprintf(t('Your nickname will be used to create an easy to remember channel address e.g. nickname%s'), $nickhub), "*");
     $role = array('permissions_role', t('Channel role and privacy'), $privacy_role ? $privacy_role : 'social', t('Select a channel role with your privacy requirements.') . ' <a href="help/roles" target="_blank">' . t('Read more about roles') . '</a>', $perm_roles);
     $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('new_channel.tpl'), array('$title' => t('Create Channel'), '$desc' => t('A channel is your identity on this network. It can represent a person, a blog, or a forum to name a few. Channels can make connections with other channels to share information with highly detailed permissions.'), '$label_import' => t('or <a href="import">import an existing channel</a> from another location.'), '$name' => $name, '$role' => $role, '$default_role' => $default_role, '$nickname' => $nickname, '$submit' => t('Create'), '$channel_usage_message' => $channel_usage_message));
     return $o;
Пример #7
function diaspora_request($importer, $xml)
    $a = get_app();
    $sender_handle = unxmlify(diaspora_get_author($xml));
    $recipient_handle = unxmlify(diaspora_get_recipient($xml));
    // @TODO - map these perms to $newperms below
    if (array_key_exists('following', $xml) && array_key_exists('sharing', $xml)) {
        $following = unxmlify($xml['following']) === 'true' ? true : false;
        $sharing = unxmlify($xml['sharing']) === 'true' ? true : false;
    } else {
        $following = true;
        $sharing = true;
    if (!$sender_handle || !$recipient_handle) {
    // Do we already have an abook record?
    $contact = diaspora_get_contact_by_handle($importer['channel_id'], $sender_handle);
    // Please note some permissions such as PERMS_R_PAGES are impossible for Disapora.
    // They cannot currently authenticate to our system.
    $x = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms('social');
    $their_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledPerms($x['perms_connect']);
    if ($contact && $contact['abook_id']) {
        // perhaps we were already sharing with this person. Now they're sharing with us.
        // That makes us friends. Maybe.
        foreach ($their_perms as $k => $v) {
            set_abconfig($importer['channel_id'], $contact['abook_xchan'], 'their_perms', $k, $v);
        $abook_instance = $contact['abook_instance'];
        if ($abook_instance) {
            $abook_instance .= ',';
        $abook_instance .= z_root();
        $r = q("update abook set abook_instance = '%s' where abook_id = %d and abook_channel = %d", dbesc($abook_instance), intval($contact['abook_id']), intval($importer['channel_id']));
    $ret = find_diaspora_person_by_handle($sender_handle);
    if (!$ret || !strstr($ret['xchan_network'], 'diaspora')) {
        logger('diaspora_request: Cannot resolve diaspora handle ' . $sender_handle . ' for ' . $recipient_handle);
    $my_perms = false;
    $role = get_pconfig($importer['channel_id'], 'system', 'permissions_role');
    if ($role) {
        $x = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms($role);
        if ($x['perms_auto']) {
            $my_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledPerms($x['perms_connect']);
    if (!$my_perms) {
        $my_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledAutoperms($importer['channel_id']);
    $closeness = get_pconfig($importer['channel_id'], 'system', 'new_abook_closeness');
    if ($closeness === false) {
        $closeness = 80;
    $r = q("insert into abook ( abook_account, abook_channel, abook_xchan, abook_my_perms, abook_their_perms, abook_closeness, abook_created, abook_updated, abook_connected, abook_dob, abook_pending, abook_instance ) values ( %d, %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s' )", intval($importer['channel_account_id']), intval($importer['channel_id']), dbesc($ret['xchan_hash']), intval($default_perms), intval($their_perms), intval($closeness), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(NULL_DATE), intval($my_perms ? 0 : 1), dbesc(z_root()));
    if ($my_perms) {
        foreach ($my_perms as $k => $v) {
            set_abconfig($importer['channel_id'], $ret['xchan_hash'], 'my_perms', $k, $v);
    if ($their_perms) {
        foreach ($their_perms as $k => $v) {
            set_abconfig($importer['channel_id'], $ret['xchan_hash'], 'their_perms', $k, $v);
    if ($r) {
        logger("New Diaspora introduction received for {$importer['channel_name']}");
        $new_connection = q("select * from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash left join hubloc on hubloc_hash = xchan_hash where abook_channel = %d and abook_xchan = '%s' order by abook_created desc limit 1", intval($importer['channel_id']), dbesc($ret['xchan_hash']));
        if ($new_connection) {
            \Zotlabs\Lib\Enotify::submit(['type' => NOTIFY_INTRO, 'from_xchan' => $ret['xchan_hash'], 'to_xchan' => $importer['channel_hash'], 'link' => z_root() . '/connedit/' . $new_connection[0]['abook_id']]);
            if ($my_perms) {
                // Send back a sharing notification to them
                $x = diaspora_share($importer, $new_connection[0]);
                if ($x) {
                    Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Deliver', $x));
            $clone = array();
            foreach ($new_connection[0] as $k => $v) {
                if (strpos($k, 'abook_') === 0) {
                    $clone[$k] = $v;
            $abconfig = load_abconfig($importer['channel_id'], $clone['abook_xchan']);
            if ($abconfig) {
                $clone['abconfig'] = $abconfig;
            build_sync_packet($importer['channel_id'], ['abook' => array($clone)]);
    // find the abook record we just created
    $contact_record = diaspora_get_contact_by_handle($importer['channel_id'], $sender_handle);
    if (!$contact_record) {
        logger('diaspora_request: unable to locate newly created contact record.');
    /** If there is a default group for this channel, add this member to it */
    if ($importer['channel_default_group']) {
        require_once 'include/group.php';
        $g = group_rec_byhash($importer['channel_id'], $importer['channel_default_group']);
        if ($g) {
            group_add_member($importer['channel_id'], '', $contact_record['xchan_hash'], $g['id']);
Пример #8
 function get()
     $registration_is = '';
     $other_sites = '';
     if (get_config('system', 'register_policy') == REGISTER_CLOSED) {
         if (get_config('system', 'directory_mode') == DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE) {
             notice(t('Registration on this hub is disabled.') . EOL);
         $mod = new Pubsites();
         return $mod->get();
     if (get_config('system', 'register_policy') == REGISTER_APPROVE) {
         $registration_is = t('Registration on this hub is by approval only.');
         $other_sites = t('<a href="pubsites">Register at another affiliated hub.</a>');
     $max_dailies = intval(get_config('system', 'max_daily_registrations'));
     if ($max_dailies) {
         $r = q("select count(account_id) as total from account where account_created > %s - INTERVAL %s", db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval('1 day'));
         if ($r && $r[0]['total'] >= $max_dailies) {
             logger('max daily registrations exceeded.');
             notice(t('This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow.') . EOL);
     $privacy_role = x($_REQUEST, 'permissions_role') ? $_REQUEST['permissions_role'] : "";
     $perm_roles = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::roles();
     if (get_account_techlevel() < 4 && $privacy_role !== 'custom') {
     // Configurable terms of service link
     $tosurl = get_config('system', 'tos_url');
     if (!$tosurl) {
         $tosurl = z_root() . '/help/TermsOfService';
     $toslink = '<a href="' . $tosurl . '" target="_blank">' . t('Terms of Service') . '</a>';
     // Configurable whether to restrict age or not - default is based on international legal requirements
     // This can be relaxed if you are on a restricted server that does not share with public servers
     if (get_config('system', 'no_age_restriction')) {
         $label_tos = sprintf(t('I accept the %s for this website'), $toslink);
     } else {
         $label_tos = sprintf(t('I am over 13 years of age and accept the %s for this website'), $toslink);
     $enable_tos = 1 - intval(get_config('system', 'no_termsofservice'));
     $email = array('email', t('Your email address'), x($_REQUEST, 'email') ? strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['email'])) : "");
     $password = array('password', t('Choose a password'), x($_REQUEST, 'password') ? trim($_REQUEST['password']) : "");
     $password2 = array('password2', t('Please re-enter your password'), x($_REQUEST, 'password2') ? trim($_REQUEST['password2']) : "");
     $invite_code = array('invite_code', t('Please enter your invitation code'), x($_REQUEST, 'invite_code') ? strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['invite_code'])) : "");
     $name = array('name', t('Name or caption'), x($_REQUEST, 'name') ? $_REQUEST['name'] : '', t('Examples: "Bob Jameson", "Lisa and her Horses", "Soccer", "Aviation Group"'));
     $nickhub = '@' . str_replace(array('http://', 'https://', '/'), '', get_config('system', 'baseurl'));
     $nickname = array('nickname', t('Choose a short nickname'), x($_REQUEST, 'nickname') ? $_REQUEST['nickname'] : '', sprintf(t('Your nickname will be used to create an easy to remember channel address e.g. nickname%s'), $nickhub));
     $role = array('permissions_role', t('Channel role and privacy'), $privacy_role ? $privacy_role : 'social', t('Select a channel role with your privacy requirements.') . ' <a href="help/roles" target="_blank">' . t('Read more about roles') . '</a>', $perm_roles);
     $tos = array('tos', $label_tos, '', '', array(t('no'), t('yes')));
     $server_role = get_config('system', 'server_role');
     $auto_create = $server_role == 'basic' || get_config('system', 'auto_channel_create') ? true : false;
     $default_role = $server_role == 'basic' ? 'social' : get_config('system', 'default_permissions_role');
     require_once 'include/bbcode.php';
     $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('register.tpl'), array('$title' => t('Registration'), '$reg_is' => $registration_is, '$registertext' => bbcode(get_config('system', 'register_text')), '$other_sites' => $other_sites, '$invitations' => get_config('system', 'invitation_only'), '$invite_desc' => t('Membership on this site is by invitation only.'), '$invite_code' => $invite_code, '$auto_create' => $auto_create, '$name' => $name, '$role' => $role, '$default_role' => $default_role, '$nickname' => $nickname, '$enable_tos' => $enable_tos, '$tos' => $tos, '$email' => $email, '$pass1' => $password, '$pass2' => $password2, '$submit' => t('Register'), '$verify_note' => t('This site may require email verification after submitting this form. If you are returned to a login page, please check your email for instructions.')));
     return $o;
Пример #9
 * @brief Refreshes after permission changed or friending, etc.
 * zot_refresh is typically invoked when somebody has changed permissions of a channel and they are notified
 * to fetch new permissions via a finger/discovery operation. This may result in a new connection
 * (abook entry) being added to a local channel and it may result in auto-permissions being granted.
 * Friending in zot is accomplished by sending a refresh packet to a specific channel which indicates a
 * permission change has been made by the sender which affects the target channel. The hub controlling
 * the target channel does targetted discovery (a zot-finger request requesting permissions for the local
 * channel). These are decoded here, and if necessary and abook structure (addressbook) is created to store
 * the permissions assigned to this channel.
 * Initially these abook structures are created with a 'pending' flag, so that no reverse permissions are
 * implied until this is approved by the owner channel. A channel can also auto-populate permissions in
 * return and send back a refresh packet of its own. This is used by forum and group communication channels
 * so that friending and membership in the channel's "club" is automatic.
 * @param array $them => xchan structure of sender
 * @param array $channel => local channel structure of target recipient, required for "friending" operations
 * @param array $force default false
 * @returns boolean true if successful, else false
function zot_refresh($them, $channel = null, $force = false)
    if (array_key_exists('xchan_network', $them) && $them['xchan_network'] !== 'zot') {
        logger('zot_refresh: not got zot. ' . $them['xchan_name']);
        return true;
    logger('zot_refresh: them: ' . print_r($them, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
    if ($channel) {
        logger('zot_refresh: channel: ' . print_r($channel, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
    $url = null;
    if ($them['hubloc_url']) {
        $url = $them['hubloc_url'];
    } else {
        $r = null;
        // if they re-installed the server we could end up with the wrong record - pointing to the old install.
        // We'll order by reverse id to try and pick off the newest one first and hopefully end up with the
        // correct hubloc. If this doesn't work we may have to re-write this section to try them all.
        if (array_key_exists('xchan_addr', $them) && $them['xchan_addr']) {
            $r = q("select hubloc_url, hubloc_primary from hubloc where hubloc_addr = '%s' order by hubloc_id desc", dbesc($them['xchan_addr']));
        if (!$r) {
            $r = q("select hubloc_url, hubloc_primary from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s' order by hubloc_id desc", dbesc($them['xchan_hash']));
        if ($r) {
            foreach ($r as $rr) {
                if (intval($rr['hubloc_primary'])) {
                    $url = $rr['hubloc_url'];
            if (!$url) {
                $url = $r[0]['hubloc_url'];
    if (!$url) {
        logger('zot_refresh: no url');
        return false;
    $token = random_string();
    $postvars = array();
    $postvars['token'] = $token;
    if ($channel) {
        $postvars['target'] = $channel['channel_guid'];
        $postvars['target_sig'] = $channel['channel_guid_sig'];
        $postvars['key'] = $channel['channel_pubkey'];
    if (array_key_exists('xchan_addr', $them) && $them['xchan_addr']) {
        $postvars['address'] = $them['xchan_addr'];
    if (array_key_exists('xchan_hash', $them) && $them['xchan_hash']) {
        $postvars['guid_hash'] = $them['xchan_hash'];
    if (array_key_exists('xchan_guid', $them) && $them['xchan_guid'] && array_key_exists('xchan_guid_sig', $them) && $them['xchan_guid_sig']) {
        $postvars['guid'] = $them['xchan_guid'];
        $postvars['guid_sig'] = $them['xchan_guid_sig'];
    $rhs = '/.well-known/zot-info';
    $result = z_post_url($url . $rhs, $postvars);
    logger('zot_refresh: zot-info: ' . print_r($result, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
    if ($result['success']) {
        $j = json_decode($result['body'], true);
        if (!($j && $j['success'])) {
            logger('zot_refresh: result not decodable');
            return false;
        $signed_token = is_array($j) && array_key_exists('signed_token', $j) ? $j['signed_token'] : null;
        if ($signed_token) {
            $valid = rsa_verify('token.' . $token, base64url_decode($signed_token), $j['key']);
            if (!$valid) {
                logger('invalid signed token: ' . $url . $rhs, LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_ERR);
                return false;
        } else {
            logger('No signed token from ' . $url . $rhs, LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING);
            // after 2017-01-01 this will be a hard error unless you over-ride it.
            if (time() > 1483228800 && !get_config('system', 'allow_unsigned_zotfinger')) {
                return false;
        $x = import_xchan($j, $force ? UPDATE_FLAGS_FORCED : UPDATE_FLAGS_UPDATED);
        if (!$x['success']) {
            return false;
        if ($channel) {
            if ($j['permissions']['data']) {
                $permissions = crypto_unencapsulate(array('data' => $j['permissions']['data'], 'key' => $j['permissions']['key'], 'iv' => $j['permissions']['iv']), $channel['channel_prvkey']);
                if ($permissions) {
                    $permissions = json_decode($permissions, true);
                logger('decrypted permissions: ' . print_r($permissions, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
            } else {
                $permissions = $j['permissions'];
            $connected_set = false;
            if ($permissions && is_array($permissions)) {
                $old_read_stream_perm = get_abconfig($channel['channel_id'], $x['hash'], 'their_perms', 'view_stream');
                foreach ($permissions as $k => $v) {
                    set_abconfig($channel['channel_id'], $x['hash'], 'their_perms', $k, $v);
            if (array_key_exists('profile', $j) && array_key_exists('next_birthday', $j['profile'])) {
                $next_birthday = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $j['profile']['next_birthday']);
            } else {
                $next_birthday = NULL_DATE;
            $r = q("select * from abook where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d and abook_self = 0 limit 1", dbesc($x['hash']), intval($channel['channel_id']));
            if ($r) {
                // connection exists
                // if the dob is the same as what we have stored (disregarding the year), keep the one
                // we have as we may have updated the year after sending a notification; and resetting
                // to the one we just received would cause us to create duplicated events.
                if (substr($r[0]['abook_dob'], 5) == substr($next_birthday, 5)) {
                    $next_birthday = $r[0]['abook_dob'];
                $y = q("update abook set abook_dob = '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\twhere abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d\n\t\t\t\t\tand abook_self = 0 ", dbescdate($next_birthday), dbesc($x['hash']), intval($channel['channel_id']));
                if (!$y) {
                    logger('abook update failed');
                } else {
                    // if we were just granted read stream permission and didn't have it before, try to pull in some posts
                    if (!$old_read_stream_perm && intval($permissions['view_stream'])) {
                        Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Onepoll', $r[0]['abook_id']));
            } else {
                // new connection
                $my_perms = null;
                $automatic = false;
                $role = get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'permissions_role');
                if ($role) {
                    $xx = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms($role);
                    if ($xx['perms_auto']) {
                        $automatic = true;
                        $default_perms = $xx['perms_connect'];
                        $my_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledPerms($default_perms);
                if (!$my_perms) {
                    $m = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledAutoperms($channel['channel_id']);
                    if ($m) {
                        $automatic = true;
                        $my_perms = $m;
                if ($my_perms) {
                    foreach ($my_perms as $k => $v) {
                        set_abconfig($channel['channel_id'], $x['hash'], 'my_perms', $k, $v);
                // Keep original perms to check if we need to notify them
                $previous_perms = get_all_perms($channel['channel_id'], $x['hash']);
                $closeness = get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'new_abook_closeness');
                if ($closeness === false) {
                    $closeness = 80;
                $y = q("insert into abook ( abook_account, abook_channel, abook_closeness, abook_xchan, abook_created, abook_updated, abook_dob, abook_pending ) values ( %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d )", intval($channel['channel_account_id']), intval($channel['channel_id']), intval($closeness), dbesc($x['hash']), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($next_birthday), intval($automatic ? 0 : 1));
                if ($y) {
                    logger("New introduction received for {$channel['channel_name']}");
                    $new_perms = get_all_perms($channel['channel_id'], $x['hash']);
                    // Send a clone sync packet and a permissions update if permissions have changed
                    $new_connection = q("select * from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d and abook_self = 0 order by abook_created desc limit 1", dbesc($x['hash']), intval($channel['channel_id']));
                    if ($new_connection) {
                        if (!\Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::PermsCompare($new_perms, $previous_perms)) {
                            Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Notifier', 'permission_create', $new_connection[0]['abook_id']));
                        Zotlabs\Lib\Enotify::submit(array('type' => NOTIFY_INTRO, 'from_xchan' => $x['hash'], 'to_xchan' => $channel['channel_hash'], 'link' => z_root() . '/connedit/' . $new_connection[0]['abook_id']));
                        if (intval($permissions['view_stream'])) {
                            if (intval(get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'perm_limits', 'send_stream') & PERMS_PENDING) || !intval($new_connection[0]['abook_pending'])) {
                                Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Onepoll', $new_connection[0]['abook_id']));
                        /** If there is a default group for this channel, add this connection to it */
                        $default_group = $channel['channel_default_group'];
                        if ($default_group) {
                            require_once 'include/group.php';
                            $g = group_rec_byhash($channel['channel_id'], $default_group);
                            if ($g) {
                                group_add_member($channel['channel_id'], '', $x['hash'], $g['id']);
                        $abconfig = load_abconfig($channel['channel_id'], $new_connection['abook_xchan']);
                        if ($abconfig) {
                            $new_connection['abconfig'] = $abconfig;
                        build_sync_packet($channel['channel_id'], array('abook' => $new_connection));
        return true;
    return false;
Пример #10
 function get()
     $sort_type = 0;
     $o = '';
     if (!local_channel()) {
         notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
         return login();
     $channel = \App::get_channel();
     $my_perms = get_channel_default_perms(local_channel());
     $role = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'permissions_role');
     if ($role) {
         $x = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms($role);
         if ($x['perms_connect']) {
             $my_perms = $x['perms_connect'];
     $yes_no = array(t('No'), t('Yes'));
     if ($my_perms) {
         $o .= "<script>function connectDefaultShare() {\n\t\t\t\$('.abook-edit-me').each(function() {\n\t\t\t\tif(! \$(this).is(':disabled'))\n\t\t\t\t\t\$(this).prop('checked', false);\n\t\t\t});\n\n";
         $perms = get_perms();
         foreach ($perms as $p => $v) {
             if ($my_perms & $v[1]) {
                 $o .= "\$('#me_id_perms_" . $p . "').prop('checked', true); \n";
         $o .= " }\n</script>\n";
     if (argc() == 3) {
         $contact_id = intval(argv(1));
         if (!$contact_id) {
         $cmd = argv(2);
         $orig_record = q("SELECT abook.*, xchan.* FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash\n\t\t\t\tWHERE abook_id = %d AND abook_channel = %d AND abook_self = 0 LIMIT 1", intval($contact_id), intval(local_channel()));
         if (!count($orig_record)) {
             notice(t('Could not access address book record.') . EOL);
             goaway(z_root() . '/connections');
         if ($cmd === 'update') {
             // pull feed and consume it, which should subscribe to the hub.
             \Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Poller', $contact_id));
             goaway(z_root() . '/connedit/' . $contact_id);
         if ($cmd === 'resetphoto') {
             q("update xchan set xchan_photo_date = '2001-01-01 00:00:00' where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($orig_record[0]['xchan_hash']));
             $cmd = 'refresh';
         if ($cmd === 'refresh') {
             if ($orig_record[0]['xchan_network'] === 'zot') {
                 if (!zot_refresh($orig_record[0], \App::get_channel())) {
                     notice(t('Refresh failed - channel is currently unavailable.'));
             } else {
                 // if you are on a different network we'll force a refresh of the connection basic info
                 \Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Notifier', 'permission_update', $contact_id));
             goaway(z_root() . '/connedit/' . $contact_id);
         if ($cmd === 'block') {
             if (abook_toggle_flag($orig_record[0], ABOOK_FLAG_BLOCKED)) {
             } else {
                 notice(t('Unable to set address book parameters.') . EOL);
             goaway(z_root() . '/connedit/' . $contact_id);
         if ($cmd === 'ignore') {
             if (abook_toggle_flag($orig_record[0], ABOOK_FLAG_IGNORED)) {
             } else {
                 notice(t('Unable to set address book parameters.') . EOL);
             goaway(z_root() . '/connedit/' . $contact_id);
         if ($cmd === 'archive') {
             if (abook_toggle_flag($orig_record[0], ABOOK_FLAG_ARCHIVED)) {
             } else {
                 notice(t('Unable to set address book parameters.') . EOL);
             goaway(z_root() . '/connedit/' . $contact_id);
         if ($cmd === 'hide') {
             if (abook_toggle_flag($orig_record[0], ABOOK_FLAG_HIDDEN)) {
             } else {
                 notice(t('Unable to set address book parameters.') . EOL);
             goaway(z_root() . '/connedit/' . $contact_id);
         // We'll prevent somebody from unapproving an already approved contact.
         // Though maybe somebody will want this eventually (??)
         if ($cmd === 'approve') {
             if (intval($orig_record[0]['abook_pending'])) {
                 if (abook_toggle_flag($orig_record[0], ABOOK_FLAG_PENDING)) {
                 } else {
                     notice(t('Unable to set address book parameters.') . EOL);
             goaway(z_root() . '/connedit/' . $contact_id);
         if ($cmd === 'drop') {
             // FIXME
             // We need to send either a purge or a refresh packet to the other side (the channel being unfriended).
             // The issue is that the abook DB record _may_ get destroyed when we call contact_remove. As the notifier runs
             // in the background there could be a race condition preventing this packet from being sent in all cases.
             // PLACEHOLDER
             contact_remove(local_channel(), $orig_record[0]['abook_id']);
             build_sync_packet(0, array('abook' => array(array('abook_xchan' => $orig_record[0]['abook_xchan'], 'entry_deleted' => true))));
             info(t('Connection has been removed.') . EOL);
             if (x($_SESSION, 'return_url')) {
                 goaway(z_root() . '/' . $_SESSION['return_url']);
             goaway(z_root() . '/contacts');
     if (\App::$poi) {
         $contact_id = \App::$poi['abook_id'];
         $contact = \App::$poi;
         $tools = array('view' => array('label' => t('View Profile'), 'url' => chanlink_cid($contact['abook_id']), 'sel' => '', 'title' => sprintf(t('View %s\'s profile'), $contact['xchan_name'])), 'refresh' => array('label' => t('Refresh Permissions'), 'url' => z_root() . '/connedit/' . $contact['abook_id'] . '/refresh', 'sel' => '', 'title' => t('Fetch updated permissions')), 'recent' => array('label' => t('Recent Activity'), 'url' => z_root() . '/network/?f=&cid=' . $contact['abook_id'], 'sel' => '', 'title' => t('View recent posts and comments')), 'block' => array('label' => intval($contact['abook_blocked']) ? t('Unblock') : t('Block'), 'url' => z_root() . '/connedit/' . $contact['abook_id'] . '/block', 'sel' => intval($contact['abook_blocked']) ? 'active' : '', 'title' => t('Block (or Unblock) all communications with this connection'), 'info' => intval($contact['abook_blocked']) ? t('This connection is blocked!') : ''), 'ignore' => array('label' => intval($contact['abook_ignored']) ? t('Unignore') : t('Ignore'), 'url' => z_root() . '/connedit/' . $contact['abook_id'] . '/ignore', 'sel' => intval($contact['abook_ignored']) ? 'active' : '', 'title' => t('Ignore (or Unignore) all inbound communications from this connection'), 'info' => intval($contact['abook_ignored']) ? t('This connection is ignored!') : ''), 'archive' => array('label' => intval($contact['abook_archived']) ? t('Unarchive') : t('Archive'), 'url' => z_root() . '/connedit/' . $contact['abook_id'] . '/archive', 'sel' => intval($contact['abook_archived']) ? 'active' : '', 'title' => t('Archive (or Unarchive) this connection - mark channel dead but keep content'), 'info' => intval($contact['abook_archived']) ? t('This connection is archived!') : ''), 'hide' => array('label' => intval($contact['abook_hidden']) ? t('Unhide') : t('Hide'), 'url' => z_root() . '/connedit/' . $contact['abook_id'] . '/hide', 'sel' => intval($contact['abook_hidden']) ? 'active' : '', 'title' => t('Hide or Unhide this connection from your other connections'), 'info' => intval($contact['abook_hidden']) ? t('This connection is hidden!') : ''), 'delete' => array('label' => t('Delete'), 'url' => z_root() . '/connedit/' . $contact['abook_id'] . '/drop', 'sel' => '', 'title' => t('Delete this connection')));
         $self = false;
         if (intval($contact['abook_self'])) {
             $self = true;
         $tpl = get_markup_template("abook_edit.tpl");
         if (feature_enabled(local_channel(), 'affinity')) {
             $labels = array(t('Me'), t('Family'), t('Friends'), t('Acquaintances'), t('All'));
             call_hooks('affinity_labels', $labels);
             $label_str = '';
             if ($labels) {
                 foreach ($labels as $l) {
                     if ($label_str) {
                         $label_str .= ", '|'";
                         $label_str .= ", '" . $l . "'";
                     } else {
                         $label_str .= "'" . $l . "'";
             $slider_tpl = get_markup_template('contact_slider.tpl');
             $slide = replace_macros($slider_tpl, array('$min' => 1, '$val' => $contact['abook_closeness'] ? $contact['abook_closeness'] : 99, '$labels' => $label_str));
         $rating_val = 0;
         $rating_text = '';
         $xl = q("select * from xlink where xlink_xchan = '%s' and xlink_link = '%s' and xlink_static = 1", dbesc($channel['channel_hash']), dbesc($contact['xchan_hash']));
         if ($xl) {
             $rating_val = intval($xl[0]['xlink_rating']);
             $rating_text = $xl[0]['xlink_rating_text'];
         $poco_rating = get_config('system', 'poco_rating_enable');
         // if unset default to enabled
         if ($poco_rating === false) {
             $poco_rating = true;
         if ($poco_rating) {
             $rating = replace_macros(get_markup_template('rating_slider.tpl'), array('$min' => -10, '$val' => $rating_val));
         } else {
             $rating = false;
         $perms = array();
         $channel = \App::get_channel();
         $global_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::Perms();
         $existing = get_all_perms(local_channel(), $contact['abook_xchan']);
         $unapproved = array('pending', t('Approve this connection'), '', t('Accept connection to allow communication'), array(t('No'), 'Yes'));
         $multiprofs = feature_enabled(local_channel(), 'multi_profiles') ? true : false;
         if ($slide && !$multiprofs) {
             $affinity = t('Set Affinity');
         if (!$slide && $multiprofs) {
             $affinity = t('Set Profile');
         if ($slide && $multiprofs) {
             $affinity = t('Set Affinity & Profile');
         $theirs = q("select * from abconfig where chan = %d and xchan = '%s' and cat = 'their_perms'", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($contact['abook_xchan']));
         $their_perms = array();
         if ($theirs) {
             foreach ($theirs as $t) {
                 $their_perms[$t['k']] = $t['v'];
         foreach ($global_perms as $k => $v) {
             $thisperm = get_abconfig(local_channel(), $contact['abook_xchan'], 'my_perms', $k);
             $checkinherited = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionLimits::Get(local_channel(), $k);
             // For auto permissions (when $self is true) we don't want to look at existing
             // permissions because they are enabled for the channel owner
             if (!$self && $existing[$k]) {
                 $thisperm = "1";
             $perms[] = array('perms_' . $k, $v, array_key_exists($k, $their_perms) ? intval($their_perms[$k]) : '', $thisperm, 1, $checkinherited & PERMS_SPECIFIC ? '' : '1', '', $checkinherited);
         $locstr = '';
         $locs = q("select hubloc_addr as location from hubloc left join site on hubloc_url = site_url where hubloc_hash = '%s'\n\t\t\t\tand hubloc_deleted = 0 and site_dead = 0", dbesc($contact['xchan_hash']));
         if ($locs) {
             foreach ($locs as $l) {
                 if (!$l['location']) {
                 if (strpos($locstr, $l['location']) !== false) {
                 if (strlen($locstr)) {
                     $locstr .= ', ';
                 $locstr .= $l['location'];
         } else {
             $locstr = t('none');
         $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$header' => $self ? t('Connection Default Permissions') : sprintf(t('Connection: %s'), $contact['xchan_name']), '$autoperms' => array('autoperms', t('Apply these permissions automatically'), get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'autoperms') ? 1 : 0, t('Connection requests will be approved without your interaction'), $yes_no), '$addr' => $contact['xchan_addr'], '$addr_text' => t('This connection\'s primary address is'), '$loc_text' => t('Available locations:'), '$locstr' => $locstr, '$notself' => $self ? '' : '1', '$self' => $self ? '1' : '', '$autolbl' => t('The permissions indicated on this page will be applied to all new connections.'), '$tools_label' => t('Connection Tools'), '$tools' => $self ? '' : $tools, '$lbl_slider' => t('Slide to adjust your degree of friendship'), '$lbl_rating' => t('Rating'), '$lbl_rating_label' => t('Slide to adjust your rating'), '$lbl_rating_txt' => t('Optionally explain your rating'), '$connfilter' => feature_enabled(local_channel(), 'connfilter'), '$connfilter_label' => t('Custom Filter'), '$incl' => array('abook_incl', t('Only import posts with this text'), $contact['abook_incl'], t('words one per line or #tags or /patterns/ or lang=xx, leave blank to import all posts')), '$excl' => array('abook_excl', t('Do not import posts with this text'), $contact['abook_excl'], t('words one per line or #tags or /patterns/ or lang=xx, leave blank to import all posts')), '$rating_text' => array('rating_text', t('Optionally explain your rating'), $rating_text, ''), '$rating_info' => t('This information is public!'), '$rating' => $rating, '$rating_val' => $rating_val, '$slide' => $slide, '$affinity' => $affinity, '$pending_label' => t('Connection Pending Approval'), '$is_pending' => intval($contact['abook_pending']) ? 1 : '', '$unapproved' => $unapproved, '$inherited' => t('inherited'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$lbl_vis2' => sprintf(t('Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely.'), $contact['xchan_name']), '$close' => $contact['abook_closeness'], '$them' => t('Their Settings'), '$me' => t('My Settings'), '$perms' => $perms, '$permlbl' => t('Individual Permissions'), '$permnote' => t('Some permissions may be inherited from your channel\'s <a href="settings"><strong>privacy settings</strong></a>, which have higher priority than individual settings. You can <strong>not</strong> change those settings here.'), '$permnote_self' => t('Some permissions may be inherited from your channel\'s <a href="settings"><strong>privacy settings</strong></a>, which have higher priority than individual settings. You can change those settings here but they wont have any impact unless the inherited setting changes.'), '$lastupdtext' => t('Last update:'), '$last_update' => relative_date($contact['abook_connected']), '$profile_select' => contact_profile_assign($contact['abook_profile']), '$multiprofs' => $multiprofs, '$contact_id' => $contact['abook_id'], '$name' => $contact['xchan_name']));
         $arr = array('contact' => $contact, 'output' => $o);
         call_hooks('contact_edit', $arr);
         return $arr['output'];
Пример #11
 function post()
     if (!local_channel()) {
     if ($_SESSION['delegate']) {
     $channel = \App::get_channel();
     // logger('mod_settings: ' . print_r($_REQUEST,true));
     if (argc() > 1 && argv(1) === 'oauth' && x($_POST, 'remove')) {
         check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/settings/oauth', 'settings_oauth');
         $key = $_POST['remove'];
         q("DELETE FROM tokens WHERE id='%s' AND uid=%d", dbesc($key), local_channel());
         goaway(z_root() . "/settings/oauth/");
     if (argc() > 2 && argv(1) === 'oauth' && (argv(2) === 'edit' || argv(2) === 'add') && x($_POST, 'submit')) {
         check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/settings/oauth', 'settings_oauth');
         $name = x($_POST, 'name') ? $_POST['name'] : '';
         $key = x($_POST, 'key') ? $_POST['key'] : '';
         $secret = x($_POST, 'secret') ? $_POST['secret'] : '';
         $redirect = x($_POST, 'redirect') ? $_POST['redirect'] : '';
         $icon = x($_POST, 'icon') ? $_POST['icon'] : '';
         $ok = true;
         if ($name == '') {
             $ok = false;
             notice(t('Name is required') . EOL);
         if ($key == '' || $secret == '') {
             $ok = false;
             notice(t('Key and Secret are required') . EOL);
         if ($ok) {
             if ($_POST['submit'] == t("Update")) {
                 $r = q("UPDATE clients SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tclient_id='%s',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpw='%s',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tclname='%s',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tredirect_uri='%s',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ticon='%s',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuid=%d\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE client_id='%s'", dbesc($key), dbesc($secret), dbesc($name), dbesc($redirect), dbesc($icon), intval(local_channel()), dbesc($key));
             } else {
                 $r = q("INSERT INTO clients (client_id, pw, clname, redirect_uri, icon, uid)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%d)", dbesc($key), dbesc($secret), dbesc($name), dbesc($redirect), dbesc($icon), intval(local_channel()));
                 $r = q("INSERT INTO xperm (xp_client, xp_channel, xp_perm) VALUES ('%s', %d, '%s') ", dbesc($key), intval(local_channel()), dbesc('all'));
         goaway(z_root() . "/settings/oauth/");
     if (argc() > 1 && argv(1) == 'featured') {
         check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/settings/featured', 'settings_featured');
         call_hooks('feature_settings_post', $_POST);
     if (argc() > 1 && argv(1) == 'tokens') {
         check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/settings/tokens', 'settings_tokens');
         $token_errs = 0;
         if (array_key_exists('token', $_POST)) {
             $atoken_id = $_POST['atoken_id'] ? intval($_POST['atoken_id']) : 0;
             $name = trim(escape_tags($_POST['name']));
             $token = trim($_POST['token']);
             if (!$name || !$token) {
             if (trim($_POST['expires'])) {
                 $expires = datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(), 'UTC', $_POST['expires']);
             } else {
                 $expires = NULL_DATE;
             $max_atokens = service_class_fetch(local_channel(), 'access_tokens');
             if ($max_atokens) {
                 $r = q("select count(atoken_id) as total where atoken_uid = %d", intval(local_channel()));
                 if ($r && intval($r[0]['total']) >= $max_tokens) {
                     notice(sprintf(t('This channel is limited to %d tokens'), $max_tokens) . EOL);
         if ($token_errs) {
             notice(t('Name and Password are required.') . EOL);
         if ($atoken_id) {
             $r = q("update atoken set atoken_name = '%s', atoken_token = '%s', atoken_expires = '%s' \n\t\t\t\t\twhere atoken_id = %d and atoken_uid = %d", dbesc($name), dbesc($token), dbesc($expires), intval($atoken_id), intval($channel['channel_id']));
         } else {
             $r = q("insert into atoken ( atoken_aid, atoken_uid, atoken_name, atoken_token, atoken_expires )\n\t\t\t\t\tvalues ( %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s' ) ", intval($channel['channel_account_id']), intval($channel['channel_id']), dbesc($name), dbesc($token), dbesc($expires));
         $atoken_xchan = substr($channel['channel_hash'], 0, 16) . '.' . $name;
         $all_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::Perms();
         if ($all_perms) {
             foreach ($all_perms as $perm => $desc) {
                 if (array_key_exists('perms_' . $perm, $_POST)) {
                     set_abconfig($channel['channel_id'], $atoken_xchan, 'my_perms', $perm, intval($_POST['perms_' . $perm]));
                 } else {
                     set_abconfig($channel['channel_id'], $atoken_xchan, 'my_perms', $perm, 0);
         info(t('Token saved.') . EOL);
     if (argc() > 1 && argv(1) === 'features') {
         check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/settings/features', 'settings_features');
         // Build list of features and check which are set
         $features = get_features();
         $all_features = array();
         foreach ($features as $k => $v) {
             foreach ($v as $f) {
                 $all_features[] = $f[0];
         foreach ($all_features as $k) {
             if (x($_POST, "feature_{$k}")) {
                 set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'feature', $k, 1);
             } else {
                 set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'feature', $k, 0);
     if (argc() > 1 && argv(1) == 'display') {
         check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/settings/display', 'settings_display');
         $theme = x($_POST, 'theme') ? notags(trim($_POST['theme'])) : \App::$channel['channel_theme'];
         $mobile_theme = x($_POST, 'mobile_theme') ? notags(trim($_POST['mobile_theme'])) : '';
         $preload_images = x($_POST, 'preload_images') ? intval($_POST['preload_images']) : 0;
         $user_scalable = x($_POST, 'user_scalable') ? intval($_POST['user_scalable']) : 0;
         $nosmile = x($_POST, 'nosmile') ? intval($_POST['nosmile']) : 0;
         $title_tosource = x($_POST, 'title_tosource') ? intval($_POST['title_tosource']) : 0;
         $channel_list_mode = x($_POST, 'channel_list_mode') ? intval($_POST['channel_list_mode']) : 0;
         $network_list_mode = x($_POST, 'network_list_mode') ? intval($_POST['network_list_mode']) : 0;
         $channel_divmore_height = x($_POST, 'channel_divmore_height') ? intval($_POST['channel_divmore_height']) : 400;
         if ($channel_divmore_height < 50) {
             $channel_divmore_height = 50;
         $network_divmore_height = x($_POST, 'network_divmore_height') ? intval($_POST['network_divmore_height']) : 400;
         if ($network_divmore_height < 50) {
             $network_divmore_height = 50;
         $browser_update = x($_POST, 'browser_update') ? intval($_POST['browser_update']) : 0;
         $browser_update = $browser_update * 1000;
         if ($browser_update < 10000) {
             $browser_update = 10000;
         $itemspage = x($_POST, 'itemspage') ? intval($_POST['itemspage']) : 20;
         if ($itemspage > 100) {
             $itemspage = 100;
         if ($mobile_theme == "---") {
             del_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'mobile_theme');
         } else {
             set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'mobile_theme', $mobile_theme);
         set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'preload_images', $preload_images);
         set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'user_scalable', $user_scalable);
         set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'update_interval', $browser_update);
         set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'itemspage', $itemspage);
         set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'no_smilies', 1 - intval($nosmile));
         set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'title_tosource', $title_tosource);
         set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'channel_list_mode', $channel_list_mode);
         set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'network_list_mode', $network_list_mode);
         set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'channel_divmore_height', $channel_divmore_height);
         set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'network_divmore_height', $network_divmore_height);
         if ($theme == \App::$channel['channel_theme']) {
             // call theme_post only if theme has not been changed
             if (($themeconfigfile = $this->get_theme_config_file($theme)) != null) {
                 require_once $themeconfigfile;
         $r = q("UPDATE channel SET channel_theme = '%s' WHERE channel_id = %d", dbesc($theme), intval(local_channel()));
         call_hooks('display_settings_post', $_POST);
         goaway(z_root() . '/settings/display');
         // NOTREACHED
     if (argc() > 1 && argv(1) === 'account') {
         check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/settings/account', 'settings_account');
         call_hooks('account_settings_post', $_POST);
         //		call_hooks('settings_account', $_POST);
         $errs = array();
         $email = x($_POST, 'email') ? trim(notags($_POST['email'])) : '';
         $account = \App::get_account();
         if ($email != $account['account_email']) {
             if (!valid_email($email)) {
                 $errs[] = t('Not valid email.');
             $adm = trim(get_config('system', 'admin_email'));
             if ($adm && strcasecmp($email, $adm) == 0) {
                 $errs[] = t('Protected email address. Cannot change to that email.');
                 $email = \App::$user['email'];
             if (!$errs) {
                 $r = q("update account set account_email = '%s' where account_id = %d", dbesc($email), intval($account['account_id']));
                 if (!$r) {
                     $errs[] = t('System failure storing new email. Please try again.');
         if ($errs) {
             foreach ($errs as $err) {
                 notice($err . EOL);
             $errs = array();
         if (x($_POST, 'npassword') || x($_POST, 'confirm')) {
             $origpass = trim($_POST['origpass']);
             require_once 'include/auth.php';
             if (!account_verify_password($email, $origpass)) {
                 $errs[] = t('Password verification failed.');
             $newpass = trim($_POST['npassword']);
             $confirm = trim($_POST['confirm']);
             if ($newpass != $confirm) {
                 $errs[] = t('Passwords do not match. Password unchanged.');
             if (!x($newpass) || !x($confirm)) {
                 $errs[] = t('Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged.');
             if (!$errs) {
                 $salt = random_string(32);
                 $password_encoded = hash('whirlpool', $salt . $newpass);
                 $r = q("update account set account_salt = '%s', account_password = '******', account_password_changed = '%s' \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere account_id = %d", dbesc($salt), dbesc($password_encoded), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval(get_account_id()));
                 if ($r) {
                     info(t('Password changed.') . EOL);
                 } else {
                     $errs[] = t('Password update failed. Please try again.');
         if ($errs) {
             foreach ($errs as $err) {
                 notice($err . EOL);
         goaway(z_root() . '/settings/account');
     check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/settings', 'settings');
     call_hooks('settings_post', $_POST);
     $set_perms = '';
     $role = x($_POST, 'permissions_role') ? notags(trim($_POST['permissions_role'])) : '';
     $oldrole = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'permissions_role');
     if ($role != $oldrole || $role === 'custom') {
         if ($role === 'custom') {
             $hide_presence = x($_POST, 'hide_presence') && intval($_POST['hide_presence']) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
             $publish = x($_POST, 'profile_in_directory') && intval($_POST['profile_in_directory']) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
             $def_group = x($_POST, 'group-selection') ? notags(trim($_POST['group-selection'])) : '';
             $r = q("update channel set channel_default_group = '%s' where channel_id = %d", dbesc($def_group), intval(local_channel()));
             $global_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::Perms();
             foreach ($global_perms as $k => $v) {
                 \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionLimits::Set(local_channel(), $k, intval($_POST[$k]));
             $acl = new \Zotlabs\Access\AccessList($channel);
             $x = $acl->get();
             $r = q("update channel set channel_allow_cid = '%s', channel_allow_gid = '%s', \n\t\t\t\t\tchannel_deny_cid = '%s', channel_deny_gid = '%s' where channel_id = %d", dbesc($x['allow_cid']), dbesc($x['allow_gid']), dbesc($x['deny_cid']), dbesc($x['deny_gid']), intval(local_channel()));
         } else {
             $role_permissions = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms($_POST['permissions_role']);
             if (!$role_permissions) {
                 notice('Permissions category could not be found.');
             $hide_presence = 1 - intval($role_permissions['online']);
             if ($role_permissions['default_collection']) {
                 $r = q("select hash from groups where uid = %d and gname = '%s' limit 1", intval(local_channel()), dbesc(t('Friends')));
                 if (!$r) {
                     require_once 'include/group.php';
                     group_add(local_channel(), t('Friends'));
                     group_add_member(local_channel(), t('Friends'), $channel['channel_hash']);
                     $r = q("select hash from groups where uid = %d and gname = '%s' limit 1", intval(local_channel()), dbesc(t('Friends')));
                 if ($r) {
                     q("update channel set channel_default_group = '%s', channel_allow_gid = '%s', channel_allow_cid = '', channel_deny_gid = '', channel_deny_cid = '' where channel_id = %d", dbesc($r[0]['hash']), dbesc('<' . $r[0]['hash'] . '>'), intval(local_channel()));
                 } else {
                     notice(sprintf('Default privacy group \'%s\' not found. Please create and re-submit permission change.', t('Friends')) . EOL);
             } else {
                 q("update channel set channel_default_group = '', channel_allow_gid = '', channel_allow_cid = '', channel_deny_gid = '', \n\t\t\t\t\t\tchannel_deny_cid = '' where channel_id = %d", intval(local_channel()));
             $x = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledPerms($role_permissions['perms_connect']);
             foreach ($x as $k => $v) {
                 set_abconfig(local_channel(), $channel['channel_hash'], 'my_perms', $k, $v);
                 if ($role_permissions['perms_auto']) {
                     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'autoperms', $k, $v);
                 } else {
                     del_pconfig(local_channel(), 'autoperms', $k);
             if ($role_permissions['limits']) {
                 foreach ($role_permissions['limits'] as $k => $v) {
                     \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionLimits::Set(local_channel(), $k, $v);
             if (array_key_exists('directory_publish', $role_permissions)) {
                 $publish = intval($role_permissions['directory_publish']);
         set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'hide_online_status', $hide_presence);
         set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'permissions_role', $role);
     $username = x($_POST, 'username') ? notags(trim($_POST['username'])) : '';
     $timezone = x($_POST, 'timezone_select') ? notags(trim($_POST['timezone_select'])) : '';
     $defloc = x($_POST, 'defloc') ? notags(trim($_POST['defloc'])) : '';
     $openid = x($_POST, 'openid_url') ? notags(trim($_POST['openid_url'])) : '';
     $maxreq = x($_POST, 'maxreq') ? intval($_POST['maxreq']) : 0;
     $expire = x($_POST, 'expire') ? intval($_POST['expire']) : 0;
     $evdays = x($_POST, 'evdays') ? intval($_POST['evdays']) : 3;
     $photo_path = x($_POST, 'photo_path') ? escape_tags(trim($_POST['photo_path'])) : '';
     $attach_path = x($_POST, 'attach_path') ? escape_tags(trim($_POST['attach_path'])) : '';
     $channel_menu = x($_POST['channel_menu']) ? htmlspecialchars_decode(trim($_POST['channel_menu']), ENT_QUOTES) : '';
     $expire_items = x($_POST, 'expire_items') ? intval($_POST['expire_items']) : 0;
     $expire_starred = x($_POST, 'expire_starred') ? intval($_POST['expire_starred']) : 0;
     $expire_photos = x($_POST, 'expire_photos') ? intval($_POST['expire_photos']) : 0;
     $expire_network_only = x($_POST, 'expire_network_only') ? intval($_POST['expire_network_only']) : 0;
     $allow_location = x($_POST, 'allow_location') && intval($_POST['allow_location']) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $blocktags = x($_POST, 'blocktags') && intval($_POST['blocktags']) == 1 ? 0 : 1;
     // this setting is inverted!
     $unkmail = x($_POST, 'unkmail') && intval($_POST['unkmail']) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $cntunkmail = x($_POST, 'cntunkmail') ? intval($_POST['cntunkmail']) : 0;
     $suggestme = x($_POST, 'suggestme') ? intval($_POST['suggestme']) : 0;
     $post_newfriend = $_POST['post_newfriend'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $post_joingroup = $_POST['post_joingroup'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $post_profilechange = $_POST['post_profilechange'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $adult = $_POST['adult'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $cal_first_day = x($_POST, 'first_day') && intval($_POST['first_day']) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $channel = \App::get_channel();
     $pageflags = $channel['channel_pageflags'];
     $existing_adult = $pageflags & PAGE_ADULT ? 1 : 0;
     if ($adult != $existing_adult) {
         $pageflags = $pageflags ^ PAGE_ADULT;
     $notify = 0;
     if (x($_POST, 'notify1')) {
         $notify += intval($_POST['notify1']);
     if (x($_POST, 'notify2')) {
         $notify += intval($_POST['notify2']);
     if (x($_POST, 'notify3')) {
         $notify += intval($_POST['notify3']);
     if (x($_POST, 'notify4')) {
         $notify += intval($_POST['notify4']);
     if (x($_POST, 'notify5')) {
         $notify += intval($_POST['notify5']);
     if (x($_POST, 'notify6')) {
         $notify += intval($_POST['notify6']);
     if (x($_POST, 'notify7')) {
         $notify += intval($_POST['notify7']);
     if (x($_POST, 'notify8')) {
         $notify += intval($_POST['notify8']);
     $vnotify = 0;
     if (x($_POST, 'vnotify1')) {
         $vnotify += intval($_POST['vnotify1']);
     if (x($_POST, 'vnotify2')) {
         $vnotify += intval($_POST['vnotify2']);
     if (x($_POST, 'vnotify3')) {
         $vnotify += intval($_POST['vnotify3']);
     if (x($_POST, 'vnotify4')) {
         $vnotify += intval($_POST['vnotify4']);
     if (x($_POST, 'vnotify5')) {
         $vnotify += intval($_POST['vnotify5']);
     if (x($_POST, 'vnotify6')) {
         $vnotify += intval($_POST['vnotify6']);
     if (x($_POST, 'vnotify7')) {
         $vnotify += intval($_POST['vnotify7']);
     if (x($_POST, 'vnotify8')) {
         $vnotify += intval($_POST['vnotify8']);
     if (x($_POST, 'vnotify9')) {
         $vnotify += intval($_POST['vnotify9']);
     if (x($_POST, 'vnotify10')) {
         $vnotify += intval($_POST['vnotify10']);
     if (x($_POST, 'vnotify11')) {
         $vnotify += intval($_POST['vnotify11']);
     $always_show_in_notices = x($_POST, 'always_show_in_notices') ? 1 : 0;
     $channel = \App::get_channel();
     $err = '';
     $name_change = false;
     if ($username != $channel['channel_name']) {
         $name_change = true;
         require_once 'include/channel.php';
         $err = validate_channelname($username);
         if ($err) {
     if ($timezone != $channel['channel_timezone']) {
         if (strlen($timezone)) {
     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'use_browser_location', $allow_location);
     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'suggestme', $suggestme);
     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'post_newfriend', $post_newfriend);
     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'post_joingroup', $post_joingroup);
     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'post_profilechange', $post_profilechange);
     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'blocktags', $blocktags);
     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'channel_menu', $channel_menu);
     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'vnotify', $vnotify);
     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'always_show_in_notices', $always_show_in_notices);
     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'evdays', $evdays);
     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'photo_path', $photo_path);
     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'attach_path', $attach_path);
     set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'cal_first_day', $cal_first_day);
     $r = q("update channel set channel_name = '%s', channel_pageflags = %d, channel_timezone = '%s', channel_location = '%s', channel_notifyflags = %d, channel_max_anon_mail = %d, channel_max_friend_req = %d, channel_expire_days = %d {$set_perms} where channel_id = %d", dbesc($username), intval($pageflags), dbesc($timezone), dbesc($defloc), intval($notify), intval($unkmail), intval($maxreq), intval($expire), intval(local_channel()));
     if ($r) {
         info(t('Settings updated.') . EOL);
     if (!is_null($publish)) {
         $r = q("UPDATE profile SET publish = %d WHERE is_default = 1 AND uid = %d", intval($publish), intval(local_channel()));
     if ($name_change) {
         $r = q("update xchan set xchan_name = '%s', xchan_name_date = '%s' where xchan_hash = '%s'", dbesc($username), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($channel['channel_hash']));
         $r = q("update profile set fullname = '%s' where uid = %d and is_default = 1", dbesc($username), intval($channel['channel_id']));
     \Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Directory', local_channel()));
     //$_SESSION['theme'] = $theme;
     if ($email_changed && \App::$config['system']['register_policy'] == REGISTER_VERIFY) {
         // FIXME - set to un-verified, blocked and redirect to logout
         // Why? Are we verifying people or email addresses?
     goaway(z_root() . '/settings');