/** * return the content * * @param coursecode $key * @param array $context * @return string : html content */ public static function get_content($key, $context = null, $right = null) { $textZoneFile = claro_text_zone::get_textzone_file_path($key, $context, $right); if (file_exists($textZoneFile)) { $content = file_get_contents($textZoneFile); } else { $content = ''; } return $content; }
$userInfo = get_user_property_list(claro_get_current_user_id()); } elseif ('exMoreInfo' == $cmd && 0 < count($extraInfoDefList)) { if (array_key_exists('extraInfoList', $_REQUEST)) { foreach ($_REQUEST['extraInfoList'] as $extraInfoName => $extraInfoValue) { set_user_property(claro_get_current_user_id(), $extraInfoName, $extraInfoValue, 'userExtraInfo'); } } } // Initialise $userData['userExtraInfoList'] = get_user_property_list(claro_get_current_user_id()); // Command list $cmdList = array(); switch ($display) { case DISP_PROFILE_FORM: // Display user tracking link $profileText = claro_text_zone::get_content('textzone_edit_profile_form'); if (get_conf('is_trackingEnabled')) { // Display user tracking link $cmdList[] = array('img' => 'statistics', 'name' => get_lang('View my statistics'), 'url' => claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize(get_conf('urlAppend') . '/claroline/tracking/userReport.php?userId=' . claro_get_current_user_id()))); } // Display request course creator status if (!claro_is_allowed_to_create_course() && get_conf('can_request_course_creator_status')) { $cmdList[] = array('name' => get_lang('Request course creation status'), 'url' => claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?cmd=reqCCstatus'))); } // Display user revoquation if (get_conf('can_request_revoquation')) { $cmdList[] = array('img' => 'delete', 'name' => get_lang('Delete my account'), 'url' => claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?cmd=reqRevoquation'))); } if (claro_is_platform_admin()) { $dialogBox->info(get_lang('As a platform administrator, you can edit any field you want, even if this field isn\'t editable for other users.<br />You can check the list of editable fields in your platform\'s configuration.')); }
/* * Technical note: 'cmd=exUpload' is added into the 'action' * attributes of the form, rather than simply put in a post * hidden input. That way, this parameter is concatenated with * the URL, and it guarantees than it will be received by the * server. The reason of this trick, is because, sometimes, * when file upload fails, no form data are received at all by * the server. For example when the size of the sent file is so * huge that its reception exceeds the max execution time * allowed for the script. When no 'cmd' argument are sent it is * impossible to manage this error gracefully. That's why, * exceptionally, we pass 'cmd' in the 'action' attribute of * the form. */ $dialogBox->title(get_lang('Upload file')); $agreementText = claro_text_zone::get_content('textzone_upload_file_disclaimer'); if (!empty($agreementText)) { $dialogBox->info($agreementText); } $form = '<form action="' . claro_htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . '<fieldset>' . claro_form_relay_context() . '<input type="hidden" name="claroFormId" value="' . uniqid('') . '" />' . "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="exUpload" />' . "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="cwd" value="' . claro_htmlspecialchars($cwd) . '" />' . "\n" . '<dl>' . '<dt><label for="userFile">' . get_lang('File') . ' <span class="required">*</span></label>' . '</dt>' . "\n" . '<dd>' . '<input type="file" id="userFile" name="userFile" />' . "\n" . '<p class="notice">' . get_lang("Max file size") . ' : ' . format_file_size($maxUploadSize) . '</p>' . "\n" . '</dd>' . '<dt>' . get_lang("Disk space available") . '</dt>' . '<dd>' . claro_html_progress_bar($spaceAlreadyOccupied / $maxFilledSpace * 100, 1) . ' <span class="notice">' . format_file_size($remainingDiskSpace) . '</span>' . '</dd>' . "\n"; if ($is_allowedToUnzip) { // uncompress $form .= '<dt>' . "\n" . '<label for="uncompress"><img src="' . get_icon_url('mime/package-x-generic') . '" alt="" /> ' . get_lang('uncompress zipped (.zip) file on the server') . '</label>' . "\n" . '</dt>' . '<dd>' . '<input type="checkbox" id="uncompress" name="uncompress" value="1" />' . '</dd>' . "\n"; } if ($courseContext) { if (!isset($oldComment)) { $oldComment = ""; } // comment $form .= '<dt>' . "\n" . '<label for="comment">' . get_lang('Comment') . '</label>' . '</dt>' . "\n" . '<dd>' . '<textarea rows=2 cols=50 id="comment" name="comment">' . claro_htmlspecialchars($oldComment) . '</textarea>' . "\n" . '</dd>' . "\n"; }
if ($currentUserId != claro_get_current_user_id()) { $userData = user_get_properties($currentUserId); if ($userData === false) { claro_die(get_lang("User not found")); } else { $title = get_lang('Messages of %firstName %lastName', array('%firstName' => claro_htmlspecialchars($userData['firstname']), '%lastName' => claro_htmlspecialchars($userData['lastname']))); } } else { $title = get_lang('My messages'); } $linkPage = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $acceptedValues = array('inbox', 'outbox', 'trashbox'); if (!isset($_REQUEST['box']) || !in_array($_REQUEST['box'], $acceptedValues)) { $_REQUEST['box'] = "inbox"; } $link_arg['box'] = $_REQUEST['box']; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/tools.lib.php'; $content = ""; if ($link_arg['box'] == "inbox") { include dirname(__FILE__) . '/inboxcontroler.inc.php'; } elseif ($link_arg['box'] == "outbox") { include dirname(__FILE__) . '/outboxcontroler.inc.php'; } else { include dirname(__FILE__) . '/trashboxcontroler.inc.php'; } $claroline->display->banner->breadcrumbs->append($title, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?box=' . $link_arg['box']); $claroline->display->body->appendContent(claro_html_tool_title($title)); $claroline->display->body->appendContent(claro_text_zone::get_block('textzone_messaging_top', claro_is_platform_admin())); $claroline->display->body->appendContent($content); // ------------ display ---------------------- echo $claroline->display->render();
if ('MISSING_DATA' == claro_failure::get_last_failure()) { $messageList[] = get_lang('Data missing'); } else { $messageList[] = get_lang('Unknown error'); } } } else { // User validate form return error messages $error = true; } } if ('registration' == $cmd && $error == false) { $display = DISP_REGISTRATION_SUCCEED; } elseif ('agree' == $cmd || !get_conf('show_agreement_panel') || 'registration' == $cmd || '' == $agreementText) { $display = DISP_REGISTRATION_FORM; $subscriptionText = claro_text_zone::get_content('textzone_inscription_form'); } else { $display = DISP_REGISTRATION_AGREEMENT; } } elseif (!get_conf('show_agreement_panel')) { // This section is not use actually. // it's only when selfReg =false so It's need another textZoneContent $display = DISP_REGISTRATION_AGREEMENT; } else { $display = DISP_REGISTRATION_NOT_ALLOWED; } /*= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Display Section = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */ ClaroBreadCrumbs::getInstance()->append(get_lang('Create user account'), 'inscription.php'); $out = '';
/** * Return the editable textzone for a course where subscript are locked. * * @param string $course_id * @return string html content */ function get_locked_course_by_key_explanation($course_id = null) { $courseExplanation = claro_text_zone::get_content('course_subscription_locked_by_key', array(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE => $course_id)); if (!empty($courseExplanation)) { return $courseExplanation; } else { $globalExplanation = claro_text_zone::get_content('course_subscription_locked_by_key'); if (!empty($globalExplanation)) { return $globalExplanation; } else { return get_lang('Subscription not allowed'); } } }