Пример #1
  * Retrieve current page content.
  * @param string $currentPageName
  * @param string &$header Generated header will be stored here
  * @return string Page content
  * @throws \Exception if page 404 is not configured (prevents redirection loop).
 public function getCurrentPageContent($currentPageName, &$header)
     if ($this->maintenanceMode) {
         $currentPageName = $this->pageMaintenance;
     if (!isset($this->pages[$currentPageName])) {
         // Prevent 404 redirection loop if 404 page is not configured
         if ($currentPageName == $this->pageNotFoundPage) {
             throw new \Exception("Page {$this->pageNotFoundPage} is not configured.");
     $this->logger->logDebug("Loading page \"{$currentPageName}\"");
     /** @var Page */
     $page = $this->pages[$currentPageName];
     $headerArr = array();
     $content = $page->getContent($this->tplEngine, $headerArr);
     $excludePageHead = $this->loadSpecificComponent !== false ? true : false;
     $header = $this->genHeaderString($headerArr, $page, $this->pagesUrl, $this->componentsUrl, $excludePageHead);
     return $content;
Пример #2
  * Sets PHP.INI values from config.
 private function setIniValues()
     $displayErrorField = 'display_errors';
     $errorReportingField = 'error_reporting';
     $iniConfigFields = array($displayErrorField, $errorReportingField);
     $debugModeDependentFields = array($displayErrorField => "off", $errorReportingField => 0);
     $debugMode = $this->config->get("debug_mode");
     foreach ($iniConfigFields as $field) {
         $value = $this->config->get($field);
         $this->logger->logDebug("Setting INI field \"{$field}\" to value: {$value}");
         if (!$debugMode && array_key_exists($field, $debugModeDependentFields)) {
             $value = $debugModeDependentFields[$field];
         ini_set($field, $value);
Пример #3
  * Loads logic component, by passed component name.
  * @param string $logicToLoad Logic component name to load.
  * @param LogicComponent[] $logicComponentDependencies Logic components that current logic component depends on.
  * @return LogicComponent Loaded logic component object.
  * @throws Exception If loaded component does not extends the LogicComponent class.
 public function loadLogicComponent($logicToLoad, array $logicComponentDependencies)
     $logicCompDir = $this->logicCompDir . $logicToLoad . '/';
     $logicCompConfigDir = $logicCompDir . 'config/';
     $this->logger->logDebug("Loading Logic component \"{$logicToLoad}\"");
     /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */
     require_once $logicCompDir . $logicToLoad . '.php';
     $configObj = $this->loadComponentConfig($logicCompConfigDir, $logicToLoad);
     $className = $this->logicComponentNamespace . SFComponent::getClassName($logicToLoad);
     $logicComponentObj = new $className($logicToLoad, $configObj, $this->dbFactory, $logicComponentDependencies, $this->sf);
     if (!$logicComponentObj instanceof LogicComponent) {
         throw new Exception("Component \"{$logicToLoad}\" is not an instance of LogicComponent.");
     $this->loadedLogicComponents[$logicToLoad] = $logicComponentObj;
     return $logicComponentObj;
Пример #4
  * Logs error to log file.
  * @param string $exText Exception string.
  * @param string $exType Exception type.
  * @return string Since error text can be adjusted if the logger is not set, new text is returned so it can be used further.
 private static function saveToLogFile($exText, $exType)
     $nl = ExceptionHandler::$newLine;
     $exTypeNameArr = explode("\\", $exType);
     $exTypeName = end($exTypeNameArr);
     if (ExceptionHandler::$logger === null) {
         $exText .= "{$nl}WARNING: Logger is not set and this is not written to the log file";
     } else {
         switch (ExceptionHandler::$logLevel) {
             case LOG_LEVEL_ALL:
                 $exTypesToLog = explode(",", ExceptionHandler::$logLevel);
                 if (in_array($exTypeName, $exTypesToLog)) {
     return $exText;