Пример #1
  * Turns Criterion into IN Sql Clause
  * @param   Criterion   $criterion      Criterion to process
  * @param   string      $placeHolder    Placeholder for parameter name
  * @param   array       $fieldMap       Array representing field map
 public static function criterionToInClause(Criterion $criterion, $placeHolder = 'filter_0', $fieldMap = array())
     // Create local operand and collate
     $op = false;
     $collate = false;
     $clause = new Clause();
     switch ($criterion->op()) {
         case 'in':
             $op = 'IN';
             $collate = 'utf8_bin';
         case 'nin':
             $op = 'NOT IN';
             $collate = 'utf8_bin';
         case 'ini':
             $op = 'IN';
             $collate = 'utf8_general_ci';
         case 'nini':
             $op = 'NOT IN';
             $collate = 'utf8_general_ci';
     if ($op && $collate) {
         if ($criterion->type() == Criterion::CRITERION_TYPE_VALUE) {
             // Values should be in a comma separated list.
             $values = explode(',', $criterion->value());
             // We must add a parameter and a placeholder for each value.
             $placeHolders = array();
             foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
                 $clause->setParameter($placeHolder . '_' . $key, $value);
                 $placeHolders[] = ':' . $placeHolder . '_' . $key . ' COLLATE ' . $collate;
             // The comparand for this operation is the list of values.
             $comparand = '(' . implode(', ', $placeHolders) . ')';
         } elseif ($criterion->type() == Criterion::CRITERION_TYPE_FIELD) {
             // Field names should be in a comma separated list.
             $fList = explode(',', $criterion->value());
             foreach (array_keys($fList) as $key) {
                 $fList[$key] = self::getSafeFieldName($fList[$key], $fieldMap) . ' COLLATE ' . $collate;
             // The comparand for this operation is the list of field names.
             $comparand = '(' . implode(', ', $fList) . ')';
         // Escape, quote and qualify the field name for security.
         $field = self::getSafeFieldName($criterion->key(), $fieldMap);
         // Build the final clause.
         // Use end wild-card character for "begins with".
         $clause->setStatement(self::addLogic($criterion) . ' ' . $field . ' ' . $op . ' ' . $comparand);
     return $clause;
Пример #2
  * Decides which transformation method use for given operand
  * @param   Criterion   $criterion
  * @return  string | false      Return method name or false if method can not be determined
 public static function criterionOperandToMethod(Criterion $criterion)
     switch ($criterion->op()) {
         // Boolean check to see if the value is set or not.
         case 'bool':
             $method = 'criterionToBool';
             // Direct comparison checks.
         // Direct comparison checks.
         case 'eq':
             // equals
         // equals
         case 'ne':
             // does not equal
         // does not equal
         case 'eqi':
             // equals (case insensitive)
         // equals (case insensitive)
         case 'nei':
             // does not equal (case insensitive)
             $method = 'criterionToDirect';
             // Relative comparison checks.
         // Relative comparison checks.
         case 'gt':
             // greater than
         // greater than
         case 'ge':
             // greater than or equal to
         // greater than or equal to
         case 'lt':
             // less than
         // less than
         case 'le':
             // less than or equal to
             $method = 'criterionToRelative';
             // Wildcard comparison checks (contains/includes)
         // Wildcard comparison checks (contains/includes)
         case 'inc':
             // includes
         // includes
         case 'ninc':
             // does not include
         // does not include
         case 'inci':
             // includes (case insensitive)
         // includes (case insensitive)
         case 'ninci':
             // does not include (case insensitive)
             $method = 'criterionToContains';
             // Wildcard comparison checks (begins with)
         // Wildcard comparison checks (begins with)
         case 'begins':
             // begins with
         // begins with
         case 'nbegins':
             // does not begin with
         // does not begin with
         case 'beginsi':
             // begins with (case insensitive)
         // begins with (case insensitive)
         case 'nbeginsi':
             // does not begin with (case insensitive)
             $method = 'criterionToBegins';
             // Regex match
         // Regex match
         case 're':
             // matches regex string
             $method = 'criterionToRegex';
             // Check for a list of values (match or no match).
         // Check for a list of values (match or no match).
         case 'in':
             // is in the list
         // is in the list
         case 'nin':
             // is not in the list
         // is not in the list
         case 'ini':
             // is in the list (case insensitive)
         // is in the list (case insensitive)
         case 'nini':
             // is not in the list (case insensitive)
             $method = 'criterionToIn';
             $method = false;
     return $method;