Пример #1
 public static function boot($dispatch = TRUE)
     self::$dispatcher = new \apf\web\core\Dispatcher();
     if ($dispatch) {
         return self::$dispatcher->dispatch();
Пример #2
  *Gets a form element instance according to the context obtained from the within the Kernel::getSAPI method
  *@param string $type									The *type* of the element, input, select, etc>
  *@param ElementConfigInterface						The configuration for said element.
  *@param string $ui										User Interface for the given element type, web, cli, etc
 public static function getInstanceFromUIContext($type, $ui = NULL)
     $type = trim($type);
      *An element type is mandatory. This "type" is the type of element one wishes to create
      *an input element, a select element, etc.
     if (empty($type)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Must specify element type!");
      *	If no $ui is specified, autodetect the user interface through the Kernel::getSAPI object
     if ($ui === NULL) {
         $ui = Kernel::getSAPI()->getName();
     $class = self::getElementClassByTypeAndUI($type, $ui);
      *	Return a new element type instance, configured with a name, a value and a layout container.
     return new $class();
Пример #3
 public function setController($controller)
     $cfg =& DI::get("config")->framework;
     $appName = $cfg->appName;
     $cPath = sprintf('%s/controller', \apf\core\Kernel::getAppDir());
     $controller = ucwords(preg_replace("/\\W/", '', $controller));
     $dir = new \DirectoryIterator($cPath);
     foreach ($dir as $file) {
         $file = $file->getFileName();
         if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
         $file = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, 'Controller'));
         if (strtolower($file) == strtolower($controller)) {
             $controller = $file;
     $_controller = sprintf('%s%s', $controller, 'Controller');
     $ctrl = sprintf('%s%s%s.class.php', $cPath, $ds, $_controller);
     if (!file_exists($ctrl)) {
         if (empty($cfg->default_controller)) {
             $this->status = 404;
         $ctrl = sprintf('%s%s%s%s.class.php', $cPath, $ds, ucwords($cfg->default_controller), "Controller");
         if (!file_exists($ctrl)) {
             $this->status = 404;
         $controller = sprintf('%s', ucwords($cfg->default_controller));
     $this->controller = ucwords($controller);
     return $this;
Пример #4
  * Gets a form instance according to the context obtained from the within the Kernel::getSAPI method
  * @return	\apf\ui\form\Cli			If the autodetected context is cli or if the $ui argument is equal to cli
  * @return	\apf\ui\form\Web			If the autodetected context is web or if the $ui argument is equal to web
 public static function getInstanceFromUIContext($ui = NULL)
      * If no $ui is specified, autodetect it through the Kernel::getSAPI object
     if ($ui === NULL) {
         $ui = Kernel::getSAPI()->getName();
      * Compose the class name
     $class = sprintf('\\apf\\ui\\form\\%s', ucwords($ui));
      * Corroborate that the given form UI class does in fact exists
     if (!class_exists($class)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No Form UI named \"{$ui}\" was found, perhaps you'd like to help and create it?");
      * Create a new form instance of the corresponding form considering the context 
      * where PHP is being called, i.e cli, web, etc
     return new $class();