Пример #1
  * Returns the cart item for a given inventory
  * @param  \Bedard\Shop\Models\Inventory    $inventory
  * @return \Bedard\Shop\Models\CartItem
 public function getCartItem(Inventory $inventory)
     $item = CartItem::firstOrNew(['cart_id' => $this->cart->id, 'product_id' => $inventory->product_id, 'inventory_id' => $inventory->id]);
     $item->setRelation('inventory', $inventory);
     return $item;
Пример #2
  * Adds a product to the cart
 public function onAddToCart()
     // Make a cart if we don't have one
     if (!$this->cart) {
     // Load the post variables that may have come in
     $slug = post('bedard_shop_product');
     $inventoryId = post('bedard_shop_inventory');
     $quantity = post('bedard_shop_quantity') ?: 1;
     // Load the inventory
     if (!($inventory = $this->loadInventory($inventoryId, $slug))) {
         return $this->failedResponse('Inventory not found.');
     // FirstOrCreate the cart item, and add the quantity
     $cartItem = CartItem::firstOrNew(['cart_id' => $this->cart->id, 'inventory_id' => $inventory->id]);
     if ($cartItem->quantity >= $inventory->quantity) {
         $this->itemCount = CartItem::where('cart_id', $this->cart->id)->sum('quantity');
         $this->isEmpty = $this->itemCount == 0;
         return $this->failedResponse('All available inventory is already in your cart.');
     // Update and save the cart item quantity
     $cartItem->quantity += $quantity;
     if (!$cartItem->save()) {
         $this->itemCount = CartItem::where('cart_id', $this->cart->id)->sum('quantity');
         $this->isEmpty = $this->itemCount == 0;
         return $this->failedResponse('Failed to save cart item.');
     // Restart the checkout process
     // Refresh the item count, and send back a response
     $this->itemCount = CartItem::where('cart_id', $this->cart->id)->sum('quantity');
     $this->isEmpty = $this->itemCount == 0;
     return $this->response('Product added to cart');