Пример #1
 public function actionSaveGraphPositions()
     if ($_POST['nodes']) {
         switch ($_POST['mode']) {
             case 'dom':
                 foreach ($_POST['nodes'] as $node) {
                     $dom = Domain::findOne(str_replace("dom", "", $node['id']));
                     $dom->graph_x = $node['x'];
                     $dom->graph_y = $node['y'];
             case 'dev':
                 foreach ($_POST['nodes'] as $node) {
                     $dev = Device::findOne(str_replace("dev", "", $node['id']));
                     $dev->graph_x = $node['x'];
                     $dev->graph_y = $node['y'];
             case 'net':
     return "";
Пример #2
  * @param int $id
  * @return boolean
 public static function disable($id)
     $workflow = BpmWorkflow::findOne(['id' => $id]);
     $workflow->active = 0;
     $domain = Domain::findOne(['name' => $workflow->domain]);
     if (!$domain) {
         return false;
     if (!$workflow->save()) {
         return false;
     // Procura por execuções em aberto envolvendo o workflow.
     $flows = BpmFlow::find()->where(['workflow_id' => $id])->all();
     foreach ($flows as $flow) {
         $conId = $flow->connection_id;
         //Deleta o fluxo
         //Deleta autorizações
         ConnectionAuth::deleteAll(['connection_id' => $conId, 'domain' => $domain->name]);
         //Cria novo fluxo, com workflow desativado
         BpmFlow::startFlow($conId, $domain->name);
         //Dispara continuidade dos workflows
         Connection::continueWorkflows($conId, true);
     return true;
Пример #3
 public function actionCreate($id)
     $port = new Port();
     $domain = Domain::findOne($id);
     if ($port->load($_POST)) {
         $port->type = 'NSI';
         $port->directionality = 'BI';
         if (!$port->validate()) {
             return $this->renderPartial('_add-port', array('networks' => $domain->getNetworks(), 'devices' => $domain->getDevices(), 'port' => $port));
     return $this->renderPartial('_add-port', array('networks' => $domain->getNetworks(), 'devices' => $domain->getDevices(), 'port' => $port));
Пример #4
 public function searchByDomains($params, $domains)
     $validDomains = [];
     if ($this->domain_name) {
         $domain = Domain::findOne(['name' => $this->domain_name]);
         $networks = Network::find()->where(['domain_id' => $domain->id]);
     } else {
         foreach ($domains as $domain) {
             $validDomains[] = $domain->id;
         $networks = Network::find()->where(['in', 'domain_id', $validDomains]);
     $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $networks, 'sort' => false, 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => 15]]);
     return $dataProvider;
 static function createToGroup($group_id, $domain, $reservation_id, $auth_id, $date = null)
     $group = Group::findOne($group_id);
     $domain = Domain::findOne(['name' => $domain]);
     if (!$group || !$domain) {
         return false;
     //Confere todos papeis associados ao grupo
     $roles = UserDomainRole::findByGroup($group);
     foreach ($roles->all() as $role) {
         if ($role->domain == null || $role->domain == $domain->name) {
             //Se papel for para todos dominios ou para dominio espeficido
             //Confere se já foi feita uma notificação de algum circuito desta reserva, se sim, reutiliza a mesma notificação
             $not = null;
             $notifications = Notification::find()->where(['user_id' => $role->user_id, 'type' => Notification::TYPE_AUTHORIZATION])->all();
             foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
                 $cauth = ConnectionAuth::findOne($notification->info);
                 if ($cauth) {
                     if ($cauth->domain == $domain->name) {
                         $conn = Connection::findOne($cauth->connection_id);
                         if ($conn) {
                             if ($conn->reservation_id == $reservation_id) {
                                 $not = $notification;
             if ($not) {
                 //Se já existe, atualiza e coloca nova data
                 //Pode receber uma data por parametro, neste caso, utiliza essa data como a data da criação da notificação
                 if ($date) {
                     $not->date = $date;
                 } else {
                     //Pequena maquipulação do horário para que nunca existam duas notificações com o mesmo horário
                     $date = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone("UTC"));
                     $dateAux = $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                     while (Notification::find()->where(['user_id' => $role->user_id, 'date' => $dateAux])->one()) {
                         $date->modify('-1 second');
                         $dateAux = $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                     $not->date = $dateAux;
                 $not->viewed = 0;
             } else {
                 //Se for nova, cria notificação
                 $not = new Notification();
                 $not->user_id = $role->user_id;
                 if (isset($date)) {
                     $not->date = $date;
                 } else {
                     //Pequena maquipulação do horário para que nunca existam duas notificações com o mesmo horário
                     $date = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone("UTC"));
                     $dateAux = $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                     while (Notification::find()->where(['user_id' => $role->user_id, 'date' => $dateAux])->one()) {
                         $date->modify('-1 second');
                         $dateAux = $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                     $not->date = $dateAux;
                 $not->date = $dateAux;
                 $not->type = Notification::TYPE_AUTHORIZATION;
                 $not->viewed = 0;
                 $not->info = (string) $auth_id;
 public function actionAnswer($id = null, $domain = null)
     if ($id == null || $domain == null) {
     } else {
         if (!Domain::findOne(['name' => $domain])) {
         } else {
             Yii::trace("Respondendo a reserva id: " . $id);
             $userId = Yii::$app->user->getId();
             //Confere se usuário pode autorizar
             $conn = Connection::find()->where(['reservation_id' => $id])->one();
             $auth = ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['connection_id' => $conn->id, 'type' => ConnectionAuth::TYPE_GROUP])->one();
             if ($auth) {
                 $onGroup = false;
                 $roles = User::findOne($userId)->getRoles()->all();
                 foreach ($roles as $role) {
                     if (($role->domain == $auth->domain || $role->domain == null) && $role->getGroup()->id == $auth->manager_group_id) {
                         $onGroup = true;
                 if (!$onGroup) {
                     return $this->goHome();
             $auth = ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['connection_id' => $conn->id, 'type' => ConnectionAuth::TYPE_USER])->one();
             if ($auth && $auth->manager_user_id != $userId) {
                 return $this->goHome();
             $reservation = Reservation::findOne(['id' => $id]);
             //Confere se alguma ja expirou
             $connectionsExpired = $conn = Connection::find()->where(['reservation_id' => $reservation->id])->andWhere(['<=', 'start', DateUtils::now()])->all();
             foreach ($connectionsExpired as $connection) {
                 $requests = ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['connection_id' => $connection->id, 'status' => Connection::AUTH_STATUS_PENDING])->all();
                 foreach ($requests as $request) {
                     $connection->auth_status = Connection::AUTH_STATUS_EXPIRED;
             $allRequest = null;
             $connections = Connection::find()->where(['reservation_id' => $id])->all();
             foreach ($connections as $conn) {
                 if ($allRequest == null) {
                     $allRequest = ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['connection_id' => $conn->id, 'domain' => $domain]);
                 } else {
                     $allRequest->union(ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['connection_id' => $conn->id, 'domain' => $domain]));
             $allRequest = $allRequest->all();
             $domainRoles = User::findOne(['id' => $userId])->getRoles()->all();
             $requests = [];
             foreach ($allRequest as $request) {
                 if ($request->manager_user_id == $userId) {
                     $requests[$request->id] = $request;
                 } else {
                     foreach ($domainRoles as $domainRule) {
                         $groupId = $domainRule->getGroup()->id;
                         if ($request->manager_group_id == $groupId) {
                             $requests[$request->id] = $request;
             $events = [];
             foreach ($requests as $request) {
                 $events[] = ['id' => $request->id, 'title' => "\n" . $request->getConnection()->one()->getReservation()->one()->bandwidth . " Mbps", 'start' => Yii::$app->formatter->asDatetime($request->getConnection()->one()->start, "php:Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'end' => Yii::$app->formatter->asDatetime($request->getConnection()->one()->finish, "php:Y-m-d H:i:s")];
             $info = new AuthorizationDetailed($reservation, Connection::find()->where(['reservation_id' => $id])->one()->id, $domain);
             if (sizeof($requests) <= 0) {
                 return $this->redirect('index');
             } else {
                 return $this->render('detailed', array('domain' => $domain, 'info' => $info, 'requests' => $requests, 'events' => $events, 'language' => Yii::$app->language));
Пример #7
 public function actionDelete()
     if (self::can("domain/delete")) {
         if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['delete'] as $domainId) {
                 $dom = Domain::findOne($domainId);
                 if ($dom->delete()) {
                     Yii::$app->getSession()->addFlash('success', Yii::t('topology', 'Domain {name} deleted', ['name' => $dom->name]));
                 } else {
                     Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('error', Yii::t('topology', 'Error deleting domain {name}', ['name' => $dom->name]));
     } else {
         Yii::$app->getSession()->addFlash('warning', Yii::t('topology', 'You are not allowed to delete domains'));
     return $this->redirect(array('index'));
Пример #8
 public function searchByDomains($params)
     $userId = Yii::$app->user->getId();
     $now = DateUtils::now();
     $authorizations = [];
     //Armazena os pedidos
     $reservationsVisited = [];
     //Armazena as reservas ja incluidas nos pedidos e o dominio ao qual o pedido foi feito.
     //Pega todas requisições feitas para o usuário
     if ($this->domain) {
         $userRequests = ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['domain' => $this->domain, 'manager_user_id' => $userId, 'status' => Connection::AUTH_STATUS_PENDING])->all();
     } else {
         $userRequests = ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['manager_user_id' => $userId, 'status' => Connection::AUTH_STATUS_PENDING])->all();
     foreach ($userRequests as $request) {
         //Limpa mantendo apenas 1 por reserva
         $uniq = true;
         $conn = Connection::find()->where(['id' => $request->connection_id])->andWhere(['<=', 'start', DateUtils::now()])->one();
         if (isset($conn)) {
             $conn->auth_status = Connection::AUTH_STATUS_EXPIRED;
         } else {
             $conn = Connection::find()->where(['id' => $request->connection_id])->andWhere(['>', 'start', DateUtils::now()])->one();
             foreach ($reservationsVisited as $res) {
                 if ($conn->reservation_id == $res[0] && $request->domain == $res[1]) {
                     $uniq = false;
             if ($uniq) {
                 $aux = [];
                 $aux[0] = $conn->reservation_id;
                 $aux[1] = $request->domain;
                 $reservationsVisited[] = $aux;
                 $source = $conn->getFirstPath()->one();
                 $destination = $conn->getLastPath()->one();
                 if (!$this->src_domain || $this->src_domain == $source->domain) {
                     if (!$this->dst_domain || $this->dst_domain == $destination->domain) {
                         $form = new AuthorizationForm();
                         $form->setValues(Reservation::findOne(['id' => $conn->reservation_id]), $request->domain, $source->domain, $destination->domain);
                         $authorizations[] = $form;
     //Pega todos os papeis do usuário
     $domainRoles = User::findOne(['id' => $userId])->getRoles()->all();
     foreach ($domainRoles as $role) {
         //Passa por todos papeis
         if ($this->domain) {
             $groupRequests = ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['domain' => $this->domain, 'manager_group_id' => $role->getGroup()->id, 'status' => Connection::AUTH_STATUS_PENDING])->all();
         } else {
             $groupRequests = ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['manager_group_id' => $role->getGroup()->id, 'status' => Connection::AUTH_STATUS_PENDING])->all();
         foreach ($groupRequests as $request) {
             //Passa por todas requisições para testar se o dominio corresponde
             $domain = Domain::findOne(['name' => $request->domain]);
             if ($domain) {
                 if ($role->domain == NULL || $role->domain == $domain->name) {
                     $uniq = true;
                     $conn = Connection::find()->where(['id' => $request->connection_id])->andWhere(['<=', 'start', DateUtils::now()])->one();
                     if (isset($conn)) {
                         $conn->auth_status = Connection::AUTH_STATUS_EXPIRED;
                     } else {
                         $conn = Connection::find()->where(['id' => $request->connection_id])->andWhere(['>', 'start', DateUtils::now()])->one();
                         foreach ($reservationsVisited as $res) {
                             if ($conn->reservation_id == $res[0] && $domain->name == $res[1]) {
                                 $uniq = false;
                         if ($uniq) {
                             $aux = [];
                             $aux[0] = $conn->reservation_id;
                             $aux[1] = $request->domain;
                             $reservationsVisited[] = $aux;
                             $source = $conn->getFirstPath()->one();
                             $destination = $conn->getLastPath()->one();
                             if (!$this->src_domain || $this->src_domain == $source->domain) {
                                 if (!$this->dst_domain || $this->dst_domain == $destination->domain) {
                                     $form = new AuthorizationForm();
                                     $form->setValues(Reservation::findOne(['id' => $conn->reservation_id]), $request->domain, $source->domain, $destination->domain);
                                     $authorizations[] = $form;
     $dataProvider = new ArrayDataProvider(['allModels' => $authorizations, 'sort' => false, 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => 15]]);
     return $dataProvider;
Пример #9
 public function getDomainName()
     return Domain::findOne($this->domain_id)->name;
Пример #10
  * @param unknown $connection_id
  * @param unknown $domainTop
 public static function startFlow($connection_id, $domainTop)
     $domain = Domain::findOne(['name' => $domainTop]);
     $workflow = BpmWorkflow::findOne(['domain' => $domainTop, 'active' => 1]);
     Yii::trace("!!!! INICIA WORKFLOW !!!! ");
     Yii::trace("Connection ID: " . $connection_id);
     Yii::trace("Domain: " . $domainTop);
     if (isset($workflow) && isset($domain)) {
         Yii::trace("Workflow ID: " . $workflow->id);
         $initNode = BpmNode::findOne(['workflow_id' => $workflow->id, 'type' => 'New_Request']);
         $node = BpmNode::findOne(['id' => $initNode->output_yes]);
         $flowLine = new BpmFlow();
         $flowLine->node_id = $node->id;
         $flowLine->type = $node->type;
         $flowLine->value = $node->value;
         $flowLine->workflow_id = $workflow->id;
         $flowLine->connection_id = $connection_id;
         $flowLine->domain = $domainTop;
         if ($flowLine->type == 'Request_Group_Authorization' || $flowLine->type == 'Request_User_Authorization') {
             $flowLine->status = self::STATUS_WAITING;
         } else {
             $flowLine->status = self::STATUS_READY;
         if ($node->operator != null) {
             $flowLine->operator = $node->operator;
         if (!$flowLine->save()) {
             Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('error', 'Unsuccessful save');
     } else {
         Yii::trace("Sem Workflow ATIVO.");
     if (!$domain) {
         Yii::trace("Dominio não existe mais na base. ACEITO.");
     } else {
         if ($domain->default_policy == Domain::ACCEPT_ALL) {
             Yii::trace("ACEITO pela POLITICA PADRÃO.");
             $auth = new ConnectionAuth();
             $auth->domain = $domainTop;
             $auth->status = Connection::AUTH_STATUS_APPROVED;
             $auth->type = ConnectionAuth::TYPE_WORKFLOW;
             $auth->connection_id = $connection_id;
         } else {
             Yii::trace("NEGADO pela POLITICA PADRÃO.");
             BpmFlow::deleteAll(['connection_id' => $connection_id]);
             $conn = Connection::findOne(['id' => $connection_id]);
             $conn->auth_status = Connection::AUTH_STATUS_REJECTED;
             if (!$conn->save()) {
             $auth = new ConnectionAuth();
             $auth->domain = $domainTop;
             $auth->status = Connection::AUTH_STATUS_REJECTED;
             $auth->type = ConnectionAuth::TYPE_WORKFLOW;
             $auth->connection_id = $connection_id;
Пример #11
 public function actionIsActive($id = null)
     if ($id) {
         if (BpmWorkflow::findOne(['id' => $id])->active == 1) {
             $domain = Domain::findOne(['name' => BpmWorkflow::findOne(['id' => $id])->domain]);
             if ($domain) {
                 echo json_encode(Yii::t("bpm", 'This Workflow is enabled for domain {domain}. This domain will not have an enabled workflow. Do you confirm?', ['domain' => $domain->name]));
             } else {
                 echo 0;
         } else {
             echo 0;
Пример #12
 static function deleteRole($udr, $group = null, $domain = null)
     if (!isset($group)) {
         $group = $udr->getGroup();
     if (!isset($group)) {
         $domain = Domain::findOne(['name' => $udr->domain]);
     //Remove notificações relativas ao antigo papel
     if ($domain) {
         AaaNotification::deleteNotificationsGroup($udr->user_id, $group, $domain->name);
     } else {
         AaaNotification::deleteNotificationsGroup($udr->user_id, $group, null);
     //Notificação removido papel
     if ($domain) {
         AaaNotification::create($udr->user_id, Notification::NOTICE_TYPE_DEL_GROUP, $group->id, $domain->name);
     } else {
         AaaNotification::create($udr->user_id, Notification::NOTICE_TYPE_DEL_GROUP, $group->id, null);
Пример #13
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012-2016 RNP
 * @license http://github.com/ufrgs-hyman/meican#license
use meican\base\grid\Grid;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\i18n\Formatter;
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;
use yii\data\ArrayDataProvider;
use yii\bootstrap\Modal;
use meican\topology\models\Domain;
use meican\circuits\models\Reservation;
use meican\circuits\models\Connection;
use meican\base\widgets\DetailView;
$this->params['header'] = [Yii::t('circuits', "Reply request as <b>") . Domain::findOne(['name' => $domain])->name . '</b>', ['Home', 'Circuits']];

	var jsonEvents = <?php 
echo json_encode($events);
	var domain = <?php 
echo json_encode($domain);
	var reservationId = <?php 
echo $info->reservation_id;
Пример #14
 public static function continueWorkflows($id, $asking = true)
     Yii::trace("CONTINUA WORKFLOWS");
     $paths = ConnectionPath::find()->select('DISTINCT `domain`')->where(['conn_id' => $id])->all();
     Yii::trace("Dominios envolvidos:");
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
     //Analisa se existem pedidos em espera. Neste momento, realiza as perguntas aos admins.
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         if (Connection::findOne(['id' => $id])->auth_status == self::AUTH_STATUS_REJECTED) {
         } else {
             $domain = Domain::findOne(['name' => $path->domain]);
             if (isset($domain)) {
                 BpmFlow::doRequest($id, $domain->name, $asking);
         if (ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['connection_id' => $id, 'status' => self::AUTH_STATUS_PENDING])->count() > 0) {
         //Se tem uma pergunta ativa.
     if (!$asking || ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['connection_id' => $id, 'status' => self::AUTH_STATUS_PENDING])->count() > 0) {
     $conn = Connection::findOne(['id' => $id]);
     if ($conn->auth_status == self::AUTH_STATUS_PENDING) {
         $conn->auth_status = self::AUTH_STATUS_APPROVED;
         if (!$conn->save()) {
         if (!$conn->isCancelStatus()) {
     //Remove fluxos não finalizados