getProcessedMetricsForTable() публичный статический Метод

Returns the ProcessedMetrics that should be computed and formatted for a DataTable of a certain report. The ProcessedMetrics returned are those specified by the Report metadata as well as the DataTable metadata.
public static getProcessedMetricsForTable ( DataTable $dataTable, Report $report = null ) : Piwik\Plugin\ProcessedMetric[]
$dataTable Piwik\DataTable
$report Report
Результат Piwik\Plugin\ProcessedMetric[]
Пример #1
 public function computeProcessedMetrics(DataTable $dataTable)
     if ($dataTable->getMetadata(self::PROCESSED_METRICS_COMPUTED_FLAG)) {
     /** @var ProcessedMetric[] $processedMetrics */
     $processedMetrics = Report::getProcessedMetricsForTable($dataTable, $this->report);
     if (empty($processedMetrics)) {
     $dataTable->setMetadata(self::PROCESSED_METRICS_COMPUTED_FLAG, true);
     foreach ($processedMetrics as $name => $processedMetric) {
         if (!$processedMetric->beforeCompute($this->report, $dataTable)) {
         foreach ($dataTable->getRows() as $row) {
             if ($row->getColumn($name) === false) {
                 // only compute the metric if it has not been computed already
                 $computedValue = $processedMetric->compute($row);
                 if ($computedValue !== false) {
                     $row->addColumn($name, $computedValue);
                 $subtable = $row->getSubtable();
                 if (!empty($subtable)) {