outputAs() публичный Метод

Get/Set the output type to use. The output type how formatting tags are treated.
public outputAs ( integer | null $type = null ) : integer | null
$type integer | null The output type to use. Should be one of the class constants.
Результат integer | null Either null or the value if getting.
Пример #1
  * Constructs a new Console Logger.
  * Config
  * - `levels` string or array, levels the engine is interested in
  * - `scopes` string or array, scopes the engine is interested in
  * - `stream` the path to save logs on.
  * - `outputAs` integer or ConsoleOutput::[RAW|PLAIN|COLOR]
  * @param array $config Options for the FileLog, see above.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct(array $config = array())
     if (DS === '\\' && !(bool) env('ANSICON') || function_exists('posix_isatty') && !posix_isatty($this->_output)) {
         $this->_defaultConfig['outputAs'] = ConsoleOutput::PLAIN;
     } else {
         $this->_defaultConfig['outputAs'] = ConsoleOutput::COLOR;
     $config = $this->_config;
     if ($config['stream'] instanceof ConsoleOutput) {
         $this->_output = $config['stream'];
     } elseif (is_string($config['stream'])) {
         $this->_output = new ConsoleOutput($config['stream']);
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('`stream` not a ConsoleOutput nor string');
Пример #2
  * Change the output mode of the stdout stream
  * @param int $mode The output mode.
  * @return void
  * @see \Cake\Console\ConsoleOutput::outputAs()
 public function outputAs($mode)