Пример #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $export_types = $this->config('rdf_export.settings')->get('export_types');
     // @todo: Check which format are supported by the server?
     $formats = Format::getFormats();
     $list = [];
     /** @var \EasyRdf\Format $format */
     foreach ($formats as $format) {
         if ($format->getSerialiserClass()) {
             $list[$format->getName()] = $format->getLabel();
     $form['export_types'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Export types'), '#options' => $list, '#multiple' => TRUE, '#default_value' => empty($export_types) ? [] : $export_types, '#description' => t('Select the export types for rdf entities.'));
     return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
Пример #2
     * Serialise an EasyRdf\Graph into RDF format of choice.
     * @param Graph  $graph   An EasyRdf\Graph object.
     * @param string $format  The name of the format to convert to.
     * @param array  $options
     * @throws Exception
     * @return string              The RDF in the new desired format.
    public function serialise($graph, $format, array $options = array())
        parent::checkSerialiseParams($graph, $format);
        if (array_key_exists($format, self::$supportedTypes)) {
            $className = self::$supportedTypes[$format];
        } else {
            throw new Exception("EasyRdf\\Serialiser\\Arc does not support: {$format}");
        $serialiser = \ARC2::getSer($className);
        if ($serialiser) {
            return $serialiser->getSerializedIndex(parent::serialise($graph, 'php'));
        } else {
            throw new Exception("ARC2 failed to get a {$className} serialiser.");
Format::register('posh', 'poshRDF');
Пример #3
  * Builds a list of supported serialization formats.
 protected function getSerializerFormats()
     // Many more are supported...
     // @todo Move this to a settings form.
     $white_list = $this->config('rdf_export.settings')->get('export_types');
     $list = [];
     $formats = Format::getFormats();
     /** @var \EasyRdf\Format $format */
     foreach ($formats as $format) {
         if (!in_array($format->getName(), $white_list)) {
         if ($format->getSerialiserClass()) {
             $list[$format->getName()] = $format;
     return $list;
Пример #4
  * Parses a given stream and returns an iterator containing Statement instances representing the
  * previously read data. The stream parses the data not as a whole but in chunks.
  * @param  string            $inputStream   Filename of the stream to parse which contains RDF
  *                                          serialized data.
  * @param  string            $baseUri       The base URI of the parsed content. If this URI is null
  *                                          the inputStreams URL is taken as base URI.
  * @param  string            $serialization The serialization of the inputStream. If null is given
  *                                          the parser will either apply some standard serialization,
  *                                          or the only one it is supporting, or will try to guess
  *                                          the correct serialization, or will throw an Exception.
  *                                          Supported formats are a subset of the following:
  *                                          json, rdfxml, sparql-xml, rdfa, turtle, ntriples, n3
  * @return StatementIterator A StatementIterator containing all the Statements parsed by the parser to
  *                           far.
  * @throws \Exception        If the base URI $baseUri is no valid URI.
 public function parseStreamToIterator($inputStream, $baseUri = null, $serialization = null)
     $graph = new Graph();
     // let EasyRdf guess the format
     if ($serialization === null) {
         // use PHP's file:// stream, if its a local file
         if (false === strpos($inputStream, '://')) {
             $inputStream = 'file://' . $inputStream;
         $serialization = Format::guessFormat(file_get_contents($inputStream));
     } else {
         $serialization = Format::getFormat($serialization);
     // if format is still null, throw exception, because we dont know what format the given stream is
     if (null === $serialization) {
         throw new \Exception('Either given $format is unknown or i could not guess format.');
     $graph->parseFile($inputStream, $serialization->getName());
     // transform parsed data to PHP array
     return $this->rdfPhpToStatementIterator($graph->toRdfPhp());

use EasyRdf\Graph;
use EasyRdf\Format;
use EasyRdf\Serialiser\GraphViz;
$app->get('/image', function () {
    $graph = Graph::newAndLoad(site_base_uri() . '/asset/dataset/countries.rdf');
    $format = Format::getFormat('png');
    $viz = new GraphViz();
    header("Content-Type: " . $format->getDefaultMimeType());
    echo $viz->renderImage($graph, $format);
Пример #6
  * Build http-client object, execute request and return a response
  * @param string $processed_query
  * @param string $type            Should be either "query" or "update"
  * @return Http\Response|\Zend\Http\Response
  * @throws Exception
 protected function executeQuery($processed_query, $type)
     $client = Http::getDefaultHttpClient();
     // Tell the server which response formats we can parse
     $sparql_results_types = array('application/sparql-results+json' => 1.0, 'application/sparql-results+xml' => 0.8);
     if ($type == 'update') {
         // accept anything, as "response body of a […] update request is implementation defined"
         // @see http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-protocol/#update-success
         $accept = Format::getHttpAcceptHeader($sparql_results_types);
         $client->setHeaders('Accept', $accept);
         $client->setHeaders('Content-Type', 'application/sparql-update');
     } elseif ($type == 'query') {
         $re = '(?:(?:\\s*BASE\\s*<.*?>\\s*)|(?:\\s*PREFIX\\s+.+:\\s*<.*?>\\s*))*' . '(CONSTRUCT|SELECT|ASK|DESCRIBE)[\\W]';
         $result = null;
         $matched = mb_eregi($re, $processed_query, $result);
         if (false === $matched or count($result) !== 2) {
             // non-standard query. is this something non-standard?
             $query_verb = null;
         } else {
             $query_verb = strtoupper($result[1]);
         if ($query_verb === 'SELECT' or $query_verb === 'ASK') {
             // only "results"
             $accept = Format::formatAcceptHeader($sparql_results_types);
         } elseif ($query_verb === 'CONSTRUCT' or $query_verb === 'DESCRIBE') {
             // only "graph"
             $accept = Format::getHttpAcceptHeader();
         } else {
             // both
             $accept = Format::getHttpAcceptHeader($sparql_results_types);
         $client->setHeaders('Accept', $accept);
         $encodedQuery = 'query=' . urlencode($processed_query);
         // Use GET if the query is less than 2kB
         // 2046 = 2kB minus 1 for '?' and 1 for NULL-terminated string on server
         if (strlen($encodedQuery) + strlen($this->queryUri) <= 2046) {
             $delimiter = $this->queryUri_has_params ? '&' : '?';
             $client->setUri($this->queryUri . $delimiter . $encodedQuery);
         } else {
             // Fall back to POST instead (which is un-cacheable)
             $client->setHeaders('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
     } else {
         throw new Exception('unexpected request-type: ' . $type);
     return $client->request();