All the commands exposed by the client generally have the same signature as described by the Redis documentation, but some of them offer an additional and more friendly interface to ease programming which is described in the following list of methods:
Автор: Daniele Alessandri (
Пример #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function __construct(ClientInterface $client)
     if (!$client->getCommandFactory()->supportsCommands(array('multi', 'exec', 'discard'))) {
         throw new ClientException("'MULTI', 'EXEC' and 'DISCARD' are not supported by the current command factory.");
Пример #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function __construct(ClientInterface $client)
     if (!$client->getProfile()->supportsCommands(array('multi', 'exec', 'discard'))) {
         throw new ClientException("The current profile does not support 'MULTI', 'EXEC' and 'DISCARD'.");
Пример #3
  * Broadcast the given event.
  * @param  array $channels
  * @param  string $event
  * @param  array $payload
  * @return void
 public function broadcast(array $channels, $event, array $payload = [])
     $socket = isset($payload['socket']) ? $payload['socket'] : null;
     $payload = json_encode(['event' => $event, 'data' => $payload, 'socket' => $socket]);
     foreach ($this->formatChannels($channels) as $channel) {
         $this->redis->publish($channel, $payload);
Пример #4
  * @inheritdoc
 public function has(AggregateIdInterface $id, $version)
     if (!$this->redis->hexists(static::KEY_NAMESPACE, (string) $id)) {
         return false;
     $snapshot = $this->serializer->deserialize($this->redis->hget(static::KEY_NAMESPACE, (string) $id), 'array', 'json');
     return $snapshot['version'] === $version;
  * Set the cache for a token.
  * @param $key
  * @param string $value
  * @param null $expiration
 protected function cacheSet($key, $value, $expiration = null)
     $this->client->set($key, $value);
     if (!empty($expiration)) {
         $this->ttl = $expiration;
     $this->client->expire($key, $this->ttl);
Пример #6
  * Returns a pipeline executor depending on the kind of the underlying
  * connection and the passed options.
  * @param  ClientInterface           $client Client instance used by the context.
  * @return PipelineExecutorInterface
 protected function createExecutor(ClientInterface $client)
     $options = $client->getOptions();
     if (isset($options->exceptions)) {
         return new StandardExecutor($options->exceptions);
     return new StandardExecutor();
Пример #7
  * @throws QueueIsDraining If the Queue is Drainable
  * @param string $message
  * @param array $options Message options (override Queue options):
  * @return string Unique ID along the queue
 protected function doEnqueue($message, $options = [])
     // Score has form <priority>.<timestamp>
     $score = isset($options['score']) ? $options['score'] : 0;
     if ($priority = $this->getOption('priority', false, $options)) {
         $score += $priority;
     $this->redis->zAdd($this->queueKey, $score, $message);
Пример #8
  * Checks if the passed client instance satisfies the required conditions
  * needed to initialize a monitor consumer.
  * @param ClientInterface $client Client instance used by the consumer.
  * @throws NotSupportedException
 private function assertClient(ClientInterface $client)
     if ($client->getConnection() instanceof AggregateConnectionInterface) {
         throw new NotSupportedException('Cannot initialize a monitor consumer over aggregate connections.');
     if ($client->getProfile()->supportsCommand('MONITOR') === false) {
         throw new NotSupportedException("The current profile does not support 'MONITOR'.");
Пример #9
  * Checks if the passed client instance satisfies the required conditions
  * needed to initialize a monitor context.
  * @param ClientInterface $client Client instance used by the context.
 private function checkCapabilities(ClientInterface $client)
     if ($client->getConnection() instanceof AggregatedConnectionInterface) {
         throw new NotSupportedException('Cannot initialize a monitor context when using aggregated connections');
     if ($client->getProfile()->supportsCommand('monitor') === false) {
         throw new NotSupportedException('The current profile does not support the MONITOR command');
  * Checks if the passed client instance satisfies the required conditions
  * needed to initialize a Publish / Subscribe context.
  * @param ClientInterface $client Client instance used by the context.
 private function checkCapabilities(ClientInterface $client)
     if ($client->getConnection() instanceof AggregatedConnectionInterface) {
         throw new NotSupportedException('Cannot initialize a PUB/SUB context when using aggregated connections');
     $commands = array('publish', 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'psubscribe', 'punsubscribe');
     if ($client->getProfile()->supportsCommands($commands) === false) {
         throw new NotSupportedException('The current profile does not support PUB/SUB related commands');
Пример #11
  * Checks if the client instance satisfies the required conditions needed to
  * initialize a PUB/SUB consumer.
  * @param ClientInterface $client Client instance used by the consumer.
  * @throws NotSupportedException
 private function checkCapabilities(ClientInterface $client)
     if ($client->getConnection() instanceof AggregateConnectionInterface) {
         throw new NotSupportedException('Cannot initialize a PUB/SUB consumer over aggregate connections.');
     $commands = array('publish', 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'psubscribe', 'punsubscribe');
     if ($client->getCommandFactory()->supportsCommands($commands) === false) {
         throw new NotSupportedException('PUB/SUB commands are not supported by the current command factory.');
Пример #12
  * Releases the lock, if it has not been released already
 public function release()
     if ($this->released) {
     // Only release the lock if it hasn't expired
     if ($this->expire >= time()) {
     $this->released = true;
Пример #13
 private function deleteGlob($pattern)
     $keys = $this->client->keys($pattern);
     $options = $this->client->getOptions();
     if (isset($options->prefix)) {
         $length = strlen($options->prefix->getPrefix());
         $keys = array_map(function ($key) use($length) {
             return substr($key, $length);
         }, $keys);
     if (count($keys) === 0) {
Пример #14
  * Remove an ID from an index
  * @param  string $id
  * @param  string $index
  * @return void
 protected function removeIndexId(string $id, string $index)
     if ($this->redis->scard($index) == 1) {
         return $this->redis->del($index);
     return $this->redis->srem($index, $id);
Пример #15
  * @return array
 public function getPosts() : array
     if ($this->redisClient !== null) {
         $posts = $this->redisClient->get('posts');
         if ($posts) {
             return json_decode($posts, true);
     $blog = $this->getBlogInfo();
     $posts = $this->thumblrClient->getBlogPosts($blog['name'], ['type' => 'text'])->posts;
     $posts = json_encode($posts, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
     if ($this->redisClient !== null) {
         $this->redisClient->set('posts', $posts);
         $this->redisClient->expireat('posts', time() + 3600);
     return json_decode($posts, true);
Пример #16
  * Configures the transaction using the provided options.
  * @param ClientInterface $client  Underlying client instance.
  * @param array           $options Array of options for the transaction.
  * */
 protected function configure(ClientInterface $client, array $options)
     if (isset($options['exceptions'])) {
         $this->exceptions = (bool) $options['exceptions'];
     } else {
         $this->exceptions = $client->getOptions()->exceptions;
     if (isset($options['cas'])) {
         $this->modeCAS = (bool) $options['cas'];
     if (isset($options['watch']) && ($keys = $options['watch'])) {
         $this->watchKeys = $keys;
     if (isset($options['retry'])) {
         $this->attempts = (int) $options['retry'];
Пример #17
  * Release the lock if we possess it.
  * Returns true if we released the lock, and false if it was already
  * released.
  * @return bool
 public function release()
     if (!$this->locked()) {
         return false;
     $this->state = self::UNLOCKED;
     return true;
  * @test
 public function testSettingACustomExpiration()
     $token = $this->tokenProvider->getAccessTokenByToken('nnch734d00sl2jdk');
     $serializedToken = serialize($token);
     $key = 'tokenProvider/token/key:nnch734d00sl2jdk';
     $this->tokenProviderCache->cacheSet($key, $serializedToken, 500);
     $ttl = $this->client->ttl($key);
     $this->assertEquals(500, $ttl);
Пример #19
  * @group redis-lists
 public function testListRightPopLeftPush()
     $this->assertNull($this->client->rpoplpush('foo', 'bar'));
     $this->assertEquals(array(), $this->client->lrange('bar', 0, -1));
     $this->client->rpush('foo', 'A', 'B');
     $this->client->rpush('bar', 'C', 'D');
     $this->assertEquals('B', $this->client->rpoplpush('foo', 'bar'));
     $this->assertEquals(array('A'), $this->client->lrange('foo', 0, -1));
     $this->assertEquals(array('B', 'C', 'D'), $this->client->lrange('bar', 0, -1));
Пример #20
  * Delete all keys from the cache
  * @param bool $check if true will check expiration, otherwise delete all
  * @return bool True if the cache was successfully cleared, false otherwise
 public function clear($check)
     if ($check) {
         return true;
     $keys = $this->client->keys($this->_config['prefix'] . '*');
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
     return true;
  * @inheritdoc
 public function registerNonceAndTimestamp($nonce, $timestamp, ConsumerInterface $consumer)
     if ($this->checkNonceAndTimestampUnicity($nonce, $timestamp, $consumer)) {
         $noncesRedisKey = $this->noncesRedisKey($consumer, $timestamp);
         $this->client->sadd($noncesRedisKey, [$nonce]);
         $this->client->expire($noncesRedisKey, $this->ttl);
         $timestampsKey = $this->timestampsKey($consumer);
         $this->client->zadd($timestampsKey, $timestamp, $timestamp);
         // While we're here, only keep the top 10 items.
         $sortedSet = $this->client->zrevrange($timestampsKey, 0, -1);
         if (is_array($sortedSet) && !empty($sortedSet)) {
             $lastTimestamp = $sortedSet[0];
             $this->client->zremrangebyscore($timestampsKey, 0, $lastTimestamp - 1);
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
  * @test
 public function it_only_keeps_the_last_ten_timestamps_per_consumer()
     $key = "timestamps/key:{$this->consumer->getConsumerKey()}";
     $this->nonceProvider->registerNonceAndTimestamp('wNcUhAXuMe', 500, $this->consumer);
     $this->nonceProvider->registerNonceAndTimestamp('dTAmpjPUbk', 600, $this->consumer);
     $this->nonceProvider->registerNonceAndTimestamp('blnDetYfmx', 700, $this->consumer);
     $this->nonceProvider->registerNonceAndTimestamp('SiakXrdbZv', 800, $this->consumer);
     $this->nonceProvider->registerNonceAndTimestamp('cduemCfTOQ', 900, $this->consumer);
     $this->nonceProvider->registerNonceAndTimestamp('MMoVLLMHOn', 1000, $this->consumer);
     $this->nonceProvider->registerNonceAndTimestamp('BGRvLDLmdz', 1100, $this->consumer);
     $this->nonceProvider->registerNonceAndTimestamp('jRQiFtutXj', 1200, $this->consumer);
     $this->nonceProvider->registerNonceAndTimestamp('RwwgRAOYlG', 1300, $this->consumer);
     $this->nonceProvider->registerNonceAndTimestamp('WTjPgqtpFM', 1400, $this->consumer);
     $this->nonceProvider->registerNonceAndTimestamp('EhnRTUPMaZ', 1500, $this->consumer);
     $this->nonceProvider->registerNonceAndTimestamp('RZiDsxDded', 1600, $this->consumer);
     $this->nonceProvider->registerNonceAndTimestamp('FiWVeIpbBm', 1700, $this->consumer);
     $count = count($this->client->zrange($key, 0, -1));
     $this->assertEquals(1, $count);
Пример #23
  * @param SessionInterface $session
  * @param Response $response
 private function postRequestHandle(SessionInterface $session, Response $response)
     if ($this->sessionIsPersistent($config = $this->manager->getSessionConfig())) {
         $id = $session->getId();
         $key = 'session:' . $id;
         $content = $session->all();
         unset($content['_token'], $content['flash']);
         $lastSeen = time();
         $content['last_seen'] = $lastSeen;
         $session->set('last_seen', $lastSeen);
         $value = Json::dump($content);
         $this->redis->set($key, $value);
         $this->redis->expire($key, $this->getSessionLifetimeInSeconds());
         $cookie = new Cookie($this->key, $id, $this->getCookieExpirationDate(), $config['path'], $config['domain'], Arr::get($config, 'secure', false));
Пример #24
 protected function tearDown()
Пример #25
  * @param ClientInterface $client Client instance used by the context.
 public function __construct(ClientInterface $client)
     $this->callbacks = array();
     $this->pubSubContext = $client->pubSub();
Пример #26
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function updateTimestamp($sessionId, $data)
     $this->redis->expire($sessionId, $this->ttl);
Пример #27
 public function keepAlive(JobInterface $job)
     // This command keeps Predis connection alive during long-running processing,
     // called in HandleQueueCommand.php
Пример #28
  * Ensures that the client supports the specified Redis command required to
  * fetch elements from the server to perform the iteration.
  * @param ClientInterface $client    Client connected to Redis.
  * @param string          $commandID Command ID.
  * @throws NotSupportedException
 protected function requiredCommand(ClientInterface $client, $commandID)
     if (!$client->getProfile()->supportsCommand($commandID)) {
         throw new NotSupportedException("The current profile does not support '{$commandID}'.");
Пример #29
  * Checks if the passed client instance satisfies the required conditions
  * needed to initialize a transaction context.
  * @param ClientInterface $client Client instance used by the context.
 private function checkCapabilities(ClientInterface $client)
     if ($client->getConnection() instanceof AggregatedConnectionInterface) {
         throw new NotSupportedException('Cannot initialize a MULTI/EXEC context when using aggregated connections');
     $profile = $client->getProfile();
     if ($profile->supportsCommands(array('multi', 'exec', 'discard')) === false) {
         throw new NotSupportedException('The current profile does not support MULTI, EXEC and DISCARD');
     $this->canWatch = $profile->supportsCommands(array('watch', 'unwatch'));
Пример #30
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function doGetStats()
     $info = $this->client->info();
     return array(Cache::STATS_HITS => $info['Stats']['keyspace_hits'], Cache::STATS_MISSES => $info['Stats']['keyspace_misses'], Cache::STATS_UPTIME => $info['Server']['uptime_in_seconds'], Cache::STATS_MEMORY_USAGE => $info['Memory']['used_memory'], Cache::STATS_MEMORY_AVAILABLE => false);