Пример #1
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $destinationFile = File::first();
     $file = new VideoFile(array("width" => 1920, "height" => 1080));
     $file = new VideoFile(array("width" => 1280, "height" => 720));
     $file = new VideoFile(array("width" => 640, "height" => 480));
     $file = new VideoFile(array("width" => 640, "height" => 360));
     $file = new VideoFile(array("width" => 426, "height" => 240));
     $this->command->info('Video files records created!');
Пример #2
 public function anyEdit($id = null)
     Auth::getUser()->hasPermissionOr401(Config::get("permissions.liveStreams"), 1);
     $liveStream = null;
     $editing = false;
     if (!is_null($id)) {
         $liveStream = LiveStream::find($id);
         if (is_null($liveStream)) {
         $editing = true;
     $formSubmitted = isset($_POST['form-submitted']) && $_POST['form-submitted'] === "1";
     // has id 1
     // populate $formData with default values or received values
     $formData = FormHelpers::getFormData(array(array("enabled", ObjectHelpers::getProp(false, $liveStream, "enabled") ? "y" : ""), array("shownAsLivestream", ObjectHelpers::getProp(false, $liveStream, "shown_as_livestream") ? "y" : ""), array("name", ObjectHelpers::getProp("", $liveStream, "name")), array("description", ObjectHelpers::getProp("", $liveStream, "description")), array("cover-art-id", ObjectHelpers::getProp("", $liveStream, "coverArtFile", "id")), array("urls", json_encode(array()))), !$formSubmitted);
     // this will contain any additional data which does not get saved anywhere
     $additionalFormData = array("coverArtFile" => FormHelpers::getFileInfo($formData['cover-art-id']), "urlsInput" => null, "urlsInitialData" => null);
     if (!$formSubmitted) {
         $additionalFormData['urlsInput'] = ObjectHelpers::getProp(json_encode(array()), $liveStream, "urls_for_input");
         $additionalFormData['urlsInitialData'] = ObjectHelpers::getProp(json_encode(array()), $liveStream, "urls_for_orderable_list");
     } else {
         $additionalFormData['urlsInput'] = LiveStream::generateInputValueForUrlsOrderableList(JsonHelpers::jsonDecodeOrNull($formData['urls'], true));
         $additionalFormData['urlsInitialData'] = LiveStream::generateInitialDataForUrlsOrderableList(JsonHelpers::jsonDecodeOrNull($formData["urls"], true));
     $errors = null;
     if ($formSubmitted) {
         $modelCreated = DB::transaction(function () use(&$formData, &$liveStream, &$errors) {
             Validator::extend('valid_file_id', FormHelpers::getValidFileValidatorFunction());
             Validator::extend('valid_urls', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters) {
                 return LiveStream::isValidDataFromUrlsOrderableList(JsonHelpers::jsonDecodeOrNull($value, true));
             $validator = Validator::make($formData, array('name' => array('required', 'max:50'), 'description' => array('max:500'), 'cover-art-id' => array('valid_file_id'), 'urls' => array('required', 'valid_urls')), array('name.required' => FormHelpers::getRequiredMsg(), 'name.max' => FormHelpers::getLessThanCharactersMsg(50), 'description.max' => FormHelpers::getLessThanCharactersMsg(500), 'cover-art-id.valid_file_id' => FormHelpers::getInvalidFileMsg(), 'urls.required' => FormHelpers::getGenericInvalidMsg(), 'urls.valid_urls' => FormHelpers::getGenericInvalidMsg()));
             if (!$validator->fails()) {
                 // everything is good. save/create model
                 if (is_null($liveStream)) {
                     $liveStream = new LiveStream();
                 $liveStream->name = $formData['name'];
                 $liveStream->description = FormHelpers::nullIfEmpty($formData['description']);
                 $liveStream->enabled = FormHelpers::toBoolean($formData['enabled']);
                 $liveStream->shown_as_livestream = FormHelpers::toBoolean($formData['shownAsLivestream']);
                 $coverArtFileId = FormHelpers::nullIfEmpty($formData['cover-art-id']);
                 $file = Upload::register(Config::get("uploadPoints.coverArt"), $coverArtFileId, $liveStream->coverArtFile);
                 EloquentHelpers::associateOrNull($liveStream->coverArtFile(), $file);
                 if ($liveStream->save() === false) {
                     throw new Exception("Error saving LiveStream.");
                 // detaches all. this causes any corresponding dvrBridgeServiceUrl's to be deleted as well which must happen on any change
                 $urlsData = json_decode($formData['urls'], true);
                 foreach ($urlsData as $a) {
                     $qualityDefinition = QualityDefinition::find(intval($a['qualityState']['id']));
                     $url = $a['url'];
                     $dvrBridgeServiceUri = $a['dvrBridgeServiceUrl'];
                     $nativeDvr = $a['nativeDvr'];
                     $type = $a['type'];
                     $support = $a['support'];
                     $supportedDevices = null;
                     if ($support === "pc") {
                         $supportedDevices = "desktop";
                     } else {
                         if ($support === "mobile") {
                             $supportedDevices = "mobile";
                     $liveStreamUri = new LiveStreamUri(array("uri" => $url, "dvr_bridge_service_uri" => $dvrBridgeServiceUri, "has_dvr" => $nativeDvr, "type" => $type, "supported_devices" => $supportedDevices, "enabled" => $support !== "none"));
                 // the transaction callback result is returned out of the transaction function
                 return true;
             } else {
                 $errors = $validator->messages();
                 return false;
         if ($modelCreated) {
             return Redirect::to(Config::get("custom.admin_base_url") . "/livestreams");
         // if not valid then return form again with errors
     $view = View::make('home.admin.livestreams.edit');
     $view->editing = $editing;
     $view->form = $formData;
     $view->additionalForm = $additionalFormData;
     $view->coverArtUploadPointId = Config::get("uploadPoints.coverArt");
     $view->formErrors = $errors;
     $view->cancelUri = Config::get("custom.admin_base_url") . "/livestreams";
     $this->setContent($view, "livestreams", "livestreams-edit");
 public function __construct($data)
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         $this->valid = false;
         $this->initialDataString = json_encode(array());
         $this->stringForInput = json_encode(array());
     $this->valid = true;
     $output = array();
     foreach ($data as $a) {
         $currentItemOutput = array();
         if (!isset($a['qualityState']) || !isset($a['qualityState']['id']) || !is_numeric($a['qualityState']['id'])) {
             $this->valid = false;
             $currentItemOutput["qualityState"] = array("id" => null, "text" => "");
         } else {
             // lookup the quality definition and replace the name
             $qualityDefinitionId = intval($a['qualityState']['id']);
             if ($qualityDefinitionId === 0) {
                 $qualityDefinitionId = null;
             $qualityDefinition = null;
             if (!is_null($qualityDefinitionId)) {
                 $qualityDefinition = QualityDefinition::find($qualityDefinitionId);
             $currentItemOutput['qualityState'] = array("id" => null, "text" => "");
             if (!is_null($qualityDefinition)) {
                 $currentItemOutput['qualityState'] = array("id" => intval($qualityDefinition->id), "text" => $qualityDefinition->name);
             } else {
                 $this->valid = false;
         if (!isset($a['url']) || !is_string($a['url'])) {
             $this->valid = false;
             $currentItemOutput["url"] = "";
         } else {
             $a['url'] = trim($a['url']);
             if (filter_var($a['url'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) {
                 $this->valid = false;
             $currentItemOutput["url"] = $a['url'];
         if (!isset($a["type"]) || !is_string($a["type"])) {
             $this->valid = false;
             $currentItemOutput["type"] = "";
         } else {
             $a['type'] = trim($a['type']);
             if ($a['type'] === "" || preg_match('/\\s/', $a['type'])) {
                 // empty or contains whitespace
                 // this could check a lot more but not really fussed
                 $this->valid = false;
             $currentItemOutput["type"] = $a['type'];
         if (!isset($a['dvrBridgeServiceUrl']) || !is_bool($a['dvrBridgeServiceUrl'])) {
             $this->valid = false;
             $currentItemOutput["dvrBridgeServiceUrl"] = false;
         } else {
             $currentItemOutput["dvrBridgeServiceUrl"] = $a['dvrBridgeServiceUrl'];
         // type must be this if using dvr bridge service as this is the type the dvr bridge service uses
         if ($currentItemOutput["dvrBridgeServiceUrl"] && $currentItemOutput["type"] !== "application/x-mpegURL") {
             $this->valid = false;
         $currentItemOutput["dvrBridgeServiceUrl"] = isset($a['dvrBridgeServiceUrl']) && $a['dvrBridgeServiceUrl'] === true;
         if ($currentItemOutput["dvrBridgeServiceUrl"]) {
             if (!array_key_exists('nativeDvr', $a) || !is_null($a['nativeDvr'])) {
                 $this->valid = false;
             $currentItemOutput["nativeDvr"] = null;
         } else {
             if (!array_key_exists('nativeDvr', $a) || !is_bool($a['nativeDvr'])) {
                 $this->valid = false;
                 $currentItemOutput["nativeDvr"] = false;
             } else {
                 $currentItemOutput["nativeDvr"] = $a['nativeDvr'];
         if (!isset($a["support"]) || $a["support"] !== "all" && $a["support"] !== "pc" && $a["support"] !== "mobile" && $a["support"] !== "none") {
             $this->valid = false;
             $currentItemOutput["support"] = "all";
         } else {
             $currentItemOutput["support"] = $a['support'];
         $output[] = $currentItemOutput;
     // the string for the input and the initial data string are the same for the chapters reordable list
     $this->initialDataString = json_encode($output);
     $this->stringForInput = json_encode($output);