Пример #1
  * Returns an indexed array of objects the addresses per the defined options.
  * @param $atts {
  *     @type string       $fields    The fields to return.
  *                                   Default: all
  *                                   Accepts: all, ids, locality, regions, postal-code, country
  *     @type int          $id        The entry ID in which to retrieve the addresses for.
  *     @type bool         $preferred Whether or not to return only the preferred address.
  *                                   Default: false
  *     @type array|string $type      The address types to return.
  *                                   Default: array() which will return all registered address types.
  *                                   Accepts: home, work, school, other and any other registered types.
  *     @type array|string $city      Return address in the defined cities.
  *     @type array|string $state     Return address in the defined states.
  *     @type array|string $country   Return address in the defined countries.
  *     @type array        $coordinates {
  *         Return the addresses at the specific coordinates.
  *         @type float $latitude
  *         @type float $longitude
  *     }
  * }
  * @return array
 public function addresses($atts = array())
     /** @var wpdb $wpdb */
     global $wpdb;
     $where = array('WHERE 1=1');
      * // START -- Set the default attributes array. \\
     $defaults = array('fields' => 'all', 'id' => NULL, 'preferred' => FALSE, 'type' => array(), 'city' => array(), 'state' => array(), 'zipcode' => array(), 'country' => array(), 'coordinates' => array(), 'limit' => NULL);
     $atts = cnSanitize::args($atts, $defaults);
      * // END -- Set the default attributes array if not supplied. \\
      * @var int          $id
      * @var bool         $preferred
      * @var array|string $type
      * @var array|string $city
      * @var array|string $state
      * @var array|string $zipcode
      * @var array|string $country
      * @var array        $coordinates
      * @var null|int     $limit
      * Convert these to values to an array if they were supplied as a comma delimited string
     /** @var array $type */
     /** @var array $city */
     /** @var array $state */
     /** @var array $zipcode */
     /** @var array $country */
     switch ($atts['fields']) {
         case 'ids':
             $select = array('a.id', 'a.entry_id');
         case 'locality':
             $select = array('a.city');
         case 'region':
             $select = array('a.state');
         case 'postal-code':
             $select = array('a.zipcode');
         case 'country':
             $select = array('a.country');
             $select = array('a.*');
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND `entry_id` = %d', $id);
     if (!empty($preferred)) {
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND `preferred` = %d', (bool) $preferred);
     if (!empty($type)) {
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND `type` IN (' . cnFormatting::prepareINPlaceholders($type) . ')', $type);
     if (!empty($city)) {
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND `city` IN (' . cnFormatting::prepareINPlaceholders($city) . ')', $city);
     if (!empty($state)) {
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND `state` IN (' . cnFormatting::prepareINPlaceholders($state) . ')', $state);
     if (!empty($zipcode)) {
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND `zipcode` IN (' . cnFormatting::prepareINPlaceholders($zipcode) . ')', $zipcode);
     if (!empty($country)) {
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND `country` IN (' . cnFormatting::prepareINPlaceholders($country) . ')', $country);
     if (!empty($coordinates)) {
         if (!empty($coordinates['latitude']) && !empty($coordinates['longitude'])) {
             $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND `latitude` = %f', $coordinates['latitude']);
             $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND `longitude` = %f', $coordinates['longitude']);
     // Limit the characters that are queried based on if the current user can view public, private or unlisted entries.
     $where = self::setQueryVisibility($where, array('table' => 'a'));
     $limit = is_null($atts['limit']) ? '' : sprintf(' LIMIT %d', $atts['limit']);
     $sql = sprintf('SELECT %1$s FROM %2$s AS a %3$s ORDER BY `order`%4$s', implode(', ', $select), CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE, implode(' ', $where), $limit);
     $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
     return $results;
  * Returns as an array of objects containing the dates per the defined options.
  * @param array $atts {
  *     Optional. An array of arguments.
  *     @type int          $id        The entry ID in which to retrieve the dates for.
  *     @type bool         $preferred Whether or not to return only the preferred dates.
  *                                   Default: false
  *     @type array|string $type      The types to return.
  *                                   Default: array() which will return all registered types.
  *                                   Accepts: Any other registered types.
  *     @type int          $limit     The number to limit the results to.
  * }
  * @param bool $saving Set as TRUE if adding a new entry or updating an existing entry.
  * @return array
 public static function dates($atts = array(), $saving = FALSE)
     /** @var wpdb $wpdb */
     global $wpdb;
     $where = array('WHERE 1=1');
     $defaults = array('fields' => 'all', 'id' => NULL, 'preferred' => FALSE, 'type' => array(), 'limit' => NULL);
     $atts = cnSanitize::args($atts, $defaults);
      * @var string       $fields
      * @var int          $id
      * @var bool         $preferred
      * @var array|string $type
      * @var null|int     $limit
      * Convert these to values to an array if they were supplied as a comma delimited string
     switch ($atts['fields']) {
         case 'ids':
             $select = array('d.id', 'd.entry_id');
         case 'date':
             $select = array('d.date');
             $select = array('d.*');
     if (is_numeric($id) && !empty($id)) {
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND `entry_id` = "%d"', $id);
     if ($preferred) {
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND `preferred` = %d', (bool) $preferred);
     if (!empty($type)) {
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND `type` IN (' . cnFormatting::prepareINPlaceholders($type) . ')', $type);
     if (!$saving) {
         $where = self::setQueryVisibility($where, array('table' => 'd'));
     $limit = is_null($atts['limit']) ? '' : sprintf(' LIMIT %d', $atts['limit']);
     $sql = sprintf('SELECT %1$s FROM %2$s AS d %3$s ORDER BY `order`%4$s', implode(', ', $select), CN_ENTRY_DATE_TABLE, implode(' ', $where), $limit);
     $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
     return $results;