Пример #1
 public function __construct($entityClass, $entityCollection, $conditions, $order, $limit, $offset)
     // Convert boolean strings to boolean
     foreach ($conditions as &$condition) {
         if (is_scalar($condition) && (strtolower($condition) === 'true' || strtolower($condition) === 'false')) {
             $condition = StdObjectWrapper::toBool($condition);
     $this->entityClass = $entityClass;
     $this->collectionName = $entityCollection;
     $this->conditions = $conditions;
     $this->order = $order;
     $this->offset = $offset;
     $this->limit = $limit;
     $this->cursor = Entity::getInstance()->getDatabase()->find($this->collectionName, $this->conditions)->sort($this->order)->skip($this->offset)->limit($this->limit);
Пример #2
  * Add item to this entity collection<br>
  * NOTE: you need to call save() on parent entity to actually insert link into database
  * @param array|\Webiny\Component\Entity\EntityAbstract $item
  * @throws \Webiny\Component\Entity\EntityException
  * @return $this
 public function add($item)
     if ($this->isInstanceOf($item, '\\Webiny\\Component\\Entity\\EntityAbstract')) {
         $item = [$item];
      * Validate items
     foreach ($item as $i) {
         if (!$this->isInstanceOf($i, $this->getEntity()) && !Entity::getInstance()->getDatabase()->isMongoId($i)) {
             throw new EntityException(EntityException::INVALID_MANY2MANY_VALUE, [$this->attribute, 'entity ID or instance of ' . $this->getEntity() . ' or null', get_class($i)]);
      * Assign items
     foreach ($item as $i) {
         $this->addedItems[] = $i;
     return $this;
Пример #3
  * Unlink given item (only removes the aggregation record) and remove it from current loaded values
  * @param Many2ManyAttribute    $attribute
  * @param string|EntityAbstract $item
  * @return bool
 public function unlink(Many2ManyAttribute $attribute, $item)
     // Convert instance to entity ID
     if ($this->isInstanceOf($item, '\\Webiny\\Component\\Entity\\EntityAbstract')) {
         $item = $item->getId()->getValue();
     $sourceEntityId = $attribute->getParentEntity()->getId()->getValue();
     if ($this->isNull($sourceEntityId) || $this->isNull($item)) {
     $firstClassName = $this->extractClassName($attribute->getParentEntity());
     $secondClassName = $this->extractClassName($attribute->getEntity());
     $query = $this->arr([$firstClassName => $sourceEntityId, $secondClassName => $item])->sortKey()->val();
     $res = Entity::getInstance()->getDatabase()->remove($attribute->getIntermediateCollection(), $query);
     return $res['n'] == 1;
Пример #4
  * (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.0)<br/>
  * Retrieve an external iterator
  * @link http://php.net/manual/en/iteratoraggregate.getiterator.php
  * @return Traversable An instance of an object implementing <b>Iterator</b> or
  * <b>Traversable</b>
 public function getIterator()
     if ($this->loaded) {
         return new \ArrayIterator($this->value);
     $dbItems = [];
     foreach ($this->data as $data) {
         $instance = new $this->entityClass();
         $data['__webiny_db__'] = true;
          * Check if loaded instance is already in the pool and if yes - use the existing object
         if ($itemInPool = Entity::getInstance()->get($this->entityClass, $instance->id)) {
             $dbItems[] = $itemInPool;
         } else {
             $dbItems[] = Entity::getInstance()->add($instance);
     $this->value += $dbItems;
     $this->loaded = true;
     if ($this->randomize) {
     return new \ArrayIterator($this->value);
Пример #5
 private function cleanUpRecords($newValues)
     if (!$this->parent->exists()) {
     $newIds = [];
     foreach ($newValues as $nv) {
         if (isset($nv['id']) && $nv['id'] != '') {
             $newIds[] = Entity::getInstance()->getDatabase()->id($nv['id']);
     $attrValues = $this->getValue();
     foreach ($attrValues as $r) {
         if (!in_array($r->id, $newIds)) {
Пример #6
  * Perform validation against given value
  * @param $value
  * @throws ValidationException
  * @return $this
 protected function validate(&$value)
     $mongoId = Entity::getInstance()->getDatabase()->isId($value);
     $abstractEntityClass = '\\Webiny\\Component\\Entity\\AbstractEntity';
     if (!$this->isNull($value) && !is_array($value) && !$this->isInstanceOf($value, $abstractEntityClass) && !$mongoId) {
         $this->expected('entity ID, instance of ' . $abstractEntityClass . ' or null', gettype($value));
     return $this;
Пример #7
  * Perform validation against given value
  * @param $value
  * @throws ValidationException
  * @return $this
 public function validate(&$value)
     if (!$this->isNull($value) && !$this->isInstanceOf($value, '\\Webiny\\Component\\Entity\\EntityAbstract') && !Entity::getInstance()->getDatabase()->isMongoId($value)) {
         throw new ValidationException(ValidationException::ATTRIBUTE_VALIDATION_FAILED, [$this->attribute, 'entity ID, instance of \\Webiny\\Component\\Entity\\EntityAbstract or null', gettype($value)]);
     return $this;
Пример #8
  * Unlink given item (only removes the aggregation record)
  * @param string|AbstractEntity $item
  * @return bool
 protected function unlinkItem($item)
     // Convert instance to entity ID
     if ($item instanceof AbstractEntity) {
         $item = $item->id;
     $sourceEntityId = $this->getParentEntity()->id;
     if ($this->isNull($sourceEntityId) || $this->isNull($item)) {
         return false;
     $firstClassName = $this->extractClassName($this->getParentEntity());
     $secondClassName = $this->extractClassName($this->getEntity());
     $query = $this->arr([$firstClassName => $sourceEntityId, $secondClassName => $item])->sortKey()->val();
     $res = Entity::getInstance()->getDatabase()->delete($this->intermediateCollection, $query);
     return $res->getDeletedCount() == 1;
  * Normalize given value to be a valid array of entity instances
  * @param mixed $value
  * @return array
  * @throws ValidationException
 protected function normalizeValue($value)
     if (is_null($value)) {
         return $value;
     $entityClass = $this->getEntity();
     $entityCollectionClass = '\\Webiny\\Component\\Entity\\EntityCollection';
     // Validate Many2many attribute value
     if (!$this->isArray($value) && !$this->isArrayObject($value) && !$this->isInstanceOf($value, $entityCollectionClass)) {
         $exception = new ValidationException(ValidationException::DATA_TYPE, ['array, ArrayObject or EntityCollection', gettype($value)]);
         throw $exception;
     /* @var $entityAttribute One2ManyAttribute */
     $values = [];
     foreach ($value as $item) {
         $itemEntity = false;
         // $item can be an array of data, AbstractEntity or a simple mongo ID string
         if ($this->isInstanceOf($item, $entityClass)) {
             $itemEntity = $item;
         } elseif ($this->isArray($item) || $this->isArrayObject($item)) {
             $itemEntity = $entityClass::findById(isset($item['id']) ? $item['id'] : false);
         } elseif ($this->isString($item) && Entity::getInstance()->getDatabase()->isId($item)) {
             $itemEntity = $entityClass::findById($item);
         // If instance was not found, create a new entity instance
         if (!$itemEntity) {
             $itemEntity = new $entityClass();
         // If $item is an array - use it to populate the entity instance
         if ($this->isArray($item) || $this->isArrayObject($item)) {
         $values[] = $itemEntity;
     return new EntityCollection($this->getEntity(), $values);
Пример #10
  * Test onSet, onGet, onToDb and onToArray callbacks as well as setAfterPopulate (only useful in combination with onSet callback)
 public function testOnCallbacks()
     $entity = new Lib\EntityOnCallbacks();
     $entity->populate(['char' => 'value', 'number' => 12])->save();
     $this->assertEquals('get-db-get-set-12-value', $entity->char);
     $entity = Lib\EntityOnCallbacks::findOne(['number' => 12]);
     $this->assertEquals('get-db-get-set-12-value', $entity->char);
     $this->assertEquals(120, $entity->number);
     $array = $entity->toArray();
     $this->assertEquals(['key' => 'value'], $array['char']);
Пример #11
  * Count total number of items in collection
  * TODO: unittest
  * @return mixed
 public function totalCount()
     if (!isset($this->parameters['conditions'])) {
         return count($this->value);
     if (!$this->totalCount) {
         $mongo = Entity::getInstance()->getDatabase();
         $entity = $this->entityClass;
         $this->totalCount = $mongo->count($entity::getEntityCollection(), $this->parameters['conditions']);
     return $this->totalCount;
Пример #12
  * Apply validator to given value
  * @param string $validator
  * @param string $key
  * @param mixed  $value
  * @param array  $messages
  * @throws ValidationException
  * @throws \Webiny\Component\StdLib\Exception\Exception
 protected function applyValidator($validator, $key, $value, $messages = [])
     try {
         if ($this->isString($validator)) {
             $params = $this->arr(explode(':', $validator));
             $vName = '';
             $validatorParams = [$this, $value, $params->removeFirst($vName)->val()];
             $validator = Entity::getInstance()->getValidator($vName);
             if (!$validator) {
                 throw new ValidationException('Validator does not exist');
         } elseif ($this->isCallable($validator)) {
             $vName = 'callable';
             $validator($value, $this);
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         $msg = isset($messages[$vName]) ? $messages[$vName] : $e->getMessage();
         $ex = new ValidationException($msg);
         $ex->addError($key, $msg);
         throw $ex;
Пример #13
  * Get entity database
  * @return \Webiny\Component\Mongo\Mongo
 public function getDatabase()
     return Entity::getInstance()->getDatabase();
Пример #14
 private function cleanUpRecords($newValues)
     if (!$this->parent->exists()) {
     $newIds = [];
     foreach ($newValues as $nv) {
         if (isset($nv['id']) && $nv['id'] != '') {
             $newIds[] = Entity::getInstance()->getDatabase()->id($nv['id']);
     $where = ['_id' => ['$nin' => $newIds]];
     $where[$this->relatedAttribute] = $this->parent->id;
     $toRemove = call_user_func_array([$this->entityClass, 'find'], [$where]);
     foreach ($toRemove as $r) {