function getSelectableColumns()
     global $ilObjDataCache;
     $columns = array();
     if ($this->obj_ids === NULL) {
         $this->obj_ids = $this->getItems();
     if ($this->obj_ids) {
         $tmp_cols = array();
         foreach ($this->obj_ids as $obj_id) {
             if ($obj_id == $this->obj_id) {
                 $parent = array("txt" => $this->lng->txt("status"), "default" => true);
             } else {
                 $title = $ilObjDataCache->lookupTitle($obj_id);
                 $type = $ilObjDataCache->lookupType($obj_id);
                 $icon = ilObject::_getIcon("", "tiny", $type);
                 if ($type == "sess") {
                     include_once "Modules/Session/classes/class.ilObjSession.php";
                     $sess = new ilObjSession($obj_id, false);
                     $title = $sess->getPresentationTitle();
                 $tmp_cols[strtolower($title) . "#~#obj_" . $obj_id] = array("txt" => $title, "icon" => $icon, "type" => $type, "default" => true);
         if (sizeof($this->objective_ids)) {
             foreach ($this->objective_ids as $obj_id => $title) {
                 $tmp_cols[strtolower($title) . "#~#objtv_" . $obj_id] = array("txt" => $title, "default" => true);
         if (sizeof($this->sco_ids)) {
             foreach ($this->sco_ids as $obj_id => $title) {
                 $icon = ilUtil::getTypeIconPath("sco", $obj_id, "tiny");
                 $tmp_cols[strtolower($title) . "#~#objsco_" . $obj_id] = array("txt" => $title, "icon" => $icon, "default" => true);
         // alex, 5 Nov 2011: Do not sort SCORM items
         if (!sizeof($this->sco_ids)) {
         foreach ($tmp_cols as $id => $def) {
             $id = explode('#~#', $id);
             $columns[$id[1]] = $def;
         if ($parent) {
             $columns["obj_" . $this->obj_id] = $parent;
     $columns["status_changed"] = array("txt" => $this->lng->txt("trac_status_changed"), "id" => "status_changed", "default" => false);
     include_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilObjUserTracking.php';
     $tracking = new ilObjUserTracking();
     if ($tracking->hasExtendedData(ilObjUserTracking::EXTENDED_DATA_LAST_ACCESS)) {
         $columns["last_access"] = array("txt" => $this->lng->txt("last_access"), "id" => "last_access", "default" => false);
     if ($tracking->hasExtendedData(ilObjUserTracking::EXTENDED_DATA_SPENT_SECONDS)) {
         $columns["spent_seconds"] = array("txt" => $this->lng->txt("trac_spent_seconds"), "id" => "spent_seconds", "default" => false);
     return $columns;
Пример #2
 function getSelectableColumns()
     global $ilObjDataCache, $rbacsystem;
     $user_cols = $this->getSelectableUserColumns($this->in_course, $this->in_group);
     if ($this->obj_ids === NULL) {
         // we cannot use the selected columns because they are not ready yet
         // so we use all available columns, should be ok anyways
         $this->obj_ids = $this->getItems(array_keys($user_cols[0]), $user_cols[1]);
     if ($this->obj_ids) {
         $tmp_cols = array();
         foreach ($this->obj_ids as $obj_id) {
             if ($obj_id == $this->obj_id) {
                 $parent = array("txt" => $this->lng->txt("status"), "default" => true);
             } else {
                 $no_perm = false;
                 $ref_id = $this->ref_ids[$obj_id];
                 if ($ref_id && !$rbacsystem->checkAccess('read_learning_progress', $ref_id)) {
                     $no_perm = true;
                     $this->privacy_cols[] = $obj_id;
                 $title = $ilObjDataCache->lookupTitle($obj_id);
                 $type = $ilObjDataCache->lookupType($obj_id);
                 $icon = ilObject::_getIcon("", "tiny", $type);
                 if ($type == "sess") {
                     include_once "Modules/Session/classes/class.ilObjSession.php";
                     $sess = new ilObjSession($obj_id, false);
                     $title = $sess->getPresentationTitle();
                 $tmp_cols[strtolower($title) . "#~#obj_" . $obj_id] = array("txt" => $title, "icon" => $icon, "type" => $type, "default" => true, "no_permission" => $no_perm);
         if (sizeof($this->objective_ids)) {
             foreach ($this->objective_ids as $obj_id => $title) {
                 $tmp_cols[strtolower($title) . "#~#objtv_" . $obj_id] = array("txt" => $title, "default" => true);
         if (sizeof($this->sco_ids)) {
             foreach ($this->sco_ids as $obj_id => $title) {
                 $icon = ilUtil::getTypeIconPath("sco", $obj_id, "tiny");
                 $tmp_cols[strtolower($title) . "#~#objsco_" . $obj_id] = array("txt" => $title, "icon" => $icon, "default" => true);
         if (sizeof($this->subitem_ids)) {
             foreach ($this->subitem_ids as $obj_id => $title) {
                 $icon = ilUtil::getTypeIconPath("st", $obj_id, "tiny");
                 $tmp_cols[strtolower($title) . "#~#objsub_" . $obj_id] = array("txt" => $title, "icon" => $icon, "default" => true);
         // alex, 5 Nov 2011: Do not sort SCORM items or "chapters"
         if (!sizeof($this->sco_ids) && !sizeof($this->subitem_ids)) {
         foreach ($tmp_cols as $id => $def) {
             $id = explode('#~#', $id);
             $columns[$id[1]] = $def;
         if ($parent) {
             $columns["obj_" . $this->obj_id] = $parent;
     foreach ($user_cols[0] as $col_id => $col_def) {
         if (!isset($columns[$col_id])) {
             // these are all additional fields, no default
             $col_def["default"] = false;
             $columns[$col_id] = $col_def;
     return $columns;