Пример #1
function selectAudioVideo(&$prg)
    global $config;
    $files = $prg->listAudioFiles('TRUE', 'kbps DESC');
    if (is_array($files)) {
        foreach ($files as $f) {
            if ($f['download_access'] == 't') {
                /* sun 8.2.06 added to format properly the enclosure url --rama */
                $station = sotf_Utils::makeValidName($prg->get('station'), 23);
                $series = sotf_Utils::makeValidName($prg->get('series'), 23);
                $title = sotf_Utils::makeValidName($prg->get('title'), 30);
                if ($station != "" && $series != "" && $title != "") {
                    $fname = "{$station}-{$series}-{$title}";
                } elseif ($station != "" && $title != "") {
                    $fname = "{$station}-{$title}";
                } elseif ($title != "") {
                    $fname = $title;
                /* end properly format enclosure url */
                //$f['url'] = $config['rootUrl'] . '/getFile.php/' . $f['filename'] . '?audio=1&id=' . $prg->id . '&filename=' . $f['filename'];
                //$f['url'] = $config['rootUrl'] . '/getFile.php?audio=1&id=' . $prg->id . '&filename=' . $f['filename'];
                $baseUrl = sotf_Node::getHomeNodeRootUrl($prg);
                //$f['url'] = $baseUrl . '/getFile.php/fid__' . $f['id'].".mp3"; // wreutz: very dirty hack for ipooder to work on os x
                //MODIFIED BY Martin Schmidt
                $f = array_merge($f, sotf_AudioFile::decodeFormatFilename($f['format']));
                if ($prg->isVideoPrg() && $f['format'] == "mp4") {
                    //echo "drinnen";
                    $f['url'] = $baseUrl . '/getFile.php/' . 'fid__' . $f['id'] . '__' . $fname . ".mp4";
                    return $f;
                } else {
                    if ($prg->isAudioPrg()) {
                        $f['url'] = $baseUrl . '/getFile.php/' . 'fid__' . $f['id'] . '__' . $fname . ".mp3";
                        //rjankowski changed order to get parsed by getFile.php
                        return $f;
                // rama: included $fname as formatted name $station-$series-$title
    if(!$retval and is_array($files)) {
    	 foreach($files as $f) {
    		if($f['stream_access']=='t') {
    		  $f['url'] = $config['rootUrl'] . '/listen.php?id=' . $prg->id . '&fileid=' . $f['id'];
    		  return $f;
    return NULL;
Пример #2
 /** static method: Register new user with given data. */
 function register($password, $name, $realname, $language, $email)
     // TODO: check not to change user name!!
     /// TODO: check if user name is unique!
     global $page;
     $storage =& sotf_User::getStorageObject();
     if (strlen($name) == 0) {
         debug("USERDB", "attempt to register with empty userid");
         return $page->getlocalized("invalid_username");
     debug("USERDB", "registering user: "******"illegal_name");
     $fields['password'] = sotf_Utils::magicQuotes($password);
     $fields['username'] = sotf_Utils::magicQuotes($name);
     $fields['language'] = sotf_Utils::magicQuotes($language);
     $fields['realname'] = sotf_Utils::magicQuotes($realname);
     $fields['email'] = sotf_Utils::magicQuotes($email);
 function create($stationOrSeriesId, $track = '')
     global $db, $repository;
     // TODO may need some locking to get unique track id
     $container =& $repository->getObject($stationOrSeriesId);
     // echo get_class($container);
     switch (strtolower(get_class($container))) {
         case 'sotf_series':
             $this->set('series_id', $container->id);
             $station = $container->getStation();
             $this->set('station_id', $station->id);
             $stationName = $station->get('name');
         case 'sotf_station':
             $this->set('station_id', $container->id);
             $stationName = $container->get('name');
             raiseError("Invalid station or series id!");
     if (empty($stationName)) {
         raiseError("station does not exist");
     if (empty($track)) {
         $track = 'prg';
     $this->set('entry_date', date('Y-m-d'));
     $this->set('modify_date', date('Y-m-d'));
     $this->set('track', sotf_Utils::makeValidName($track, 32));
     // guid is obsolete, but anyway:
     $this->set('guid', $this->station->id . GUID_DELIMITER . $this->get('entry_date') . GUID_DELIMITER . $this->get('track'));
     if (parent::create()) {
         debug("created new programme", $this->id);
         return true;
     raiseError("Could not create new programme");
Пример #4
$language = sotf_Utils::getParameter('language');
$okURL = sotf_Utils::getParameter('okURL');
$change = $page->loggedIn();
debug("realname2", $realname);
if ($filled) {
    // save changes
    // check data
    $error = false;
    if (strlen($username) == 0) {
        $error = true;
        $smarty->assign('INVALID_USERNAME', true);
        //$errorMsg = appendWith($errorMsg, $page->getlocalized("invalid_username"));
    // check if username acceptible
    if (!$error) {
        $name1 = sotf_Utils::makeValidName($username, 32);
        if ($name1 != $username) {
            $username = $name1;
            $smarty->assign('ERRORMSG', $page->getlocalized("illegal_name"));
            $error = true;
        if (!$change && sotf_User::userNameCheck($username)) {
            // check if username is not already in use
            $error = true;
            $smarty->assign('USERNAME_RESERVED', true);
            //$errorMsg = appendWith($errorMsg, userNameCheck($username));
    if (!$change && strlen($password) < 2) {
        $error = true;
        $smarty->assign('PASSWORD_SHORT', true);
Пример #5
$new = sotf_Utils::getParameter('new');
$desc = sotf_Utils::getParameter('desc');
$manager = sotf_Utils::getParameter('username');
if (!hasPerm('node', 'create')) {
if ($new) {
    $userid = $user->getUserid($manager);
    if (empty($userid) || !is_numeric($userid)) {
        $problem = 1;
    $station_old = $station;
    $station = sotf_Utils::makeValidName($station, 32);
    if ($station != $station_old) {
        $problem = 1;
    if (sotf_Station::isNameInUse($station)) {
        $problem = 1;
    if (!$problem) {
        $st =& new sotf_Station();
        $st->create($station, $desc);
        $permissions->addPermission($st->getID(), $userid, 'admin');