Пример #1
  * @param \phpDocumentor\Reflection\BaseReflector $reflector
  * @param Context $context
  * @param array $config
 public function __construct($reflector = null, $context = null, $config = [])
     if ($reflector === null) {
     // base properties
     $this->name = ltrim($reflector->getName(), '\\');
     $this->startLine = $reflector->getNode()->getAttribute('startLine');
     $this->endLine = $reflector->getNode()->getAttribute('endLine');
     $docblock = $reflector->getDocBlock();
     if ($docblock !== null) {
         $this->shortDescription = ucfirst($docblock->getShortDescription());
         if (empty($this->shortDescription) && !$this instanceof PropertyDoc && $context !== null && $docblock->getTagsByName('inheritdoc') === null) {
             $context->errors[] = ['line' => $this->startLine, 'file' => $this->sourceFile, 'message' => "No short description for " . substr(StringHelper::basename(get_class($this)), 0, -3) . " '{$this->name}'"];
         $this->description = $docblock->getLongDescription()->getContents();
         $this->phpDocContext = $docblock->getContext();
         $this->tags = $docblock->getTags();
         foreach ($this->tags as $i => $tag) {
             if ($tag instanceof SinceTag) {
                 $this->since = $tag->getVersion();
             } elseif ($tag instanceof DeprecatedTag) {
                 $this->deprecatedSince = $tag->getVersion();
                 $this->deprecatedReason = $tag->getDescription();
     } elseif ($context !== null) {
         $context->errors[] = ['line' => $this->startLine, 'file' => $this->sourceFile, 'message' => "No docblock for element '{$this->name}'"];
  * Export this tag to the given DocBlock.
  * @param \DOMElement                                  $parent  Element to
  *     augment.
  * @param \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag       $tag     The tag to
  *     export.
  * @param \phpDocumentor\Reflection\BaseReflector $element Element to
  *     log from.
  * @return void
 public function export(\DOMElement $parent, $tag, $element)
     $child = new \DOMElement('tag');
     $child->setAttribute('line', $parent->getAttribute('line'));
     $element->dispatch('reflection.docblock.tag.export', array('object' => $tag, 'xml' => simplexml_import_dom($child)));
  * Constructor
  * @param string             $name     Name of the "entity"
  * @param DocBlock|null      $docblock Docblock
  * @param BaseReflector|null $source   Source Element.
 public function __construct($name, $docblock = null, $source = null)
     $this->entityName = $name;
     $this->lineNumber = $docblock ? $docblock->getLocation()->getLineNumber() : $source->getLineNumber();
     $this->docblock = $docblock;
     $this->source = $source;
Пример #4
  * Constructor
  * @param \phpDocumentor\Plugin\Plugin            $plugin     Plugin to which this
  *     validator belongs.
  * @param string                                  $name       Name of the "entity"
  * @param \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock|null $docblock   Docblock
  * @param \phpDocumentor\Reflection\BaseReflector|null  $source     Source Element.
 public function __construct($plugin, $name, $docblock = null, $source = null)
     $this->entityName = $name;
     $this->lineNumber = $docblock ? $docblock->line_number : $source->getLineNumber();
     $this->docblock = $docblock;
     $this->source = $source;
     parent::__construct($plugin->getEventDispatcher(), $plugin->getConfiguration(), $plugin->getTranslator());
Пример #5
  * Exports the given reflection object to the parent XML element.
  * This method creates a new child element on the given parent XML element
  * and takes the properties of the Reflection argument and sets the
  * elements and attributes on the child.
  * If a child DOMElement is provided then the properties and attributes are
  * set on this but the child element is not appended onto the parent. This
  * is the responsibility of the invoker. Essentially this means that the
  * $parent argument is ignored in this case.
  * @param \DOMElement                            $parent   The parent element
  *     to augment.
  * @param \phpDocumentor\Reflection\BaseReflector $element The data source.
  * @return void
 public function export(\DOMElement $parent, $element)
     $docblock = $element->getDocBlock();
     if (!$docblock) {
         $parent->setAttribute('package', $element->getDefaultPackageName());
     $child = new \DOMElement('docblock');
     // TODO: custom attached member variable, make real
     $child->setAttribute('line', $docblock->line_number);
     $this->addDescription($child, $docblock);
     $this->addLongDescription($child, $docblock);
     $this->addTags($child, $docblock->getTags(), $element);
     $this->setParentsPackage($parent, $docblock, $element);
  * Initializes the reflector using the function statement object of
  * PHP-Parser.
  * @param \PHPParser_Node_Stmt $node Function object coming from PHP-Parser.
 public function __construct(\PHPParser_Node_Stmt $node)
     /** @var \PHPParser_Node_Param $param  */
     foreach ($node->params as $param) {
         $reflector = new FunctionReflector\ArgumentReflector($param);
         $this->arguments[$reflector->getName()] = $reflector;
  * Initializes the reflector using the function statement object of
  * PHP-Parser.
  * @param \PhpParser\Node\Stmt $node    Function object coming from PHP-Parser.
  * @param Context             $context The context in which the node occurs.
 public function __construct(\PhpParser\Node\Stmt $node, Context $context)
     parent::__construct($node, $context);
     /** @var \PhpParser\Node\Param $param  */
     foreach ($node->params as $param) {
         $reflector = new FunctionReflector\ArgumentReflector($param, $context);
         $this->arguments[$reflector->getName()] = $reflector;
Пример #8
 * @param BaseReflector|ReflectionAbstract $element
 * @return array
function export_docblock($element)
    $docblock = $element->getDocBlock();
    if (!$docblock) {
        return array('description' => '', 'long_description' => '', 'tags' => array());
    $output = array('description' => preg_replace('/[\\n\\r]+/', ' ', $docblock->getShortDescription()), 'long_description' => preg_replace('/[\\n\\r]+/', ' ', $docblock->getLongDescription()->getFormattedContents()), 'tags' => array());
    foreach ($docblock->getTags() as $tag) {
        $tag_data = array('name' => $tag->getName(), 'content' => preg_replace('/[\\n\\r]+/', ' ', format_description($tag->getDescription())));
        if (method_exists($tag, 'getTypes')) {
            $tag_data['types'] = $tag->getTypes();
        if (method_exists($tag, 'getLink')) {
            $tag_data['link'] = $tag->getLink();
        if (method_exists($tag, 'getVariableName')) {
            $tag_data['variable'] = $tag->getVariableName();
        if (method_exists($tag, 'getReference')) {
            $tag_data['refers'] = $tag->getReference();
        if (method_exists($tag, 'getVersion')) {
            // Version string.
            $version = $tag->getVersion();
            if (!empty($version)) {
                $tag_data['content'] = $version;
            // Description string.
            if (method_exists($tag, 'getDescription')) {
                $description = preg_replace('/[\\n\\r]+/', ' ', format_description($tag->getDescription()));
                if (!empty($description)) {
                    $tag_data['description'] = $description;
        $output['tags'][] = $tag_data;
    return $output;
 public function getName()
     return '$' . parent::getName();
Пример #10
  * Registers the Constant Statement and Node with this reflector.
  * @param PHPParser_Node_Stmt_Const $stmt
  * @param Context                   $context
  * @param PHPParser_Node_Const      $node
 public function __construct(PHPParser_Node_Stmt_ClassConst $stmt, Context $context, PHPParser_Node_Const $node)
     BaseReflector::__construct($node, $context);
     $this->constant = $stmt;
  * Checks the typehint of the argument versus the @param tag.
  * If the argument has no typehint we do not check anything. When multiple
  * type are given then the typehint needs to be one of them.
  * @param ParamTag          $param
  * @param ArgumentReflector $argument
  * @param BaseReflector     $element
  * @return Error|null
 protected function doesArgumentTypehintMatchParam(ParamTag $param, ArgumentReflector $argument, BaseReflector $element)
     if (!$argument->getType() || in_array($argument->getType(), $param->getTypes())) {
         return null;
     } elseif ($argument->getType() == 'array' && substr($param->getType(), -2) == '[]') {
         return null;
     return new Error(LogLevel::ERROR, 'PPC:ERR-50016', $argument->getLinenumber(), array($argument->getName(), $element->getName()));
Пример #12
  * Overload method so we can test the protected method
  * @param Expr $value
  * @return string
 public function getRepresentationOfValueMock(Expr $value = null)
     return parent::getRepresentationOfValue($value);
Пример #13
  * Overload method so we can test the protected method
  * @param PHPParser_Node_Expr $value
  * @return string
 public function getRepresentationOfValueMock(PHPParser_Node_Expr $value = null)
     return parent::getRepresentationOfValue($value);
Пример #14
  * Registers the Constant Statement and Node with this reflector.
  * @param PHPParser_Node_Stmt_Const $stmt
  * @param PHPParser_Node_Const      $node
 public function __construct(PHPParser_Node_Stmt_Const $stmt, Context $context, PHPParser_Node_Const $node)
     parent::__construct($node, $context);
     $this->constant = $stmt;
Пример #15
  * Sets the package of the parent element.
  * This method inspects the current DocBlock and extract an @package
  * element. If that tag is present than the associated element's package
  * name is set to that value.
  * If no @package tag is present in the DocBlock then the default package
  * name is set.
  * @param \DOMElement   $parent
  * @param DocBlock      $docblock
  * @param BaseReflector $element
  * @return void
 protected function setParentsPackage(\DOMElement $parent, DocBlock $docblock, $element)
     /** @var \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag $package */
     $package = current($docblock->getTagsByName('package'));
     /** @var \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag $subpackage */
     $subpackage = current($docblock->getTagsByName('subpackage'));
     $package_name = '';
     if ($package) {
         $package_name = str_replace(array('.', '_'), '\\', $package->getContent() . ($subpackage ? '\\' . $subpackage->getContent() : ''));
     if (!$package_name) {
         $package_name = $element->getDefaultPackageName();
     $parent->setAttribute('package', $package_name);
Пример #16
  * Registers the Constant Statement and Node with this reflector.
  * @param ConstStmt $stmt
  * @param Const_ $node
 public function __construct(ConstStmt $stmt, Context $context, Const_ $node)
     parent::__construct($node, $context);
     $this->constant = $stmt;
Пример #17
  * Registers the Constant Statement and Node with this reflector.
  * @param ClassConst $stmt
  * @param Context $context
  * @param Const_ $node
 public function __construct(ClassConst $stmt, Context $context, Const_ $node)
     BaseReflector::__construct($node, $context);
     $this->constant = $stmt;