Пример #1
 public function testFilter()
     $str = String::filter('<?php $foo = bar?> and also <script>alert("!!!")' . '</script> stuff');
     $this->assertEquals(' and also alert(&#34;!!!&#34;) stuff', $str);
Пример #2

// This file has been placed in the public domain by Benjamin Althues
/* Init composer autoloader and import Simphplist components into namespace
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    @(include dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . "/vendor/autoload.php") || die('Please run `composer install`.');
use Simphplist\Simphplist\Request;
use Simphplist\Simphplist\String;
/* Initialize Twig template (system)
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
$twig = (new Twig_Environment(new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/tpl')))->loadTemplate('text-1.tpl');
/* Simphplist
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// Sanitize POST input
$text = Request::post('text');
// Count and differentiate paragraphs, lines, words and chars
$info = String::count($text) ?: array();
$keys_to_skip = array('words_list', 'chars_list', 'words_list_perc', 'chars_list_perc');
// Render template
echo $twig->render(array('section' => 'text-1', 'subtitle' => 'Text example 1', 'text' => $text, 'info' => $info, 'keys_to_skip' => $keys_to_skip));