Автор: Nick Sagona, III (dev@nolainteractive.com)
Наследование: implements ArrayAccess
Пример #1
  * Initialize the application
  * @param  Application $application
  * @throws \Phire\Exception
  * @return Module
 public function register(Application $application)
     // Set the database
     if ($this->application->services()->isAvailable('database')) {
         $db = count($this->application->getService('database')->getTables()) > 0;
     } else {
         $db = false;
     $this->application->mergeConfig(['db' => $db]);
     // Check PHP version
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') < 0) {
         throw new \Phire\Exception('Error: Phire CMS requires PHP 5.4.0 or greater.');
     // Add route params for the controllers
     if (null !== $this->application->router()) {
         $this->application->router()->addControllerParams('*', ['application' => $this->application, 'console' => new Console(120, '    ')]);
     // Set up triggers to check the application session
     $this->application->on('app.route.post', 'Phire\\Event\\Db::check', 1000);
     $this->application->on('app.route.pre', function () {
         if (isset($_SERVER['argv'][1]) && ($_SERVER['argv'][1] != 'sql' && $_SERVER['argv'][1] != 'archive')) {
             echo PHP_EOL . '    Phire Console' . PHP_EOL;
             echo '    =============' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     }, 1000);
     $this->application->on('app.dispatch.post', function () {
         echo PHP_EOL;
     }, 1000);
     return $this;
Пример #2
 public function bootstrap($autoloader = null)
     $this->on('app.init', function ($application) {
Пример #3
  * Register module
  * @param  Application $application
  * @throws Exception
  * @return Module
 public function register(Application $application)
     // Add route params for the controllers
     if (null !== $this->application->router()) {
         $this->application->router()->addControllerParams('*', ['application' => $this->application, 'console' => new \Pop\Console\Console(120, '    ')]);
     if (!empty($this->application->config()['database']) && !empty($this->application->config()['database']['adapter'])) {
         $adapter = $this->application->config()['database']['adapter'];
         $options = ['database' => $this->application->config()['database']['database'], 'username' => $this->application->config()['database']['username'], 'password' => $this->application->config()['database']['password'], 'host' => $this->application->config()['database']['host'], 'type' => $this->application->config()['database']['type']];
         $check = \Pop\Db\Db::check($adapter, $options);
         if (null !== $check) {
             throw new Exception('DB ' . $check);
         $this->application->services()->set('database', ['call' => 'Pop\\Db\\Db::connect', 'params' => ['adapter' => $adapter, 'options' => $options]]);
     if ($this->application->services()->isAvailable('database')) {
     // Set up triggers to check the application session
     $this->application->on('app.route.pre', function () {
         if (isset($_SERVER['argv'][1])) {
             echo PHP_EOL . '    App Console' . PHP_EOL;
             echo '    ===========' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     }, 1000);
     $this->application->on('app.dispatch.post', function () {
         echo PHP_EOL;
     }, 1000);
     return $this;
Пример #4
  * Register module
  * @param  Application $application
  * @throws Exception
  * @return Module
 public function register(Application $application)
     if (null !== $this->application->router()) {
         $this->application->router()->addControllerParams('*', ['application' => $this->application, 'request' => new Request(), 'response' => new Response()]);
     if (!empty($this->application->config()['database']) && !empty($this->application->config()['database']['adapter'])) {
         $adapter = $this->application->config()['database']['adapter'];
         $options = ['database' => $this->application->config()['database']['database'], 'username' => $this->application->config()['database']['username'], 'password' => $this->application->config()['database']['password'], 'host' => $this->application->config()['database']['host'], 'type' => $this->application->config()['database']['type']];
         $check = \Pop\Db\Db::check($adapter, $options);
         if (null !== $check) {
             throw new Exception('DB ' . $check);
         $this->application->services()->set('database', ['call' => 'Pop\\Db\\Db::connect', 'params' => ['adapter' => $adapter, 'options' => $options]]);
     if ($this->application->services()->isAvailable('database')) {
     if (isset($this->config['forms'])) {
         $this->application->mergeConfig(['forms' => $this->config['forms']]);
     if (isset($this->config['resources'])) {
         $this->application->mergeConfig(['resources' => $this->config['resources']]);
     $this->application->on('app.route.pre', 'App\\Event\\Ssl::check', 1000)->on('app.dispatch.pre', 'App\\Event\\Session::check', 1001)->on('app.dispatch.pre', 'App\\Event\\Acl::check', 1000);
     return $this;
Пример #5
 public function __construct(array $columns = null, $table = null, Adapter\AbstractAdapter $db = null)
     if (null === $db) {
         $db = new Adapter\Sqlite(['database' => __DIR__ . '/../../data/stats.sqlite']);
     parent::__construct($columns, $table, $db);
Пример #6
  * Initialize the application
  * @param  Application $application
  * @throws Exception
  * @return Module
 public function register(Application $application)
     // Set the database
     if ($this->application->services()->isAvailable('database')) {
         $db = count($this->application->getService('database')->getTables()) > 0;
     } else {
         $db = false;
     $this->application->mergeConfig(['db' => $db]);
     // Load assets, if they haven't been loaded already
     $this->loadAssets(__DIR__ . '/../data/assets', 'phire');
     if ($db) {
         $systemTheme = Table\Config::findById('system_theme')->value;
         if (file_exists(CONTENT_ABS_PATH . '/phire/themes/' . $systemTheme)) {
             $this->loadAssets(CONTENT_ABS_PATH . '/phire/themes/' . $systemTheme, $systemTheme);
         } else {
             if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../data/themes/' . $systemTheme)) {
                 $this->loadAssets(__DIR__ . '/../data/themes/' . $systemTheme, $systemTheme);
     } else {
         $this->loadAssets(__DIR__ . '/../data/themes/default', 'default');
     // Load any custom/override assets
     $this->loadAssets(CONTENT_ABS_PATH . '/phire/assets', 'phire-custom', true);
     // Check PHP version
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') < 0) {
         throw new Exception('Error: Phire CMS requires PHP 5.4.0 or greater.');
     // Add route params for the controllers
     if (null !== $this->application->router()) {
         $this->application->router()->addControllerParams('*', ['application' => $this->application, 'request' => new Request(), 'response' => new Response()]);
     // Set up triggers to check the application session
     $this->application->on('app.route.pre', 'Phire\\Event\\Ssl::check', 1000)->on('app.route.post', 'Phire\\Event\\Db::check', 1000)->on('app.dispatch.pre', 'Phire\\Event\\Session::check', 1001)->on('app.dispatch.pre', 'Phire\\Event\\Acl::check', 1000);
     // Add roles to user nav
     // Register modules
     return $this;
Пример #7
 public function bootstrap($autoloader = null)
     $this->on('app.init', function ($application) {
     if ($this->router->isCli()) {
         $this->on('app.route.pre', function () {
             echo PHP_EOL;
             echo '    Pop Tutorial CLI' . PHP_EOL;
             echo '    ----------------' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
         $this->on('app.dispatch.post', function () {
             echo PHP_EOL;
             echo '    ----------------' . PHP_EOL;
             echo '    Complete!' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
Пример #8
  * Delete dynamic field files
  * @param  int         $fieldId
  * @param  int         $modelId
  * @param  string      $model
  * @param  boolean     $encrypt
  * @param  Application $app
  * @param  string      $uploadFolder
  * @param  string      $mediaLibrary
  * @return void
 protected static function saveFiles($fieldId, $modelId, $model, $encrypt, $app, $uploadFolder, $mediaLibrary = null)
     $field = T\Fields::findById($fieldId);
     if (isset($field->id)) {
         $time = time();
         $newValues = [];
         $oldValues = new Record();
         $oldValues->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $field->name);
         $oldValues->findRecordsBy(['model_id' => $modelId, 'model' => $model], ['order' => 'id ASC']);
         $old = $oldValues->rows(false);
         foreach ($_FILES as $key => $file) {
             $id = substr_count($key, '_') == 2 ? substr($key, strrpos($key, '_') + 1) : 0;
             if (!empty($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']) && !empty($_FILES[$key]['name'])) {
                 if (null !== $mediaLibrary) {
                     $library = new \Phire\Media\Model\MediaLibrary();
                     if (isset($library->id)) {
                         $settings = $library->getSettings();
                         $mediaUpload = new Upload($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder, $settings['max_filesize'], $settings['disallowed_types'], $settings['allowed_types']);
                         if ($mediaUpload->test($_FILES[$key])) {
                             $media = new \Phire\Media\Model\Media();
                             $media->save($_FILES[$key], ['library_id' => $library->id]);
                             $value = $media->file;
                             if ($encrypt) {
                                 $value = (new Mcrypt())->create($value);
                             if (isset($old[$id])) {
                                 $replaceValue = new Record();
                                 $replaceValue->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $field->name);
                                 if (isset($replaceValue->id)) {
                                     $replaceValue->value = $value;
                                     if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $old[$id]['value'])) {
                                         unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $old[$id]['value']);
                                     if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder . '/' . $old[$id]['value'])) {
                                         $media = new \Phire\Media\Model\Media();
                                         if (isset($media->id)) {
                                             $media->remove(['rm_media' => [$media->id]]);
                             } else {
                                 $newValues[] = $value;
                             copy($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder . '/' . $media->file, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $media->file);
                 } else {
                     $upload = new Upload($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/', $app->module('phire-fields')->config()['max_size'], $app->module('phire-fields')->config()['disallowed_types'], $app->module('phire-fields')->config()['allowed_types']);
                     $value = $upload->upload($_FILES[$key]);
                     if ($encrypt) {
                         $value = (new Mcrypt())->create($value);
                     if (isset($old[$id])) {
                         $replaceValue = new Record();
                         $replaceValue->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $field->name);
                         if (isset($replaceValue->id)) {
                             $replaceValue->value = $value;
                             if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $old[$id]['value'])) {
                                 unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $old[$id]['value']);
                     } else {
                         $newValues[] = $value;
         foreach ($newValues as $v) {
             if (!empty($v)) {
                 $fv = new Record(['model_id' => $modelId, 'model' => $model, 'timestamp' => $time, 'revision' => 0, 'value' => $v]);
                 $fv->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $field->name);
                 $fvs = new Record();
                 $fvs->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $field->name);
                 $sql = $fvs->getSql();
                 $sql->update(['timestamp' => ':timestamp'])->where('model_id = :model_id')->where('model = :model');
                 $fvs->execute($sql, ['timestamp' => $time, 'model_id' => $modelId, 'model' => $model]);
Пример #9
  * Constructor
  * Instantiate a project object
  * @param  mixed           $config
  * @param  array           $module
  * @param  \Pop\Mvc\Router $router
  * @return \Pop\Project\Project
 public function __construct($config = null, array $module = null, Router $router = null)
     if (null !== $config) {
     if (null !== $module) {
     if (null !== $router) {
     $this->events = new \Pop\Event\Manager();
     $this->services = new \Pop\Service\Locator();
     if (isset($this->config->log)) {
         if (!file_exists($this->config->log)) {
             chmod($this->config->log, 0777);
         $this->logger = new \Pop\Log\Logger(new \Pop\Log\Writer\File(realpath($this->config->log)));
     if (isset($this->config->defaultDb)) {
         $default = $this->config->defaultDb;
Пример #10
 public function testGetDbException()
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Pop\\Db\\Db', Record::getDb());
Пример #11
  * Method to write to the log
  * @param  array $logEntry
  * @param  array $options
  * @return \Pop\Log\Writer\Db
 public function writeLog(array $logEntry, array $options = array())
     return $this;
Пример #12
 public function testSetValuesException()
     $r = new Record();
Пример #13
  * Delete dynamic field values
  * @param  AbstractController $controller
  * @param  Application        $application
  * @return void
 public static function delete(AbstractController $controller, Application $application)
     if ($_POST) {
         $uploadFolder = BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/files';
         $mediaLibrary = $application->module('phire-fields')->config()['media_library'];
         foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
             if (substr($key, 0, 3) == 'rm_' && is_array($value)) {
                 $fields = Table\Fields::findBy();
                 $fieldIds = [];
                 $fieldTypes = [];
                 $fieldStorage = [];
                 foreach ($fields->rows() as $field) {
                     $fieldIds[$field->id] = $field->name;
                     $fieldTypes[$field->id] = $field->type;
                     $fieldStorage[$field->id] = $field->storage;
                 foreach ($value as $id) {
                     foreach ($fieldIds as $fieldId => $fieldName) {
                         if ($fieldStorage[$fieldId] == 'eav') {
                             $fv = Table\FieldValues::findBy(['model_id' => (int) $id]);
                             if ($fv->hasRows()) {
                                 foreach ($fv->rows() as $f) {
                                     $fValue = json_decode($f->value, true);
                                     if (!is_array($fValue)) {
                                         $fValue = [$fValue];
                                     foreach ($fValue as $f) {
                                         if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $f)) {
                                             unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $f);
                                         if (null !== $mediaLibrary && $application->isRegistered('phire-media')) {
                                             $library = new \Phire\Media\Model\MediaLibrary();
                                             if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder . '/' . $f)) {
                                                 $media = new \Phire\Media\Model\Media();
                                                 if (isset($media->id)) {
                                                     $media->remove(['rm_media' => [$media->id]]);
                             $fv = new Table\FieldValues();
                             $fv->delete(['model_id' => (int) $id]);
                         } else {
                             $fv = new Record();
                             $fv->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $fieldName);
                             $fv->findRecordsBy(['model_id' => (int) $id]);
                             if ($fieldTypes[$fieldId] == 'file' && $fv->hasRows()) {
                                 foreach ($fv->rows() as $f) {
                                     if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $f->value)) {
                                         unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $f->value);
                                     if (null !== $mediaLibrary && $application->isRegistered('phire-media')) {
                                         $library = new \Phire\Media\Model\MediaLibrary();
                                         if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder . '/' . $f->value)) {
                                             $media = new \Phire\Media\Model\Media();
                                             if (isset($media->id)) {
                                                 $media->remove(['rm_media' => [$media->id]]);
                             $fv->delete(['model_id' => (int) $id]);
Пример #14
  * JSON models action method
  * @param  mixed $model
  * @param  mixed $fid
  * @param  mixed $marked
  * @return void
 public function json($model = null, $fid = null, $marked = null)
     $json = [];
     // Get field validators and models
     if ($model == 0 && null !== $fid) {
         $field = Table\Fields::findById($fid);
         if (isset($field->id)) {
             $json['validators'] = null != $field->validators ? unserialize($field->validators) : [];
             $json['models'] = null != $field->models ? unserialize($field->models) : [];
         // Get field values
     } else {
         if (null !== $fid && null == $marked && null !== $this->request->getQuery('model')) {
             $field = Table\Fields::findById($fid);
             if ($field->dynamic) {
                 if ($field->storage == 'eav') {
                     $fv = Table\FieldValues::findById([$fid, $model, $this->request->getQuery('model')]);
                     if (!empty($fv->value)) {
                         $values = json_decode($fv->value, true);
                         if (is_array($values)) {
                     } else {
                         $values = [];
                 } else {
                     $fv = new Record();
                     $fv->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $field->name);
                     $fv->findRecordsBy(['model_id' => $model, 'model' => $this->request->getQuery('model')], ['order' => 'id ASC']);
                     $values = [];
                     if ($fv->hasRows() && $fv->count() > 1) {
                         $rows = $fv->rows();
                         for ($i = 1; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
                             $values[] = $rows[$i]->value;
                 $json['values'] = $values;
             // Get field history values
         } else {
             if (null !== $fid && null !== $marked && null !== $this->request->getQuery('model')) {
                 $field = Table\Fields::findById($fid);
                 $value = '';
                 if (isset($field->id)) {
                     if ($field->storage == 'eav') {
                         $fv = Table\FieldValues::findById([$fid, $model, $this->request->getQuery('model')]);
                         if (isset($fv->field_id) && null !== $fv->history) {
                             $history = json_decode($fv->history, true);
                             if (isset($history[$marked])) {
                                 $value = $history[$marked];
                                 $f = Table\Fields::findById($fid);
                                 if ($f->encrypt) {
                                     $value = (new \Pop\Crypt\Mcrypt())->decrypt($value);
                         $json['fieldId'] = $fid;
                         $json['modelId'] = $model;
                         $json['model'] = $this->request->getQuery('model');
                         $json['value'] = $value;
                     } else {
                         $fv = new Record();
                         $fv->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $field->name);
                         $fv->findRecordsBy(['model_id' => $model, 'model' => $this->request->getQuery('model'), 'timestamp' => $marked], ['order' => 'id ASC']);
                         if (isset($fv->model_id)) {
                             $value = $fv->value;
                             if ($field->encrypt) {
                                 $value = (new \Pop\Crypt\Mcrypt())->decrypt($value);
                         $json['fieldId'] = $fid;
                         $json['modelId'] = $model;
                         $json['model'] = $this->request->getQuery('model');
                         $json['value'] = $value;
                 // Get field models
             } else {
                 $model = rawurldecode($model);
                 $models = $this->application->module('phire-fields')->config()['models'];
                 if (isset($models[$model])) {
                     $json = $models[$model];
     $this->response->setBody(json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
     $this->send(200, ['Content-Type' => 'application/json']);
Пример #15

*  2015 Lace Cart
*  @author LaceCart Dev <*****@*****.**>
*  @copyright  2015 LaceCart Team
*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of LaceCart Team
use Pop\Db\Db as DB;
use Pop\Db\Record as Adapter;
return ['services' => ['session' => ['call' => 'Pop\\Web\\Session::getInstance'], 'db' => ['call' => function () use($config) {
    Adapter::setDb(DB::connect($config->database->adapter, ['database' => $config->database->database, 'username' => $config->database->username, 'password' => $config->database->password, 'host' => $config->database->host]));
}], 'config' => ['call' => function () use($config) {
    return $config;
}], 'nav' => ['call' => function () use($nav) {
    return $nav;
Пример #16
  * Get field values for a model object
  * @param  mixed $model
  * @param  int   $id
  * @param  array $filters
  * @return mixed
 public static function getModelObjectValues($model, $id = null, array $filters = [])
     if (is_string($model)) {
         $class = $model;
     } else {
         $class = get_class($model);
         if (isset($model->id)) {
             $id = $model->id;
     $fieldValues = [];
     $sql = Table\Fields::sql();
     $sql->select()->where('models LIKE :models');
     $value = $sql->getDbType() == \Pop\Db\Sql::SQLITE ? '%' . $class . '%' : '%' . addslashes($class) . '%';
     $fields = Table\Fields::execute((string) $sql, ['models' => $value]);
     if (null !== $id && $fields->count() > 0) {
         foreach ($fields->rows() as $field) {
             $fValue = '';
             if ($field->storage == 'eav') {
                 $fv = Table\FieldValues::findById([$field->id, $id, $class]);
                 if (isset($fv->field_id)) {
                     $fValue = json_decode($fv->value);
                     foreach ($filters as $filter => $params) {
                         if (null !== $params && count($params) > 0) {
                             $params = array_merge([$fValue], $params);
                         } else {
                             $params = [$fValue];
                         $fValue = call_user_func_array($filter, $params);
                     if ($field->encrypt) {
                         if (is_array($fValue)) {
                             foreach ($fValue as $k => $fv) {
                                 $fValue = (new Mcrypt())->decrypt($fValue);
                         } else {
                             $fValue = (new Mcrypt())->decrypt($fValue);
             } else {
                 $fv = new Record();
                 $fv->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $field->name);
                 $fv->findRecordsBy(['model_id' => $id, 'model' => $class, 'revision' => 0]);
                 if ($fv->hasRows()) {
                     if ($fv->count() > 1) {
                         $fValue = [];
                         foreach ($fv->rows() as $f) {
                             $fValue[] = $field->encrypt ? (new Mcrypt())->decrypt($f->value) : $f->value;
                     } else {
                         $fValue = $field->encrypt ? (new Mcrypt())->decrypt($fv->value) : $fv->value;
             if (is_object($model)) {
                 $model->{$field->name} = self::parse($fValue);
             } else {
                 $fieldValues[$field->name] = self::parse($fValue);
     return is_object($model) ? $model : $fieldValues;
Пример #17
 public function testGetDefaultDb()
     Record::setDb(Db::factory('Sqlite', array('database' => __DIR__ . '/../tmp/test.sqlite')), true);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Pop\\Db\\Db', Record::getDb());