getTimeLeft() публичный Метод

Gets the number of seconds left, before we hit the "must break" threshold
public getTimeLeft ( ) : float
Результат float
Пример #1
  * Performs the staggered download of file.
  * @param   array $params A parameters array, as sent by the user interface
  * @return  array  A return status array
 public function importFromURL($params)
     $this->params = $params;
     // Fetch data
     $url = $this->getParam('url');
     $localFilename = $this->getParam('localFilename');
     $frag = $this->getParam('frag', -1);
     $totalSize = $this->getParam('totalSize', -1);
     $doneSize = $this->getParam('doneSize', -1);
     $maxExecTime = $this->getParam('maxExecTime', 5);
     $runTimeBias = $this->getParam('runTimeBias', 75);
     $length = $this->getParam('length', 1048576);
     if (empty($localFilename)) {
         $localFilename = basename($url);
         if (strpos($localFilename, '?') !== false) {
             $paramsPos = strpos($localFilename, '?');
             $localFilename = substr($localFilename, 0, $paramsPos - 1);
             $platformBaseDirectories = $this->container->platform->getPlatformBaseDirs();
             $tmpDir = $platformBaseDirectories['tmp'];
             $tmpDir = rtrim($tmpDir, '/\\');
             $localFilename = $tmpDir . '/' . $localFilename;
     // Init retArray
     $retArray = array("status" => true, "error" => '', "frag" => $frag, "totalSize" => $totalSize, "doneSize" => $doneSize, "percent" => 0, "localfile" => $localFilename);
     try {
         $timer = new Timer($maxExecTime, $runTimeBias);
         $start = $timer->getRunningTime();
         // Mark the start of this download
         $break = false;
         // Don't break the step
         do {
             // Do we have to initialize the file?
             if ($frag == -1) {
                 // Currently downloaded size
                 $doneSize = 0;
                 if (@file_exists($localFilename)) {
                 // Delete and touch the output file
                 $fp = @fopen($localFilename, 'wb');
                 if ($fp !== false) {
                 // Init
                 $frag = 0;
                 $retArray['totalSize'] = $this->adapter->getFileSize($url);
                 if ($retArray['totalSize'] <= 0) {
                     $retArray['totalSize'] = 0;
                 $totalSize = $retArray['totalSize'];
             // Calculate from and length
             $from = $frag * $length;
             $to = $length + $from - 1;
             // Try to download the first frag
             $required_time = 1.0;
             $error = '';
             try {
                 $result = $this->adapter->downloadAndReturn($url, $from, $to, $this->adapterOptions);
             } catch (DownloadError $e) {
                 $result = false;
                 $error = $e->getMessage();
             if ($result === false) {
                 // Failed download
                 if ($frag == 0) {
                     // Failure to download first frag = failure to download. Period.
                     $retArray['status'] = false;
                     $retArray['error'] = $error;
                     return $retArray;
                 } else {
                     // Since this is a staggered download, consider this normal and finish
                     $frag = -1;
                     $totalSize = $doneSize;
                     $break = true;
             // Add the currently downloaded frag to the total size of downloaded files
             if ($result !== false) {
                 $fileSize = strlen($result);
                 $doneSize += $fileSize;
                 // Append the file
                 $fp = @fopen($localFilename, 'ab');
                 if ($fp === false) {
                     // Can't open the file for writing
                     $retArray['status'] = false;
                     $retArray['error'] = JText::sprintf('LIB_FOF_DOWNLOAD_ERR_COULDNOTWRITELOCALFILE', $localFilename);
                     return $retArray;
                 fwrite($fp, $result);
                 if ($fileSize < $length || $fileSize > $length || $totalSize == $doneSize && $totalSize > 0) {
                     // A partial download or a download larger than the frag size means we are done
                     $frag = -1;
                     //debugMsg("-- Import complete (partial download of last frag)");
                     $totalSize = $doneSize;
                     $break = true;
             // Advance the frag pointer and mark the end
             $end = $timer->getRunningTime();
             // Do we predict that we have enough time?
             $required_time = max(1.1 * ($end - $start), $required_time);
             if ($required_time > 10 - $end + $start) {
                 $break = true;
             $start = $end;
         } while ($timer->getTimeLeft() > 0 && !$break);
         if ($frag == -1) {
             $percent = 100;
         } elseif ($doneSize <= 0) {
             $percent = 0;
         } else {
             if ($totalSize > 0) {
                 $percent = 100 * ($doneSize / $totalSize);
             } else {
                 $percent = 0;
         // Update $retArray
         $retArray = array("status" => true, "error" => '', "frag" => $frag, "totalSize" => $totalSize, "doneSize" => $doneSize, "percent" => $percent);
     } catch (DownloadError $e) {
         $retArray['status'] = false;
         $retArray['error'] = $e->getMessage();
     return $retArray;
Пример #2
  * Performs a slow, thorough check of all files and folders (including MD5/SHA1 sum checks)
  * @param int $idx The index from where to start
  * @return array Progress report
 public function slowCheck($idx = 0)
     $ret = array('done' => false, 'files' => array(), 'folders' => array(), 'idx' => $idx);
     $totalFiles = count($this->fileList);
     $totalFolders = count($this->dirList);
     $fileKeys = array_keys($this->fileList);
     $timer = new Timer(3.0, 75.0);
     while ($timer->getTimeLeft() && ($idx < $totalFiles || $idx < $totalFolders)) {
         if ($idx < $totalFolders) {
             $directory = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $this->dirList[$idx];
             if (!@is_dir($directory)) {
                 $ret['folders'][] = $directory;
         if ($idx < $totalFiles) {
             $fileKey = $fileKeys[$idx];
             $filePath = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $fileKey;
             $fileData = $this->fileList[$fileKey];
             if (!@file_exists($filePath)) {
                 $ret['files'][] = $fileKey . ' (missing)';
             } elseif (@filesize($filePath) != $fileData[0]) {
                 $ret['files'][] = $fileKey . ' (size ' . @filesize($filePath) . ' ≠ ' . $fileData[0] . ')';
             } else {
                 if (function_exists('sha1_file')) {
                     $fileSha1 = @sha1_file($filePath);
                     if ($fileSha1 != $fileData[2]) {
                         $ret['files'][] = $fileKey . ' (SHA1 ' . $fileSha1 . ' ≠ ' . $fileData[2] . ')';
                 } elseif (function_exists('md5_file')) {
                     $fileMd5 = @md5_file($filePath);
                     if ($fileMd5 != $fileData[1]) {
                         $ret['files'][] = $fileKey . ' (MD5 ' . $fileMd5 . ' ≠ ' . $fileData[1] . ')';
     if ($idx >= $totalFiles && $idx >= $totalFolders) {
         $ret['done'] = true;
     $ret['idx'] = $idx;
     return $ret;
Пример #3
  * @covers  FOF30\Timer\Timer::getTimeLeft
 public function testGetTimeLeft()
     FakeTimer::$microtime = 123456;
     $timer = new Timer(8, 33);
     FakeTimer::$microtime = 123456.64;
     $timeLeft = $timer->getTimeLeft();
     $this->assertEquals(2.0, $timeLeft, 'Time left must depend on current microtime', 1.0E-10);
     FakeTimer::$microtime = 123458.64;
     $timeLeft = $timer->getTimeLeft();
     $this->assertEquals(0, $timeLeft, 'Time left must depend on current microtime (2)', 1.0E-10);
     FakeTimer::$microtime = 123459.64;
     $timeLeft = $timer->getTimeLeft();
     $this->assertEquals(-1.0, $timeLeft, 'Time left can be negative when we have run out of time', 1.0E-10);