<br/> <?php _e('The deposit will apply to this job once this invoice is paid.'); ?> </p> </div> <?php $fieldset_data = array('heading' => array('title' => _l('Deposit Invoice'), 'type' => 'h3'), 'elements_before' => ob_get_clean()); echo module_form::generate_fieldset($fieldset_data); unset($fieldset_data); } else { if ($invoice_id > 0 && $invoice['total_amount_due'] > 0 && module_security::is_page_editable() && module_invoice::can_i('create', 'Invoice Payments')) { foreach ($invoice['job_ids'] as $possible_job_id) { // find any deposit invoices matching this job. $possible_invoices = module_invoice::get_invoices(array('deposit_job_id' => $possible_job_id)); if ($possible_invoices) { foreach ($possible_invoices as $possible_invoice) { if ($possible_invoice['invoice_id'] == $invoice_id) { continue; } // skip me // see if this deposit invoice has been paid. $possible_invoice = module_invoice::get_invoice($possible_invoice['invoice_id']); if (isset($possible_invoice['deposit_remaining']) && $possible_invoice['deposit_remaining'] > 0) { // we have some cash that can be applied to this invoice from the deposit! woo! $this_take = min($invoice['total_amount_due'], $possible_invoice['deposit_remaining']); if ($this_take > 0) { /** PREVIOUS DEPOSIT */ ob_start(); ?>
} // end can i view job tasks if (module_invoice::can_i('view', 'Invoices') && (int) $job_id > 0) { ?> <div id="create_invoice_options"> <div id="create_invoice_options_inner"></div> </div> <?php ob_start(); ?> <div class="content_box_wheader"> <?php $job_invoices = module_invoice::get_invoices(array('job_id' => $job_id)); if (!count($job_invoices)) { ?> <p align="center"> <?php _e('There are no invoices for this job yet.'); ?> </p> <?php } else { ?> <?php
echo 'error_text'; } else { echo 'success_text'; } echo '">'; if ($job['total_amount'] > 0) { echo dollar($job['total_amount'], true, $job['currency_id']); } echo '</span>'; echo "<br>"; } }); if (module_invoice::can_i('view', 'Invoices')) { $columns['invoice'] = array('title' => 'Invoice', 'callback' => function ($quote) use(&$job_ids) { foreach ($job_ids as $job_id) { foreach (module_invoice::get_invoices(array('job_id' => $job_id)) as $invoice) { $invoice = module_invoice::get_invoice($invoice['invoice_id']); if (!$invoice) { continue; } echo module_invoice::link_open($invoice['invoice_id'], true); echo " "; echo '<span class="'; if ($invoice['total_amount_due'] > 0) { echo 'error_text'; } else { echo 'success_text'; } echo '">'; if ($invoice['total_amount_due'] > 0) { echo dollar($invoice['total_amount_due'], true, $invoice['currency_id']);
public function run_cron($debug = false) { // we only want to perform these cron actions if we're after a certain time of day // because we dont want to be generating these renewals and sending them at midnight, can get confusing $after_time = module_config::c('invoice_automatic_after_time', 7); $time_of_day = date('G'); if ($time_of_day < $after_time) { if ($debug) { echo "Not performing automatic invoice operations until after {$after_time}:00 - it is currently {$time_of_day}:" . date('i') . "<br>\n"; } return; } // find automatic job renewals $sql = "SELECT p.* FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "job` p "; $sql .= " WHERE p.date_renew != '0000-00-00'"; $sql .= " AND p.date_start != '0000-00-00'"; $sql .= " AND p.date_renew <= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "'"; $sql .= " AND (p.renew_job_id IS NULL OR p.renew_job_id = 0)"; $sql .= " AND (p.renew_auto = 1)"; $renew_jobs = qa($sql); foreach ($renew_jobs as $renew_job) { // time to automatically renew this job! woo! if ($debug) { echo "Automatically Renewing Job " . module_job::link_open($renew_job['job_id'], true) . "<br>\n"; } //$job_details = $this->get_job($renew_job['job_id']); $job_invoices = module_invoice::get_invoices(array('job_id' => $renew_job['job_id'])); $unpaid_invoice = false; foreach ($job_invoices as $job_invoice) { $job_invoice = module_invoice::get_invoice($job_invoice['invoice_id']); if ($job_invoice['total_amount_due'] > 0) { $unpaid_invoice = true; } } if (module_config::c('invoice_auto_renew_only_paid_invoices', 1) && $unpaid_invoice) { if ($debug) { echo "Not automatically renewing this job because it has unpaid invoices. <br>\n"; } } else { $new_job_id = $this->renew_job($renew_job['job_id'], true); if ($new_job_id) { //module_cache::clear_cache(); if ($debug) { echo "Job Automatically Renewed: " . module_job::link_open($new_job_id, true) . "<br>\n"; } if ($renew_job['renew_invoice']) { // we want to tick all these tasks off and invoice this job, then send this invoice to the customer. $job_tasks = module_job::get_tasks($new_job_id); foreach ($job_tasks as $job_task_id => $job_task) { $job_tasks[$job_task_id]['fully_completed_t'] = 1; $job_tasks[$job_task_id]['fully_completed'] = 1; } $this->save_job_tasks($new_job_id, array('job_task' => $job_tasks)); //module_cache::clear_cache(); // generate an invoice for this job. $_REQUEST['job_id'] = $new_job_id; $new_invoice = module_invoice::get_invoice('new'); $new_invoice['date_create'] = $renew_job['date_renew']; $new_invoice['invoice_invoice_item'] = module_invoice::get_invoice_items('new', $new_invoice); $new_invoice_id = module_invoice::save_invoice('new', $new_invoice); //module_cache::clear_cache(); if ($debug) { echo "Generated new invoice for renewed job: " . module_invoice::link_open($new_invoice_id, true) . "<br/>"; } if ($debug) { echo "Emailing invoice to customer..."; } if (module_invoice::email_invoice_to_customer($new_invoice_id)) { if ($debug) { echo "send successfully"; } } else { if ($debug) { echo "send failed"; } } if ($debug) { echo "<br>\n"; } } } } } }
if (isset($customer['group_sort_customer'])) { echo htmlspecialchars($customer['group_sort_customer']); } else { // find the groups for this customer. $groups = module_group::get_groups_search(array('owner_table' => 'customer', 'owner_id' => $customer['customer_id'])); $g = array(); foreach ($groups as $group) { $g[] = $group['name']; } echo htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $g)); } }); } if (class_exists('module_invoice', false) && module_invoice::can_i('view', 'Invoices') && module_config::c('customer_list_show_invoices', 1)) { $columns['customer_invoices'] = array('title' => 'Invoices', 'callback' => function ($customer) { $invoices = module_invoice::get_invoices(array('customer_id' => $customer['customer_id'])); if (count($invoices)) { $total_due = 0; $total_paid = 0; foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { $invoice = module_invoice::get_invoice($invoice['invoice_id']); $total_due += $invoice['total_amount_due']; $total_paid += $invoice['total_amount_paid']; } $old_customer_id = isset($_REQUEST['customer_id']) ? $_REQUEST['customer_id'] : false; $_REQUEST['customer_id'] = $customer['customer_id']; echo '<a href="' . module_invoice::link_open(false) . '">' . _l('%s invoice%s: %s', count($invoices), count($invoices) > 1 ? 's' : '', ($total_due > 0 ? '<span class="error_text">' . _l('%s due', dollar($total_due, true, $invoice['currency_id'])) . ' </span>' : '') . ($total_paid > 0 ? '<span class="success_text">' . _l('%s paid', dollar($total_paid, true, $invoice['currency_id'])) . ' </span>' : '')) . '</a>'; if ($old_customer_id) { $_REQUEST['customer_id'] = $old_customer_id; } else { unset($_REQUEST['customer_id']);
foreach ($invoices as $invoice_id => $invoice) { if ($invoice['date_cancel'] != '0000-00-00') { unset($invoices[$invoice_id]); } } if (count($invoices)) { $fieldset_data = array('heading' => array('type' => 'h3', 'title' => _l('Invoices Paid Between %s and %s', print_date($date_from), print_date($date_to)))); $fieldset_data['elements_before'] = customer_admin_email_generate_invoice_list($invoices, $customer_id); $email_details .= module_form::generate_fieldset($fieldset_data); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['email']['invoice_unpaid'])) { // find all unpaid invoices $date_from = input_date($_REQUEST['email']['invoice_paid_date_from']); $date_to = input_date($_REQUEST['email']['invoice_paid_date_to']); $invoices = module_invoice::get_invoices(array('customer_id' => $customer['customer_id'], 'date_paid' => '0000-00-00')); // remove cancelled invoices foreach ($invoices as $invoice_id => $invoice) { if ($invoice['date_cancel'] != '0000-00-00') { unset($invoices[$invoice_id]); } } if (count($invoices)) { $fieldset_data = array('heading' => array('type' => 'h3', 'title' => _l('Unpaid Invoices'))); $fieldset_data['elements_before'] = customer_admin_email_generate_invoice_list($invoices, $customer_id); $email_details .= module_form::generate_fieldset($fieldset_data); } } } $template->assign_values(array('email_details' => $email_details)); module_email::print_compose(array('title' => _l('Email Customer: %s', $customer['customer_name']), 'find_other_templates' => 'customer_statement_email', 'current_template' => $template_name, 'customer_id' => $customer['customer_id'], 'debug_message' => 'Sending customer statement email', 'to' => $to, 'to_select' => $to_select, 'bcc' => module_config::c('admin_email_address', ''), 'content' => $template->render('html'), 'subject' => $template->replace_description(), 'success_url' => module_customer::link_open($customer['customer_id']), 'cancel_url' => module_customer::link_open($customer['customer_id'])));
<th> <?php _e('Discount Type'); ?> </th> <td> <?php echo print_select_box(array('0' => _l('Before Tax'), 1 => _l('After Tax')), 'discount_type', $invoice['discount_type']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php // see if this invoice was renewed from anywhere $invoice_history = module_invoice::get_invoices(array('renew_invoice_id' => $invoice_id)); if (count($invoice_history)) { foreach ($invoice_history as $invoice_h) { ?> <tr> <th class="width1"> <?php echo _l('Renewal History'); ?> </th> <td> <?php echo _l('This invoice was renewed from %s on %s', module_invoice::link_open($invoice_h['invoice_id'], true), print_date($invoice_h['date_renew'])); ?>
public function delete_customer($customer_id, $remove_linked_data = true) { $customer_id = (int) $customer_id; if ($customer_id > 0) { if (_DEMO_MODE && $customer_id == 1) { set_error('Sorry this is a Demo Customer. It cannot be changed.'); redirect_browser(self::link_open($customer_id)); } $customer = self::get_customer($customer_id); if ($customer && $customer['customer_id'] == $customer_id) { // todo: Delete emails (wack these in this customer_deleted hook) hook_handle_callback('customer_deleted', $customer_id, $remove_linked_data); if (class_exists('module_group', false)) { // remove the customer from his groups module_group::delete_member($customer_id, 'customer'); } if (class_exists('module_extra', false)) { module_extra::delete_extras('customer', 'customer_id', $customer_id); } // remove the contacts from this customer foreach (module_user::get_contacts(array('customer_id' => $customer_id)) as $val) { if ($val['customer_id'] && $val['customer_id'] == $customer_id) { module_user::delete_user($val['user_id']); } } // remove staff delete_from_db('customer_user_rel', 'customer_id', $customer_id); if (class_exists('module_note', false)) { module_note::note_delete("customer", 'customer_id', $customer_id); } handle_hook("address_delete", $this, 'all', "customer", 'customer_id', $customer_id); // todo, check the 'delete' permission on each one of these 'delete' method calls // do that better when we remove each of these and put them into the customer delete hook if ($remove_linked_data) { if (class_exists('module_website', false) && module_website::is_plugin_enabled()) { foreach (module_website::get_websites(array('customer_id' => $customer_id)) as $val) { if ($val['customer_id'] && $val['customer_id'] == $customer_id) { module_website::delete_website($val['website_id']); } } } if (class_exists('module_job', false) && module_job::is_plugin_enabled()) { foreach (module_job::get_jobs(array('customer_id' => $customer_id)) as $val) { if ($val['customer_id'] && $val['customer_id'] == $customer_id) { module_job::delete_job($val['job_id']); } } } if (class_exists('module_invoice', false) && module_invoice::is_plugin_enabled()) { foreach (module_invoice::get_invoices(array('customer_id' => $customer_id)) as $val) { if ($val['customer_id'] && $val['customer_id'] == $customer_id) { module_invoice::delete_invoice($val['invoice_id']); } } } if (class_exists('module_quote', false) && module_quote::is_plugin_enabled()) { foreach (module_quote::get_quotes(array('customer_id' => $customer_id)) as $val) { if ($val['customer_id'] && $val['customer_id'] == $customer_id) { module_quote::delete_quote($val['quote_id']); } } } //handle_hook("file_delete",$this,"customer",'customer_id',$customer_id); } else { // instead of deleting these records we just update them to customer_id = 0 if (class_exists('module_website', false) && module_website::is_plugin_enabled()) { foreach (module_website::get_websites(array('customer_id' => $customer_id)) as $val) { if ($val['customer_id'] && $val['customer_id'] == $customer_id) { update_insert('website_id', $val['website_id'], 'website', array('customer_id' => 0)); } } } if (class_exists('module_job', false) && module_job::is_plugin_enabled()) { foreach (module_job::get_jobs(array('customer_id' => $customer_id)) as $val) { if ($val['customer_id'] && $val['customer_id'] == $customer_id) { update_insert('job_id', $val['job_id'], 'job', array('customer_id' => 0)); } } } if (class_exists('module_invoice', false) && module_invoice::is_plugin_enabled()) { foreach (module_invoice::get_invoices(array('customer_id' => $customer_id)) as $val) { if ($val['customer_id'] && $val['customer_id'] == $customer_id) { update_insert('invoice_id', $val['invoice_id'], 'invoice', array('customer_id' => 0)); } } } if (class_exists('module_quote', false) && module_quote::is_plugin_enabled()) { foreach (module_quote::get_quotes(array('customer_id' => $customer_id)) as $val) { if ($val['customer_id'] && $val['customer_id'] == $customer_id) { update_insert('quote_id', $val['quote_id'], 'quote', array('customer_id' => 0)); } } } if (class_exists('module_file', false) && module_file::is_plugin_enabled()) { foreach (module_file::get_files(array('owner_id' => $customer_id, 'owner_table' => 'customer')) as $val) { if ($val['customer_id'] && $val['customer_id'] == $customer_id) { update_insert('file_id', $val['file_id'], 'file', array('owner_id' => 0, 'owner_table' => '')); } } } } // finally delete the main customer record // (this is so the above code works with its sql joins) $sql = "DELETE FROM " . _DB_PREFIX . "customer WHERE customer_id = '" . $customer_id . "' LIMIT 1"; query($sql); } } }
* Copyright: dtbaker 2012 * Licence: Please check CodeCanyon.net for licence details. * More licence clarification available here: http://codecanyon.net/wiki/support/legal-terms/licensing-terms/ * Deploy: 9809 f200f46c2a19bb98d112f2d32a8de0c4 * Envato: 4ffca17e-861e-4921-86c3-8931978c40ca * Package Date: 2015-11-25 02:55:20 * IP Address: */ if (!$invoice_safe) { die('failed'); } $search = isset($_REQUEST['search']) && is_array($_REQUEST['search']) ? $_REQUEST['search'] : array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['customer_id'])) { $search['customer_id'] = $_REQUEST['customer_id']; } $invoices = module_invoice::get_invoices($search); $all_invoice_ids = array(); foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { $all_invoice_ids[] = $invoice['invoice_id']; } if (class_exists('module_table_sort', false) && module_table_sort::is_plugin_enabled()) { // get full invoice data. // todo: only grab data if we're sorting by something // that isn't in the default invoice listing. module_table_sort::enable_pagination_hook(array('table_id' => 'invoice_list', 'sortable' => array('invoice_number' => array('field' => 'name'), 'invoice_status' => array('field' => 'status'), 'invoice_create_date' => array('field' => 'date_create', 'current' => 2), 'invoice_due_date' => array('field' => 'date_due'), 'invoice_sent_date' => array('field' => 'date_sent'), 'invoice_paid_date' => array('field' => 'date_paid'), 'invoice_customer' => array('field' => 'customer_name'), 'c_invoice_total' => array('field' => 'cached_total'), 'c_invoice_total_due' => array('field' => 'total_amount_due')))); if (isset($_REQUEST['table_sort_column']) || isset($_SESSION['_table_sort']) && isset($_SESSION['_table_sort']['invoice_list']) && isset($_SESSION['_table_sort']['invoice_list'][0])) { // we're sorting by something! reset($invoices); $test = current($invoices); if ($test && $test['invoice_id']) { $column = isset($_REQUEST['table_sort_column']) ? $_REQUEST['table_sort_column'] : $_SESSION['_table_sort']['invoice_list'][0];
} if (class_exists('module_website', false) && module_website::is_plugin_enabled()) { foreach (module_website::get_websites(array('customer_id' => $customer_id)) as $val) { $note_summary_owners['website'][] = $val['website_id']; } } if (class_exists('module_job', false) && module_job::is_plugin_enabled()) { foreach (module_job::get_jobs(array('customer_id' => $customer_id)) as $val) { $note_summary_owners['job'][] = $val['job_id']; foreach (module_invoice::get_invoices(array('job_id' => $val['job_id'])) as $val) { $note_summary_owners['invoice'][$val['invoice_id']] = $val['invoice_id']; } } } if (class_exists('module_invoice', false) && module_invoice::is_plugin_enabled()) { foreach (module_invoice::get_invoices(array('customer_id' => $customer_id)) as $val) { $note_summary_owners['invoice'][$val['invoice_id']] = $val['invoice_id']; } } if (class_exists('module_note', false) && module_note::is_plugin_enabled()) { module_note::display_notes(array('title' => 'All ' . $page_type_single . ' Notes', 'owner_table' => 'customer', 'owner_id' => $customer_id, 'view_link' => $module->link_open($customer_id), 'display_summary' => true, 'summary_owners' => $note_summary_owners)); } } hook_handle_callback('customer_edit', $customer_id); hook_handle_callback('layout_column_half', 'end'); $form_actions = array('class' => 'action_bar action_bar_center', 'elements' => array(array('type' => 'save_button', 'name' => 'butt_save', 'onclick' => "\$('#form_redirect').val('" . $module->link_open(false) . "');", 'value' => _l('Save and Return')), array('type' => 'save_button', 'name' => 'butt_save', 'value' => _l('Save')), array('ignore' => !(module_customer::can_i('delete', 'Customers') && $customer_id > 0), 'type' => 'delete_button', 'name' => 'butt_del', 'value' => _l('Delete')), array('type' => 'button', 'name' => 'cancel', 'value' => _l('Cancel'), 'class' => 'submit_button', 'onclick' => "window.location.href='" . $module->link_open(false) . "';"))); echo module_form::generate_form_actions($form_actions); ?>