public static function clear_on_theme_changes()
     static $once = false;
     /* Only clear once. */
     global $pagenow;
     /* Holds the current page filename. */
     global $current_site, $current_blog;
     /* Need these for Multisite details. */
     do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_before_clear_on_theme_changes", get_defined_vars());
     if (c_ws_plugin__qcache_utils_conds::is_blog_admin() && in_array($pagenow, $pages = array("themes.php"))) {
         if (!$once && ($once = true)) {
             if (is_multisite() && is_object($current_blog) && $current_blog->blog_id) {
                 if (!is_multisite() || !c_ws_plugin__qcache_utils_conds::is_multisite_farm() || is_main_site()) {
                     $notice = 'Blog# <code>' . esc_html($current_blog->blog_id) . '</code> : Quick Cache reset automatically to avoid conflicts :-)';
                     c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::enqueue_admin_notice($notice, $pages);
             } else {
                 if (!is_multisite() || !c_ws_plugin__qcache_utils_conds::is_multisite_farm() || is_main_site()) {
                     $notice = 'Quick Cache reset automatically to avoid conflicts :-)';
                     c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::enqueue_admin_notice($notice, $pages);
             do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_during_clear_on_theme_changes", get_defined_vars());
     do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_after_clear_on_theme_changes", get_defined_vars());
     /* Return for uniformity. */
 public static function admin_notices()
     global $pagenow;
     /* This holds the current page filename. */
     do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_before_admin_notices", get_defined_vars());
     if (is_admin() && is_array($notices = get_option("ws_plugin__qcache_notices")) && !empty($notices)) {
         $a = c_ws_plugin__qcache_utils_conds::is_blog_admin() ? "blog" : $a;
         $a = c_ws_plugin__qcache_utils_conds::is_user_admin() ? "user" : $a;
         $a = c_ws_plugin__qcache_utils_conds::is_network_admin() ? "network" : $a;
         $a = !$a ? "blog" : $a;
         /* Default Blog Admin. */
         foreach ($notices as $i => $notice) {
             /* Check several things about each Notice. */
             foreach (!$notice["on_pages"] ? array("*") : (array) $notice["on_pages"] as $page) {
                 if (!preg_match("/^(.+?)\\:/", $page)) {
                     /* NO prefix? */
                     $page = "blog:" . ltrim($page, ":");
                 /* `blog:` */
                 $adms = preg_split("/\\|/", preg_replace("/\\:(.*)\$/i", "", $page));
                 $page = preg_replace("/^([^\\:]*)\\:/i", "", $page);
                 if (empty($adms) || in_array("*", $adms) || in_array($a, $adms) || !version_compare(get_bloginfo("version"), "3.1-RC", ">=")) {
                     if (!$page || "*" === $page || $pagenow === $page || $_GET["page"] === $page) {
                         if (strtotime("now") >= (int) $notice["time"]) {
                             do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_during_admin_notices_before_display", get_defined_vars());
                             unset($__refs, $__v);
                             /* Unset defined __refs, __v. */
                             if (!$notice["dismiss"] || $_GET["ws-plugin--qcache-dismiss-admin-notice"] === md5($notice["notice"])) {
                             /* Clear this administrative notice now? */
                             if (!$notice["dismiss"] || $_GET["ws-plugin--qcache-dismiss-admin-notice"] !== md5($notice["notice"])) {
                                 c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::display_admin_notice($notice["notice"], $notice["error"], $notice["dismiss"]);
                             do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_during_admin_notices_after_display", get_defined_vars());
                         continue 2;
                         /* This Notice processed; continue to next. */
         $notices = array_merge($notices);
         /* Re-index array. */
         do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_during_admin_notices", get_defined_vars());
         unset($__refs, $__v);
         /* Unset defined __refs, __v. */
         update_option("ws_plugin__qcache_notices", $notices);
     do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_after_admin_notices", get_defined_vars());
     /* Return for uniformity. */