protected function _DoStart() { if (TaskPump::Pump()->GetTaskHistory()->Count() > 0) { $task = TaskPump::Pump()->GetTaskHistory()->Top(); $tpl_name = ''; if ($task instanceof \phalanx\views\CustomViewTask) { $tpl_name = $task->CustomTemplateName(); } else { $loader = $this->template_loader; $tpl_name = $loader(get_class($task)); } $data = $this->GetTaskData($task); $view = new View($tpl_name); $keys = $data->AllKeys(); foreach ($keys as $key) { $view->{$key} = $data->{$key}; } $view->Render(); } }
public function testCacheInvalidate() { TestView::SetupPaths(); file_put_contents(View::cache_path() . '/cache_test.phpi', 'Invalid template data'); $view = new TestView('cache_test'); // Need to wait for the mtime to make a difference. sleep(1); clearstatcache(); // Touch the template to update its mtime. touch(sprintf(View::template_path(), 'cache_test')); $files = scandir(View::cache_path()); $this->assertEquals(3, count($files)); $view->T_Cache(); $files = scandir(View::cache_path()); $this->assertEquals(3, count($files)); $expected = file_get_contents(sprintf(View::template_path(), 'cache_test')); $actual = file_get_contents(View::cache_path() . '/cache_test.phpi'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); }
public function __construct($name) { parent::__construct($name); $this->cache_prefix = ''; }