Пример #1
 public function test_merge_config_routes()
     $base = array('foo' => 1, 'routes' => array('one' => array(), 'two' => array('val' => false)));
     $extension = array('bar' => 1, 'routes' => array('three' => array(), 'four' => array(), 'two' => array('val' => true)));
     $result = midgardmvc_core_services_configuration_yaml::merge_configs($base, $extension);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($result as $key => $val) {
         if ($key == 'foo') {
             $this->assertEquals($i, 0, '"foo" from base configuration should be first in the merged config');
         if ($key == 'bar') {
             $this->assertEquals($i, 2, '"bar" from extended configuration should be third in the merged config');
         if ($key == 'routes') {
             $ii = 0;
             foreach ($val as $route_id => $route_definition) {
                 if ($route_id == 'three') {
                     $this->assertEquals($ii, 0, 'Route "three" should be first route in array');
                 if ($route_id == 'four') {
                     $this->assertEquals($ii, 1, 'Route "four" should be second route in array');
                 if ($route_id == 'two') {
                     $this->assertEquals($ii, 2, 'Route "two" should be third route in array');
                     $this->assertTrue($route_definition['val'], '"val" of route "two" should come from the extended configuration, not the base one');
                 if ($route_id == 'one') {
                     $this->assertEquals($ii, 3, 'Route "one" should be fourth route in array ' . serialize($val));
Пример #2
 private function log_with_helper($prefix, $message, $loglevel)
     // Temporary non-Midgard logger until midgard_error is backported to Ragnaroek
     static $logger = null;
     if (!$logger) {
         try {
             $logger = new midgardmvc_core_helpers_log();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Unable to instantiate logger
     static $log_levels = array('debug' => 4, 'info' => 3, 'message' => 2, 'warn' => 1);
     if ($log_levels[$loglevel] > $log_levels[$this->configuration->get('log_level')]) {
         // Skip logging, too low level
     $logger->log("{$prefix}: {$message}");
Пример #3
 private function _process()
     // Let dispatcher populate request with the page and other information used
     $request = $this->dispatcher->get_request();
     if (isset($this->context->page->guid)) {
         // Load per-folder configuration
         $this->configuration->load_instance($this->context->component, $this->context->page);
     $this->log('Midgard MVC', "Serving " . $request->get_method() . " {$this->context->uri} at " . gmdate('r'), 'info');
     // Let injectors do their work
     $this->componentloader = new midgardmvc_core_component_loader();
     // Load the cache service and check for content cache
     self::$instance->context->cache_enabled = false;
     if (self::$instance->context->cache_enabled)
     // Show the world this is Midgard
     $this->head->add_meta(array('name' => 'generator', 'content' => "Midgard/" . mgd_version() . " MidgardMVC/{$this->componentloader->manifests['midgardmvc_core']['version']} PHP/" . phpversion()));
     if ($this->configuration->enable_attachment_cache) {
         $classname = $this->configuration->attachment_handler;
         $handler = new $classname();
     // Then initialize the component, so it also goes to template stack
     try {
     } catch (midgardmvc_exception_unauthorized $exception) {
         // Pass the exception to authentication handler
     $this->dispatcher->header('Content-Type: ' . $this->context->mimetype);
Пример #4
 public static function merge_configs(array $base, array $extension)
     if (empty($base)) {
         // Original was empty, no need to merge
         return $extension;
     $merged = $base;
     foreach ($extension as $key => $value) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             if (!isset($merged[$key]) || empty($merged[$key])) {
                 // Original was empty, no need to merge
                 $merged[$key] = $value;
             if ($key == 'routes') {
                  * Routes have special handling to ensure routes from current component
                  * and injectors are run before core routes.
                  * Routes also don't merge but instead override fully.
                 $merged[$key] = array();
                 foreach ($extension[$key] as $route_id => $route_definition) {
                     $merged[$key][$route_id] = $route_definition;
                     if (isset($base[$key][$route_id])) {
                 foreach ($base[$key] as $route_id => $route_definition) {
                     $merged[$key][$route_id] = $route_definition;
             $merged[$key] = midgardmvc_core_services_configuration_yaml::merge_configs($merged[$key], $value);
         $merged[$key] = $value;
     return $merged;
Пример #5
 public function get_routes(array $args)
     $this->prepare_component($args['component'], $this->data);
     $configuration = new midgardmvc_core_services_configuration_yaml($this->data['component']);
     $this->data['routes'] = $configuration->get('routes');
     if (!$this->data['routes']) {
         throw new midgardmvc_exception_notfound("Component {$this->data['component']} has no routes");
     foreach ($this->data['routes'] as $route_id => $route_def) {
         // Some normalization
         $this->data['routes'][$route_id]['id'] = $route_id;
         if (!isset($route_def['template_entry_point'])) {
             $this->data['routes'][$route_id]['template_entry_point'] = 'ROOT';
         if (!isset($route_def['content_entry_point'])) {
             $this->data['routes'][$route_id]['content_entry_point'] = 'content';
         $this->data['routes'][$route_id]['controller_action'] = "{$route_def['controller']}:{$route_def['action']}";
         $this->data['routes'][$route_id]['controller_url'] = $this->midgardmvc->dispatcher->generate_url('midcom_documentation_class', array('class' => $route_def['controller']));
         $this->data['routes'][$route_id]['controller_url'] .= "#action_{$route_def['action']}";