Пример #1
 public function navigate(BlazeContext $context, $action)
     $actionString = String::asWrapper($action);
     $requestUri = $context->getRequest()->getRequestURI()->getPath();
     // remove the prefix of the url e.g. BlazeFrameworkServer/
     if (!$requestUri->endsWith('/')) {
         $requestUri = $requestUri->concat('/');
     $requestUri = $requestUri->substring($context->getApplication()->getUrlPrefix()->replace('*', '')->length());
     // Requesturl has always to start with a '/'
     if ($requestUri->length() == 0 || $requestUri->charAt(0) != '/') {
         $requestUri = new String('/' . $requestUri->toNative());
     foreach ($this->mapping as $navigationRule) {
         $regex = '/^' . str_replace(array('/', '*'), array('\\/', '.*'), $navigationRule->getMapping()) . '$/';
         if ($requestUri->matches($regex)) {
             if ($actionString != null) {
                 // Look for the action in the navigationMap
                 foreach ($navigationRule->getActions() as $action => $view) {
                     if ($actionString->compareTo($action) == 0) {
                         //                            \blaze\util\Logger::get()->log('Navigated from '.$context->getViewRoot()->getViewId().' to '. $context->getViewHandler()->getView($context, $action['view'])->getViewId());
                         $context->setViewRoot($context->getViewHandler()->getView($context, $view));
     $view = $context->getViewHandler()->getView($context, $actionString);
     if ($view != null) {
Пример #2
 public function getImmediate()
     if ($this->immediate == null) {
         return false;
     $imm = $this->getResolvedExpression($this->immediate);
     return \blaze\lang\Boolean::isType($imm) ? $imm : \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($imm)->trim()->compareToIgnoreCase('true') == 0;
Пример #3
  * @param blaze\lang\String|string $name The name of the cookie
  * @param blaze\lang\String|string $value The value of the cookie
 public function __construct($name, $value)
     $name = new String($name);
     if ($name->startsWith('$') || $name->contains(',') || $name->contains(';') || $name->contains(' ')) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException('The name of a cookie can only contain alphanumeric characters but not commas, semicolons, whitespaces or begin with $ character.');
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->value = String::asWrapper($value);
  * @param \blaze\lang\String|string $protocol
  * @return blaze\net\URLStreamHandler
 public function createURLStreamHandler($protocol)
     switch (\blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($protocol)->toLowerCase()->toNative()) {
         case 'http':
         case 'https':
         case 'ftp':
Пример #5
 public function forwardEngineerXmlFile(\blaze\io\File $file)
     $buf = new \blaze\lang\StringBuffer();
     $t = new \blaze\persistence\meta\driver\XmlMetaDriver();
     $cd = $t->parseFile($file);
     $fileName = \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($cd->getName());
     $fileName = $fileName->substring($fileName->lastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
     $writer = new \blaze\io\output\FileWriter(new \blaze\io\File($this->dir, $fileName . '.php'));
Пример #6
  * Checks the key and returns it as native string when wrapper is false, otherwise as blaze\lang\String.
  * @return string|blaze\lang\String
 private static function getCheckedKey($key, $wrapper = false)
     if ($wrapper) {
         $key = \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($key);
         if ($key->length() < 1) {
             throw new CacheException('The length of the key must be at least one char!');
     } else {
         $key = \blaze\lang\String::asNative($key);
         if (strlen($key) < 1) {
             throw new CacheException('The length of the key must be at least one char!');
     return $key;
Пример #7
  * Description
  * @param 	blaze\lang\String|string $uri Description of the parameter $var
  * @return 	blaze\net\URI Description of what the method returns
  * @throws	blaze\lang\Exception
 public static function parseURI($uri)
     $uri = \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($uri);
     $idx = $uri->indexOf(':');
     if ($idx == -1 || $idx === $uri->length()) {
         throw new \blaze\lang\Exception('Invalid URI');
     $scheme = $uri->substring(0, $idx);
     $ssp = $uri->substring($idx + 1);
     $idx = $ssp->lastIndexOf('#');
     $fragment = null;
     if ($idx !== -1) {
         $fragment = $ssp->substring($idx + 1);
         $ssp = $ssp->substring(0, $idx);
     return new URI($scheme, $ssp, $fragment);
Пример #8
 public function toString()
     return String::asWrapper($this->value);
Пример #9
 public static function toOctal($i)
     return String::asWrapper(decoct($i));
Пример #10
  * @param string|blaze\lang\String $package
 public function setPackage($package)
     $this->package = \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($package);
Пример #11
 public function getCursorName()
     return \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($this->stmt->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CURSOR_NAME));
Пример #12
 public function getString($identifier)
     $val = $this->get($identifier);
     if ($val == null) {
         return null;
     return String::asWrapper($val);
Пример #13
  * Retrieve the group of this file.
  * @return int User ID of the owner of this file.
 public function getGroup()
     return String::asWrapper(@filegroup($this->getPath()->toNative()));
Пример #14
  * Appends a value to a property if it already exists with a delimiter
  * If the property does not, it just adds it.
  * @param string $key
  * @param mixed $value
  * @param string $delimiter
 public function append(\blaze\lang\String $key, \blaze\lang\String $value, \blaze\lang\String $delimiter = null)
     if ($delimiter === null) {
         $delimiter = new \blaze\lang\String(',');
     $newValue = $value;
     if (isset($this->properties[$key]) && !empty($this->properties[$key])) {
         $newValue = $this->properties[$key] . $delimiter . $value;
     $this->properties[$key->toNative()] = \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($newValue);
Пример #15
 private function getWhereColumn($string, $classMetas, \blaze\persistence\EntityManager $em)
     $str = \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($string);
     if ($str->startsWith(':') && !$str->contains(' ')) {
         return $string;
     } else {
         if ($str->equalsIgnoreCase('?')) {
             return $string;
         } else {
             if ($str->startsWith('"') && $str->endsWith('"')) {
                 return $string;
             } else {
                 if (\blaze\lang\Number::getNumberClass($string) !== null) {
                     return $string;
     $parts = explode('.', $string);
     $alias = null;
     foreach ($classMetas as $classAlias => $meta) {
         if ($parts[0] === $classAlias) {
             $alias = array_shift($parts);
     if (count($classMetas) == 1) {
         $meta = array_shift($classMetas);
         $column = $this->recursiveColumnLookup($meta, $parts);
     } else {
         foreach ($classMetas as $classAlias => $meta) {
             if ($alias === null || $alias === $classAlias) {
                 $column = $this->recursiveColumnLookup($meta, $parts);
     if ($alias !== null) {
         return $alias . '.' . $column;
     } else {
         return $column;
Пример #16
 public function getSequenceName()
     return \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($this->table->getTableName() . '_' . $this->column->getName() . '_seq');
Пример #17
 public function dropSequence($sequenceName)
     $parts = \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($sequenceName)->split('_');
     if (count($parts) !== 3) {
         throw new \blaze\ds\DataSourceException('Sequencenames in this driver must have the following structure: tablename_columnname_seq');
     $tbl = $this->getTable($parts[0]);
     $col = $tbl->getColumn($parts[1]);
     $this->databaseMetaData->getConnection()->createStatement()->executeUpdate('ALTER TABLE ' . $parts[0] . ' MODIFY COLUMN ' . ColumnMetaDataImpl::getColumnDefinition($col, null, true, true, false));
Пример #18
  * @param string|\blaze\lang\String|\blaze\persistence\ooql\Statement $query
  * @return \blaze\persistence\meta\ResultSetDescriptor
 private function buildResultSetDescriptor($query)
     $rsd = null;
     //if($query instanceof \blaze\persistence\ooql\Statement)
     if ($query instanceof \blaze\persistence\ooql\FromStatement) {
         $fromables = $query->getFromClause()->getFromables();
         $aliasMapping = array();
         // Fields which will occur in the ResultSet
         $fields = array();
         $collectionFields = array();
         // Just to check for name duplicates
         $fieldsGlobal = array();
         if (count($fromables) < 1) {
             throw new \Exception('Invalid Query, nothing set in the from-clause!');
         // This loop is to check if there are any name duplicates
         // and to set up a alias to field mapping
         foreach ($fromables as $fromable) {
             if ($fromable instanceof \blaze\persistence\ooql\Entity) {
                 $classMeta = $this->em->getEntityManagerFactory()->getClassDescriptor($fromable->getName());
                 if ($classMeta === null) {
                     throw new \blaze\lang\Exception('Entity "' . $fromable->getName() . '" does not exist!');
                 if ($fromable->getAlias() !== null) {
                     $alias = \blaze\lang\String::asNative($fromable->getAlias());
                     if (array_search($alias, $aliasMapping) !== false) {
                         throw new \blaze\lang\Exception('The alias ' . $alias . ' already exists!');
                     $aliasMapping[$alias] = $classMeta;
                     foreach ($classMeta->getIdentifiers() as $field) {
                         $fields[$alias][] = $field->getFieldDescriptor();
                     foreach ($classMeta->getSingleFields() as $field) {
                         $fields[$alias][] = $field;
                     foreach ($classMeta->getCollectionFields() as $field) {
                         $collectionFields[$alias][] = $field;
                 } else {
                     $alias = \blaze\lang\String::asNative($fromable->getName());
                     if (array_search($alias, $aliasMapping) !== false) {
                         throw new \blaze\lang\Exception('The alias ' . $alias . ' already exists!');
                     $aliasMapping[$alias] = $classMeta;
                     foreach ($classMeta->getIdentifiers() as $field) {
                         $val = $field->getFieldDescriptor();
                         if (array_search($val->getName(), $fieldsGlobal) !== false) {
                             throw new \blaze\lang\Exception('The attribute ' . $val->getName() . ' of ' . $classMeta->getName() . ' is already in the global scope, you need to use a alias!');
                         $fieldsGlobal[] = $val->getName();
                         $fields[$alias][] = $val;
                     foreach ($classMeta->getSingleFields() as $field) {
                         $val = $field;
                         if (array_search($val->getName(), $fieldsGlobal) !== false) {
                             throw new \blaze\lang\Exception('The attribute ' . $val->getName() . ' of ' . $classMeta->getName() . ' is already in the global scope, you need to use a alias!');
                         $fieldsGlobal[] = $val->getName();
                         $fields[$alias][] = $val;
                     foreach ($classMeta->getCollectionFields() as $field) {
                         $val = $field->getFieldDescriptor();
                         if (array_search($val->getName(), $fieldsGlobal) !== false) {
                             throw new \blaze\lang\Exception('The attribute ' . $val->getName() . ' of ' . $classMeta->getName() . ' is already in the global scope, you need to use a alias!');
                         $fieldsGlobal[] = $val->getName();
                         $collectionFields[$alias][] = $field;
             } else {
                 if ($fromable instanceof \blaze\persistence\ooql\Join) {
                     // Not supported at the moment
                 } else {
                     if ($fromable instanceof \blaze\persistence\ooql\Subselect) {
                         // Not supported at the moment
         if ($query instanceof \blaze\persistence\ooql\SelectStatement) {
             $clause = $query->getSelectClause();
             $selectables = $clause->getSelectables();
             $selectFields = array();
             if (count($selectables) < 1) {
                 throw new \blaze\lang\Exception('Nothing to select given!');
             foreach ($selectables as $selectable) {
             if (count($selectables) == 1) {
                 // Check the selectable to be able to set the return class
                 if ($selectables[0] instanceof \blaze\persistence\ooql\Formula) {
                     $rsd = new \blaze\persistence\meta\ResultSetDescriptor($selectables[0]->getReturnType());
                 } else {
                     $propNameParts = \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($selectables[0]->getPropertyName())->split('.');
                     $alias = $propNameParts[count($propNameParts) - 1];
                     if ($selectables[0]->getPropertyAlias() !== null) {
                         $alias = $selectables[0]->getPropertyAlias();
                     $propPath = new \blaze\persistence\meta\PropertyPath();
                     // Check every field if the name is equal to the selectable
                     foreach ($fields as $fieldGroup) {
                         foreach ($fieldGroup as $field) {
                             if ($field instanceof \blaze\persistence\meta\SingleFieldDescriptor) {
                                 if ($field->getName()->compareTo($propNameParts[0]) == 0) {
                                     $rsd = new \blaze\persistence\meta\ResultSetDescriptor($field->getType());
                             } else {
                                 if ($field->getFieldDescriptor()->getName()->compareTo($propNameParts[0]) == 0) {
                                     // Collection
                                     //$rsd = new \blaze\persistence\meta\ResultSetDescriptor($field->getType());
                         if ($rsd !== null) {
             } else {
                 // Return class is an Object[]
                 $rsd = new \blaze\persistence\meta\ResultSetDescriptor('blaze\\lang\\Object', true);
         } else {
             if (count($fromables) > 1) {
                 throw new \blaze\lang\Exception('You need to specify what to select!');
             } else {
                 // Assume that the only object in fromables has to be selected
                 $classDesc = $aliasMapping[\blaze\lang\String::asNative($fromables[0]->getAlias())];
                 $rsd = new \blaze\persistence\meta\ResultSetDescriptor($classDesc->getFullName());
                 foreach ($fields[\blaze\lang\String::asNative($fromables[0]->getAlias())] as $field) {
                 foreach ($collectionFields[\blaze\lang\String::asNative($fromables[0]->getAlias())] as $field) {
     return $rsd;
Пример #19
  * @param string|blaze\lang\String $comment
 public function setComment($comment)
     $this->comment = \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($comment);
Пример #20
  * @param string|blaze\lang\String $schema
 public function setSchema($schema)
     $this->schema = \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($schema);
Пример #21
 public function getDisabled()
     if ($this->disabled === null) {
         return false;
     $disabled = $this->getResolvedExpression($this->disabled);
     return \blaze\lang\Boolean::isType($disabled) ? $disabled : \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($disabled)->trim()->compareToIgnoreCase('true') == 0;
Пример #22
  * @param blaze\lang\String|string $userAgent The user agent string
 public function __construct($userAgent)
     $this->userAgentString = String::asWrapper($userAgent);
 public function getClassDescriptor($className)
     foreach ($this->mapping as $cName => $classMeta) {
         if ($cName === $className || \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($cName)->endsWith($className)) {
             return $classMeta;
     return null;
Пример #24
  * @param Expression $expr
  * @param array $values 
 public function invoke($expr, $values)
     $parts = \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($expr)->split('.', null, true);
     $partsCount = count($parts);
     if ($partsCount < 1) {
         throw new ELException('No valid expression');
     $obj = $this->getValueFromContext($parts[0]);
     if ($obj == null) {
         throw new ELException($parts[0] . ' is not a valid expression object');
     for ($i = 1; $i < $partsCount - 1; $i++) {
         $method = $obj->getClass()->getMethod('get' . $parts[$i]->toUpperCase(true));
         $obj = $method->invoke($obj, null);
     $method = $obj->getClass()->getMethod($parts[$partsCount - 1]->toUpperCase(true));
     return $method->invokeArgs($obj, $values);
Пример #25
  * @param string|blaze\lang\String $package
  * @param string|blaze\lang\String $name
  * @param blaze\io\File $dir
  * @param boolean $running
 private function __construct($package, $name, $urlPrefix, $running)
     $this->package = String::asWrapper($package);
     $this->name = String::asWrapper($name);
     $prefix = trim(str_replace('*', '', $urlPrefix), '/');
     if (strlen($prefix) !== 0) {
         $prefix .= '/';
     $this->urlPrefix = String::asWrapper(self::$serverConfig->get('serverHome') . $prefix);
     $this->running = $running;
     $this->applicationPath = new File(ClassLoader::getSystemClassLoader()->getClassPath(), $package);
Пример #26
 public function toString(\blaze\web\application\BlazeContext $context, $obj)
     return String::asWrapper($obj);
Пример #27
  * Given the name of a host, returns an array of its IP addresses,
  * based on the configured name service on the system.
  * <p> The host name can either be a machine name, such as
  * '<code>java.sun.com</code>', or a textual representation of its IP
  * address. If a literal IP address is supplied, only the
  * validity of the address format is checked.
  * <p> For <code>host</code> specified in <i>literal IPv6 address</i>,
  * either the form defined in RFC 2732 or the literal IPv6 address
  * format defined in RFC 2373 is accepted. A literal IPv6 address may
  * also be qualified by appending a scoped zone identifier or scope_id.
  * The syntax and usage of scope_ids is described
  * <a href='Inet6Address.html#scoped'>here</a>.
  * <p> If the host is <tt>null</tt> then an <tt>InetAddress</tt>
  * representing an address of the loopback interface is returned.
  * See <a href='http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3330.txt'>RFC&nbsp;3330</a>
  * section&nbsp;2 and <a href='http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2373.txt'>RFC&nbsp;2373</a>
  * section&nbsp;2.5.3. </p>
  * <p> If there is a security manager and <code>host</code> is not
  * null and <code>host.length() </code> is not equal to zero, the
  * security manager's
  * <code>checkConnect</code> method is called
  * with the hostname and <code>-1</code>
  * as its arguments to see if the operation is allowed.
  * @param      host   the name of the host, or <code>null</code>.
  * @return  array[InetAddress]   an array of all the IP addresses for a given host name.
  * @exception  UnknownHostException  if no IP address for the
  *               <code>host</code> could be found, or if a scope_id was specified
  * 		     for a global IPv6 address.
  * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and its
  *               <code>checkConnect</code> method doesn't allow the operation.
  * @see SecurityManager#checkConnect
 public static function getAllByName($host, InetAddress $reqAddr = null)
     $host = \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($host);
     if ($host->length() == 0) {
         $ret = new \blaze\collections\arrays\ArrayObject(1);
         $ret[0] = $impl->loopbackAddress();
         return $ret;
     $ipv6Expected = false;
     if ($host->charAt(0) == '[') {
         // This is supposed to be an IPv6 litteral
         if ($host->length() > 2 && $host->charAt($host->length() - 1) == ']') {
             $host = $host->substring(1, $host->length() - 1);
             $ipv6Expected = true;
         } else {
             // This was supposed to be a IPv6 address, but it's not!
             //		throw new UnknownHostException(4host);
     // if host is an IP address, we won't do further lookup
     if (\blaze\lang\Character::digit($host->charAt(0), 16) != -1 || $host->charAt(0) == ':') {
         $addr = null;
         $numericZone = -1;
         $ifname = null;
         // see if it is IPv4 address
         $addr = self::textToNumericFormatV4($host);
         if ($addr == null) {
             // see if it is IPv6 address
             // Check if a numeric or string zone id is present
             if (($pos = $host->indexOf('%')) != -1) {
                 $numericZone = $self::checkNumericZone($host);
                 if ($numericZone == -1) {
                     /* remainder of string must be an ifname */
                     $ifname = $host->substring($pos + 1);
             $addr = IPAddressUtil::textToNumericFormatV6($host);
         } else {
             if ($ipv6Expected) {
                 // Means an IPv4 litteral between brackets!
                 //		throw new UnknownHostException('['+host+']');
         $ret = new ArrayObject(1);
         if ($addr != null) {
             if ($addr->length == Inet4Address::INADDRSZ) {
                 $ret[0] = new Inet4Address(null, $addr);
             } else {
                 if ($ifname != null) {
                     $ret[0] = new Inet6Address(null, $addr, $ifname);
                 } else {
                     $ret[0] = new Inet6Address(null, $addr, $numericZone);
             return $ret;
     } else {
         if ($ipv6Expected) {
             // We were expecting an IPv6 Litteral, but got something else
             //		throw new UnknownHostException('['+host+']');
     return self::getAllByName0($host, $reqAddr, true);
Пример #28
 public function getComposedNativeType()
     $type = $this->getNativeType();
     switch (\blaze\lang\String::asNative($type)) {
         case 'bigint':
         case 'tinyint':
         case 'smallint':
         case 'mediumint':
         case 'int':
             $type .= '(' . $this->getLength() . ')' . $this->isSigned() ? '' : 'UNSIGNED';
         case 'char':
         case 'varchar':
         case 'binary':
             $type .= '(' . $this->getLength() . ')';
         case 'real':
         case 'double':
         case 'float':
         case 'numeric':
         case 'decimal':
             $type .= '(' . $this->getLength() . ',' . $this->getPrecision() . ')';
     return \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($type);
Пример #29
  * @param blaze\lang\String|string $scheme
  * @param blaze\lang\String|string $user
  * @param blaze\lang\String|string $password
  * @param blaze\lang\String|string $host
  * @param int $port
  * @param blaze\lang\String|string $path
  * @param blaze\lang\String|string $query
  * @param blaze\lang\String|string $fragment
 public function __construct($scheme, $user = null, $password = null, $host = null, $port = null, $path = null, $query = null, $fragment = null)
     $this->scheme = $scheme !== null ? \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($scheme) : null;
     $this->user = $user !== null ? \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($user) : null;
     $this->password = $password !== null ? \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($password) : null;
     $this->host = $host !== null ? \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($host) : null;
     $this->port = $port !== null ? \blaze\lang\Integer::asNative($port) : -1;
     $this->path = $path !== null ? \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($path) : null;
     $this->query = $query !== null ? \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($query) : null;
     $this->fragment = $fragment !== null ? \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($fragment) : null;
Пример #30
 private function getMemberName($columnName)
     $parts = \blaze\lang\String::asWrapper($columnName)->split('_', null, true);
     $memberName = array_shift($parts)->toLowerCase(true)->toNative();
     foreach ($parts as $part) {
         $memberName .= $part->toUpperCase(true)->toNative();
     return $memberName;