Наследование: extends HtmlObject\Traits\TreeObject
Пример #1
  * Create a new item instance
  * @param ItemList $parent   The parent
  * @param Tag      $value    The content
  * @param array    $children Facultative children ItemLists
  * @param array    $element  The Item element
 public function __construct(ItemList $parent, Tag $value, $children = null, $element = null)
     $this->parent = $parent;
     $this->children = is_null($children) ? new ItemList() : $children;
     $this->element = $element;
     // Create content
     $this->value = $value->setParent($this);
Пример #2
  * Delegate methods to the Imagine instance
  * @param  string $method
  * @param  array $arguments
  * @return Image
 public function __call($method, $arguments)
     if (method_exists('Imagine\\Gd\\Image', $method)) {
         $this->salts[$method] = $arguments;
     return parent::__call($method, $arguments);
Пример #3
  * Opens a group
  * @return string Opening tag
 public function open()
     if ($this->getErrors()) {
     // Retrieve state and append it to classes
     if ($this->state) {
     // Required state
     if ($this->app->bound('former.field') and $this->app['former.field']->isRequired()) {
     return parent::open();
Пример #4
  * @return string
 public function render()
     $value = $this->choices->all();
     if (!empty($this->label)) {
         $label = Element::create('label', $this->label);
         $this->nest($label, 'label');
     $this->nest($value, 'choices');
     return parent::render();