Пример #1
  * Initialize self::$SETTINGS.
 private static function load_settings()
     try {
         # This is an external code and it MAY generate E_NOTICEs.
         # We have to temporarilly disable our default error handler.
         require_once $GLOBALS['rootpath'] . "okapi_settings.php";
         $ref = get_okapi_settings();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception("Could not import <rootpath>/okapi_settings.php:\n" . $e->getMessage());
     self::$SETTINGS = self::$DEFAULT_SETTINGS;
     foreach (self::$SETTINGS as $key => $_) {
         if (isset($ref[$key])) {
             self::$SETTINGS[$key] = $ref[$key];
Пример #2
  * Call OKAPI, parse response and display the results
  * @param array $params - params of the cache to search and display
 private function htmlFormat(array $params)
     //call OKAPI
     $okapi_resp = \okapi\Facade::service_call('services/caches/shortcuts/search_and_retrieve', $this->user_id, $params);
     if (!is_a($okapi_resp, "ArrayObject")) {
         // strange OKAPI return !?
         error_log(__METHOD__ . ": ERROR: strange OKAPI response - not an ArrayObject");
     if ($okapi_resp->count() == 0) {
         // no caches found
     // get the first object from the list
     $arrayCopy = $okapi_resp->getArrayCopy();
     $geoCache = new \lib\Objects\GeoCache\GeoCache(array('okapiRow' => array_pop($arrayCopy)));
     //generate the results
     if ($this->screenWidth < 400) {
     } else {
     tpl_set_var('cache_lat', $geoCache->getCoordinates()->getLatitude());
     tpl_set_var('cache_lon', $geoCache->getCoordinates()->getLongitude());
     tpl_set_var('cache_name', $geoCache->getCacheName());
     tpl_set_var('cache_icon', $geoCache->getCacheIcon());
     $is_event = $geoCache->getCacheType() == $geoCache::TYPE_EVENT ? '1' : '0';
     // be aware: booleans not working here
     tpl_set_var('is_event', $is_event, false);
     $is_scored = $geoCache->getRatingId() != 0 && $geoCache->getRatingVotes() > 2 ? '1' : '0';
     tpl_set_var('is_scored', $is_scored, false);
     tpl_set_var('rating_desc', tr($geoCache->getRatingDesc()));
     $is_recommended = $geoCache->getRecommendations() > 0 ? '1' : '0';
     tpl_set_var('is_recommended', $is_recommended, false);
     tpl_set_var('cache_recommendations', $geoCache->getRecommendations(), false);
     tpl_set_var('cache_code', $geoCache->getWaypointId());
     tpl_set_var('cache_founds', $geoCache->getFounds());
     tpl_set_var('cache_not_founds', $geoCache->getNotFounds());
     tpl_set_var('cache_rating_votes', $geoCache->getRatingVotes());
     tpl_set_var('cache_willattends', $geoCache->getWillattends());
     tpl_set_var('cache_url', $geoCache->getCacheUrl());
     tpl_set_var('user_name', $geoCache->getOwner()->getUserName());
     tpl_set_var('user_profile', $geoCache->getOwner()->getProfileUrl());
     tpl_set_var('cache_size_desc', tr($geoCache->getSizeDesc()));
     $is_powertrail_part = $geoCache->isPowerTrailPart() ? '1' : '0';
     tpl_set_var('is_powertrail_part', $is_powertrail_part, false);
     if ($geoCache->isPowerTrailPart()) {
         tpl_set_var('pt_name', $geoCache->getPowerTrail()->getName());
         tpl_set_var('pt_image', $geoCache->getPowerTrail()->getImage());
         tpl_set_var('pt_icon', $geoCache->getPowerTrail()->getFootIcon());
         tpl_set_var('pt_url', $geoCache->getPowerTrail()->getPowerTrailUrl());
     $is_titled = $geoCache->isTitled() ? 'true' : 'false';
     tpl_set_var('is_titled', $is_titled, false);
     //tpl_set_var('is_titled', $geoCache->isTitled(), false);
     // make the template and send it out
     tpl_BuildTemplate(false, false, true);
Пример #3
use Exception;
use okapi\Okapi;
use okapi\Settings;
use okapi\views\menu\OkapiMenu;
# All HTTP requests within the /okapi/ path are redirected through this
# controller. From here we'll pass them to the right entry point (or
# display an appropriate error message).
# To learn more about OKAPI, see core.php.
$GLOBALS['rootpath'] = '../';
# this is for OC-code compatibility
require_once $GLOBALS['rootpath'] . 'okapi/core.php';
OkapiErrorHandler::$treat_notices_as_errors = true;
require_once $GLOBALS['rootpath'] . 'okapi/urls.php';
if (ob_list_handlers() == array('default output handler')) {
    # We will assume that this one comes from "output_buffering" being turned on
    # in PHP config. This is very common and probably is good for most other OC
    # pages. But we don't need it in OKAPI. We will just turn this off.
class OkapiScriptEntryPointController
    public static function dispatch_request($uri)
        # Chop off the ?args=... part.
        if (strpos($uri, '?') !== false) {
            $uri = substr($uri, 0, strpos($uri, '?'));
Пример #4
  * If you disabled OKAPI's error handling with disable_error_handling,
  * you may reenable it with this method.
 public static function reenable_error_handling()
Пример #5
    if ($_GET['h_own'] == "true") {
        $params['exclude_my_own'] = "true";
    # h_found, h_noattempt - convert to OKAPI's "found_status" parameter.
    $h_found = $_GET['h_found'] == "true";
    $h_noattempt = $_GET['h_noattempt'] == "true";
    if ($h_found && !$h_noattempt) {
        $params['found_status'] = "notfound_only";
    } elseif (!$h_found && $h_noattempt) {
        $params['found_status'] = "found_only";
    } elseif (!$h_found && !$h_noattempt) {
        $params['found_status'] = "either";
    } else {
        $force_result_empty = true;
# We have all the parameters. Note, that some mapper-compatible parameter sets
# always render empty results. We will just exit, without producing any image
# whatsoever.
if ($force_result_empty) {
if (!$user_id) {
# End of "buggy" code. Re-enable OKAPI's error handler.
# Get OKAPI's response and display it. Add proper Cache-Control headers.
\okapi\Facade::service_display('services/caches/map/tile', $user_id, $params);