Пример #1
  * Returns a path to the specified item, resized and/or cropped to meet max width and height. $obj can either be
  * a string (path) or a file object.
  * Returns an object with the following properties: src, width, height
  * @param mixed $obj
  * @param int $maxWidth
  * @param int $maxHeight
  * @param bool $crop
 public function getThumbnail($obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop = false)
     $fID = false;
     $fh = Loader::helper('file');
     if ($obj instanceof File) {
         try {
             $fr = $obj->getFileResource();
             $fID = $obj->getFileID();
             $filename = md5(implode(':', array($fID, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop, $fr->getTimestamp()))) . '.' . $fh->getExtension($fr->getPath());
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $filename = '';
     } else {
         $filename = md5(implode(':', array($obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop, filemtime($obj)))) . '.' . $fh->getExtension($obj);
     if (!file_exists(Config::get('concrete.cache.directory') . '/' . $filename)) {
         if ($obj instanceof File) {
             $image = \Image::load($fr->read());
         } else {
             $image = \Image::open($obj);
         // create image there
         $this->create($image, Config::get('concrete.cache.directory') . '/' . $filename, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop);
     $src = REL_DIR_FILES_CACHE . '/' . $filename;
     $abspath = Config::get('concrete.cache.directory') . '/' . $filename;
     $thumb = new \stdClass();
     if (isset($abspath) && file_exists($abspath)) {
         $thumb->src = $src;
         $dimensions = getimagesize($abspath);
         $thumb->width = $dimensions[0];
         $thumb->height = $dimensions[1];
         return $thumb;
Пример #2
 protected function getNode()
     if (!isset($this->node)) {
         $this->node = \Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Node::getByID(Loader::helper('security')->sanitizeInt($_REQUEST['treeNodeID']));
     return $this->node;
Пример #3
 protected function getNodes()
     $sourceNodes = array();
     if (!isset($this->nodes)) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['sourceTreeNodeID'])) {
             $sourceNode = Node::getByID(Loader::helper('security')->sanitizeInt($_REQUEST['sourceTreeNodeID']));
             if (is_object($sourceNode)) {
                 $sourceNodes[] = $sourceNode;
         } else {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['sourceTreeNodeIDs'])) {
                 foreach ($_REQUEST['sourceTreeNodeIDs'] as $sourceTreeNodeID) {
                     $sourceNode = Node::getByID(Loader::helper('security')->sanitizeInt($sourceTreeNodeID));
                     if (is_object($sourceNode)) {
                         $sourceNodes[] = $sourceNode;
         $destNode = Node::getByID(Loader::helper('security')->sanitizeInt($_REQUEST['treeNodeParentID']));
         if (is_array($sourceNodes) && count($sourceNodes) && is_object($destNode)) {
             $this->nodes = array($sourceNodes, $destNode);
         } else {
             $this->nodes = false;
     return $this->nodes;
Пример #4
 public function clear()
     if (Loader::helper('validation/token')->validate('clear')) {
         $l = new Logger();
         $this->redirect('/dashboard/system/optimization/query_log', 'cleared');
Пример #5
 protected function getBaseURL($url = false)
     $uh = Loader::helper('url');
     $args = array($this->queryStringPagingVariable => '%pageNum%');
     if (count($this->additionalVars) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->additionalVars as $k => $v) {
             $args[$k] = $v;
     $url = $uh->setVariable($args, false, $url);
     return $url;
Пример #6
 public function csv()
     if (!Loader::helper('validation/token')->validate('csv')) {
     } else {
         $l = new LogList();
         $entries = $l->get(0);
         $fileName = "Database Query Log Results";
         header("Content-Type: text/csv");
         header("Cache-control: private");
         header("Pragma: public");
         $date = date('Ymd');
         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $fileName . "_form_data_{$date}.csv");
         $fp = fopen('php://output', 'w');
         // write the columns
         $row = array(t('Times Run'), t('Query'));
         fputcsv($fp, $row);
         foreach ($entries as $ent) {
             fputcsv($fp, array($ent['queryTotal'], $ent['query']));
Пример #7
 protected function setBaseQuery($additionalFields = '')
     if ($this->isIndexedSearch()) {
         $db = Loader::db();
         $ik = ', match(psi.cName, psi.cDescription, psi.content) against (' . $db->quote($this->indexedKeywords) . ') as cIndexScore ';
     if (!$this->includeAliases) {
         $this->filter(false, '(p1.cPointerID < 1 or p1.cPointerID is null)');
     $cvID = '(select max(cvID) from CollectionVersions where cID = cv.cID)';
     if ($this->displayOnlyApprovedPages) {
         $cvID = '(select cvID from CollectionVersions where cvIsApproved = 1 and cID = cv.cID)';
         $this->filter('cvIsApproved', 1);
     if ($this->includeAliases) {
         $this->setQuery('select p1.cID, pt.ptHandle ' . $ik . $additionalFields . ' from Pages p1 left join Pages p2 on (p1.cPointerID = p2.cID) left join PagePaths on (PagePaths.cID = p1.cID and PagePaths.ppIsCanonical = 1) left join PageSearchIndex psi on (psi.cID = if(p2.cID is null, p1.cID, p2.cID)) inner join CollectionVersions cv on (cv.cID = if(p2.cID is null, p1.cID, p2.cID) and cvID = ' . $cvID . ') left join PageTypes pt on (pt.ptID = if(p2.cID is null, p1.ptID, p2.ptID)) inner join Collections c on (c.cID = if(p2.cID is null, p1.cID, p2.cID))');
     } else {
         $this->setQuery('select p1.cID, pt.ptHandle ' . $ik . $additionalFields . ' from Pages p1 left join PagePaths on (PagePaths.cID = p1.cID and PagePaths.ppIsCanonical = 1) left join PageSearchIndex psi on (psi.cID = p1.cID) inner join CollectionVersions cv on (cv.cID = p1.cID and cvID = ' . $cvID . ') left join PageTypes pt on (pt.ptID = p1.ptID)  inner join Collections c on (c.cID = p1.cID)');
     if ($this->includeAliases) {
         $this->filter(false, "(p1.cIsTemplate = 0 or p2.cIsTemplate = 0)");
     } else {
         $this->filter('p1.cIsTemplate', 0);
     if ($this->includeAliases) {
         $this->setupAttributeFilters("left join CollectionSearchIndexAttributes on (CollectionSearchIndexAttributes.cID = if (p2.cID is null, p1.cID, p2.cID))");
     } else {
         $this->setupAttributeFilters("left join CollectionSearchIndexAttributes on (CollectionSearchIndexAttributes.cID = p1.cID)");
     if ($this->displayOnlyActivePages) {
         $this->filter('p1.cIsActive', 1);
Пример #8
 public function getPagination($url = false, $additionalVars = array())
     $pagination = Loader::helper('pagination');
     if ($this->currentPage == false) {
     if (count($additionalVars) > 0) {
     if (!isset($this->queryStringPagingVariable)) {
     $pagination->queryStringPagingVariable = $this->queryStringPagingVariable;
     $pagination->init($this->currentPage, $this->getTotal(), $url, $this->itemsPerPage);
     return $pagination;
Пример #9
 protected function setupFilePermissions()
     $u = new User();
     if ($this->permissionLevel == false || $u->isSuperUser()) {
         return false;
     $accessEntities = $u->getUserAccessEntityObjects();
     foreach ($accessEntities as $pae) {
         $peIDs[] = $pae->getAccessEntityID();
     $db = Loader::db();
     // figure out which sets can read files in, not read files in, and read only my files in.
     $fsIDs = $db->GetCol('select fsID from FileSets where fsOverrideGlobalPermissions = 1');
     $viewableSets = array(-1);
     $nonviewableSets = array(-1);
     $myviewableSets = array(-1);
     $owpae = FileUploaderPermissionAccessEntity::getOrCreate();
     if (count($fsIDs) > 0) {
         $pk = PermissionKey::getByHandle($this->permissionLevel);
         foreach ($fsIDs as $fsID) {
             $fs = FileSet::getByID($fsID);
             $list = $pk->getAccessListItems(PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_ALL, $accessEntities);
             $list = PermissionDuration::filterByActive($list);
             if (count($list) > 0) {
                 foreach ($list as $l) {
                     $pae = $l->getAccessEntityObject();
                     if ($pae->getAccessEntityID() == $owpae->getAccessEntityID()) {
                         $myviewableSets[] = $fs->getFileSetID();
                     } else {
                         if ($l->getAccessType() == PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_INCLUDE) {
                             $viewableSets[] = $fs->getFileSetID();
                         if ($l->getAccessType() == PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_EXCLUDE) {
                             $nonviewableSets[] = $fs->getFileSetID();
             } else {
                 $nonviewableSets[] = $fs->getFileSetID();
     $fs = FileSet::getGlobal();
     $fk = PermissionKey::getByHandle('search_file_set');
     $accessEntities[] = $owpae;
     $list = $fk->getAccessListItems(PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_ALL, $accessEntities);
     $list = PermissionDuration::filterByActive($list);
     foreach ($list as $l) {
         $pae = $l->getAccessEntityObject();
         if ($pae->getAccessEntityID() == $owpae->getAccessEntityID()) {
             $valid = 'mine';
         } else {
             if ($l->getAccessType() == PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_INCLUDE) {
                 $valid = PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_INCLUDE;
             if ($l->getAccessType() == PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_EXCLUDE) {
                 $valid = PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_EXCLUDE;
     $uID = $u->isRegistered() ? $u->getUserID() : 0;
     // This excludes all files found in sets where I may only read mine, and I did not upload the file
     $this->filter(false, '(f.uID = ' . $uID . ' or (select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (' . implode(',', $myviewableSets) . ')) = 0)');
     if ($valid == 'mine') {
         // this means that we're only allowed to read files we've uploaded (unless, of course, those files are in previously covered sets)
         $this->filter(false, '(f.uID = ' . $uID . ' or (select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (' . implode(',', $viewableSets) . ')) > 0)');
     // this excludes all file that are found in sets that I can't find
     $this->filter(false, '((select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (' . implode(',', $nonviewableSets) . ')) = 0)');
     $uID = $u->isRegistered() ? $u->getUserID() : 0;
     // This excludes all files found in sets where I may only read mine, and I did not upload the file
     $this->filter(false, '(f.uID = ' . $uID . ' or (select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (' . implode(',', $myviewableSets) . ')) = 0)');
     $db = Loader::db();
     $vpvPKID = $db->GetOne('select pkID from PermissionKeys where pkHandle = \'view_file\'');
     if ($this->permissionLevel == 'search_file_set') {
         $vpPKID = $db->GetOne('select pkID from PermissionKeys where pkHandle = \'view_file_in_file_manager\'');
     } else {
         $vpPKID = $vpvPKID;
     $pdIDs = $db->GetCol("select distinct pdID from FilePermissionAssignments fpa inner join PermissionAccessList pal on fpa.paID = pal.paID where pkID in (?, ?) and pdID > 0", array($vpPKID, $vpvPKID));
     $activePDIDs = array();
     if (count($pdIDs) > 0) {
         // then we iterate through all of them and find any that are active RIGHT NOW
         foreach ($pdIDs as $pdID) {
             $pd = PermissionDuration::getByID($pdID);
             if ($pd->isActive()) {
                 $activePDIDs[] = $pd->getPermissionDurationID();
     $activePDIDs[] = 0;
     // exclude files where its overridden but I don't have the ability to read
     $this->filter(false, "(f.fOverrideSetPermissions = 0 or (select count(fID) from FilePermissionAssignments fpa inner join PermissionAccessList fpal on fpa.paID = fpal.paID where fpa.fID = f.fID and fpal.accessType = " . PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_INCLUDE . " and fpal.pdID in (" . implode(',', $activePDIDs) . ") and fpal.peID in (" . implode(',', $peIDs) . ") and (if(fpal.peID = " . $owpae->getAccessEntityID() . " and f.uID <> " . $uID . ", false, true)) and (fpa.pkID = " . $vpPKID . ")) > 0)");
     // exclude detail files where read is excluded
     $this->filter(false, "f.fID not in (select ff.fID from Files ff inner join FilePermissionAssignments fpaExclude on ff.fID = fpaExclude.fID inner join PermissionAccessList palExclude on fpaExclude.paID = palExclude.paID where fOverrideSetPermissions = 1 and palExclude.accessType = " . PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_EXCLUDE . " and palExclude.pdID in (" . implode(',', $activePDIDs) . ")\n\t\t\tand palExclude.peID in (" . implode(',', $peIDs) . ") and fpaExclude.pkID in (" . $vpPKID . "," . $vpvPKID . "))");
Пример #10
  * Filters by tag.
  * @param string $tag
 public function filterByTag($tag = '')
     $db = Loader::db();
     $this->filter(false, "( fv.fvTags like " . $db->qstr("%\n" . $tag . "\n%") . "  )");
Пример #11
 public function __call($nm, $a)
     if (substr($nm, 0, 8) == 'filterBy') {
         $txt = Loader::helper('text');
         $attrib = $txt->uncamelcase(substr($nm, 8));
         if (count($a) == 2) {
             $this->filterByAttribute($attrib, $a[0], $a[1]);
         } else {
             $this->filterByAttribute($attrib, $a[0]);