public function testDownloadByCurlCommand() { $downloader = new UrlDownloaderForTest($this->logger, new OptionResult()); $downloader->setIsCurlCommandAvailable(true); $actualFilePath = tempnam(Config::getTempFileDir(), ''); $downloader->download('', $actualFilePath); $this->assertTrue($downloader->isCurlCommandAvailable()); $this->assertFileExists($actualFilePath); }
private function _test($downloader) { $instance = DownloadFactory::getInstance($this->logger, new OptionResult(), $downloader); if ($instance->hasSupport(false)) { $actualFilePath = tempnam(Config::getTempFileDir(), ''); $instance->download('', $actualFilePath); $this->assertFileExists($actualFilePath); } else { $this->markTestSkipped(); } }
/** * Unpacks the source tarball file. * * @param string $targetFilePath absolute file path */ public function extract(Build $build, $targetFilePath, $extractDir = NULL) { $extractDirTemp = Config::getTempFileDir(); if (!$extractDir) { $extractDir = dirname($targetFilePath); } $extractedDirTemp = $extractDirTemp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . preg_replace('#\\.tar\\.(gz|bz2)$#', '', basename($targetFilePath)); $extractedDir = $extractDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $build->getName(); if ($build->getState() >= Build::STATE_EXTRACT && file_exists($extractedDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'configure')) { $this->info("===> Distribution file was successfully extracted, skipping..."); return $extractedDir; } // NOTICE: Always extract to prevent incomplete extraction $this->info("===> Extracting {$targetFilePath} to {$extractedDirTemp}"); system("tar -C {$extractDirTemp} -xf {$targetFilePath}", $ret); if ($ret != 0) { throw new RuntimeException('Extract failed.'); } clearstatcache(true); if (!is_dir($extractedDirTemp)) { // retry with github extracted dir path $extractedDirTemp = $extractDirTemp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'php-src-' . preg_replace('#\\.tar\\.(gz|bz2)$#', '', basename($targetFilePath)); if (!is_dir($extractedDirTemp)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find {$extractedDirTemp}"); } } if (is_dir($extractedDir)) { $this->info("===> Removing {$extractedDir}"); system("rm -rf {$extractedDir}", $ret); if ($ret !== 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to remove {$extractedDir}."); } } $this->info("===> Moving {$extractedDirTemp} to {$extractedDir}"); if (!rename($extractedDirTemp, $extractedDir)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to move {$extractedDirTemp} to {$extractedDir}"); } $build->setState(Build::STATE_EXTRACT); return $extractedDir; /* * XXX: unless we have a fast way to verify the extraction. if ($this->options->force || ! file_exists($extractedDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'configure')) { $this->info("===> Extracting $targetFilePath..."); system("tar -C $dir -xjf $targetFilePath", $ret); if ($ret != 0) { die('Extract failed.'); } } else { $this->info("Found existing $extractedDir, Skip extracting."); } */ }
/** * $caller must be a subclass of PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase. * @param Object $caller the object which creates this object. * @param string $sourcePath the path of a source file. */ public function __construct($caller, $sourcePath) { $this->caller = $caller; $this->sourcePath = $sourcePath; $this->temporaryDirectory = Config::getTempFileDir(); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct('5.3.29'); $this->setSourceDirectory(Config::getTempFileDir() . '/' . uniqid()); }