public function __invoke(FieldsetInterface $fieldset)
     $fieldsetHelper = $this->getFieldsetHelper();
     $name = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]+/', '', $fieldset->getName());
     $result = '<div id="customFieldset' . $name . '">' . $fieldsetHelper($fieldset) . '</div>';
     return $result;
Пример #2
  * {@inheritDoc}
 protected function prepareAndInjectObject($objectName, FieldsetInterface $fieldset, $method)
     if (!is_string($objectName)) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects string class name; received "%s"', $method, is_object($objectName) ? get_class($objectName) : gettype($objectName)));
     if (!class_exists($objectName)) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects string class name to be a valid class name; received "%s"', $method, $objectName));
     $om = null;
     if ($fieldset instanceof ObjectManagerAwareInterface) {
         $om = $fieldset->getObjectManager();
     if (!$om) {
         $om = $this->getObjectManager();
     $object = new $objectName();
     if ($om) {
         /* @var $cm \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata */
         if ($object instanceof ObjectManagerAware && $om->getMetadataFactory()->isTransient($objectName)) {
             $cm = $om->getClassMetadata($objectName);
             $object->injectObjectManager($om, $cm);
         } elseif ($object instanceof ObjectManagerAwareInterface) {
Пример #3
 public function __construct($formNameStr, $valueName, DoctrineHydrator $doctrineHydratorObj, FieldsetInterface $fieldsetObj)
     $this->add(array('name' => 'submit', 'attributes' => array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => $valueName)));
Пример #4
 public function render(FieldsetInterface $element)
     $data = array('name' => $element->getName(), 'type' => 'fieldset', 'elements' => $this->renderElements($element));
     $inputFilter = $element->getOption('inputFilter');
     if ($inputFilter) {
         $inputData = $this->renderInputFilter($element, $inputFilter);
         foreach ($inputData as $name => $spec) {
             $original = empty($data['elements'][$name]) ? array() : $data['elements'][$name];
             $data['elements'][$name] = array_merge($original, $spec);
     return $data;
Пример #5
  * Reflect css properties
  * @param   \Zend\Form\FieldsetInterface    $fieldset
  * @param   string                          $selector
  * @return  \Zend\Form\FieldsetInterface
 protected function reflectCss(FieldsetInterface $fieldset, $selector)
     foreach ($fieldset->getFieldsets() as $subFieldset) {
         if (!$subFieldset instanceof Collection) {
             $this->reflectCss($subFieldset, $selector);
     foreach ($fieldset->getElements() as $name => $element) {
         $types = array_filter(preg_split('/\\s+/', trim($element->getAttribute('data-js-type'))));
         $types[] = 'js.paragraph.reflectCss';
         $element->setAttributes(array('data-js-type' => implode(' ', $types), 'data-js-reflectcss-selector' => $selector, 'data-js-reflectcss-property' => String::decamelize($name)));
     return $fieldset;
Пример #6
  * @param \Zend\Form\FieldsetInterface $element
  * @return string
 public function render(FieldsetInterface $element)
     $formCollection = $this->getRenderer()->plugin('formCollection');
     $element->setAttribute('id', $element->getAttribute('name') . '-fieldset');
     $attributeHelper = new Attributes();
     $attributes = $attributeHelper->render($element, array('name'));
     $html = '<fieldset ' . $attributes . '>';
     $label = $element->getLabel();
     if ($label) {
         $html .= '<legend>' . $label . '</legend>';
     $html .= $formCollection->render($element);
     $html .= '</fieldset>';
     return $html;
Пример #7
  * Iterate through all the elements and retrieve their validators
  * @param FieldsetInterface $formOrFieldset
  * @param InputFilterInterface $inputFilter
  * @return array
 public function extractValidatorsForForm(FieldsetInterface $formOrFieldset, InputFilterInterface $inputFilter)
     $foundValidators = array();
     foreach ($formOrFieldset->getElements() as $element) {
         $validators = $this->getValidatorsForElement($inputFilter, $element);
         if (count($validators) > 0) {
             $foundValidators[] = array('element' => $element, 'validators' => $validators);
     foreach ($formOrFieldset->getFieldsets() as $key => $fieldset) {
         if ($inputFilter->has($key)) {
             $foundValidators = array_merge($foundValidators, $this->extractValidatorsForForm($fieldset, $inputFilter->get($key)));
     return $foundValidators;
Пример #8
  * Recursively extract values for elements and sub-fieldsets
  * @return array
 protected function extract()
     if (null !== $this->baseFieldset) {
         $name = $this->baseFieldset->getName();
         $values[$name] = $this->baseFieldset->extract();
     } else {
         $values = parent::extract();
     return $values;
Пример #9
  * @param $name
  * @return Element
 public function row($name)
     if (isset($this->cache[$name])) {
         return $this->cache[$name];
     $elem = $this->fieldSet->get($name);
     if ($elem instanceof ZendFieldSet) {
         $return = new Element($elem, $this->renderer);
         $this->cache[$name] = $return;
         return $return;
     throw new \DomainException('Invalid form fieldset object');
Пример #10
  * Prepare and inject a named hydrator
  * Takes a string indicating a hydrator class name (or a concrete instance), instantiates the class
  * by that name, and injects the hydrator instance into the form.
  * @param  string $hydratorOrName
  * @param  FieldsetInterface $fieldset
  * @param  string $method
  * @return void
  * @throws Exception\DomainException If $hydratorOrName is not a string, does not resolve to a known class, or
  *                                   the class does not implement Hydrator\HydratorInterface
 protected function prepareAndInjectHydrator($hydratorOrName, FieldsetInterface $fieldset, $method)
     if (is_object($hydratorOrName) && $hydratorOrName instanceof Hydrator\HydratorInterface) {
     if (!is_string($hydratorOrName)) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects string hydrator class name; received "%s"', $method, is_object($hydratorOrName) ? get_class($hydratorOrName) : gettype($hydratorOrName)));
     $sm = $this->getServiceManager();
     if ($sm->has($hydratorOrName)) {
         $hydrator = $sm->get($hydratorOrName);
     } else {
         if (class_exists($hydratorOrName)) {
             $hydrator = new $hydratorOrName();
         } else {
             throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects string hydrator name to be a valid class name or service; received "%s"', $method, $hydratorOrName));
     if (!$hydrator instanceof Hydrator\HydratorInterface) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects a valid implementation of Zend\\Form\\Hydrator\\HydratorInterface; received "%s"', $method, $hydratorOrName));
Пример #11
  * Extract values from the bound object and populate
  * the form elements
  * @return void
 protected function extract()
     if (!is_object($this->object)) {
     $hydrator = $this->getHydrator();
     if (!$hydrator instanceof Hydrator\HydratorInterface) {
     $values = $hydrator->extract($this->object);
     if (!is_array($values)) {
         // Do nothing if the hydrator returned a non-array
     if (null !== $this->baseFieldset) {
     } else {
Пример #12
  * Prepare the form element (mostly used for rendering purposes)
  * @param  FieldsetInterface $form
  * @return mixed
 public function prepareElement(FieldsetInterface $form)
     // Ensure the form is using correct enctype
     $form->setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
Пример #13
     * Attach defaults provided by the elements to the input filter
     * @param  InputFilterInterface $inputFilter 
     * @param  FieldsetInterface $fieldset Fieldset to traverse when looking for default inputs 
     * @return void
    public function attachInputFilterDefaults(InputFilterInterface $inputFilter, FieldsetInterface $fieldset)
        $formFactory  = $this->getFormFactory();
        $inputFactory = $formFactory->getInputFilterFactory();
        foreach ($fieldset->getElements() as $element) {
            if (!$element instanceof InputProviderInterface) {
                // only interested in the element if it provides input information

            $name = $element->getName();
            if ($inputFilter->has($name)) {
                // if we already have an input by this name, use it

            // Create an input based on the specification returned from the element
            $spec  = $element->getInputSpecification();
            $input = $inputFactory->createInput($spec);
            $inputFilter->add($input, $name);

        foreach ($fieldset->getFieldsets() as $fieldset) {
            $name = $fieldset->getName();
            if (!$fieldset instanceof InputFilterProviderInterface) {
                if (!$inputFilter->has($name)) {
                    // Not an input filter provider, and no matching input for this fieldset.
                    // Nothing more to do for this one.

                $fieldsetFilter = $inputFilter->get($name);
                if (!$fieldsetFilter instanceof InputFilterInterface) {
                    // Input attached for fieldset, not input filter; nothing more to do.

                // Traverse the elements of the fieldset, and attach any 
                // defaults to the fieldset's input filter
                $this->attachInputFilterDefaults($fieldsetFilter, $fieldset);

            if ($inputFilter->has($name)) {
                // if we already have an input/filter by this name, use it

            // Create an inputfilter based on the specification returned from the fieldset
            $spec   = $fieldset->getInputFilterSpecification();
            $filter = $inputFactory->createInputFilter($spec);
            $inputFilter->add($filter, $name);
Пример #14
     * Takes a list of fieldset specifications, creates the fieldsets, and injects them into the master fieldset
     * @param  array|Traversable|ArrayAccess $fieldsets
     * @param  FieldsetInterface $masterFieldset
     * @param  string $method Method invoking this one (for exception messages)
     * @return void
    public function prepareAndInjectFieldsets($fieldsets, FieldsetInterface $masterFieldset, $method)
        $fieldsets = $this->validateSpecification($fieldsets, $method);

        foreach ($fieldsets as $fieldsetSpecification) {
            $flags = isset($fieldsetSpecification['flags']) ? $fieldsetSpecification['flags'] : array();
            $spec  = isset($fieldsetSpecification['spec'])  ? $fieldsetSpecification['spec']  : array();

            $fieldset = $this->createFieldset($spec);
            $masterFieldset->add($fieldset, $flags);
Пример #15
  * Prepare and inject a named hydrator
  * Takes a string indicating a hydrator class name, instantiates the class
  * by that name, and injects the hydrator instance into the form.
  * @param  string $hydratorName
  * @param  FieldsetInterface $fieldset
  * @param  string $method
  * @return void
  * @throws Exception\DomainException if $hydratorName is not a string, does not resolve to a known class, or the class does not implement Hydrator\HydratorInterface
 protected function prepareAndInjectHydrator($hydratorName, FieldsetInterface $fieldset, $method)
     if (!is_string($hydratorName)) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects string hydrator class name; received "%s"', $method, is_object($hydratorName) ? get_class($hydratorName) : gettype($hydratorName)));
     if (!class_exists($hydratorName)) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects string hydrator name to be a valid class name; received "%s"', $method, $hydratorName));
     $hydrator = new $hydratorName();
     if (!$hydrator instanceof Hydrator\HydratorInterface) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects a valid implementation of Zend\\Form\\Hydrator\\HydratorInterface; received "%s"', $method, $hydratorName));
Пример #16
  * @inheritdoc
 public function getMessages()
     return $this->element->getMessages();
Пример #17
  * Renders the fieldset content
  * @param FieldsetInterface $fieldset
  * @param string|null $formType
  * @param array $displayOptions
  * @param bool $displayButtons
  * @param bool $renderErrors
  * @throws \DluTwBootstrap\Form\Exception\UnsupportedElementTypeException
  * @return string
 public function content(FieldsetInterface $fieldset, $formType = null, array $displayOptions = array(), $displayButtons = true, $renderErrors = true)
     $renderer = $this->getView();
     if (!method_exists($renderer, 'plugin')) {
         // Bail early if renderer is not pluggable
         return '';
     $formType = $this->formUtil->filterFormType($formType);
     $rowHelper = $renderer->plugin('form_row_twb');
     $iterator = $fieldset->getIterator();
     $html = '';
     if (array_key_exists('fieldsets', $displayOptions)) {
         $displayOptionsFieldsets = $displayOptions['fieldsets'];
     } else {
         $displayOptionsFieldsets = array();
     if (array_key_exists('elements', $displayOptions)) {
         $displayOptionsElements = $displayOptions['elements'];
     } else {
         $displayOptionsElements = array();
     //Iterate over all fieldset elements and render them
     foreach ($iterator as $elementOrFieldset) {
         $elementName = $elementOrFieldset->getName();
         $elementBareName = $this->formUtil->getBareElementName($elementName);
         if ($elementOrFieldset instanceof FieldsetInterface) {
             /* @var $elementOrFieldset FieldsetInterface */
             //Get fieldset display options
             if (array_key_exists($elementBareName, $displayOptionsFieldsets)) {
                 $displayOptionsFieldset = $displayOptionsFieldsets[$elementBareName];
             } else {
                 $displayOptionsFieldset = array();
             $html .= "\n" . $this->render($elementOrFieldset, $formType, $displayOptionsFieldset, true, true, $renderErrors);
         } elseif ($elementOrFieldset instanceof ElementInterface) {
             /* @var $element ElementInterface */
             if (!$displayButtons && in_array($elementOrFieldset->getAttribute('type'), array('submit', 'reset', 'button'))) {
                 //We should ignore 'button' elements and this is a 'button' element, so skip the rest of the iteration
             //Get element display options
             if (array_key_exists($elementBareName, $displayOptionsElements)) {
                 $displayOptionsElement = $displayOptionsElements[$elementBareName];
             } else {
                 $displayOptionsElement = array();
             $html .= "\n" . $rowHelper($elementOrFieldset, $formType, $displayOptionsElement, $renderErrors);
         } else {
             //Unsupported item type
             throw new UnsupportedElementTypeException('Fieldsets may contain only fieldsets or elements.');
     return $html;
Пример #18
     * Prepare and inject a named hydrator
     * Takes a string indicating a hydrator class name (or a concrete instance), try first to instantiates the class
     * by pulling it from service manager, and injects the hydrator instance into the form.
     * @param  string|array|Hydrator\HydratorInterface $hydratorOrName
     * @param  FieldsetInterface                       $fieldset
     * @param  string                                  $method
     * @return void
     * @throws Exception\DomainException If $hydratorOrName is not a string, does not resolve to a known class, or
     *                                   the class does not implement Hydrator\HydratorInterface
    protected function prepareAndInjectHydrator($hydratorOrName, FieldsetInterface $fieldset, $method)
        if ($hydratorOrName instanceof Hydrator\HydratorInterface) {

        if (is_array($hydratorOrName)) {
            if (!isset($hydratorOrName['type'])) {
                throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
                    '%s expects array specification to have a type value',
            $hydratorOptions = (isset($hydratorOrName['options'])) ? $hydratorOrName['options'] : array();
            $hydratorOrName = $hydratorOrName['type'];
        } else {
            $hydratorOptions = array();

        if (is_string($hydratorOrName)) {
            $hydrator = $this->getHydratorFromName($hydratorOrName);

        if (!$hydrator instanceof Hydrator\HydratorInterface) {
            throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
                '%s expects a valid implementation of Zend\Form\Hydrator\HydratorInterface; received "%s"',

        if (!empty($hydratorOptions) && $hydrator instanceof Hydrator\HydratorOptionsInterface) {

Пример #19
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function attachInputFilterDefaults(InputFilterInterface $inputFilter, FieldsetInterface $fieldset)
     $inputFactory = $this->getFormFactory()->getInputFilterFactory();
     if ($fieldset instanceof Collection && $fieldset->getTargetElement() instanceof FieldsetInterface) {
         $elements = $fieldset->getTargetElement()->getElements();
     } else {
         $elements = $fieldset->getElements();
     if (!$fieldset instanceof Collection || !$fieldset->getTargetElement() instanceof FieldsetInterface || $inputFilter instanceof CollectionInputFilter) {
         foreach ($elements as $name => $element) {
             if ($element instanceof StaticElement) {
                 if ($inputFilter->has($name)) {
             if ($this->getPreferFormInputFilter() && !$this->mergeInputFilter() && $inputFilter->has($name)) {
             if (!$element instanceof InputProviderInterface) {
                 if ($inputFilter->has($name)) {
                 // Create a new empty default input for this element
                 $input = $inputFactory->createInput(['name' => $name, 'required' => false]);
             } else {
                 // Create an input based on the specification returned from the element
                 $spec = $element->getInputSpecification();
                 $input = $inputFactory->createInput($spec);
                 if ($inputFilter->has($name) && $inputFilter instanceof ReplaceableInputInterface) {
                     $inputFilter->replace($input, $name);
             // Add element input filter to CollectionInputFilter
             if ($inputFilter instanceof CollectionInputFilter && !$inputFilter->getInputFilter()->has($name)) {
                 $inputFilter->getInputFilter()->add($input, $name);
             } else {
                 $inputFilter->add($input, $name);
         if ($fieldset === $this && $fieldset instanceof InputFilterProviderInterface) {
             foreach ($fieldset->getInputFilterSpecification() as $name => $spec) {
                 $input = $inputFactory->createInput($spec);
                 $inputFilter->add($input, $name);
     foreach ($fieldset->getFieldsets() as $name => $childFieldset) {
         if (!$childFieldset instanceof InputFilterProviderInterface) {
             if (!$inputFilter->has($name)) {
                 // Add a new empty input filter if it does not exist
                 // (or the fieldset's object input filter),
                 // so that elements of nested fieldsets can be recursively added
                 if ($childFieldset->getObject() instanceof InputFilterAwareInterface) {
                     $inputFilter->add($childFieldset->getObject()->getInputFilter(), $name);
                     // Add input filter for collections via getInputFilterSpecification()
                 } elseif ($childFieldset instanceof Collection && $childFieldset->getTargetElement() instanceof InputFilterProviderInterface && ($spec = $childFieldset->getTargetElement()->getInputFilterSpecification())) {
                     $collectionContainerFilter = new CollectionInputFilter();
                     $filter = $inputFactory->createInputFilter($spec);
                     // Add child elements from target element
                     $childFieldset = $childFieldset->getTargetElement();
                     foreach ($childFieldset->getElements() as $element) {
                         if ($element instanceof StaticElement) {
                     $inputFilter->add($collectionContainerFilter, $name);
                     // We need to copy the inputs to the collection input filter
                     if ($inputFilter instanceof CollectionInputFilter) {
                         $inputFilter = $this->addInputsToCollectionInputFilter($inputFilter);
                 } else {
                     $inputFilter->add($inputFactory->createInputFilter([]), $name);
             $fieldsetFilter = $inputFilter->get($name);
             if (!$fieldsetFilter instanceof InputFilterInterface) {
                 // Input attached for fieldset, not input filter; nothing more to do.
             if ($fieldsetFilter instanceof CollectionInputFilter) {
                 $fieldsetFilter = $fieldsetFilter->getInputFilter();
             // Traverse the elements of the fieldset, and attach any
             // defaults to the fieldset's input filter
             $this->attachInputFilterDefaults($fieldsetFilter, $childFieldset);
         if (!$this->mergeInputFilter() && $inputFilter->has($name)) {
             // if we already have an input/filter by this name, use it
         // Create an input filter based on the specification returned from the fieldset
         $spec = $childFieldset->getInputFilterSpecification();
         $filter = $inputFactory->createInputFilter($spec);
         if ($inputFilter->has($name)) {
             $filter = $inputFilter->get($name)->merge($filter);
         } else {
             $inputFilter->add($filter, $name);
         // Recursively attach sub filters
         $this->attachInputFilterDefaults($filter, $childFieldset);
         // We need to copy the inputs to the collection input filter
         // to ensure that all sub filters are added
         if ($inputFilter instanceof CollectionInputFilter) {
             $inputFilter = $this->addInputsToCollectionInputFilter($inputFilter);
Пример #20
  * Iterate through all the elements and retrieve their validators
  * @param FieldsetInterface    $formOrFieldset
  * @param InputFilterInterface $inputFilter
  * @return array
 private function getElementAndRules(FieldsetInterface $formOrFieldset, InputFilterInterface $inputFilter)
     $elements = array();
     foreach ($formOrFieldset->getElements() as $element) {
         $validators = Filter::getValidatorsForElement($inputFilter, $element);
         if (count($validators) > 0 && !empty($element)) {
             $rules = array();
             foreach ($validators as $validator) {
                 $rule = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Rule')->getRule($validator['instance']);
                 if (!is_null($rule)) {
                     $rules[] = $rule;
             $elements[] = array('element' => $element, 'rules' => $rules);
     foreach ($formOrFieldset->getFieldsets() as $key => $fieldset) {
         $elements = array_merge($elements, $this->getElementAndRules($fieldset, $inputFilter->get($key)));
     return $elements;
Пример #21
  * @return null|string
 public function getPartial(FieldsetInterface $element = null)
     $renderer = $this->getView();
     if ($element && true === $this->partial && method_exists($renderer, 'resolver') && ($partial = $element->getOption('partial'))) {
         $class = new ReflectionClass($renderer);
         if ($class->hasMethod('getTemplate')) {
             $template = $renderer->getTemplate();
         } elseif ($class->hasProperty('__template')) {
             $property = $class->getProperty('__template');
             $template = $property->getValue($renderer);
         } else {
         if (is_string($partial) && is_string($template) && realpath($renderer->resolver($partial)) === realpath($renderer->resolver($template))) {
         return $partial;
     if (is_string($this->partial)) {
         return $this->partial;
Пример #22
  * Attach defaults provided by the elements to the input filter
  * @param  InputFilterInterface $inputFilter
  * @param  FieldsetInterface $fieldset Fieldset to traverse when looking for default inputs
  * @return void
 public function attachInputFilterDefaults(InputFilterInterface $inputFilter, FieldsetInterface $fieldset)
     $formFactory = $this->getFormFactory();
     $inputFactory = $formFactory->getInputFilterFactory();
     //Fixed Zend bug: here will pass parent element to subform
     if ($this instanceof InputFilterProviderInterface && $this === $fieldset) {
         foreach ($this->getInputFilterSpecification() as $name => $spec) {
             $input = $inputFactory->createInput($spec);
             $inputFilter->add($input, $name);
     foreach ($fieldset->getElements() as $element) {
         $name = $element->getName();
         if (!$element instanceof InputProviderInterface) {
             if ($inputFilter->has($name)) {
             // Create a new empty default input for this element
             $spec = array('name' => $name, 'required' => false);
         } else {
             // Create an input based on the specification returned from the element
             $spec = $element->getInputSpecification();
         $input = $inputFactory->createInput($spec);
         $inputFilter->add($input, $name);
     foreach ($fieldset->getFieldsets() as $fieldset) {
         $name = $fieldset->getName();
         if (!$fieldset instanceof InputFilterProviderInterface) {
             if (!$inputFilter->has($name)) {
                 // Add a new empty input filter if it does not exist (or the fieldset's object input filter),
                 // so that elements of nested fieldsets can be recursively added
                 if ($fieldset->getObject() instanceof InputFilterAwareInterface) {
                     $inputFilter->add($fieldset->getObject()->getInputFilter(), $name);
                 } else {
                     $inputFilter->add(new InputFilter(), $name);
             $fieldsetFilter = $inputFilter->get($name);
             if (!$fieldsetFilter instanceof InputFilterInterface) {
                 // Input attached for fieldset, not input filter; nothing more to do.
             // Traverse the elements of the fieldset, and attach any
             // defaults to the fieldset's input filter
             $this->attachInputFilterDefaults($fieldsetFilter, $fieldset);
         if ($inputFilter->has($name)) {
             // if we already have an input/filter by this name, use it
         // Create an input filter based on the specification returned from the fieldset
         $spec = $fieldset->getInputFilterSpecification();
         $filter = $inputFactory->createInputFilter($spec);
         $inputFilter->add($filter, $name);
         // Recursively attach sub filters
         $this->attachInputFilterDefaults($filter, $fieldset);
Пример #23
  * Helper method. Retrieves all elements from fieldset the $element belongs to.
  * @param ElementInterface $element
  * @param FieldsetInterface $fieldset
  * @return array|\Traversable
 protected function getFieldsetElements(ElementInterface $element, FieldsetInterface $fieldset)
     $elementName = $this->normalizeElementName($element->getName());
     if ($fieldset->has($elementName) && $fieldset->get($elementName) === $element) {
         return array_merge($fieldset->getElements(), $fieldset->getFieldsets());
     if ($fieldset instanceof Element\Collection && (($elements = $this->getFieldsetElements($element, $fieldset->getTargetElement())) || ($template = $fieldset->getTemplateElement()) && ($elements = $this->getFieldsetElements($element, $template)))) {
         return $elements;
     foreach ($fieldset->getFieldsets() as $fieldsetElement) {
         if ($elements = $this->getFieldsetElements($element, $fieldsetElement)) {
             return $elements;
     return [];
Пример #24
  * Prepare and inject a named factory
  * Takes a string indicating a factory class name (or a concrete instance), try first to instantiates the class
  * by pulling it from service manager, and injects the factory instance into the fieldset.
  * @param  string|array|Factory      $factoryOrName
  * @param  FieldsetInterface         $fieldset
  * @param  string                    $method
  * @return void
  * @throws Exception\DomainException If $factoryOrName is not a string, does not resolve to a known class, or
  *                                   the class does not extend Form\Factory
 protected function prepareAndInjectFactory($factoryOrName, FieldsetInterface $fieldset, $method)
     if (is_array($factoryOrName)) {
         if (!isset($factoryOrName['type'])) {
             throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects array specification to have a type value', $method));
         $factoryOrName = $factoryOrName['type'];
     if (is_string($factoryOrName)) {
         $factoryOrName = $this->getFactoryFromName($factoryOrName);
     if (!$factoryOrName instanceof Factory) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects a valid extention of Zend\\Form\\Factory; received "%s"', $method, $factoryOrName));
Пример #25
  * Render a fieldset
  * @param \Zend\Form\FieldsetInterface $fieldset
  * @return string
 public function renderFieldset(FieldsetInterface $fieldset)
     $legend = $fieldset->getLabel();
     $attrs = $this->createFieldsetAttributes($fieldset);
     $markup = sprintf('<fieldset%s>', $attrs) . PHP_EOL;
     if ($legend && $this->isTranslatorEnabled()) {
         $legend = $this->getTranslator()->translate($legend, $this->getTranslatorTextDomain() ?: 'default');
     if ($legend) {
         $markup .= sprintf('<legend>%s</legend>', $legend);
         $markup .= PHP_EOL;
     $markup .= $this->renderFieldsetContent($fieldset, 'fieldset');
     $markup .= PHP_EOL;
     $markup .= '</fieldset>';
     $markup .= PHP_EOL;
     return $markup;