public function index() { $Feedback = D("Feedback"); $keyword = $_POST['keyword']; $keywords = $_REQUEST['keywords']; $uid = intval($_REQUEST['uid']); if ($keyword) { $data['content'] = array('like', '%' . $keyword . '%'); } elseif ($keywords) { $data['content'] = array('like', '%' . safe_b64decode($keywords) . '%'); } $count = $Feedback->count($data); import("ORG.Util.Page"); $listRows = 15; $p = new page($count, $listRows); $list = $Feedback->findAll($data, '*', 'id desc', $p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows); if ($keyword) { $p->parameter = 'keywords=' . safe_b64encode($keyword); } $page = $p->show(); if ($list !== false) { $this->assign('page', $page); $this->assign('list', $list); $this->assign('allowbat', $this->allowbat); } $this->display(); }
public function index() { $Link = D("Link"); $keyword = $_POST['keyword']; $keywords = $_REQUEST['keywords']; if ($keyword) { $data['title'] = array('like', '%' . $keyword . '%'); } elseif ($keywords) { $data['title'] = array('like', '%' . safe_b64decode($keywords) . '%'); } $count = $Link->count($data); import("ORG.Util.Page"); $listRows = 15; $p = new page($count, $listRows); $list = $Link->findAll($data, '*', 'types desc, orders desc', $p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows); if ($keyword) { $p->parameter = 'keywords=' . safe_b64encode($keyword); } $page = $p->show(); if ($list !== false) { $this->assign('page', $page); $this->assign('keyword', $keyword); $this->assign('list', $list); $this->assign("linkfolder", __ROOT__ . '/' . C(ATTACHDIR) . '/logo'); $this->assign('allowbat', $this->allowbat); } $this->display(); }
public function actionIndex() { $page = new page(); $page->title = zotop::t('系统管理'); $page->navbar = $this->navbar(); $page->display(); }
public function review() { $uid = intval($_GET['uid']); if ($uid == '') { parent::error404(); } //分配根据GET传过来的uid用户的信息 $objUser = M('user'); $userMessage = $objUser->where('id=' . $uid)->field('id,username,face,introduce,point,exp')->find(); $userMessage = deep_htmlspecialchars_decode($userMessage); if ($userMessage == '') { parent::error404(); } $this->assign('userMessage', $userMessage); //分配该用户的评论 $objComment = M('comment'); import('ORG.Util.Page'); //导入分页类 $count = $objComment->where(array('comment_uid' => $uid))->count(); $page = new page($count, 20); $page->setConfig('theme', '%upPage% %first% %prePage% %linkPage% %downPage%'); $commentList = $objComment->where(array('comment_uid' => $uid))->field('aid,time,comment')->order('time desc')->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select(); foreach ($commentList as $k1 => $v1) { $commentList[$k1]['url'] = '__APP__/List/detail/id/' . $v1['aid'] . '.html'; } $commentList = deep_htmlspecialchars_decode($commentList); $show = $page->show(); $this->assign('page', $show); $this->assign('commentList', $commentList); //分配Pagetitle $this->pageTitle = $userMessage['username'] . '的个人主页_支招网'; $this->display(); }
public function index() { $put = I('s'); if (trim($put) == '') { $this->error('搜索内容不能为空!'); die; } $where['biaoti'] = $put; $where['content'] = $put; $where['_logic'] = 'OR'; $map['_complex'] = $where; $map['islock'] = 0; //复合查询 $count = M('article')->where($map)->count(); import('ORG.Util.Page'); $page = new page($count, 10); $page->setConfig('theme', '<ul class="pages">%first%%upPage%%linkPage%%downPage%%end%</ul>'); $show = $page->show(); //返回分页信息 $article = M('article')->where($map)->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select(); foreach ($article as $key => $value2) { $article[$key]["imgs"] = imgs($article[$key]["imgs"]); } $this->assign('put', $put); $this->assign('show', $show); //分页信息 $this->assign('count', $count); //数据总数 $this->assign('list', $article); //数据集 $sidebar1 = M('article')->where('type=0')->order('approval desc')->limit('10')->select(); //赞多到少 $this->assign('approval', $sidebar1); $this->display('search'); }
public function index() { $put = I('s'); if (trim($put) == '') { $this->error('搜索内容不能为空!'); die; } $where['title'] = $put; $where['content'] = $put; $count = M('Article')->where($where)->count(); import('ORG.Util.Page'); $page = new page($count, 10); $page->setConfig('theme', '<ul class="pagination"><li>%upPage%</li><li>%downPage%</li><li>%prePage%</li><li>%linkPage%</li><li>%nextPage%</li><li>%end%</li></ul>'); $show = $page->show(); //返回分页信息 $article = M('article')->where($where)->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select(); $this->assign('put', $put); $this->assign('show', $show); //分页信息 $this->assign('count', $count); //数据总数 $this->assign('list', $article); //数据集 //侧栏的数据分配 $sidebar1 = M('Article')->where("ispush=1 and islock=0")->order('approval desc')->limit('5')->select(); $sidebar2 = M('Article')->where("ispush=1 and islock=0")->order('opposition desc')->limit('5')->select(); $sidebar3 = M('Article')->where("ispush=1 and islock=0")->order('rand()')->limit('5')->select(); //赞多到少 $this->assign('sidebar1', $sidebar1); //赞少到多 $this->assign('sidebar2', $sidebar2); //随机5篇 $this->assign('sidebar3', $sidebar3); $this->display('search'); }
function index_action() { $this->public_action(); if ($_GET['type'] == 0) { $table = "question"; } elseif ($_GET['type'] == 1) { $table = "answer"; } elseif ($_GET['type'] == 2) { $table = "answer_review"; } include LIB_PATH . "page3.class.php"; $limit = 10; $page = $_GET["page"] < 1 ? 1 : $_GET["page"]; $ststrsql = ($page - 1) * $limit; $page_url = "index.php?c=" . $_GET['c'] . "&type=" . intval($_GET['type']) . "&page={{page}}"; $num = $this->obj->DB_select_num($table, "`uid`='" . $this->uid . "'"); if ($num > $limit) { $pages = ceil($num / $limit); $page = new page($page, $limit, $num, $page_url); $pagenav = $page->numPage(); } if ($_GET["type"] == 0) { $list = $this->obj->DB_select_all($table, "`uid`='" . $this->uid . "' ORDER BY `add_time` DESC LIMIT {$ststrsql},{$limit}"); } else { $list = $this->obj->DB_select_alls($table, "question", "a.`uid`='" . $this->uid . "' and a.`qid`=b.`id` ORDER BY a.`add_time` DESC LIMIT {$ststrsql},{$limit}", "a.`content`,a.`add_time`,b.`id`,b.`title`,a.`id` as `aid`"); } if ($list[0] != '') { $this->yunset("q_list", $list); } $this->yunset("gettype", $_GET["type"]); $this->yunset("pagenav", $pagenav); $this->user_tpl('my_question'); }
public function index() { $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); if ($id > 0) { $mapc['cid'] = $id; } $Product = D("Product"); $count = $Product->count($mapc); //if($count<=1)$this->error('此类别无产品'); import("ORG.Util.Page"); $listRows = 16; $p = new page($count, $listRows); $list = $Product->findAll($mapc, '*', 'id desc', $p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows); //$list=$p->order('pid desc')->limit("$p->firstRow.','.$p->listRows")->findAll(); $page = $p->show(); /**/ //分类 $map['module'] = 1; //分类 $Category = D('Category')->order("id desc")->where($map)->findall(); $this->assign('titler', '产品中心'); $this->assign('cate', $Category); $this->assign('Product', $Product); $this->assign('count', $count); $this->assign('page', $page); $this->display(); }
public function index() { $objAsk = M('ask'); $objUser = M('user'); $word = deep_htmlspecialchars($_GET["word"]); $this->assign('searchWord', $word); if ($word == '') { redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } //如果没有输入关键字 就重定向到上一页面 import('ORG.Util.Page'); //导入分页类 $count = $objAsk->where('INSTR(ask_name, "' . $word . '")>0')->count(); //统计总数 $this->assign('countSearch', $count); $page = new page($count, 10); $page->setConfig('theme', '%upPage% %first% %prePage% %linkPage% %downPage%'); $resultList = $objAsk->where('INSTR(ask_name, "' . $word . '")>0')->order('add_time desc')->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select(); foreach ($resultList as $k1 => $v1) { $resultList[$k1]['username'] = $objUser->where('id=' . $v1['uid'])->getField('username'); } $resultList = deep_htmlspecialchars_decode($resultList); $show = $page->show(); $this->assign('resultList', $resultList); $this->assign('page', $show); $this->display(); }
function categoryList() { $page = new page(); $categ = new category(); $get_list = $categ->getAllList(); $page->printCategories($get_list); }
function addPage($link, $name, $description) { $link = "playlist/" . $link; $title = $name . " Playlist"; $page = new page(); $page->addPage($link, $title, $description, "Switch", "VideoChunk"); }
public function actionIndex() { $page = new page(); $page->title = zotop::t('模板管理'); $page->set('navbar', $this->navbar()); $page->display(); }
/** * 简历列表 */ public function resumeList() { $db = V('resume'); $db->view = array('user_info' => array('type' => 'inner', 'on' => 'resume.uid=user_info.uid', 'field' => 'name')); $cond = array(); if (isset($_GET['resume_name'])) { $cond[] = 'resume_name like "%' . $_GET['resume_name'] . '%"'; } if (isset($_GET['name'])) { $cond[] = 'name like "%' . $_GET['name'] . '%"'; } if (isset($_GET['created'])) { $cond['created'] = array('gt' => strtotime($_GET['created']), 'lt' => time()); } if (isset($_GET['updated'])) { $cond['updated'] = array('gt' => strtotime($_GET['updated']), 'lt' => time()); } if (isset($_GET['verify'])) { $cond['verify'] = $_GET['verify']; } $nums = $db->where($cond)->count(); $page = new page($nums, 13); $resumes = $db->where($cond)->findall($page->limit()); $this->assign('resumes', $resumes); $this->assign('page', $page->show()); $this->display(); }
public function index() { //$Member=D("Member"); $Member = D("MemberView"); $keyword = $_POST['keyword']; $keywords = $_REQUEST['keywords']; if ($keyword) { $data['username'] = array('like', '%' . $keyword . '%'); } elseif ($keywords) { $data['username'] = array('like', '%' . safe_b64decode($keywords) . '%'); } $count = $Member->count($data); import("ORG.Util.Page"); $listRows = 15; $p = new page($count, $listRows); $list = $Member->findAll($data, '*', ' desc', $p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows); if ($keyword) { $p->parameter = 'keywords=' . safe_b64encode($keyword); } $page = $p->show(); if ($list !== false) { $this->assign('page', $page); $this->assign('list', $list); $this->assign('allowbat', $this->allowbat); } $this->display(); }
public function show() { //if (!$this->QX[$this->get['open']][$this->get['action']]) $this->fun->Msg('你没有此权限'); if (is_numeric($this->get['weight'])) { $this->default_value(); $start = (double) $this->get['weight'] / 10; $stop = $start + 0.09; switch ($this->get['weight']) { case '03': $weight = "and weight<={$stop}"; break; case '010': $weight = "and weight>={$start}"; break; default: $weight = "and weight>={$start} and weight<={$stop}"; } $this->get['px'] = $this->get['px'] ? $this->get['px'] : 'agio'; $this->get['orders'] = $this->get['orders'] ? $this->get['orders'] : 'asc'; $ORDER = $this->get['px'] . ' ' . $this->get['orders']; $this->sma->assign('get', $this->get); $promotion_dot = $_SESSION['proxy']['is_offer'] == 'Y' ? 'promotion_dot' : $_SESSION['proxy']['rebate']; require_once BASEPATH . '../Class/page.php'; $list = new page(); $list->db = $this->db; $list->pageNS = 50; $list->NowPage = empty($this->get['page']) | $this->get['page'] < 1 | !is_numeric($this->get['page']) ? 1 : $this->get['page']; $list->SQL = "select id,ProID,shape,weight,color,clarity,cut,buffing,symmetry,Fent_Isity,scalar_value,diploma,diplomaNO,INTbid,(agio+baseAgio+{$promotion_dot}) as agio from product where status='up' {$weight} and amount>0 and is_promotion='Y' and promotion_start<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() and promotion_stop>=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() order by {$ORDER}"; //$list->SQL = "select id,ProID,shape,weight,color,clarity,cut,buffing,symmetry,Fent_Isity,scalar_value,diploma,diplomaNO,INTbid,(agio+baseAgio+{$promotion_dot}) as agio from product where status='up' {$weight} and amount>0 and proSource='self' order by {$ORDER}"; $this->sma->assign('list_page', $list->getPage(true)); $this->sma->assign('list_text', $list->getText()); } else { $this->default_value(); //$start = (float)$this->get['weight'] / 10; //$stop = $start + 0.09; //switch($this->get['weight']) //{ // case '03':$weight = "and weight<={$stop}";break; // case '010':$weight = "and weight>={$start}";break; // default:$weight = "and weight>={$start} and weight<={$stop}"; //} $weight = "and weight>=0.3"; $this->get['px'] = $this->get['px'] ? $this->get['px'] : 'agio'; $this->get['orders'] = $this->get['orders'] ? $this->get['orders'] : 'asc'; $ORDER = $this->get['px'] . ' ' . $this->get['orders']; $this->sma->assign('get', $this->get); $promotion_dot = $_SESSION['proxy']['is_offer'] == 'Y' ? 'promotion_dot' : $_SESSION['proxy']['rebate']; require_once BASEPATH . '../Class/page.php'; $list = new page(); $list->db = $this->db; $list->pageNS = 50; $list->NowPage = empty($this->get['page']) | $this->get['page'] < 1 | !is_numeric($this->get['page']) ? 1 : $this->get['page']; $list->SQL = "select id,ProID,shape,weight,color,clarity,cut,buffing,symmetry,Fent_Isity,scalar_value,diploma,diplomaNO,INTbid,(agio+baseAgio+{$promotion_dot}) as agio from product where status='up' {$weight} and amount>0 and is_promotion='Y' and promotion_start<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() and promotion_stop>=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() order by {$ORDER}"; //$list->SQL = "select id,ProID,shape,weight,color,clarity,cut,buffing,symmetry,Fent_Isity,scalar_value,diploma,diplomaNO,INTbid,(agio+baseAgio+{$promotion_dot}) as agio from product where status='up' {$weight} and amount>0 and proSource='self' order by {$ORDER}"; $this->sma->assign('list_page', $list->getPage(true)); $this->sma->assign('list_text', $list->getText()); } $this->sma->display('SP'); }
public function actionIndex() { $page = new page(); $page->title = '系统管理中心'; $page->body = array('class' => 'frame'); $page->set('user', $this->user); $page->display(); }
public function index(){ $total = $this->db->totalShop(); $page = new page($total,1); $data = $this->db->getShop($page->limit()); $this->assign('page',$page->show()); $this->assign('data',$data); $this->display(); }
/** * 显示结果 */ public function word($word) { $where = "uuid like '%" . intval($word) . "%'"; $count = $this->where($where)->count(); $page = new page($count, 10, 4, 2); $union = $this->where($where)->select($page->limit()); return array("union" => $union, "count" => $count, "page" => $page->show()); }
function print_project_foot($project_count, $page_size) { require_once 'utils/page.class.php'; $page = new page(array('total' => $project_count, 'perpage' => $page_size)); //echo '<div id="project_page">'.$page->show(7).'</div>'; echo $page->show(7); //echo project_info_path; }
public function actionDetail($id) { $content = zotop::model('content.content'); $content->read($id); $page = new page(); $page->set('content', $content); $page->set('body', array('class' => 'detail')); $page->display($content->template); }
function getSample_404() { $content_page = new page("page not found in database"); $content_page->setType("blank"); $content_page->body = SAMPLE_404; $content_siteFileObj = OBJECTS_FOLDER . "/site/site.obj"; $content_page->parent = $content_siteFileObj; return $content_page; }
private function addPageToDB($eid, $slug, $title) { $link = "podcast/" . $slug . "/" . $eid; $queryPodcast = new queryPodcast(); $description = json_decode($queryPodcast->getPodcastData($slug), true); $description = $description["description"]; $page = new page(); $page->addPage($link, $title, $description, "Podcast", "Podcast"); }
public function actionLocation($globalid) { $file = zotop::model('system.file'); $images = $file->db()->where('type', '=', 'image')->where('globalid', '=', $globalid)->orderby('createtime', 'desc')->getAll(); $page = new page(); $page->set('title', '已上传图片'); $page->set('globalid', $globalid); $page->set('images', $images); $page->display(); }
public function index() { $sortId = intval($_GET['sid']); if ($sortId == '') { parent::error404(); } $sort = intval($_GET['sort']); if ($sort == '') { parent::error404(); } $objAsk = D('AskView'); $where = array('sort_id' => $sortId); if ($sort == 1) { $order = 'add_time desc'; } elseif ($sort == 2) { $order = 'reward desc,add_time desc'; } elseif ($sort == 3) { $order = 'comment_num desc,add_time desc'; } import('ORG.Util.Page'); //导入分页类 $count = $objAsk->where($where)->count(); //统计总数 $page = new page($count, 12); $page->setConfig('theme', '%upPage% %first% %prePage% %linkPage% %downPage%'); $askList = $objAsk->where($where)->field('id,ask_name,add_time,comment_num,reward,solve,username,sort_name')->order($order)->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select(); $askList = deep_htmlspecialchars_decode($askList); $show = $page->show(); $this->assign('askList', $askList); $this->assign('page', $show); //分配pageTitle if ($sortId == 1) { $pageTitle = '生活_支招网'; } else { if ($sortId == 2) { $pageTitle = '情感_支招网'; } else { if ($sortId == 3) { $pageTitle = '健康_支招网'; } else { if ($sortId == 4) { $pageTitle = '职场_支招网'; } else { if ($sortId == 5) { $pageTitle = '公益_支招网'; } } } } } $this->assign('pageTitle', $pageTitle); //获取列表广告 $this->listBanner = $this->getListBanner(); $this->display(); }
function index_action() { $this->set_search(); if ($_GET['m'] == 'comnews') { if (trim($_GET['keyword'])) { if ($_GET['type']) { if ($_GET['type'] == "1") { $where .= " and b.`name` like '%" . $_GET['keyword'] . "%'"; } else { $where .= " and a.`title` like '%" . $_GET['keyword'] . "%'"; } $urlarr['type'] = $_GET['type']; } $urlarr['keyword'] = $_GET['keyword']; } elseif ($_GET['status']) { if ($_GET['status'] == "3") { $where .= " and a.`status`='0'"; } else { $where .= " and a.`status`='" . $_GET['status'] . "'"; } $urlarr['status'] = $_GET['status']; } } if ($_GET['time']) { if ($_GET['time'] == '1') { $where .= " and a.`ctime` >= '" . strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00:00")) . "'"; } else { $where .= " and a.`ctime` >= '" . strtotime('-' . (int) $_GET['time'] . 'day') . "'"; } $urlarr['time'] = $_GET['time']; } if ($_GET['order']) { $where .= " order by a.`" . $_GET['t'] . "` " . $_GET['order']; $urlarr['order'] = $_GET['order']; $urlarr['t'] = $_GET['t']; } else { $where .= " order by a.`id` desc"; } $urlarr['order'] = $_GET['order']; include LIB_PATH . "page.class.php"; $limit = $this->config['sy_listnum']; $page = $_GET['page'] < 1 ? 1 : $_GET['page']; $ststrsql = ($page - 1) * $limit; $urlarr['page'] = "{{page}}"; $pageurl = Url($_GET['m'], $urlarr, 'admin'); $count = $this->obj->DB_select_alls("company_news", "company", "a.`uid`=b.`uid` {$where}", "a.uid"); $num = count($count); $page = new page($page, $limit, $num, $pageurl); $pagenav = $page->numPage(); $rows = $this->obj->DB_select_alls("company_news", "company", "a.`uid`=b.`uid` {$where} limit {$ststrsql},{$limit}", ",a.*"); $this->yunset("pagenav", $pagenav); $this->yunset("rows", $rows); $this->yunset("get_type", $_GET); $this->yuntpl(array('admin/admin_comnews')); }
function showPage() { $curpage = getcurpage(); // берём контроллер для текущей страницы include __corePath . "controllers/{$curpage}.php"; $page = new page($curpage, $this->db, $this->config); $page->prepare(); $page->render(); echo $page->show(); //показываем страницу }
public function lists_select($where = "") { if ($where) { $page = new page($this->where($where)->count(), 10, 5, 1); $video = $this->field("vid,cnname,uploadtime,py_video.cid,username,cntitle,entitle,pid,uuid")->where($where)->order(array("uploadtime" => "desc"))->select($page->limit()); } else { $page = new page($this->count(), 10, 5, 1); $video = $this->field("vid,cnname,uploadtime,py_video.cid,username,cntitle,entitle,pid,uuid")->order(array("uploadtime" => "desc"))->select($page->limit()); } return array($video, $page->show()); }
function contact() { global $__in, $__out; $page = new page($__in['id']); if ($page->send_contact_email($__in['contact']['name'], $__in['contact']['email'], $__in['contact']['subject'], $__in['contact']['message'])) { $__out['contact'] = $__in['contact']; return dispatcher::redirect(array("action" => "contact_thankyou")); } else { $__out['contact'] = $__in['contact']; return dispatcher::redirect(array("action" => "showonepage", "id" => $__in['id'])); } }
function index_action() { $this->set_search(); if ($_GET['status']) { if ($_GET['status'] == '3') { $where = " and a.`status`='0'"; $urlarr['status'] = '0'; } else { $where = " and a.`status`='" . $_GET['status'] . "'"; $urlarr['status'] = $_GET['status']; } } if ($_GET['keyword']) { $where .= " and b.`name` like '%" . $_GET['keyword'] . "%'"; $urlarr['keyword'] = $_GET['keyword']; } if ($_GET['status']) { if ($_GET['status'] == '3') { $where .= " and a.`status` ='0'"; } else { $where .= " and a.`status` ='" . $_GET['status'] . "'"; } } if ($_GET['end']) { if ($_GET['end'] == '1') { $where .= " and `ctime` >= '" . strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00:00")) . "'"; } else { $where .= " and `ctime` >= '" . strtotime('-' . (int) $_GET['end'] . 'day') . "'"; } $urlarr['end'] = $_GET['end']; } if ($_GET['order']) { $where .= " order by a.`" . $_GET['t'] . "` " . $_GET['order']; $urlarr['order'] = $_GET['order']; $urlarr['t'] = $_GET['t']; } else { $where .= " order by a.`id` desc"; } include LIB_PATH . "page3.class.php"; $limit = $this->config["sy_listnum"]; $page = $_GET["page"] < 1 ? 1 : $_GET["page"]; $ststrsql = ($page - 1) * $limit; $urlarr["page"] = "{{page}}"; $pageurl = $this->url("index", $_GET["m"], $urlarr); $count = $this->obj->DB_select_alls("company_cert", "company", "a.`uid`=b.`uid` and a.`type`='3' {$where}", "a.uid"); $num = count($count); $page = new page($page, $limit, $num, $pageurl); $pagenav = $page->numPage(); $rows = $this->obj->DB_select_alls("company_cert", "company", "a.`uid`=b.`uid` and a.`type`='3' {$where} {$order} limit {$ststrsql},{$limit}", ",a.*"); $this->yunset("pagenav", $pagenav); $this->yunset("rows", $rows); $this->yuntpl(array('admin/admin_com_cert')); }
public function check() { $db = M('wish'); $page = new page($db->count(), 5, 4, 2); $this->assign('page', $page->show()); $wish = $db->select($page->limit()); foreach ($wish as $k => $v) { $wish[$k]['content'] = $this->change_face($v['content']); } $this->assign('wish', $wish); $this->display(); }