Пример #1

     * Delete User


     * @param string $usrUid Unique id of User


     * return void


    public function delete($usrUid)


        try {

            //Verify data

            $this->throwExceptionIfNotExistsUser($usrUid, $this->arrayFieldNameForException["usrUid"]);


            $oProcessMap = new \Cases();

            $USR_UID = $usrUid;

            $total = 0;

            $history = 0;

            $c = $oProcessMap->getCriteriaUsersCases('TO_DO', $USR_UID);

            $total += \ApplicationPeer::doCount($c);

            $c = $oProcessMap->getCriteriaUsersCases('DRAFT', $USR_UID);

            $total += \ApplicationPeer::doCount($c);

            $c = $oProcessMap->getCriteriaUsersCases('COMPLETED', $USR_UID);

            $history += \ApplicationPeer::doCount($c);

            $c = $oProcessMap->getCriteriaUsersCases('CANCELLED', $USR_UID);

            $history += \ApplicationPeer::doCount($c);

            if ($total > 0) {

                throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_USER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED", array($USR_UID)));

            } else {

                $UID = $usrUid;


                $oTasks = new \Tasks();



                $oGroups = new \Groups();


                $this->changeUserStatus($UID, 'CLOSED');

                $_GET['USR_USERNAME'] = '';

                $this->updateUser(array('USR_UID' => $UID, 'USR_USERNAME' => $_GET['USR_USERNAME']), '');

                require_once (PATH_TRUNK . "workflow" . PATH_SEP . "engine" . PATH_SEP . "classes" . PATH_SEP . "model" . PATH_SEP . "Users.php");

                $oUser = new \Users();

                $aFields = $oUser->load($UID);

                $aFields['USR_STATUS'] = 'CLOSED';

                $aFields['USR_USERNAME'] = '';


                //Delete Dashboard

                require_once (PATH_TRUNK . "workflow" . PATH_SEP . "engine" . PATH_SEP . "classes" . PATH_SEP . "model" . PATH_SEP . "DashletInstance.php");

                $criteria = new \Criteria( 'workflow' );

                $criteria->add( \DashletInstancePeer::DAS_INS_OWNER_UID, $UID );

                $criteria->add( \DashletInstancePeer::DAS_INS_OWNER_TYPE , 'USER');

                \DashletInstancePeer::doDelete( $criteria );


        } catch (\Exception $e) {

            throw $e;


Пример #2
     * consolidatedUpdate
     * @author Brayan Pereyra (Cochalo) <*****@*****.**>
     * @copyright Colosa - Bolivia
    function consolidatedUpdate($dynaformUid, $dataUpdate, $usr_uid)

        $delIndex = 1;
        $oCase = new \Cases();

        $array = array();
        $array["form"] = $dataUpdate;
        $appUid = $array["form"]["APP_UID"];

        $fields = $oCase->loadCase($appUid);
        if (!isset($fields["DEL_INIT_DATE"])) {
            $oCase->setDelInitDate($appUid, $delIndex);
            //$aFields = $oCase->loadCase($appUid, $delIndex);
            $fields = $oCase->loadCase($appUid, $delIndex);

        $auxAppDataApplication = $fields["APP_DATA"]["APPLICATION"];
        $auxAppDataProcess     = $fields["APP_DATA"]["PROCESS"];
        $auxAppDataTask        = $fields["APP_DATA"]["TASK"];
        $auxAppDataIndex       = $fields["APP_DATA"]["INDEX"];

        foreach ($array["form"] as $key => $value) {
            $array["form"][$key] = (string)$array["form"][$key];
            if (isset($fields["APP_DATA"][$key.'_label'])) {
                $array["form"][$key.'_label']   = (string)$array["form"][$key];
        $_POST['form'] = $array["form"];
        if (!class_exists('Smarty')) {
            require_once(PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'smarty' . PATH_SEP . 'libs' . PATH_SEP . 'Smarty.class.php');  
        $oForm = new \Form( $auxAppDataProcess . "/" . $dynaformUid , PATH_DYNAFORM );
        $array["form"] = $_POST['form'];

        $fields["APP_DATA"] = array_merge($fields["APP_DATA"], G::getSystemConstants());
        $fields["APP_DATA"] = array_merge($fields["APP_DATA"], $array["form"]);

        $fields["APP_DATA"]["APPLICATION"] = $auxAppDataApplication;
        $fields["APP_DATA"]["PROCESS"]     = $auxAppDataProcess;
        $fields["APP_DATA"]["TASK"]        = $auxAppDataTask;
        $fields["APP_DATA"]["INDEX"]       = $auxAppDataIndex;

        $aData = array();
        $aData["APP_NUMBER"]       = $fields["APP_NUMBER"];
        $aData["APP_PROC_STATUS"]  = $fields["APP_PROC_STATUS"];
        $aData["APP_DATA"]         = $fields["APP_DATA"];
        $aData["DEL_INDEX"]        = $delIndex;
        $aData["TAS_UID"]          = $fields["APP_DATA"]["TASK"];
        $aData["CURRENT_DYNAFORM"] = $dynaformUid;
        $aData["USER_UID"]         = $usr_uid;
        $aData["APP_STATUS"]       = $fields["APP_STATUS"];
        $aData["PRO_UID"]          = $fields["APP_DATA"]["PROCESS"];

        $oCase->updateCase($appUid, $aData);
Пример #3
    public function pauseCase($usr_uid, $app_uid, $request_data)
        $result = new \stdclass();

        try {
            $unpauseDate = $request_data['unpauseDate'] . ' '. $request_data['unpauseTime'];
            $oCase = new \Cases();
            $iDelIndex = $oCase->getCurrentDelegation( $app_uid, $usr_uid );
            // Save the note pause reason
            if ($request_data['noteContent'] != '') {
                $request_data['noteContent'] = G::LoadTranslation('ID_CASE_PAUSE_LABEL_NOTE') . ' ' . $request_data['noteContent'];
                $appNotes = new \AppNotes();
                $noteContent = addslashes($request_data['noteContent']);
                $appNotes->postNewNote($app_uid, $usr_uid, $noteContent, $request_data['notifyUser']);
            // End save

            $oCase->pauseCase($app_uid, $iDelIndex, $usr_uid, $unpauseDate);
            $app = new \Application();
            $caseData = $app->load($app_uid);
            $data['APP_NUMBER'] = $caseData['APP_NUMBER'];
            $data['UNPAUSE_DATE'] = $unpauseDate;

            $result->success = true;
            $result->msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_CASE_PAUSED_SUCCESSFULLY', SYS_LANG, $data);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw $e;
        return $result;
Пример #4
     * Catch Message-Events for the Cases
     * @param bool $frontEnd Flag to represent progress bar
     * return void
    public function catchMessageEvent($frontEnd = false)
        try {

            //Set variables
            $ws = new \wsBase();
            $case = new \Cases();

            $messageApplication = new \ProcessMaker\BusinessModel\MessageApplication();

            //Get data
            $totalMessageEvent = 0;

            $counterStartMessageEvent = 0;
            $counterIntermediateCatchMessageEvent = 0;
            $counter = 0;

            $flagFirstTime = false;


            do {
                $flagNextRecords = false;

                $arrayMessageApplicationUnread = $messageApplication->getMessageApplications(array("messageApplicationStatus" => "UNREAD"), null, null, 0, 1000);

                if (!$flagFirstTime) {
                    $totalMessageEvent = $arrayMessageApplicationUnread["total"];

                    $flagFirstTime = true;

                foreach ($arrayMessageApplicationUnread["data"] as $value) {
                    if ($counter + 1 > $totalMessageEvent) {
                        $flagNextRecords = false;

                    $arrayMessageApplicationData = $value;

                    $processUid = $arrayMessageApplicationData["PRJ_UID"];
                    $taskUid = $arrayMessageApplicationData["TAS_UID"];

                    $messageApplicationUid         = $arrayMessageApplicationData["MSGAPP_UID"];
                    $messageApplicationCorrelation = $arrayMessageApplicationData["MSGAPP_CORRELATION"];

                    $messageEventDefinitionUserUid     = $arrayMessageApplicationData["MSGED_USR_UID"];
                    $messageEventDefinitionCorrelation = $arrayMessageApplicationData["MSGED_CORRELATION"];

                    $arrayVariable = $messageApplication->mergeVariables($arrayMessageApplicationData["MSGED_VARIABLES"], $arrayMessageApplicationData["MSGAPP_VARIABLES"]);

                    $flagCatched = false;

                    switch ($arrayMessageApplicationData["EVN_TYPE"]) {
                        case "START":
                            if ($messageEventDefinitionCorrelation == $messageApplicationCorrelation && $messageEventDefinitionUserUid != "") {
                                //Start and derivate new Case
                                $result = $ws->newCase($processUid, $messageEventDefinitionUserUid, $taskUid, $arrayVariable);

                                $arrayResult = json_decode(json_encode($result), true);

                                if ($arrayResult["status_code"] == 0) {
                                    $applicationUid = $arrayResult["caseId"];

                                    $result = $ws->derivateCase($messageEventDefinitionUserUid, $applicationUid, 1);

                                    $flagCatched = true;

                        case "INTERMEDIATE":
                            $criteria = new \Criteria("workflow");


                            $criteria->add(\AppDelegationPeer::PRO_UID, $processUid, \Criteria::EQUAL);
                            $criteria->add(\AppDelegationPeer::TAS_UID, $taskUid, \Criteria::EQUAL);
                            $criteria->add(\AppDelegationPeer::DEL_THREAD_STATUS, "OPEN", \Criteria::EQUAL);
                            $criteria->add(\AppDelegationPeer::DEL_FINISH_DATE, null, \Criteria::ISNULL);

                            $rsCriteria = \AppDelegationPeer::doSelectRS($criteria);

                            while ($rsCriteria->next()) {
                                $row = $rsCriteria->getRow();

                                $applicationUid = $row["APP_UID"];
                                $delIndex = $row["DEL_INDEX"];
                                $userUid = $row["USR_UID"];

                                $arrayApplicationData = $case->loadCase($applicationUid);

                                if (\G::replaceDataField($messageEventDefinitionCorrelation, $arrayApplicationData["APP_DATA"]) == $messageApplicationCorrelation) {
                                    //"Unpause" and derivate Case
                                    $arrayApplicationData["APP_DATA"] = array_merge($arrayApplicationData["APP_DATA"], $arrayVariable);

                                    $arrayResult = $case->updateCase($applicationUid, $arrayApplicationData);

                                    $result = $ws->derivateCase($userUid, $applicationUid, $delIndex);

                                    $flagCatched = true;

                            if ($flagCatched) {

                    //Message-Application catch
                    if ($flagCatched) {
                        $result = $messageApplication->update($messageApplicationUid, array("MSGAPP_STATUS" => "READ"));


                    //Progress bar
                    $messageApplication->frontEndShow("BAR", "Message-Events (unread): " . $counter . "/" . $totalMessageEvent . " " . $messageApplication->progressBar($totalMessageEvent, $counter));

                    $flagNextRecords = true;
            } while ($flagNextRecords);

            $messageApplication->frontEndShow("TEXT", "Total Message-Events unread: " . $totalMessageEvent);
            $messageApplication->frontEndShow("TEXT", "Total cases started: " . $counterStartMessageEvent);
            $messageApplication->frontEndShow("TEXT", "Total cases continued: " . $counterIntermediateCatchMessageEvent);
            $messageApplication->frontEndShow("TEXT", "Total Message-Events pending: " . ($totalMessageEvent - ($counterStartMessageEvent + $counterIntermediateCatchMessageEvent)));

        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw $e;
Пример #5
  * Get process list for start case
  * @param string $usrUid id of user
  * @param string $typeView type of view
  * return array Return an array with process list that the user can start.
 public function getCasesListStarCase($usrUid, $typeView)
     try {
         Validator::usrUid($usrUid, '$usr_uid');
         $case = new \Cases();
         $response = $case->getProcessListStartCase($usrUid, $typeView);
         return $response;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new RestException(Api::STAT_APP_EXCEPTION, $e->getMessage());
Пример #6
     * Delete Process
     * @param string $processUid
     * @param bool   $checkCases
     * return bool   Return true, if is succesfully
     * @access public

    public function deleteProcess($processUid, $checkCases = true)
        if ($checkCases) {
            $process = new \Process();

            $arrayCases = $process->getCasesCountInAllProcesses($processUid);

            $sum = 0;

            if (isset($arrayCases[$processUid]) && count($arrayCases[$processUid]) > 0) {
                foreach ($arrayCases[$processUid] as $value) {
                    $sum = $sum + $value;

            if ($sum > 0) {
                throw (new \Exception("You can't delete the process, because it has $sum cases"));

        $processMap = new \processMap();

        return $processMap->deleteProcess($processUid);


    public function deleteProcess($sProcessUID)
        try {
            //Instance all classes necesaries
            $oProcess = new Process();
            $oDynaform = new Dynaform();
            $oInputDocument = new InputDocument();
            $oOutputDocument = new OutputDocument();
            $oTrigger = new Triggers();
            $oRoute = new Route();
            $oGateway = new Gateway();
            $oEvent = new Event();
            $oSwimlaneElement = new SwimlanesElements();
            $oConfiguration = new Configuration();
            $oDbSource = new DbSource();
            $oReportTable = new ReportTables();
            $oCaseTracker = new CaseTracker();
            $oCaseTrackerObject = new CaseTrackerObject();
            //Delete the applications of process
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(ApplicationPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            $oDataset = ApplicationPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
            $oCase = new Cases();
            while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
            //Delete the tasks of process
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(TaskPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            $oDataset = TaskPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
            while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
            //Delete the dynaforms of process
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(DynaformPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            $oDataset = DynaformPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
            while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
            //Delete the input documents of process
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(InputDocumentPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            $oDataset = InputDocumentPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
            while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
            //Delete the output documents of process
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(OutputDocumentPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            $oDataset = OutputDocumentPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
            while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {

            //Delete the triggers of process
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(TriggersPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            $oDataset = TriggersPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
            while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {

            //Delete the routes of process
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(RoutePeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            $oDataset = RoutePeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
            while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {

            //Delete the gateways of process
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(GatewayPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            $oDataset = GatewayPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
            while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {

            //Delete the Event of process
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(EventPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            $oDataset = EventPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
            while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {

            //Delete the swimlanes elements of process
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(SwimlanesElementsPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            $oDataset = SwimlanesElementsPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
            while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
            //Delete the configurations of process
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(ConfigurationPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            $oDataset = ConfigurationPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
            while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
                $oConfiguration->remove($aRow['CFG_UID'], $aRow['OBJ_UID'], $aRow['PRO_UID'], $aRow['USR_UID'], $aRow['APP_UID']);
            //Delete the DB sources of process
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(DbSourcePeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            $oDataset = DbSourcePeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
            while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {

                 * note added by gustavo cruz gustavo-at-colosa-dot-com 27-01-2010
                 * in order to solve the bug 0004389, we use the validation function Exists
                 * inside the remove function in order to verify if the DbSource record
                 * exists in the Database, however there is a strange behavior within the
                 * propel engine, when the first record is erased somehow the "_deleted"
                 * attribute of the next row is set to true, so when propel tries to erase
                 * it, obviously it can't and trows an error. With the "Exist" function
                 * we ensure that if there is the record in the database, the _delete attribute must be false.
                 * note added by gustavo cruz gustavo-at-colosa-dot-com 28-01-2010
                 * I have just identified the source of the issue, when is created a $oDbSource DbSource object
                 * it's used whenever a record is erased or removed in the db, however the problem
                 * it's that the same object is used every time, and the delete method invoked
                 * sets the _deleted attribute to true when its called, of course as we use
                 * the same object, the first time works fine but trowns an error with the
                 * next record, cos it's the same object and the delete method checks if the _deleted
                 * attribute it's true or false, the attrib _deleted is setted to true the
                 * first time and later is never changed, the issue seems to be part of
                 * every remove function in the model classes, not only DbSource
                 * i recommend that a more general solution must be achieved to resolve
                 * this issue in every model class, to prevent future problems.
                $oDbSource->remove($aRow['DBS_UID'], $sProcessUID);
            //Delete the supervisors
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(ProcessUserPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            //Delete the object permissions
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(ObjectPermissionPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            //Delete the step supervisors
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(StepSupervisorPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            //Delete the report tables
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(ReportTablePeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            $oDataset = ReportTablePeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
            while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
            //Delete case tracker configuration
            //Delete case tracker objects
            $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
            $oCriteria->add(CaseTrackerObjectPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID);
            //Delete the process
            try {
            } catch (Exception $oError) {
                throw ($oError);
            return true;
        } catch (Exception $oError) {
            throw ($oError);
Пример #7
  * Return starting task by users
  * @param string $sProcessUID {@min 32} {@max 32}
  * @param string $sUserUID {@min 32} {@max 32}
  * return array
  * @access public
 public function getProjectStartingTaskUsers($sProcessUID, $sUserUID)
     try {
         Validator::proUid($sProcessUID, '$prj_uid');
         Validator::usrUid($sUserUID, '$usr_uid');
         $aUsers = array();
         $oCase = new \Cases();
         $startTasks = $oCase->getStartCases($sUserUID);
         if (sizeof($startTasks) > 1) {
             foreach ($startTasks as $task) {
                 if (isset($task['pro_uid']) && $task['pro_uid'] == $sProcessUID) {
                     $taskValue = explode('(', $task['value']);
                     $tasksLastIndex = count($taskValue) - 1;
                     $taskValue = explode(')', $taskValue[$tasksLastIndex]);
                     $aUsers[] = array('act_uid' => $task['uid'], 'act_name' => $taskValue[0]);
         if (sizeof($aUsers) < 1) {
             throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_USER_NOT_INITIAL ACTIVITIES", array($sUserUID)));
         return $aUsers;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;