  * Handle the event.
  * @param User $user
  * @return void
 public function handle(User $user)
     if (DatabaseSeeder::isSeeding() || app()->environment('testing')) {
     $list = $this->mailchimp->mailingList(env('MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID'));
     // We can't update an email address via the API, so we have to unsubscribe them
     if ($user->isDirty('email')) {
     // need to make sure their interests are up to date
     $interests = [];
     foreach (Role::whereNotNull('mailchimp_interest_id')->get() as $role) {
         $interests[$role->mailchimp_interest_id] = $user->isA($role->name);
     // will add or update depending on whether the email addresses
     $list->updateSubscriber($user->email, $user->first_name, $user->last_name, $interests);
     // also do this for each group
     // group members don't get classified by interest
     foreach ($user->groups()->active()->get() as $group) {
         if ($group->settings->shouldUpdateSubscribers()) {
             /** @var Easychimp $mailchimp */
             $mailchimp = app(Easychimp::class, [$group->settings->mailchimpKey()]);
             $list = $mailchimp->mailingList($group->settings->mailchimpListId());
             if ($user->isDirty('email')) {
             $list->updateSubscriber($user->email, $user->first_name, $user->last_name);
  * Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
  * @return array
 public function rules()
     // validate that the provided API key is accurate
     Validator::extend('valid_mailchimp_key', function ($attr, $val) {
         // maintain running tests offline
         if (app()->environment('testing')) {
             return true;
         $easychimp = new Easychimp(new Mailchimp($val));
         try {
             // we'll reuse this when validating the list id
             MailchimpIntegrationRequest::$easychimp = $easychimp;
         } catch (InvalidApiKey $e) {
             return false;
         return true;
     // validate that the provided list id is accurate
     Validator::extend('valid_mailchimp_list_id', function ($attr, $val) {
         // maintain running tests offline
         if (app()->environment('testing')) {
             return true;
         return MailchimpIntegrationRequest::$easychimp->mailingList($val)->exists();
     return ['mailchimp-key' => 'required_if:mailchimp-enabled,1|valid_mailchimp_key', 'mailchimp-list-id' => 'required_with:mailchimp-enabled|valid_mailchimp_list_id'];
Пример #3
  * Handle the event.
  * @param User $user
  * @return void
 public function handle(Group $group, User $guardian)
     if (DatabaseSeeder::isSeeding() || app()->environment('testing')) {
     if ($group->settings->shouldUpdateSubscribers()) {
         $mailchimp = new Easychimp(new Mailchimp($group->settings->mailchimpKey()));
         $list = $mailchimp->mailingList($group->settings->mailchimpListId());
         if ($list->isOnList($guardian->email) === false) {
             $list->subscribe($guardian->email, $guardian->first_name, $guardian->last_name);
  * Handle the event.
  * @param User $user
  * @param Role $role
  * @return void
 public function handle(User $user, Role $role)
     if (DatabaseSeeder::isSeeding() || app()->environment('testing')) {
     $list = $this->mailchimp->mailingList(env('MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID'));
     // It's possible this recipient isn't actually subscribed
     // yet so we'll go ahead and subscribe them.
     if ($list->isOnList($user->email)) {
         $subscriberInfo = $list->subscriberInfo($user->email);
         $interests = $subscriberInfo->get('interests');
         $interests->{$role->mailchimp_interest_id} = false;
         $list->updateSubscriber($user->email, $user->first_name, $user->last_name, $interests);
     } else {
         $list->subscribe($user->email, $user->first_name, $user->last_name, [$role->mailchimp_interest_id => false]);
Пример #5
  * Handle the event.
  * @param User $user
  * @return void
 public function handle(User $user)
     if (DatabaseSeeder::isSeeding() || app()->environment('testing')) {
     $list = $this->mailchimp->mailingList(env('MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID'));
     // Allow If we're already subscribed, allow the task
     // to continue without error so it's removed from the
     // queue.  It's possible a job that adds a user to a
     // role has beat us to the punch
     if ($list->isOnList($user->email) === false) {
         $list->subscribe($user->email, $user->first_name, $user->last_name);
     } else {
         // if the recipient was on the mailing list before this software was put
         // in place, we might need to update their name
         $list->updateSubscriber($user->email, $user->first_name, $user->last_name);