Пример #1
        return $f;
// Tests
if (basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) == "email_receive.inc.php") {
    define("NO_AUTH", 1);
    require_once "alloc.php";
    $num = 30;
    $e = new email_receive($info);
    echo "\nNum emails: " . $e->get_num_emails();
    echo "\nNew emails: " . $e->get_num_new_emails();
    echo "\ncheck_mail(): " . str_replace("\n", " ", print_r($e->mail_info, 1));
    echo "\nget_new_email_msg_uids(): " . str_replace("\n", " ", print_r($e->get_new_email_msg_uids(), 1));
    echo "\nget_all_email_msg_uids(): " . str_replace("\n", " ", print_r($e->get_all_email_msg_uids(), 1));
    echo "\nget_emails_UIDs_search(): " . str_replace("\n", " ", print_r($e->get_emails_UIDs_search("SUBJECT alloc"), 1));
    //echo "\nget_msg_header(): ".str_replace("\n"," ",print_r($e->get_msg_header($num),1));
    echo "\n";
    echo "\nload_structure(): " . str_replace(" ", " ", print_r($e->mail_structure, 1));
    echo "\nget_charset(): " . $e->get_charset();
    list($h, $b) = $e->get_raw_email_by_msg_uid($num);
    //echo "\nget_raw_email_by_msg_uid(): "."HEADER: ".$h."\nBODY: ".$b;
    echo "\nsave_email(): " . $e->save_email();
    //echo "\nload_parts(): ".print_r($e->mail_parts,1);
    echo "\nmail_text (plaintext version): " . $e->mail_text;
Пример #2
singleton("errors_fatal", false);
singleton("errors_format", "text");
singleton("errors_logged", false);
singleton("errors_thrown", true);
singleton("errors_haltdb", true);
$nl = "<br>\n";
$info = inbox::get_mail_info();
if (!$info["host"]) {
    alloc_error("Email mailbox host not defined, assuming email receive function is inactive.", true);
$email_receive = new email_receive($info);
$num_new_emails = $email_receive->get_num_new_emails();
if ($num_new_emails > 0) {
    $msg_nums = $email_receive->get_new_email_msg_uids();
    print $nl . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " Found " . count($msg_nums) . " new/unseen emails." . $nl;
    foreach ($msg_nums as $num) {
        // Errors from previous iterations shouldn't affect processing of the next email
        db_alloc::$stop_doing_queries = false;
        $keys = $email_receive->get_hashes();
        try {
            // If no keys
            if (!$keys) {
                // If email sent from a known staff member
                $from_staff = inbox::change_current_user($email_receive->mail_headers["from"]);
                if ($from_staff) {
                    inbox::convert_email_to_new_task($email_receive, true);
                } else {
Пример #3
 public static function get_list()
     // Get list of emails
     $info = inbox::get_mail_info();
     $email_receive = new email_receive($info);
     $email_receive->open_mailbox($info["folder"], OP_HALFOPEN | OP_READONLY);
     $new_nums = $email_receive->get_new_email_msg_uids();
     $msg_nums = $email_receive->get_all_email_msg_uids();
     if ($msg_nums) {
         foreach ($msg_nums as $num) {
             $row = array();
             $row["from"] = $email_receive->get_printable_from_address();
             in_array($num, (array) $new_nums) and $row["new"] = true;
             $row["id"] = $num;
             $row["date"] = $email_receive->mail_headers["date"];
             $row["subject"] = $email_receive->mail_headers["subject"];
             $rows[] = $row;
     return $rows;