Пример #1
 public function addCombat($nodeId, $data)
     global $db, $game;
     $node = new node();
     $okUnits = 1;
     $army = array();
     foreach ($data['input']['attacker']['groups'] as $group) {
         if (isset($army[$group['unitId']])) {
             $army[$group['unitId']] += $group['quantity'];
         } else {
             $army[$group['unitId']] = $group['quantity'];
     $speed = 999999999;
     foreach ($this->units as $key => $group) {
         if (isset($army[$key])) {
             if ($army[$key] > $group['value']) {
                 $okUnits = 0;
             if ($game['units'][$this->data['faction']][$key]['speed'] < $speed) {
                 $speed = $game['units'][$this->data['faction']][$key]['speed'];
     $combatCost = $game['factions'][$this->data['id']]['costs']['combat'];
     $okCombatCost = $this->checkCost($combatCost, 'combat');
     if ($okUnits) {
         if ($okCombatCost['ok']) {
             if ($node->get('id', $nodeId) == 'done') {
                 $distance = sqrt(pow(abs($this->location['x'] - $node->location['x']), 2) + pow(abs($this->location['y'] - $node->location['y']), 2));
                 $duration = $distance / ($speed * $game['users']['speed']['combat']);
                 $combatId = misc::newId('combat');
                 $ok = 1;
                 $cuBuffer = array();
                 foreach ($army as $key => $value) {
                     $cuBuffer[] = '("' . $combatId . '", "' . $key . '", "' . $value . '")';
                     $this->units[$key]['value'] -= $value;
                     $db->query('update units set value="' . $this->units[$key]['value'] . '" where node="' . $this->data['id'] . '" and id="' . $key . '"');
                     if ($db->affected_rows() == -1) {
                         $ok = 0;
                     $upkeepResource = $game['units'][$this->data['faction']][$key]['upkeepResource'];
                     $upkeep = $game['units'][$this->data['faction']][$key]['upkeep'];
                     $this->resources[$upkeepResource]['value'] += $upkeep * $value;
                     $db->query('update resources set value="' . $this->resources[$upkeepResource]['value'] . '" where node="' . $this->data['id'] . '" and id="' . $upkeepResource . '"');
                     if ($db->affected_rows() == -1) {
                         $ok = 0;
                 foreach ($combatCost as $cost) {
                     $this->resources[$cost['resource']]['value'] -= $cost['value'] * $game['users']['cost']['combat'];
                     $db->query('update resources set value="' . $this->resources[$cost['resource']]['value'] . '" where node="' . $this->data['id'] . '" and id="' . $cost['resource'] . '"');
                     if ($db->affected_rows() == -1) {
                         $ok = 0;
                 $db->query('insert into combat (id, sender, recipient, focus, stage, start, duration) values ("' . $combatId . '", "' . $this->data['id'] . '", "' . $node->data['id'] . '", "' . $data['input']['attacker']['focus'] . '", "0", "' . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time()) . '", "' . $duration . '")');
                 if ($db->affected_rows() == -1) {
                     $ok = 0;
                 $db->query('insert into combat_units (combat, id, value) values ' . implode(', ', $cuBuffer));
                 if ($db->affected_rows() == -1) {
                     $ok = 0;
                 if ($ok) {
                     $status = 'done';
                 } else {
                     $status = 'error';
             } else {
                 $status = 'noNode';
         } else {
             $status = 'notEnoughResources';
     } else {
         $status = 'notEnoughUnits';
     return $status;
Пример #2
 foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
     if ($key == 'nodeId') {
         $_GET[$key] = misc::clean($value, 'numeric');
     } else {
         $_GET[$key] = misc::clean($value);
 switch ($_GET['action']) {
     case 'get':
         if (isset($_GET['nodeId'])) {
             $node = new node();
             $status = $node->get('id', $_GET['nodeId']);
             if ($status == 'done') {
                 if ($node->data['user'] == $_SESSION[$shortTitle . 'User']['id']) {
                     $buildQueue = array();
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $game['factions'][$node->data['faction']]['modules']; $i++) {
                         $buildQueue[$i] = 0;
                     foreach ($node->queue['build'] as $item) {
                         $buildQueue[$item['slot']] = 1;
                 } else {
                     $message = $ui['accessDenied'];
             } else {
                 $message = $ui[$status];