  * Returns all of the hook names that may be called for this command.
  * @return array
 public function getNames()
     return HookManager::getNames($this, $this->commandCallback);
    function testCommandsAndHooksWithBetaFolder()
        // First, search for commandfiles in the 'alpha'
        // directory. Note that this same functionality
        // is tested more thoroughly in isolation in
        // testCommandFileDiscovery.php
        $discovery = new CommandFileDiscovery();
        $discovery->setSearchPattern('*CommandFile.php')->setIncludeFilesAtBase(false)->setSearchLocations(['alpha', 'beta']);
        $commandFiles = $discovery->discover('.', '\\Consolidation\\TestUtils');
        $formatter = new FormatterManager();
        $hookManager = new HookManager();
        $commandProcessor = new CommandProcessor($hookManager);
        // Create a new factory, and load all of the files
        // discovered above.  The command factory class is
        // tested in isolation in testAnnotatedCommandFactory.php,
        // but this is the only place where
        $factory = new AnnotatedCommandFactory();
        // $factory->addListener(...);
        $this->addDiscoveredCommands($factory, $commandFiles);
        // A few asserts, to make sure that our hooks all get registered.
        $allRegisteredHooks = $hookManager->getAllHooks();
        $registeredHookNames = array_keys($allRegisteredHooks);
        $this->assertEquals('*,example:table,my-event', implode(',', $registeredHookNames));
        $allHooksForExampleTable = $allRegisteredHooks['example:table'];
        $allHookPhasesForExampleTable = array_keys($allHooksForExampleTable);
        $this->assertEquals('alter,option', implode(',', $allHookPhasesForExampleTable));
        $this->assertContains('alterFormattersChinese', var_export($allHooksForExampleTable, true));
        $alterHooksForExampleTable = $this->callProtected($hookManager, 'getHooks', [['example:table'], 'alter']);
        $this->assertContains('alterFormattersKanji', var_export($alterHooksForExampleTable, true));
        $allHooksForAnyCommand = $allRegisteredHooks['*'];
        $allHookPhasesForAnyCommand = array_keys($allHooksForAnyCommand);
        $this->assertEquals('alter', implode(',', $allHookPhasesForAnyCommand));
        $this->assertContains('alterFormattersKanji', var_export($allHooksForAnyCommand, true));
        // Help should have the information from the hooks in the 'beta' folder
        $this->assertRunCommandViaApplicationContains('help example:table', ['Option added by @hook option example:table', 'example:table --french', 'Add a row with French numbers.', 'chinese', 'kanji']);
        // Confirm that the "unavailable" command is now available
        $expectedOutputWithChinese = <<<EOT
 ------ ------ -------
  I      II     III
 ------ ------ -------
  One    Two    Three
  Eins   Zwei   Drei
  Ichi   Ni     San
  Uno    Dos    Tres
  壹     貳     叁
 ------ ------ -------
        $this->assertRunCommandViaApplicationEquals('example:table --chinese', $expectedOutputWithChinese);
        $expectedOutputWithKanji = <<<EOT
 ------ ------ -------
  I      II     III
 ------ ------ -------
  One    Two    Three
  Eins   Zwei   Drei
  Ichi   Ni     San
  Uno    Dos    Tres
  一     二     三
 ------ ------ -------
        $this->assertRunCommandViaApplicationEquals('example:table --kanji', $expectedOutputWithKanji);