Пример #1
 function init()
     // forbit access if the user is not an administrator
     $oMemberModel =& getModel('member');
     $logged_info = $oMemberModel->getLoggedInfo();
     if ($logged_info->is_admin != 'Y') {
         return $this->stop("msg_is_not_administrator");
     // change into administration layout
     // parse admin menu
     $act = Context::get('act');
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile('./modules/cympusadmin/conf/' . _CYMPUSADMIN_MENU_);
     $admin_menu = array();
     $admin_menu = cympusadmin::getMenu($xml_obj->menu->item);
     Context::set('cympusadmin_menu', $admin_menu);
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoXml('cympusadmin');
     Context::set('cympus_modinfo', $module_info);
     $news = getNewsFromAgency();
     Context::set('news', $news);
     Context::set('admin_bar', 'false');
Пример #2
 function init()
     // forbit access if the user is not an administrator
     if (!$this->grant->manager && !$this->grant->is_admin) {
         return $this->stop("msg_is_not_administrator");
     // change into administration layout
     Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/cympusadmin/lang/');
     if ($this->grant->is_admin) {
         // parse admin menu
         $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
         $xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile('./modules/cympusadmin/conf/' . _CYMPUSADMIN_MENU_);
         $admin_menu = cympusadmin::getMenu($xml_obj->menu->item);
         Context::set('cympusadmin_menu', $admin_menu);
     } else {
         $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('cympusadmin.getManagerMenu', 'before', $manager_menu);
         if (!$output->toBool()) {
             return $output;
         Context::set('cympusadmin_menu', $manager_menu);
     $news = getNewsFromAgency();
     Context::set('news', $news);
     Context::set('admin_bar', 'false');
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoXml('cympusadmin');
     Context::set('cympus_modinfo', $module_info);
     return new Object();
Пример #3
 function init($module = null)
     // change into administration layout
     $config = getModel('cympusadmin')->getConfig();
     $args = new stdClass();
     $args->module = 'cympusadmin';
     $module_list = getModel('module')->getModuleSrlList($args);
     if (!empty($module_list)) {
         foreach ($module_list as $module_info) {
             $cympus_module_info = $module_info;
     $module_path = './modules/cympusadmin/';
     $template_path = sprintf("%sskins/%s/", $module_path, $cympus_module_info->skin);
     if (!is_dir($template_path) || !$cympus_module_info->skin) {
         $config->admin_skins = 'default';
         $template_path = sprintf("%sskins/%s/", $module_path, $cympus_module_info->skin);
     if ($module) {
     } else {
     Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/cympusadmin/lang/');
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     if ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y') {
         // parse admin menu
         $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
         $xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile('./modules/cympusadmin/conf/' . _CYMPUSADMIN_MENU_);
         $admin_menu = cympusadmin::getMenu($xml_obj->menu->item);
         Context::set('cympusadmin_menu', $admin_menu);
     } else {
         $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('cympusadmin.getManagerMenu', 'before', $manager_menu);
         if (!$output->toBool()) {
             return $output;
         Context::set('cympusadmin_menu', $manager_menu);
     $news = getNewsFromAgency();
     Context::set('news', $news);
     Context::set('admin_bar', 'false');
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoXml('cympusadmin');
     Context::set('cympus_modinfo', $module_info);
     return new Object();
Пример #4
  * Rearrage all item
  * <pre>
  * $items:
  * Array
  * (
  *	[0] => stdClass Object
  *		(
  *			[category_srl] => stdClass Object
  *				(
  *					[body] => xxx
  *				)
  *			[package_srl] => stdClass Object
  *				(
  *					[body] => xxx
  *				)
  *			...
  *			[depfrom] => stdClass Object
  *				(
  *					[body] => xxx
  *				)
  *		)
  *	[1] => stdClass Object
  *		(
  *			...
  *		)
  *	...
  * )
  * $packages:
  * Array
  * (
  *	[<i>package_srl</i>] => stdClass Object
  *		(
  *			[current_version] => xxx
  *			[need_update] => xxx
  *			[path] => xxx
  *			...
  *		)
  *	...
  * )
  * return:
  * Array
  * (
  *	[<i>package_srl</i>] => stdClass Object
  *		(
  *			[category_srl] => xxx
  *			[package_srl] => xxx
  *			...
  *			[category] => xxx
  *			[current_version] => xxx
  *			[type] => xxx
  *			[need_update] => xxx
  *			[avail_remove] => xxx
  *			[deps] => Array
  *				(
  *					[0] => xxx
  *					...
  *				)
  *		)
  *	...
  * )
  * </pre>
  * @param object $items Recived data from server
  * @param object $packages Local data
  * @return object
 function rearranges($items, $packages = null)
     if (!is_array($items)) {
         $items = array($items);
     $item_list = array();
     $targets = array('category_srl', 'package_srl', 'item_screenshot_url', 'package_voted', 'package_voter', 'package_description', 'package_downloaded', 'item_regdate', 'title', 'item_version', 'package_star', 'depfrom');
     $targetpackages = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $targetpackages[$item->package_srl->body] = 0;
     $oModel =& getModel('autoinstall');
     if ($package == null) {
         $packages = $oModel->getInstalledPackages(array_keys($targetpackages));
     $depto = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $v = $this->rearrange($item, $targets);
         $v->category = $this->categories[$v->category_srl]->title;
         if ($packages[$v->package_srl]) {
             $v->current_version = $packages[$v->package_srl]->current_version;
             $v->need_update = $packages[$v->package_srl]->need_update;
             $v->type = $oModel->getTypeFromPath($packages[$v->package_srl]->path);
             if ($this->ftp_set && $v->depfrom) {
                 $depfrom = explode(",", $v->depfrom);
                 foreach ($depfrom as $package_srl) {
                     $depto[$package_srl][] = $v->package_srl;
             if ($v->type == "core") {
                 $v->avail_remove = false;
             } else {
                 if ($v->type == "module") {
                     $v->avail_remove = $oModel->checkRemovable($packages[$v->package_srl]->path);
                 } else {
                     $v->avail_remove = true;
         $item_list[$v->package_srl] = $v;
     if (count($depto) > 0) {
         $installed = $oModel->getInstalledPackages(implode(",", array_keys($depto)));
         foreach ($installed as $key => $val) {
             $path = $val->path;
             $type = $oModel->getTypeFromPath($path);
             if (!$type || $type == "core") {
             $config_file = $oModel->getConfigFilePath($type);
             if (!$config_file) {
             $xml = new XmlParser();
             $xmlDoc = $xml->loadXmlFile(FileHandler::getRealPath($path) . $config_file);
             if (!$xmlDoc) {
             if ($type == "drcomponent") {
                 $type = "component";
             if ($type == "style" || $type == "m.skin") {
                 $type = "skin";
             if ($type == "m.layout") {
                 $type = "layout";
             $title = $xmlDoc->{$type}->title->body;
             $installed[$key]->title = $title;
         Context::set('installed', $installed);
         foreach ($installed as $key => $val) {
             foreach ($depto[$key] as $package_srl) {
                 $item_list[$package_srl]->avail_remove = false;
                 $item_list[$package_srl]->deps[] = $key;
     return $item_list;
Пример #5
  * Load a xml file
  * @param string $xml_path A file name to be loaded
  * @return boolean
 function load($xml_path)
     $this->_xml_ruleset = null;
     $xml_path = realpath($xml_path);
     if (!is_readable($xml_path)) {
         return false;
     $parser = new XmlParser();
     $xml = $parser->loadXmlFile($xml_path);
     if (!isset($xml->ruleset) || !isset($xml->ruleset->fields) || !isset($xml->ruleset->fields->field)) {
         return false;
     // custom rules
     if (isset($xml->ruleset->customrules) && isset($xml->ruleset->customrules->rule)) {
         $customrules = $xml->ruleset->customrules->rule;
         if (!is_array($customrules)) {
             $customrules = array($customrules);
         $rules = array();
         foreach ($customrules as $rule) {
             if (!isset($rule->attrs) || !isset($rule->attrs->name)) {
             $rule = (array) $rule->attrs;
             $name = $rule['name'];
             $rules[$name] = $rule;
         if (count($rules)) {
     // filters
     $fields = $xml->ruleset->fields->field;
     if (!is_array($fields)) {
         $fields = array($fields);
     $filters = array();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $name = '';
         $filter = array();
         if (!isset($field->attrs) || !isset($field->attrs->name)) {
         $filter = (array) $field->attrs;
         $name = $filter['name'];
         // conditional statement
         if (isset($field->if)) {
             $if = $field->if;
             if (!is_array($if)) {
                 $if = array($if);
             foreach ($if as $idx => $cond) {
                 $if[$idx] = (array) $cond->attrs;
             $filter['if'] = $if;
         $filters[$name] = $filter;
     $this->_xml_ruleset = $xml->ruleset;
     $this->_filters = $filters;
     $this->_xml_path = $xml_path;
     return true;
Пример #6
  * @brief parse xml, retrieve plugin info.
  * (this function will be removed in the future)
 function getPluginInfoXml($plugin, $vars = array())
     $plugin_path = _XE_PATH_ . "modules/epay/plugins/" . $plugin;
     $xml_file = sprintf(_XE_PATH_ . "modules/epay/plugins/%s/info.xml", $plugin);
     if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $tmp_xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($xml_file);
     $xml_obj = $tmp_xml_obj->plugin;
     $cache_file = sprintf(_XE_PATH_ . "files/cache/epay/%s.%s.%s.php", $plugin, Context::getLangType(), __XE_VERSION__);
     if (!$xml_obj) {
     $plugin_info = new stdClass();
     $plugin_info->title = $xml_obj->title->body;
     $plugin_info->description = $xml_obj->description->body;
     $plugin_info->version = $xml_obj->version->body;
     sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
     $plugin_info->date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
     $plugin_info->license = $xml_obj->license->body;
     $plugin_info->license_link = $xml_obj->license->attrs->link;
     if (!is_array($xml_obj->author)) {
         $author_list[] = $xml_obj->author;
     } else {
         $author_list = $xml_obj->author;
     foreach ($author_list as $author) {
         if (!$author_obj) {
             $author_obj = new stdClass();
         $author_obj->name = $author->name->body;
         $author_obj->email_address = $author->attrs->email_address;
         $author_obj->homepage = $author->attrs->link;
         $plugin_info->author[] = $author_obj;
     $buff = array();
     $buff[] = '<?php if(!defined("__XE__")) exit();';
     $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->site_srl = "%s";', $site_srl);
     // 추가 변수 (템플릿에서 사용할 제작자 정의 변수)
     $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
     if (!$extra_var_groups) {
         $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
     if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
         $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
     $buff[] = '$plugin_info->extra_var = new stdClass();';
     foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
         $extra_vars = $group->var;
         if ($extra_vars) {
             if (!is_array($extra_vars)) {
                 $extra_vars = array($extra_vars);
             $extra_var_count = count($extra_vars);
             $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var_count = \'%s\';', $extra_var_count);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $extra_var_count; $i++) {
                 $var = $extra_vars[$i];
                 $name = $var->attrs->name;
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s = new stdClass();', $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->group = \'%s\';', $name, $group->title->body);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->title = \'%s\';', $name, $var->title->body);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->type = \'%s\';', $name, $var->attrs->type);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->default = \'%s\';', $name, $var->attrs->default);
                 if ($var->attrs->type == 'image' && $var->attrs->location) {
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->location = \'%s\';', $name, $var->attrs->location);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->value = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->description = \'%s\';', $name, str_replace('\'', '\'', $var->description->body));
                 $options = $var->options;
                 if (!$options) {
                 if (!is_array($options)) {
                     $options = array($options);
                 $options_count = count($options);
                 $thumbnail_exist = false;
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $options_count; $j++) {
                     $thumbnail = $options[$j]->attrs->src;
                     if ($thumbnail) {
                         $thumbnail = $plugin_path . $thumbnail;
                         if (file_exists($thumbnail)) {
                             $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->options[\'%s\'] = new stdClass();', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->attrs->value);
                             $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->options[\'%s\']->thumbnail = \'%s\';', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->attrs->value, $thumbnail);
                             if (!$thumbnail_exist) {
                                 $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->thumbnail_exist = true;', $var->attrs->name);
                                 $thumbnail_exist = true;
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->options[\'%s\'] = new stdClass();', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->attrs->value);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->options[\'%s\']->val = \'%s\';', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->attrs->value, $options[$j]->title->body);
     if ($buff) {
         $buff = implode(PHP_EOL, $buff);
         FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $buff);
     require_once $cache_file;
     return $plugin_info;
Пример #7
  * Get information by reading conf/info.xml in the module
  * It uses caching to reduce time for xml parsing ..
  * @param string $layout
  * @param object $info
  * @param string $layoutType (P : PC, M : Mobile)
  * @return object info of layout
 function getLayoutInfo($layout, $info = null, $layout_type = "P")
     if ($info) {
         $layout_title = $info->title;
         $layout = $info->layout;
         $layout_srl = $info->layout_srl;
         $site_srl = $info->site_srl;
         $vars = unserialize($info->extra_vars);
         if ($info->module_srl) {
             $layout_path = preg_replace('/([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.]+)(\\.html)$/', '', $info->layout_path);
             $xml_file = sprintf('%sskin.xml', $layout_path);
     // Get a path of the requested module. Return if not exists.
     if (!$layout_path) {
         $layout_path = $this->getLayoutPath($layout, $layout_type);
     if (!is_dir($layout_path)) {
     // Read the xml file for module skin information
     if (!$xml_file) {
         $xml_file = sprintf("%sconf/info.xml", $layout_path);
     if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
         $layout_info = new stdClass();
         $layout_info->title = $layout;
         $layout_info->layout = $layout;
         $layout_info->path = $layout_path;
         $layout_info->layout_title = $layout_title;
         if (!$layout_info->layout_type) {
             $layout_info->layout_type = $layout_type;
         return $layout_info;
     // Include the cache file if it is valid and then return $layout_info variable
     if (!$layout_srl) {
         $cache_file = $this->getLayoutCache($layout, Context::getLangType(), $layout_type);
     } else {
         $cache_file = $this->getUserLayoutCache($layout_srl, Context::getLangType());
     if (file_exists($cache_file) && filemtime($cache_file) > filemtime($xml_file)) {
         include $cache_file;
         if ($layout_info->extra_var && $vars) {
             foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
                 if (!$layout_info->extra_var->{$key} && !$layout_info->{$key}) {
                     $layout_info->{$key} = $value;
         if (!$layout_info->title) {
             $layout_info->title = $layout;
         return $layout_info;
     // If no cache file exists, parse the xml and then return the variable.
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $tmp_xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($xml_file);
     if ($tmp_xml_obj->layout) {
         $xml_obj = $tmp_xml_obj->layout;
     } elseif ($tmp_xml_obj->skin) {
         $xml_obj = $tmp_xml_obj->skin;
     if (!$xml_obj) {
     $buff = array();
     $buff[] = '$layout_info = new stdClass;';
     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->site_srl = "%s";', $site_srl);
     if ($xml_obj->version && $xml_obj->attrs->version == '0.2') {
         // Layout title, version and other information
         sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout = "%s";', $layout);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->type = "%s";', $xml_obj->attrs->type);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->path = "%s";', $layout_path);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->title = "%s";', $xml_obj->title->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->description = "%s";', $xml_obj->description->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->version = "%s";', $xml_obj->version->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->date = "%s";', $date);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->homepage = "%s";', $xml_obj->link->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout_srl = $layout_srl;');
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout_title = $layout_title;');
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->license = "%s";', $xml_obj->license->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->license_link = "%s";', $xml_obj->license->attrs->link);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout_type = "%s";', $layout_type);
         // Author information
         if (!is_array($xml_obj->author)) {
             $author_list[] = $xml_obj->author;
         } else {
             $author_list = $xml_obj->author;
         $buff[] = '$layout_info->author = array();';
         for ($i = 0, $c = count($author_list); $i < $c; $i++) {
             $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[%d] = new stdClass;', $i);
             $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[%d]->name = "%s";', $i, $author_list[$i]->name->body);
             $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[%d]->email_address = "%s";', $i, $author_list[$i]->attrs->email_address);
             $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[%d]->homepage = "%s";', $i, $author_list[$i]->attrs->link);
         // Extra vars (user defined variables to use in a template)
         $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
         if (!$extra_var_groups) {
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
         if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
             $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
         $buff[] = '$layout_info->extra_var = new stdClass;';
         $extra_var_count = 0;
         foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
             $extra_vars = $group->var;
             if ($extra_vars) {
                 if (!is_array($extra_vars)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($extra_vars);
                 $count = count($extra_vars);
                 $extra_var_count += $count;
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                     unset($var, $options);
                     $var = $extra_vars[$i];
                     $name = $var->attrs->name;
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s = new stdClass;', $name);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->group = "%s";', $name, $group->title->body);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->title = "%s";', $name, $var->title->body);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->type = "%s";', $name, $var->attrs->type);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->value = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->description = "%s";', $name, str_replace('"', '\\"', $var->description->body));
                     $options = $var->options;
                     if (!$options) {
                     if (!is_array($options)) {
                         $options = array($options);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->options = array();', $var->attrs->name);
                     $options_count = count($options);
                     $thumbnail_exist = false;
                     for ($j = 0; $j < $options_count; $j++) {
                         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"] = new stdClass;', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->attrs->value);
                         $thumbnail = $options[$j]->attrs->src;
                         if ($thumbnail) {
                             $thumbnail = $layout_path . $thumbnail;
                             if (file_exists($thumbnail)) {
                                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"]->thumbnail = "%s";', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->attrs->value, $thumbnail);
                                 if (!$thumbnail_exist) {
                                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->thumbnail_exist = true;', $var->attrs->name);
                                     $thumbnail_exist = true;
                         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"]->val = "%s";', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->attrs->value, $options[$j]->title->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var_count = "%s";', $extra_var_count);
         // Menu
         if ($xml_obj->menus->menu) {
             $menus = $xml_obj->menus->menu;
             if (!is_array($menus)) {
                 $menus = array($menus);
             $menu_count = count($menus);
             $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu_count = "%s";', $menu_count);
             $buff[] = '$layout_info->menu = new stdClass;';
             for ($i = 0; $i < $menu_count; $i++) {
                 $name = $menus[$i]->attrs->name;
                 if ($menus[$i]->attrs->default == "true") {
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->default_menu = "%s";', $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s = new stdClass;', $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->name = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->attrs->name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->title = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->title->body);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->maxdepth = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->attrs->maxdepth);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->menu_srl = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->xml_file = "./files/cache/menu/".$vars->%s.".xml.php";', $name, $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->php_file = "./files/cache/menu/".$vars->%s.".php";', $name, $name);
     } else {
         // Layout title, version and other information
         sscanf($xml_obj->author->attrs->date, '%d. %d. %d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout = "%s";', $layout);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->path = "%s";', $layout_path);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->title = "%s";', $xml_obj->title->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->description = "%s";', $xml_obj->author->description->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->version = "%s";', $xml_obj->attrs->version);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->date = "%s";', $date);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout_srl = $layout_srl;');
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout_title = $layout_title;');
         // Author information
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[0]->name = "%s";', $xml_obj->author->name->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[0]->email_address = "%s";', $xml_obj->author->attrs->email_address);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[0]->homepage = "%s";', $xml_obj->author->attrs->link);
         // Extra vars (user defined variables to use in a template)
         $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
         if (!$extra_var_groups) {
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
         if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
             $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
         foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
             $extra_vars = $group->var;
             if ($extra_vars) {
                 if (!is_array($extra_vars)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($extra_vars);
                 $extra_var_count = count($extra_vars);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var_count = "%s";', $extra_var_count);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $extra_var_count; $i++) {
                     unset($var, $options);
                     $var = $extra_vars[$i];
                     $name = $var->attrs->name;
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->group = "%s";', $name, $group->title->body);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->title = "%s";', $name, $var->title->body);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->type = "%s";', $name, $var->attrs->type);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->value = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->description = "%s";', $name, str_replace('"', '\\"', $var->description->body));
                     $options = $var->options;
                     if (!$options) {
                     if (!is_array($options)) {
                         $options = array($options);
                     $options_count = count($options);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < $options_count; $j++) {
                         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"]->val = "%s";', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->value->body, $options[$j]->title->body);
         // Menu
         if ($xml_obj->menus->menu) {
             $menus = $xml_obj->menus->menu;
             if (!is_array($menus)) {
                 $menus = array($menus);
             $menu_count = count($menus);
             $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu_count = "%s";', $menu_count);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $menu_count; $i++) {
                 $name = $menus[$i]->attrs->name;
                 if ($menus[$i]->attrs->default == "true") {
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->default_menu = "%s";', $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->name = "%s";', $name, $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->title = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->title->body);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->maxdepth = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->maxdepth->body);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->menu_srl = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->xml_file = "./files/cache/menu/".$vars->%s.".xml.php";', $name, $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->php_file = "./files/cache/menu/".$vars->%s.".php";', $name, $name);
     // header_script
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $layout_config = $oModuleModel->getModulePartConfig('layout', $layout_srl);
     $header_script = trim($layout_config->header_script);
     if ($header_script) {
         $buff[] = sprintf(' $layout_info->header_script = "%s"; ', str_replace(array('$', '"'), array('\\$', '\\"'), $header_script));
     FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, '<?php if(!defined("__XE__")) exit(); ' . join(PHP_EOL, $buff));
     if (FileHandler::exists($cache_file)) {
         include $cache_file;
     if (!$layout_info->title) {
         $layout_info->title = $layout;
     return $layout_info;
Пример #8
  * @brief 모듈의 conf/info.xml 을 읽어서 정보를 구함
  * 이것 역시 캐싱을 통해서 xml parsing 시간을 줄인다..
 function getWidgetStyleInfo($widgetStyle)
     $widgetStyle_path = $this->getWidgetStylePath($widgetStyle);
     if (!$widgetStyle_path) {
     $xml_file = sprintf("%sskin.xml", $widgetStyle_path);
     if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
     // cache 파일을 비교하여 문제 없으면 include하고 $widgetStyle_info 변수를 return
     $cache_file = sprintf('./files/cache/widgetstyles/%s.%s.cache.php', $widgetStyle, Context::getLangType());
     if (file_exists($cache_file) && filemtime($cache_file) > filemtime($xml_file)) {
         @(include $cache_file);
         return $widgetStyle_info;
     // cache 파일이 없으면 xml parsing하고 변수화 한 후에 캐시 파일에 쓰고 변수 바로 return
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $tmp_xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($xml_file);
     $xml_obj = $tmp_xml_obj->widgetstyle;
     if (!$xml_obj) {
     $buff = '';
     // 위젯의 제목, 버전
     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->widgetStyle = "%s";', $widgetStyle);
     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->path = "%s";', $widgetStyle_path);
     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->title = "%s";', $xml_obj->title->body);
     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->description = "%s";', $xml_obj->description->body);
     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->version = "%s";', $xml_obj->version->body);
     sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
     $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->date = "%s";', $date);
     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->homepage = "%s";', $xml_obj->link->body);
     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->license = "%s";', $xml_obj->license->body);
     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->license_link = "%s";', $xml_obj->license->attrs->link);
     // preview
     if (!$xml_obj->preview->body) {
         $xml_obj->preview->body = 'preview.jpg';
     $preview_file = sprintf("%s%s", $widgetStyle_path, $xml_obj->preview->body);
     if (file_exists($preview_file)) {
         $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->preview = "%s";', $preview_file);
     // 작성자 정보
     if (!is_array($xml_obj->author)) {
         $author_list[] = $xml_obj->author;
     } else {
         $author_list = $xml_obj->author;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($author_list); $i++) {
         $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->author[' . $i . ']->name = "%s";', $author_list[$i]->name->body);
         $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->author[' . $i . ']->email_address = "%s";', $author_list[$i]->attrs->email_address);
         $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->author[' . $i . ']->homepage = "%s";', $author_list[$i]->attrs->link);
     // history
     if ($xml_obj->history) {
         if (!is_array($xml_obj->history)) {
             $history_list[] = $xml_obj->history;
         } else {
             $history_list = $xml_obj->history;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($history_list); $i++) {
             sscanf($history_list[$i]->attrs->date, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
             $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
             $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->history[' . $i . ']->description = "%s";', $history_list[$i]->description->body);
             $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->history[' . $i . ']->version = "%s";', $history_list[$i]->attrs->version);
             $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->history[' . $i . ']->date = "%s";', $date);
             if ($history_list[$i]->author) {
                 !is_array($history_list[$i]->author) ? $obj->author_list[] = $history_list[$i]->author : ($obj->author_list = $history_list[$i]->author);
                 for ($j = 0; $j < count($obj->author_list); $j++) {
                     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->history[' . $i . ']->author[' . $j . ']->name = "%s";', $obj->author_list[$j]->name->body);
                     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->history[' . $i . ']->author[' . $j . ']->email_address = "%s";', $obj->author_list[$j]->attrs->email_address);
                     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->history[' . $i . ']->author[' . $j . ']->homepage = "%s";', $obj->author_list[$j]->attrs->link);
             if ($history_list[$i]->log) {
                 !is_array($history_list[$i]->log) ? $obj->log_list[] = $history_list[$i]->log : ($obj->log_list = $history_list[$i]->log);
                 for ($j = 0; $j < count($obj->log_list); $j++) {
                     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->history[' . $i . ']->logs[' . $j . ']->text = "%s";', $obj->log_list[$j]->body);
                     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->history[' . $i . ']->logs[' . $j . ']->link = "%s";', $obj->log_list[$j]->attrs->link);
     // 추가 변수 (템플릿에서 사용할 제작자 정의 변수)
     $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
     if (!$extra_var_groups) {
         $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
     if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
         $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
     foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
         $extra_vars = $group->var;
         if (!is_array($group->var)) {
             $extra_vars = array($group->var);
         if ($extra_vars[0]->attrs->id || $extra_vars[0]->attrs->name) {
             $extra_var_count = count($extra_vars);
             $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var_count = "%s";', $extra_var_count);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $extra_var_count; $i++) {
                 $var = $extra_vars[$i];
                 $id = $var->attrs->id ? $var->attrs->id : $var->attrs->name;
                 $name = $var->name->body ? $var->name->body : $var->title->body;
                 $type = $var->attrs->type ? $var->attrs->type : $var->type->body;
                 $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->group = "%s";', $id, $group->title->body);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->name = "%s";', $id, $name);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->type = "%s";', $id, $type);
                 if ($type == 'filebox') {
                     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->filter = "%s";', $id, $var->attrs->filter);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->value = $vars->%s;', $id, $id);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->description = "%s";', $id, str_replace('"', '\\"', $var->description->body));
                 $options = $var->options;
                 if (!$options) {
                 if (!is_array($options)) {
                     $options = array($options);
                 $options_count = count($options);
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $options_count; $j++) {
                     $buff .= sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"] = "%s";', $id, $options[$j]->value->body, $options[$j]->name->body);
     $buff = '<?php if(!defined("__ZBXE__")) exit(); ' . $buff . ' ?>';
     FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $buff);
     if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
         @(include $cache_file);
     return $widgetStyle_info;
  * Import data in module.xml format
  * @param int $key
  * @param int $cur
  * @param string $index_file
  * @param int $module_srl
  * @return int
 function importModule($key, $cur, $index_file, $module_srl)
     // Pre-create the objects needed
     $this->oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     // Get category information of the target module
     $oDocumentController = getController('document');
     $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
     $category_list = $category_titles = array();
     $category_list = $oDocumentModel->getCategoryList($module_srl);
     if (count($category_list)) {
         foreach ($category_list as $key => $val) {
             $category_titles[$val->title] = $val->category_srl;
     // Extract category information
     $category_file = preg_replace('/index$/i', 'category.xml', $index_file);
     if (file_exists($category_file)) {
         $buff = FileHandler::readFile($category_file);
         // Create the xmlParser object
         $xmlDoc = $this->oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($category_file);
         $categories = $xmlDoc->items->category;
         if ($categories) {
             if (!is_array($categories)) {
                 $categories = array($categories);
             $match_sequence = array();
             foreach ($categories as $k => $v) {
                 $category = trim(base64_decode($v->body));
                 if (!$category || $category_titles[$category]) {
                 $sequence = $v->attrs->sequence;
                 $parent = $v->attrs->parent;
                 $obj = null;
                 $obj->title = $category;
                 $obj->module_srl = $module_srl;
                 if ($parent) {
                     $obj->parent_srl = $match_sequence[$parent];
                 $output = $oDocumentController->insertCategory($obj);
                 if ($output->toBool()) {
                     $match_sequence[$sequence] = $output->get('category_srl');
             $oDocumentController = getController('document');
     $category_list = $category_titles = array();
     $category_list = $oDocumentModel->getCategoryList($module_srl);
     if (count($category_list)) {
         foreach ($category_list as $key => $val) {
             $category_titles[$val->title] = $val->category_srl;
     $ek_args->module_srl = $module_srl;
     $output = executeQueryArray('document.getDocumentExtraKeys', $ek_args);
     if ($output->data) {
         foreach ($output->data as $key => $val) {
             $extra_keys[$val->eid] = true;
     if (!$cur) {
         $cur = 0;
     // Open an index file
     $f = fopen($index_file, "r");
     // Pass if already read
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cur; $i++) {
         fgets($f, 1024);
     // Read each line until the condition meets
     for ($idx = $cur; $idx < $cur + $this->unit_count; $idx++) {
         if (feof($f)) {
         // Find a location
         $target_file = trim(fgets($f, 1024));
         if (!file_exists($target_file)) {
         // Importing data from now on
         $fp = fopen($target_file, "r");
         if (!$fp) {
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->module_srl = $module_srl;
         $obj->document_srl = getNextSequence();
         $files = array();
         $extra_vars = array();
         $started = false;
         $buff = array();
         // Start from the body data
         while (!feof($fp)) {
             $str = fgets($fp, 1024);
             // Prepare an item
             if (trim($str) == '<post>') {
                 $started = true;
                 // Trackback inserted
             } else {
                 if (substr($str, 0, 11) == '<trackbacks') {
                     $obj->trackback_count = $this->importTrackbacks($fp, $module_srl, $obj->document_srl);
                     // Comments inserted
                 } else {
                     if (substr($str, 0, 9) == '<comments') {
                         $obj->comment_count = $this->importComments($fp, $module_srl, $obj->document_srl);
                         // Attachment inserted
                     } else {
                         if (substr($str, 0, 9) == '<attaches') {
                             $obj->uploaded_count = $this->importAttaches($fp, $module_srl, $obj->document_srl, $files);
                             // When starting extra variabls
                         } elseif (trim($str) == '<extra_vars>') {
                             $extra_vars = $this->importExtraVars($fp);
             if ($started) {
                 $buff[] = $str;
         $xmlDoc = $this->oXmlParser->parse(implode('', $buff));
         $category = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->category->body);
         if ($category_titles[$category]) {
             $obj->category_srl = $category_titles[$category];
         $obj->member_srl = 0;
         $obj->is_notice = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->is_notice->body) == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
         $obj->status = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->is_secret->body) == 'Y' ? $oDocumentModel->getConfigStatus('secret') : $oDocumentModel->getConfigStatus('public');
         $obj->title = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->title->body);
         $obj->content = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->content->body);
         $obj->readed_count = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->readed_count->body);
         $obj->voted_count = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->voted_count->body);
         $obj->blamed_count = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->blamed_count->body);
         $obj->password = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->password->body);
         $obj->user_name = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->user_name->body);
         $obj->nick_name = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->nick_name->body);
         if (!$obj->user_name) {
             $obj->user_name = $obj->nick_name;
         $obj->user_id = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->user_id->body);
         $obj->email_address = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->email->body);
         $obj->homepage = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->homepage->body);
         if ($obj->homepage && strncasecmp('http://', $obj->homepage, 7) !== 0 && strncasecmp('https://', $obj->homepage, 8) !== 0) {
             $obj->homepage = 'http://' . $obj->homepage;
         $obj->tags = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->tags->body);
         $obj->regdate = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->regdate->body);
         $obj->last_update = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->update->body);
         $obj->last_updater = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->last_updater->body);
         if (!$obj->last_update) {
             $obj->last_update = $obj->regdate;
         $obj->ipaddress = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->ipaddress->body);
         $obj->list_order = $obj->update_order = $obj->document_srl * -1;
         $obj->commentStatus = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->allow_comment->body) != 'N' ? 'ALLOW' : 'DENY';
         $obj->allow_trackback = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->allow_trackback->body) != 'N' ? 'Y' : 'N';
         $obj->notify_message = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->is_notice->body);
         // Change content information (attachment)
         if (count($files)) {
             foreach ($files as $key => $val) {
                 $obj->content = preg_replace('/(src|href)\\=(["\']?)' . preg_quote($key) . '(["\']?)/i', '$1="' . $val . '"', $obj->content);
                 $obj->content = preg_replace('/(["\']?).\\/files\\/(.+)\\/' . preg_quote($key) . '([^"\']+)(["\']?)/i', '"' . $val . '"', $obj->content);
                 $obj->content = preg_replace('/(["\']?)files\\/(.+)\\/' . preg_quote($key) . '([^"\']+)(["\']?)/i', '"' . $val . '"', $obj->content);
         $output = executeQuery('document.insertDocument', $obj);
         if ($output->toBool() && $obj->tags) {
             $tag_list = explode(',', $obj->tags);
             $tag_count = count($tag_list);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $tag_count; $i++) {
                 $args = new stdClass();
                 $args->tag_srl = getNextSequence();
                 $args->module_srl = $module_srl;
                 $args->document_srl = $obj->document_srl;
                 $args->tag = trim($tag_list[$i]);
                 $args->regdate = $obj->regdate;
                 if (!$args->tag) {
                 $output = executeQuery('tag.insertTag', $args);
         // Add extra variables
         if (count($extra_vars)) {
             foreach ($extra_vars as $key => $val) {
                 if (!$val->value) {
                 $e_args->module_srl = $module_srl;
                 $e_args->document_srl = $obj->document_srl;
                 $e_args->var_idx = $val->var_idx;
                 $e_args->value = $val->value;
                 $e_args->lang_code = $val->lang_code;
                 $e_args->eid = $val->eid;
                 // Create a key for extra vars if not exists (except vars for title and content)
                 if (!preg_match('/^(title|content)_(.+)$/i', $e_args->eid) && !$extra_keys[$e_args->eid]) {
                     $ek_args->module_srl = $module_srl;
                     $ek_args->var_idx = $val->var_idx;
                     $ek_args->var_name = $val->eid;
                     $ek_args->var_type = 'text';
                     $ek_args->var_is_required = 'N';
                     $ek_args->var_default = '';
                     $ek_args->eid = $val->eid;
                     $output = executeQuery('document.insertDocumentExtraKey', $ek_args);
                     $extra_keys[$ek_args->eid] = true;
                 $output = executeQuery('document.insertDocumentExtraVar', $e_args);
     // Sync category counts
     if (count($category_list)) {
         foreach ($category_list as $key => $val) {
             $oDocumentController->updateCategoryCount($module_srl, $val->category_srl);
     return $idx - 1;
Пример #10
  * Import data in module.xml format
  * @param int $key
  * @param int $cur
  * @param string $index_file
  * @param int $unit_count
  * @param int $module_srl
  * @param int $guestbook_module_srl
  * @param string $user_id
  * @param string $module_name
  * @return int
 function importModule($key, $cur, $index_file, $unit_count, $module_srl, $guestbook_module_srl, $user_id, $module_name = null)
     // Pre-create the objects needed
     $this->oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     // Get category information of the target module
     $oDocumentController = getController('document');
     $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
     $category_list = $category_titles = array();
     $category_list = $oDocumentModel->getCategoryList($module_srl);
     if (count($category_list)) {
         foreach ($category_list as $key => $val) {
             $category_titles[$val->title] = $val->category_srl;
     // First handle categorty information
     $category_file = preg_replace('/index$/i', 'category.xml', $index_file);
     if (file_exists($category_file)) {
         // Create the xmlParser object
         $xmlDoc = $this->oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($category_file);
         // List category information
         if ($xmlDoc->categories->category) {
             $categories = array();
             $idx = 0;
             $this->arrangeCategory($xmlDoc->categories, $categories, $idx, 0);
             $match_sequence = array();
             foreach ($categories as $k => $v) {
                 $category = $v->name;
                 if (!$category || $category_titles[$category]) {
                 $obj = null;
                 $obj->title = $category;
                 $obj->module_srl = $module_srl;
                 if ($v->parent) {
                     $obj->parent_srl = $match_sequence[$v->parent];
                 $output = $oDocumentController->insertCategory($obj);
                 if ($output->toBool()) {
                     $match_sequence[$v->sequence] = $category_titles[$category] = $output->get('category_srl');
     $category_list = $category_titles = array();
     $category_list = $oDocumentModel->getCategoryList($module_srl);
     if (count($category_list)) {
         foreach ($category_list as $key => $val) {
             $category_titles[$val->title] = $val->category_srl;
     // Get administrator information
     $oMemberModel = getModel('member');
     $member_info = $oMemberModel->getMemberInfoByUserID($user_id);
     $author_xml_id = 0;
     if (!$cur) {
         $cur = 0;
     // Open an index file
     $f = fopen($index_file, "r");
     // Pass if already read
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cur; $i++) {
         fgets($f, 1024);
     // Read each line until the codition meets
     for ($idx = $cur; $idx < $cur + $unit_count; $idx++) {
         if (feof($f)) {
         // Find a location
         $target_file = trim(fgets($f, 1024));
         if (!file_exists($target_file)) {
         // Start importing data
         $fp = fopen($target_file, "r");
         if (!$fp) {
         $obj = null;
         $obj->module_srl = $module_srl;
         $obj->document_srl = getNextSequence();
         $obj->uploaded_count = 0;
         $files = array();
         $started = false;
         $buff = null;
         // Start importing from the body data
         while (!feof($fp)) {
             $str = fgets($fp, 1024);
             // Prepare an item
             if (substr($str, 0, 5) == '<post') {
                 $started = true;
                 // Import the attachment
             } else {
                 if (substr($str, 0, 12) == '<attachment ') {
                     if ($this->importAttaches($fp, $module_srl, $obj->document_srl, $files, $str)) {
             if ($started) {
                 $buff .= $str;
         $xmlDoc = $this->oXmlParser->parse('<post>' . $buff);
         $author_xml_id = $xmlDoc->post->author->body;
         if ($xmlDoc->post->category->body) {
             $tmp_arr = explode('/', $xmlDoc->post->category->body);
             $category = trim($tmp_arr[count($tmp_arr) - 1]);
             if ($category_titles[$category]) {
                 $obj->category_srl = $category_titles[$category];
         $obj->is_notice = 'N';
         $obj->status = in_array($xmlDoc->post->visibility->body, array('public', 'syndicated')) ? $oDocumentModel->getConfigStatus('public') : $oDocumentModel->getConfigStatus('secret');
         $obj->title = $xmlDoc->post->title->body;
         $obj->content = $xmlDoc->post->content->body;
         $obj->password = md5($xmlDoc->post->password->body);
         $obj->commentStatus = $xmlDoc->post->acceptcomment->body == '1' ? 'ALLOW' : 'DENY';
         $obj->allow_trackback = $xmlDoc->post->accepttrackback->body == '1' ? 'Y' : 'N';
         //$obj->allow_comment = $xmlDoc->post->acceptComment->body=='1'?'Y':'N';
         //$obj->allow_trackback = $xmlDoc->post->acceptTrackback->body=='1'?'Y':'N';
         $obj->regdate = date("YmdHis", $xmlDoc->post->published->body);
         $obj->last_update = date("YmdHis", $xmlDoc->post->modified->body);
         if (!$obj->last_update) {
             $obj->last_update = $obj->regdate;
         $tag = null;
         $tmp_tags = null;
         $tag = $xmlDoc->post->tag;
         if ($tag) {
             if (!is_array($tag)) {
                 $tag = array($tag);
             foreach ($tag as $key => $val) {
                 $tmp_tags[] = $val->body;
             $obj->tags = implode(',', $tmp_tags);
         $obj->readed_count = 0;
         $obj->voted_count = 0;
         $obj->nick_name = $member_info->nick_name;
         $obj->user_name = $member_info->user_name;
         $obj->user_id = $member_info->user_id;
         $obj->member_srl = $member_info->member_srl;
         $obj->email_address = $member_info->email_address;
         $obj->homepage = $member_info->homepage;
         $obj->ipaddress = $_REMOTE['SERVER_ADDR'];
         $obj->list_order = $obj->update_order = $obj->document_srl * -1;
         $obj->notify_message = 'N';
         // Change content information (attachment)
         $obj->content = str_replace('[##_ATTACH_PATH_##]/', '', $obj->content);
         if (count($files)) {
             foreach ($files as $key => $val) {
                 $obj->content = preg_replace('/(src|href)\\=(["\']?)' . preg_quote($key) . '(["\']?)/i', '$1="' . $val->url . '"', $obj->content);
         $obj->content = preg_replace_callback('!\\[##_Movie\\|([^\\|]*)\\|(.*?)_##\\]!is', array($this, '_replaceTTMovie'), $obj->content);
         if (count($files)) {
             $this->files = $files;
             $obj->content = preg_replace_callback('!\\[##_([a-z0-9]+)\\|([^\\|]*)\\|([^\\|]*)\\|(.*?)_##\\]!is', array($this, '_replaceTTAttach'), $obj->content);
         // Trackback inserted
         $obj->trackback_count = 0;
         if ($xmlDoc->post->trackback) {
             $trackbacks = $xmlDoc->post->trackback;
             if (!is_array($trackbacks)) {
                 $trackbacks = array($trackbacks);
             if (count($trackbacks)) {
                 foreach ($trackbacks as $key => $val) {
                     $tobj = null;
                     $tobj->trackback_srl = getNextSequence();
                     $tobj->module_srl = $module_srl;
                     $tobj->document_srl = $obj->document_srl;
                     $tobj->url = $val->url->body;
                     $tobj->title = $val->title->body;
                     $tobj->blog_name = $val->site->body;
                     $tobj->excerpt = $val->excerpt->body;
                     $tobj->regdate = date("YmdHis", $val->received->body);
                     $tobj->ipaddress = $val->ip->body;
                     $tobj->list_order = -1 * $tobj->trackback_srl;
                     $output = executeQuery('trackback.insertTrackback', $tobj);
                     if ($output->toBool()) {
         // Comment
         $obj->comment_count = 0;
         if ($xmlDoc->post->comment) {
             $comment = $xmlDoc->post->comment;
             if (!is_array($comment)) {
                 $comment = array($comment);
             foreach ($comment as $key => $val) {
                 $parent_srl = $this->insertComment($val, $module_srl, $obj->document_srl, $member_info, 0, $author_xml_id);
                 if ($parent_srl === false) {
                 if ($val->comment) {
                     $child_comment = $val->comment;
                     if (!is_array($child_comment)) {
                         $child_comment = array($child_comment);
                     foreach ($child_comment as $k => $v) {
                         $result = $this->insertComment($v, $module_srl, $obj->document_srl, $member_info, $parent_srl, $author_xml_id);
                         if ($result !== false) {
         if ($module_name == 'textyle') {
             $args = new stdClass();
             $args->document_srl = $obj->document_srl;
             $args->module_srl = $obj->module_srl;
             $args->logs = serialize(null);
             $output = executeQuery('textyle.insertPublishLog', $args);
             // Visibility value of published state
             $status_published = array('public', 'syndicated');
             // Save state if not published
             if (!in_array($xmlDoc->post->visibility->body, $status_published)) {
                 $obj->module_srl = $member_info->member_srl;
         // Document
         $output = executeQuery('document.insertDocument', $obj);
         if ($output->toBool()) {
             // Tags
             if ($obj->tags) {
                 $tag_list = explode(',', $obj->tags);
                 $tag_count = count($tag_list);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $tag_count; $i++) {
                     $args = new stdClass();
                     $args->tag_srl = getNextSequence();
                     $args->module_srl = $module_srl;
                     $args->document_srl = $obj->document_srl;
                     $args->tag = trim($tag_list[$i]);
                     $args->regdate = $obj->regdate;
                     if (!$args->tag) {
                     $output = executeQuery('tag.insertTag', $args);
     if (count($category_list)) {
         foreach ($category_list as $key => $val) {
             $oDocumentController->updateCategoryCount($module_srl, $val->category_srl);
     // Guestbook information
     $guestbook_file = preg_replace('/index$/i', 'guestbook.xml', $index_file);
     if (file_exists($guestbook_file)) {
         // Create the xmlParser object
         $xmlDoc = $this->oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($guestbook_file);
         // Handle guest book information
         if ($guestbook_module_srl && $xmlDoc->guestbook->comment) {
             $comment = $xmlDoc->guestbook->comment;
             if (!is_array($comment)) {
                 $comment = array($comment);
             if ($module_name == 'textyle') {
                 foreach ($comment as $key => $val) {
                     $textyle_guestbook_srl = getNextSequence();
                     if ($val->comment) {
                         $child_comment = $val->comment;
                         if (!is_array($child_comment)) {
                             $child_comment = array($child_comment);
                         foreach ($child_comment as $k => $v) {
                             $result = $this->insertTextyleGuestbookItem($v, $module_srl, $member_info, 0, $textyle_guestbook_srl, $author_xml_id);
                     $result = $this->insertTextyleGuestbookItem($val, $module_srl, $member_info, $textyle_guestbook_srl, 0, $author_xml_id);
             } else {
                 foreach ($comment as $key => $val) {
                     $obj = null;
                     $obj->module_srl = $guestbook_module_srl;
                     $obj->document_srl = getNextSequence();
                     $obj->uploaded_count = 0;
                     $obj->is_notice = 'N';
                     $obj->status = $val->secret->body == '1' ? $oDocumentModel->getConfigStatus('secret') : $oDocumentModel->getConfigStatus('public');
                     $obj->content = nl2br($val->content->body);
                     // Extract a title form the bocy
                     $obj->title = cut_str(strip_tags($obj->content), 20, '...');
                     if ($obj->title == '') {
                         $obj->title = 'Untitled';
                     $obj->commentStatus = 'ALLOW';
                     $obj->allow_trackback = 'N';
                     $obj->regdate = date("YmdHis", $val->written->body);
                     $obj->last_update = date("YmdHis", $val->written->body);
                     if (!$obj->last_update) {
                         $obj->last_update = $obj->regdate;
                     $obj->tags = '';
                     $obj->readed_count = 0;
                     $obj->voted_count = 0;
                     if ($author_xml_id && $val->commenter->attrs->id == $author_xml_id) {
                         $obj->password = '';
                         $obj->nick_name = $member_info->nick_name;
                         $obj->user_name = $member_info->user_name;
                         $obj->user_id = $member_info->user_id;
                         $obj->member_srl = $member_info->member_srl;
                         $obj->email_address = $member_info->email_address;
                         $obj->homepage = $member_info->homepage;
                     } else {
                         $obj->password = $val->password->body;
                         $obj->nick_name = $val->commenter->name->body;
                         $obj->member_srl = 0;
                         $homepage = $val->commenter->homepage->body;
                     $obj->ipaddress = $val->commenter->ip->body;
                     $obj->list_order = $obj->update_order = $obj->document_srl * -1;
                     $obj->notify_message = 'N';
                     $obj->trackback_count = 0;
                     $obj->comment_count = 0;
                     if ($val->comment) {
                         $child_comment = $val->comment;
                         if (!is_array($child_comment)) {
                             $child_comment = array($child_comment);
                         foreach ($child_comment as $k => $v) {
                             $result = $this->insertComment($v, $module_srl, $obj->document_srl, $member_info, 0, $author_xml_id);
                             if ($result !== false) {
                     // Document
                     $output = executeQuery('document.insertDocument', $obj);
     return $idx - 1;
  * Update installed package information
  * @return void
 function checkInstalled()
     $oModel = getModel('autoinstall');
     $packages = $oModel->getPackages();
     foreach ($packages as $package) {
         $real_path = FileHandler::getRealPath($package->path);
         if (!file_exists($real_path)) {
         $type = $oModel->getTypeFromPath($package->path);
         if ($type == "core") {
             $version = __XE_VERSION__;
         } else {
             $config_file = NULL;
             switch ($type) {
                 case "m.layout":
                     $type = "layout";
                 case "module":
                 case "addon":
                 case "layout":
                 case "widget":
                     $config_file = "/conf/info.xml";
                 case "component":
                     $config_file = "/info.xml";
                 case "style":
                 case "m.skin":
                     $type = "skin";
                 case "skin":
                 case "widgetstyle":
                     $config_file = "/skin.xml";
                 case "drcomponent":
                     $config_file = "/info.xml";
                     $type = "component";
                 case "theme":
                     $config_file = "/conf/info.xml";
                     $type = "theme";
             if (!$config_file) {
             $xml = new XmlParser();
             $xmlDoc = $xml->loadXmlFile($real_path . $config_file);
             if (!$xmlDoc) {
             $version = $xmlDoc->{$type}->version->body;
         $args = new stdClass();
         $args->package_srl = $package->package_srl;
         $args->version = $package->version;
         $args->current_version = $version;
         if (version_compare($args->version, $args->current_version, ">")) {
             $args->need_update = "Y";
         } else {
             $args->need_update = "N";
         $output = executeQuery("autoinstall.insertInstalledPackage", $args);
 function getPluginInfoXml($plugin_name, $extra_vals)
     $plugin_path = $this->module_path . 'plugins/' . $plugin_name;
     $xml_file = $plugin_path . '/plugin.xml';
     if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
         return new stdClass();
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($xml_file);
     if ($xml_obj->plugin) {
         $xml_obj = $xml_obj->plugin;
     } else {
         return new stdClass();
     if (!is_array($extra_vals)) {
         $extra_vals = array($extra_vals);
     $plugin_info = new stdClass();
     $plugin_info->title = $xml_obj->title->body;
     if ($xml_obj->version && $xml_obj->attrs->version == '1.0') {
         sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $plugin_info->version = $xml_obj->version->body;
         $plugin_info->date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $plugin_info->homepage = $xml_obj->link->body;
         $plugin_info->license = $xml_obj->license->body;
         $plugin_info->license_link = $xml_obj->license->attrs->link;
         $plugin_info->description = $xml_obj->description->body;
         if (is_array($xml_obj->author)) {
             $author_list = $xml_obj->author;
         } else {
             $author_list[] = $xml_obj->author;
         foreach ($author_list as $author) {
             $author_obj = new stdClass();
             $author_obj->name = $author->name->body;
             $author_obj->email_address = $author->attrs->email_address;
             $author_obj->homepage = $author->attrs->link;
             $plugin_info->author[] = $author_obj;
         if ($xml_obj->extra_vars) {
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
             if (!$extra_var_groups) {
                 $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
             if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
                 $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
             foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
                 $extra_vars = $group->var;
                 if (!$extra_vars) {
                 if (!is_array($extra_vars)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($extra_vars);
                 foreach ($extra_vars as $key => $val) {
                     $obj = new stdClass();
                     if (!$val->attrs->type) {
                         $val->attrs->type = 'text';
                     $obj->group = $group->title->body;
                     $obj->name = $val->attrs->name;
                     $obj->title = $val->title->body;
                     $obj->type = $val->attrs->type;
                     $obj->description = $val->description->body;
                     $obj->default = $val->attrs->default;
                     if ($obj->name) {
                         $obj->value = $extra_vals[$obj->name]->value;
                     if (strpos($obj->value, '|@|') != FALSE) {
                         $obj->value = explode('|@|', $obj->value);
                     if (is_array($val->options)) {
                         $options_length = count($val->options);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $options_length; $i++) {
                             $obj->options[$i] = new stdClass();
                             $obj->options[$i]->title = $val->options[$i]->title->body;
                             $obj->options[$i]->value = $val->options[$i]->attrs->value;
                     } else {
                         $obj->options[0] = new stdClass();
                         $obj->options[0]->title = $val->options->title->body;
                         $obj->options[0]->value = $val->options->attrs->value;
                     $plugin_info->extra_vars[] = $obj;
     $colorset = $xml_obj->colorset->color;
     if ($colorset) {
         if (!is_array($colorset)) {
             $colorset = array($colorset);
         foreach ($colorset as $color) {
             $name = $color->attrs->name;
             $title = $color->title->body;
             $screenshot = $color->attrs->src;
             if ($screenshot) {
                 $screenshot = $plugin_path . '/' . $screenshot;
                 if (!file_exists($screenshot)) {
                     $screenshot = '';
             } else {
                 $screenshot = '';
             $obj = new stdClass();
             $obj->name = $name;
             $obj->title = $title;
             $obj->screenshot = $screenshot;
             $plugin_info->colorset[] = $obj;
     $thumbnail = $plugin_path . '/thumbnail.png';
     if (!file_exists($thumbnail)) {
         $thumbnail = NULL;
     $plugin_info->thumbnail = $thumbnail;
     return $plugin_info;
Пример #13
  * @brief Read xml information of the component
 function getComponentXmlInfo($component)
     $lang_type = Context::getLangType();
     // Get xml file path of the requested components
     $component_path = sprintf('%s/components/%s/', $this->module_path, $component);
     $xml_file = sprintf('%sinfo.xml', $component_path);
     $cache_file = sprintf('./files/cache/editor/%s.%s.php', $component, $lang_type);
     // Include and return xml file information if cached file exists
     if (file_exists($cache_file) && file_exists($xml_file) && filemtime($cache_file) > filemtime($xml_file)) {
         include $cache_file;
         return $xml_info;
     // Parse, cache and then return if the cached file doesn't exist
     $oParser = new XmlParser();
     $xml_doc = $oParser->loadXmlFile($xml_file);
     // Component information listed
     if ($xml_doc->component->version && $xml_doc->component->attrs->version == '0.2') {
         $component_info->component_name = $component;
         $component_info->title = $xml_doc->component->title->body;
         $component_info->description = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $xml_doc->component->description->body);
         $component_info->version = $xml_doc->component->version->body;
         $component_info->date = $xml_doc->component->date->body;
         $component_info->homepage = $xml_doc->component->link->body;
         $component_info->license = $xml_doc->component->license->body;
         $component_info->license_link = $xml_doc->component->license->attrs->link;
         $buff = '<?php if(!defined("__ZBXE__")) exit(); ';
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->component_name = "%s";', $component_info->component_name);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->title = "%s";', $component_info->title);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->description = "%s";', $component_info->description);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->version = "%s";', $component_info->version);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->date = "%s";', $component_info->date);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->homepage = "%s";', $component_info->homepage);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->license = "%s";', $component_info->license);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->license_link = "%s";', $component_info->license_link);
         // Author information
         if (!is_array($xml_doc->component->author)) {
             $author_list[] = $xml_doc->component->author;
         } else {
             $author_list = $xml_doc->component->author;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($author_list); $i++) {
             $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->author[' . $i . ']->name = "%s";', $author_list[$i]->name->body);
             $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->author[' . $i . ']->email_address = "%s";', $author_list[$i]->attrs->email_address);
             $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->author[' . $i . ']->homepage = "%s";', $author_list[$i]->attrs->link);
         // history
         if ($xml_doc->component->history) {
             if (!is_array($xml_doc->component->history)) {
                 $history_list[] = $xml_doc->component->history;
             } else {
                 $history_list = $xml_doc->component->history;
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($history_list); $i++) {
                 sscanf($history_list[$i]->attrs->date, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
                 $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->history[' . $i . ']->description = "%s";', $history_list[$i]->description->body);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->history[' . $i . ']->version = "%s";', $history_list[$i]->attrs->version);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->history[' . $i . ']->date = "%s";', $date);
                 if ($history_list[$i]->author) {
                     !is_array($history_list[$i]->author) ? $obj->author_list[] = $history_list[$i]->author : ($obj->author_list = $history_list[$i]->author);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < count($obj->author_list); $j++) {
                         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->history[' . $i . ']->author[' . $j . ']->name = "%s";', $obj->author_list[$j]->name->body);
                         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->history[' . $i . ']->author[' . $j . ']->email_address = "%s";', $obj->author_list[$j]->attrs->email_address);
                         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->history[' . $i . ']->author[' . $j . ']->homepage = "%s";', $obj->author_list[$j]->attrs->link);
                 if ($history_list[$i]->log) {
                     !is_array($history_list[$i]->log) ? $obj->log_list[] = $history_list[$i]->log : ($obj->log_list = $history_list[$i]->log);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < count($obj->log_list); $j++) {
                         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->history[' . $i . ']->logs[' . $j . ']->text = "%s";', $obj->log_list[$j]->body);
                         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->history[' . $i . ']->logs[' . $j . ']->link = "%s";', $obj->log_list[$j]->attrs->link);
     } else {
         sscanf($xml_doc->component->author->attrs->date, '%d. %d. %d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $xml_info->component_name = $component;
         $xml_info->title = $xml_doc->component->title->body;
         $xml_info->description = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $xml_doc->component->author->description->body);
         $xml_info->version = $xml_doc->component->attrs->version;
         $xml_info->date = $date;
         $xml_info->author->name = $xml_doc->component->author->name->body;
         $xml_info->author->email_address = $xml_doc->component->author->attrs->email_address;
         $xml_info->author->homepage = $xml_doc->component->author->attrs->link;
         $buff = '<?php if(!defined("__ZBXE__")) exit(); ';
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->component_name = "%s";', $xml_info->component_name);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->title = "%s";', $xml_info->title);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->description = "%s";', $xml_info->description);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->version = "%s";', $xml_info->version);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->date = "%s";', $xml_info->date);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->author[0]->name = "%s";', $xml_info->author->name);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->author[0]->email_address = "%s";', $xml_info->author->email_address);
         $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->author[0]->homepage = "%s";', $xml_info->author->homepage);
     // List extra variables (text type only for editor component)
     $extra_vars = $xml_doc->component->extra_vars->var;
     if ($extra_vars) {
         if (!is_array($extra_vars)) {
             $extra_vars = array($extra_vars);
         foreach ($extra_vars as $key => $val) {
             $key = $val->attrs->name;
             $title = $val->title->body;
             $description = $val->description->body;
             $xml_info->extra_vars->{$key}->title = $title;
             $xml_info->extra_vars->{$key}->description = $description;
             $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->extra_vars->%s->%s = "%s";', $key, 'title', $title);
             $buff .= sprintf('$xml_info->extra_vars->%s->%s = "%s";', $key, 'description', $description);
     $buff .= ' ?>';
     FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $buff, "w");
     include $cache_file;
     return $xml_info;
Пример #14
  * @brief 모듈의 conf/info.xml 을 읽어서 정보를 구함
  * 이것 역시 캐싱을 통해서 xml parsing 시간을 줄인다..
 function getLayoutInfo($layout, $info = null)
     if ($info) {
         $layout_title = $info->title;
         $layout = $info->layout;
         $layout_srl = $info->layout_srl;
         $site_srl = $info->site_srl;
         $vars = unserialize($info->extra_vars);
         if ($info->module_srl) {
             $layout_path = preg_replace('/([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.]+)(\\.html)$/', '', $info->layout_path);
             $xml_file = sprintf('%sskin.xml', $layout_path);
     // 요청된 모듈의 경로를 구한다. 없으면 return
     if (!$layout_path) {
         $layout_path = $this->getLayoutPath($layout);
     if (!is_dir($layout_path)) {
     // 현재 선택된 모듈의 스킨의 정보 xml 파일을 읽음
     if (!$xml_file) {
         $xml_file = sprintf("%sconf/info.xml", $layout_path);
     if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
         $layout_info->layout = $layout;
         $layout_info->path = $layout_path;
         $layout_info->layout_title = $layout_title;
         return $layout_info;
     // cache 파일을 비교하여 문제 없으면 include하고 $layout_info 변수를 return
     if (!$layout_srl) {
         $cache_file = $this->getLayoutCache($layout, Context::getLangType());
     } else {
         $cache_file = $this->getUserLayoutCache($layout_srl, Context::getLangType());
     if (file_exists($cache_file) && filemtime($cache_file) > filemtime($xml_file)) {
         @(include $cache_file);
         if ($layout_info->extra_var && $vars) {
             foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
                 if (!$layout_info->extra_var->{$key} && !$layout_info->{$key}) {
                     $layout_info->{$key} = $value;
         return $layout_info;
     // cache 파일이 없으면 xml parsing하고 변수화 한 후에 캐시 파일에 쓰고 변수 바로 return
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $tmp_xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($xml_file);
     if ($tmp_xml_obj->layout) {
         $xml_obj = $tmp_xml_obj->layout;
     } elseif ($tmp_xml_obj->skin) {
         $xml_obj = $tmp_xml_obj->skin;
     if (!$xml_obj) {
     $buff = '';
     $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->site_srl = "%s";', $site_srl);
     if ($xml_obj->version && $xml_obj->attrs->version == '0.2') {
         // 레이아웃의 제목, 버전
         sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->layout = "%s";', $layout);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->type = "%s";', $xml_obj->attrs->type);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->path = "%s";', $layout_path);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->title = "%s";', $xml_obj->title->body);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->description = "%s";', $xml_obj->description->body);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->version = "%s";', $xml_obj->version->body);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->date = "%s";', $date);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->homepage = "%s";', $xml_obj->link->body);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->layout_srl = $layout_srl;');
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->layout_title = $layout_title;');
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->license = "%s";', $xml_obj->license->body);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->license_link = "%s";', $xml_obj->license->attrs->link);
         // 작성자 정보
         if (!is_array($xml_obj->author)) {
             $author_list[] = $xml_obj->author;
         } else {
             $author_list = $xml_obj->author;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($author_list); $i++) {
             $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->author[' . $i . ']->name = "%s";', $author_list[$i]->name->body);
             $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->author[' . $i . ']->email_address = "%s";', $author_list[$i]->attrs->email_address);
             $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->author[' . $i . ']->homepage = "%s";', $author_list[$i]->attrs->link);
         // 추가 변수 (템플릿에서 사용할 제작자 정의 변수)
         $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
         if (!$extra_var_groups) {
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
         if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
             $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
         foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
             $extra_vars = $group->var;
             if ($extra_vars) {
                 if (!is_array($extra_vars)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($extra_vars);
                 $extra_var_count = count($extra_vars);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var_count = "%s";', $extra_var_count);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $extra_var_count; $i++) {
                     $var = $extra_vars[$i];
                     $name = $var->attrs->name;
                     $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->group = "%s";', $name, $group->title->body);
                     $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->title = "%s";', $name, $var->title->body);
                     $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->type = "%s";', $name, $var->attrs->type);
                     $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->value = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                     $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->description = "%s";', $name, str_replace('"', '\\"', $var->description->body));
                     $options = $var->options;
                     if (!$options) {
                     if (!is_array($options)) {
                         $options = array($options);
                     $options_count = count($options);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < $options_count; $j++) {
                         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"] = "%s";', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->attrs->value, $options[$j]->title->body);
         // 메뉴
         if ($xml_obj->menus->menu) {
             $menus = $xml_obj->menus->menu;
             if (!is_array($menus)) {
                 $menus = array($menus);
             $menu_count = count($menus);
             $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu_count = "%s";', $menu_count);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $menu_count; $i++) {
                 $name = $menus[$i]->attrs->name;
                 if ($menus[$i]->attrs->default == "true") {
                     $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->default_menu = "%s";', $name);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->name = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->attrs->name);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->title = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->title->body);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->maxdepth = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->attrs->maxdepth);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->menu_srl = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->xml_file = "./files/cache/menu/".$vars->%s.".xml.php";', $name, $name);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->php_file = "./files/cache/menu/".$vars->%s.".php";', $name, $name);
         // history
         if ($xml_obj->history) {
             if (!is_array($xml_obj->history)) {
                 $history_list[] = $xml_obj->history;
             } else {
                 $history_list = $xml_obj->history;
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($history_list); $i++) {
                 sscanf($history_list[$i]->attrs->date, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
                 $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->history[' . $i . ']->description = "%s";', $history_list[$i]->description->body);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->history[' . $i . ']->version = "%s";', $history_list[$i]->attrs->version);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->history[' . $i . ']->date = "%s";', $date);
                 if ($history_list[$i]->author) {
                     !is_array($history_list[$i]->author) ? $obj->author_list[] = $history_list[$i]->author : ($obj->author_list = $history_list[$i]->author);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < count($obj->author_list); $j++) {
                         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->history[' . $i . ']->author[' . $j . ']->name = "%s";', $obj->author_list[$j]->name->body);
                         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->history[' . $i . ']->author[' . $j . ']->email_address = "%s";', $obj->author_list[$j]->attrs->email_address);
                         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->history[' . $i . ']->author[' . $j . ']->homepage = "%s";', $obj->author_list[$j]->attrs->link);
                 if ($history_list[$i]->log) {
                     !is_array($history_list[$i]->log) ? $obj->log_list[] = $history_list[$i]->log : ($obj->log_list = $history_list[$i]->log);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < count($obj->log_list); $j++) {
                         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->history[' . $i . ']->logs[' . $j . ']->text = "%s";', $obj->log_list[$j]->body);
                         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->history[' . $i . ']->logs[' . $j . ']->link = "%s";', $obj->log_list[$j]->attrs->link);
     } else {
         // 레이아웃의 제목, 버전
         sscanf($xml_obj->author->attrs->date, '%d. %d. %d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->layout = "%s";', $layout);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->path = "%s";', $layout_path);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->title = "%s";', $xml_obj->title->body);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->description = "%s";', $xml_obj->author->description->body);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->version = "%s";', $xml_obj->attrs->version);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->date = "%s";', $date);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->layout_srl = $layout_srl;');
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->layout_title = $layout_title;');
         // 작성자 정보
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->author[0]->name = "%s";', $xml_obj->author->name->body);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->author[0]->email_address = "%s";', $xml_obj->author->attrs->email_address);
         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->author[0]->homepage = "%s";', $xml_obj->author->attrs->link);
         // 추가 변수 (템플릿에서 사용할 제작자 정의 변수)
         $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
         if (!$extra_var_groups) {
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
         if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
             $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
         foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
             $extra_vars = $group->var;
             if ($extra_vars) {
                 if (!is_array($extra_vars)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($extra_vars);
                 $extra_var_count = count($extra_vars);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var_count = "%s";', $extra_var_count);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $extra_var_count; $i++) {
                     $var = $extra_vars[$i];
                     $name = $var->attrs->name;
                     $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->group = "%s";', $name, $group->title->body);
                     $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->title = "%s";', $name, $var->title->body);
                     $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->type = "%s";', $name, $var->attrs->type);
                     $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->value = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                     $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->description = "%s";', $name, str_replace('"', '\\"', $var->description->body));
                     $options = $var->options;
                     if (!$options) {
                     if (!is_array($options)) {
                         $options = array($options);
                     $options_count = count($options);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < $options_count; $j++) {
                         $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"] = "%s";', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->value->body, $options[$j]->title->body);
         // 메뉴
         if ($xml_obj->menus->menu) {
             $menus = $xml_obj->menus->menu;
             if (!is_array($menus)) {
                 $menus = array($menus);
             $menu_count = count($menus);
             $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu_count = "%s";', $menu_count);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $menu_count; $i++) {
                 $name = $menus[$i]->attrs->name;
                 if ($menus[$i]->attrs->default == "true") {
                     $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->default_menu = "%s";', $name);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->name = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->attrs->name);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->title = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->title->body);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->maxdepth = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->maxdepth->body);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->menu_srl = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->xml_file = "./files/cache/menu/".$vars->%s.".xml.php";', $name, $name);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->php_file = "./files/cache/menu/".$vars->%s.".php";', $name, $name);
     // header_script
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $layout_config = $oModuleModel->getModulePartConfig('layout', $layout_srl);
     $header_script = trim($layout_config->header_script);
     if ($header_script) {
         $buff .= sprintf(' $layout_info->header_script = "%s"; ', str_replace('"', '\\"', $header_script));
     $buff = '<?php if(!defined("__ZBXE__")) exit(); ' . $buff . ' ?>';
     FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $buff);
     if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
         @(include $cache_file);
     return $layout_info;
Пример #15
  * @brief Get skin information on a specific location
 function loadSkinInfo($path, $skin, $dir = 'skins')
     // Read xml file having skin information
     if (substr($path, -1) != '/') {
         $path .= '/';
     $skin_xml_file = sprintf("%s%s/%s/skin.xml", $path, $dir, $skin);
     if (!file_exists($skin_xml_file)) {
     // Create XmlParser object
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $_xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($skin_xml_file);
     // Return if no skin information is
     if (!$_xml_obj->skin) {
     $xml_obj = $_xml_obj->skin;
     // Skin Name
     $skin_info = new stdClass();
     $skin_info->title = $xml_obj->title->body;
     // Author information
     if ($xml_obj->version && $xml_obj->attrs->version == '0.2') {
         // skin format v0.2
         sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $skin_info->version = $xml_obj->version->body;
         $skin_info->date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $skin_info->homepage = $xml_obj->link->body;
         $skin_info->license = $xml_obj->license->body;
         $skin_info->license_link = $xml_obj->license->attrs->link;
         $skin_info->description = $xml_obj->description->body;
         if (!is_array($xml_obj->author)) {
             $author_list[] = $xml_obj->author;
         } else {
             $author_list = $xml_obj->author;
         foreach ($author_list as $author) {
             $author_obj = new stdClass();
             $author_obj->name = $author->name->body;
             $author_obj->email_address = $author->attrs->email_address;
             $author_obj->homepage = $author->attrs->link;
             $skin_info->author[] = $author_obj;
         // List extra vars
         if ($xml_obj->extra_vars) {
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
             if (!$extra_var_groups) {
                 $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
             if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
                 $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
             foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
                 $extra_vars = $group->var;
                 if (!$extra_vars) {
                 if (!is_array($group->var)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($group->var);
                 foreach ($extra_vars as $key => $val) {
                     $obj = new stdClass();
                     if (!$val->attrs->type) {
                         $val->attrs->type = 'text';
                     $obj->group = $group->title->body;
                     $obj->name = $val->attrs->name;
                     $obj->title = $val->title->body;
                     $obj->type = $val->attrs->type;
                     $obj->description = $val->description->body;
                     $obj->value = $extra_vals->{$obj->name};
                     $obj->default = $val->attrs->default;
                     if (strpos($obj->value, '|@|') != false) {
                         $obj->value = explode('|@|', $obj->value);
                     if ($obj->type == 'mid_list' && !is_array($obj->value)) {
                         $obj->value = array($obj->value);
                     // Get an option list from 'select'type
                     if (is_array($val->options)) {
                         $option_count = count($val->options);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $option_count; $i++) {
                             $obj->options[$i] = new stdClass();
                             $obj->options[$i]->title = $val->options[$i]->title->body;
                             $obj->options[$i]->value = $val->options[$i]->attrs->value;
                     } else {
                         $obj->options[0] = new stdClass();
                         $obj->options[0]->title = $val->options->title->body;
                         $obj->options[0]->value = $val->options->attrs->value;
                     $skin_info->extra_vars[] = $obj;
     } else {
         // skin format v0.1
         sscanf($xml_obj->maker->attrs->date, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $skin_info->version = $xml_obj->version->body;
         $skin_info->date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $skin_info->homepage = $xml_obj->link->body;
         $skin_info->license = $xml_obj->license->body;
         $skin_info->license_link = $xml_obj->license->attrs->link;
         $skin_info->description = $xml_obj->maker->description->body;
         $skin_info->author[0] = new stdClass();
         $skin_info->author[0]->name = $xml_obj->maker->name->body;
         $skin_info->author[0]->email_address = $xml_obj->maker->attrs->email_address;
         $skin_info->author[0]->homepage = $xml_obj->maker->attrs->link;
         // Variables used in the skin
         $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
         if (!$extra_var_groups) {
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
         if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
             $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
         foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
             $extra_vars = $group->var;
             if ($extra_vars) {
                 if (!is_array($extra_vars)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($extra_vars);
                 foreach ($extra_vars as $var) {
                     $group = $group->title->body;
                     $name = $var->attrs->name;
                     $type = $var->attrs->type;
                     $title = $var->title->body;
                     $description = $var->description->body;
                     // Get an option list from 'select'type.
                     if (is_array($var->default)) {
                         $option_count = count($var->default);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $option_count; $i++) {
                             $options[$i]->title = $var->default[$i]->body;
                             $options[$i]->value = $var->default[$i]->body;
                     } else {
                         $options[0]->title = $var->default->body;
                         $options[0]->value = $var->default->body;
                     $width = $var->attrs->width;
                     $height = $var->attrs->height;
                     $obj->group = $group;
                     $obj->title = $title;
                     $obj->description = $description;
                     $obj->name = $name;
                     $obj->type = $type;
                     $obj->options = $options;
                     $obj->width = $width;
                     $obj->height = $height;
                     $obj->default = $options[0]->value;
                     $skin_info->extra_vars[] = $obj;
     // colorset
     $colorset = $xml_obj->colorset->color;
     if ($colorset) {
         if (!is_array($colorset)) {
             $colorset = array($colorset);
         foreach ($colorset as $color) {
             $name = $color->attrs->name;
             $title = $color->title->body;
             $screenshot = $color->attrs->src;
             if ($screenshot) {
                 $screenshot = sprintf("%s%s/%s/%s", $path, $dir, $skin, $screenshot);
                 if (!file_exists($screenshot)) {
                     $screenshot = "";
             } else {
                 $screenshot = "";
             $obj = new stdClass();
             $obj->name = $name;
             $obj->title = $title;
             $obj->screenshot = $screenshot;
             $skin_info->colorset[] = $obj;
     // Menu type (settings for layout)
     if ($xml_obj->menus->menu) {
         $menus = $xml_obj->menus->menu;
         if (!is_array($menus)) {
             $menus = array($menus);
         $menu_count = count($menus);
         $skin_info->menu_count = $menu_count;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $menu_count; $i++) {
             $obj->name = $menus[$i]->attrs->name;
             if ($menus[$i]->attrs->default == "true") {
                 $obj->default = true;
             $obj->title = $menus[$i]->title->body;
             $obj->maxdepth = $menus[$i]->maxdepth->body;
             $skin_info->menu->{$obj->name} = $obj;
     $thumbnail = sprintf("%s%s/%s/thumbnail.png", $path, $dir, $skin);
     $skin_info->thumbnail = file_exists($thumbnail) ? $thumbnail : null;
     return $skin_info;
Пример #16
  * @brief Read xml information of the component
 function getComponentXmlInfo($component)
     $lang_type = Context::getLangType();
     // Get xml file path of the requested components
     $component_path = sprintf('%s/components/%s/', $this->module_path, $component);
     $xml_file = sprintf('%sinfo.xml', $component_path);
     $cache_file = sprintf('./files/cache/editor/%s.%s.php', $component, $lang_type);
     // Include and return xml file information if cached file exists
     if (file_exists($cache_file) && file_exists($xml_file) && filemtime($cache_file) > filemtime($xml_file)) {
         include $cache_file;
         return $xml_info;
     $oParser = new XmlParser();
     $xml_doc = $oParser->loadXmlFile($xml_file);
     // Component information listed
     $component_info = new stdClass();
     $component_info->author = array();
     $component_info->extra_vars = new stdClass();
     $component_info->component_name = $component;
     $component_info->title = $xml_doc->component->title->body;
     if ($xml_doc->component->version) {
         $component_info->description = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $xml_doc->component->description->body);
         $component_info->version = $xml_doc->component->version->body;
         $component_info->date = $xml_doc->component->date->body;
         $component_info->homepage = $xml_doc->component->link->body;
         $component_info->license = $xml_doc->component->license->body;
         $component_info->license_link = $xml_doc->component->license->attrs->link;
     } else {
         sscanf($xml_doc->component->author->attrs->date, '%d. %d. %d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $component_info->description = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $xml_doc->component->author->description->body);
         $component_info->version = $xml_doc->component->attrs->version;
         $component_info->date = $date;
         $component_info->author = array();
         $component_info->author[0]->name = $xml_doc->component->author->name->body;
         $component_info->author[0]->email_address = $xml_doc->component->author->attrs->email_address;
         $component_info->author[0]->homepage = $xml_doc->component->author->attrs->link;
     // Author information
     $author_list = array();
     if (!is_array($xml_doc->component->author)) {
         $author_list[] = $xml_doc->component->author;
     } else {
         $author_list = $xml_doc->component->author;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($author_list); $i++) {
         $author = new stdClass();
         $author->name = $author_list[$i]->name->body;
         $author->email_address = $author_list[$i]->attrs->email_address;
         $author->homepage = $author_list[$i]->attrs->link;
         $component_info->author[] = $author;
     // List extra variables (text type only for editor component)
     $extra_vars = $xml_doc->component->extra_vars;
     if ($extra_vars) {
         $extra_var_groups = $extra_vars->group;
         if (!$extra_var_groups) {
             $extra_var_groups = $extra_vars;
         if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
             $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
         foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
             $extra_vars = $group->var;
             if (!is_array($group->var)) {
                 $extra_vars = array($group->var);
             foreach ($extra_vars as $key => $val) {
                 if (!$val) {
                 $obj = new stdClass();
                 if (!$val->attrs) {
                     $val->attrs = new stdClass();
                 if (!$val->attrs->type) {
                     $val->attrs->type = 'text';
                 $obj->group = $group->title->body;
                 $obj->name = $val->attrs->name;
                 $obj->title = $val->title->body;
                 $obj->type = $val->attrs->type;
                 $obj->description = $val->description->body;
                 if ($obj->name) {
                     $obj->value = $extra_vals->{$obj->name};
                 if (strpos($obj->value, '|@|') != FALSE) {
                     $obj->value = explode('|@|', $obj->value);
                 if ($obj->type == 'mid_list' && !is_array($obj->value)) {
                     $obj->value = array($obj->value);
                 // 'Select'type obtained from the option list.
                 if ($val->options && !is_array($val->options)) {
                     $val->options = array($val->options);
                 for ($i = 0, $c = count($val->options); $i < $c; $i++) {
                     $obj->options[$i] = new stdClass();
                     $obj->options[$i]->title = $val->options[$i]->title->body;
                     $obj->options[$i]->value = $val->options[$i]->attrs->value;
                 $component_info->extra_vars->{$obj->name} = $obj;
     $buff = array();
     $buff[] = '<?php if(!defined(\'__XE__\')) exit();';
     $buff[] = '$xml_info = ' . var_export($component_info, TRUE) . ';';
     $buff = str_replace('stdClass::__set_state', '(object)', implode(PHP_EOL, $buff));
     FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $buff, 'w');
     return $component_info;
Пример #17
  * @brief 모듈의 conf/info.xml 을 읽어서 정보를 구함
 function getAddonInfoXml($addon, $site_srl = 0)
     // 요청된 모듈의 경로를 구한다. 없으면 return
     $addon_path = $this->getAddonPath($addon);
     if (!$addon_path) {
     // 현재 선택된 모듈의 스킨의 정보 xml 파일을 읽음
     $xml_file = sprintf("%sconf/info.xml", $addon_path);
     if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $tmp_xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($xml_file);
     $xml_obj = $tmp_xml_obj->addon;
     if (!$xml_obj) {
     // DB에 설정된 내역을 가져온다
     $db_args->addon = $addon;
     if (!$site_srl) {
         $output = executeQuery('addon.getAddonInfo', $db_args);
     } else {
         $db_args->site_srl = $site_srl;
         $output = executeQuery('addon.getSiteAddonInfo', $db_args);
     $extra_vals = unserialize($output->data->extra_vars);
     if ($extra_vals->mid_list) {
         $addon_info->mid_list = $extra_vals->mid_list;
     } else {
         $addon_info->mid_list = array();
     // 애드온 정보
     if ($xml_obj->version && $xml_obj->attrs->version == '0.2') {
         // addon format v0.2
         sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $addon_info->date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $addon_info->addon_name = $addon;
         $addon_info->title = $xml_obj->title->body;
         $addon_info->description = trim($xml_obj->description->body);
         $addon_info->version = $xml_obj->version->body;
         $addon_info->homepage = $xml_obj->link->body;
         $addon_info->license = $xml_obj->license->body;
         $addon_info->license_link = $xml_obj->license->attrs->link;
         if (!is_array($xml_obj->author)) {
             $author_list[] = $xml_obj->author;
         } else {
             $author_list = $xml_obj->author;
         foreach ($author_list as $author) {
             $author_obj->name = $author->name->body;
             $author_obj->email_address = $author->attrs->email_address;
             $author_obj->homepage = $author->attrs->link;
             $addon_info->author[] = $author_obj;
         // 확장변수를 정리
         if ($xml_obj->extra_vars) {
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
             if (!$extra_var_groups) {
                 $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
             if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
                 $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
             foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
                 $extra_vars = $group->var;
                 if (!is_array($group->var)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($group->var);
                 foreach ($extra_vars as $key => $val) {
                     if (!$val->attrs->type) {
                         $val->attrs->type = 'text';
                     $obj->group = $group->title->body;
                     $obj->name = $val->attrs->name;
                     $obj->title = $val->title->body;
                     $obj->type = $val->attrs->type;
                     $obj->description = $val->description->body;
                     $obj->value = $extra_vals->{$obj->name};
                     if (strpos($obj->value, '|@|') != false) {
                         $obj->value = explode('|@|', $obj->value);
                     if ($obj->type == 'mid_list' && !is_array($obj->value)) {
                         $obj->value = array($obj->value);
                     // 'select'type에서 option목록을 구한다.
                     if (is_array($val->options)) {
                         $option_count = count($val->options);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $option_count; $i++) {
                             $obj->options[$i]->title = $val->options[$i]->title->body;
                             $obj->options[$i]->value = $val->options[$i]->attrs->value;
                     } else {
                         $obj->options[0]->title = $val->options[0]->title->body;
                         $obj->options[0]->value = $val->options[0]->attrs->value;
                     $addon_info->extra_vars[] = $obj;
         // history
         if ($xml_obj->history) {
             if (!is_array($xml_obj->history)) {
                 $history[] = $xml_obj->history;
             } else {
                 $history = $xml_obj->history;
             foreach ($history as $item) {
                 if ($item->author) {
                     !is_array($item->author) ? $obj->author_list[] = $item->author : ($obj->author_list = $item->author);
                     foreach ($obj->author_list as $author) {
                         $author_obj->name = $author->name->body;
                         $author_obj->email_address = $author->attrs->email_address;
                         $author_obj->homepage = $author->attrs->link;
                         $obj->author[] = $author_obj;
                 $obj->name = $item->name->body;
                 $obj->email_address = $item->attrs->email_address;
                 $obj->homepage = $item->attrs->link;
                 $obj->version = $item->attrs->version;
                 $obj->date = $item->attrs->date;
                 $obj->description = $item->description->body;
                 if ($item->log) {
                     !is_array($item->log) ? $obj->log[] = $item->log : ($obj->log = $item->log);
                     foreach ($obj->log as $log) {
                         $log_obj->text = $log->body;
                         $log_obj->link = $log->attrs->link;
                         $obj->logs[] = $log_obj;
                 $addon_info->history[] = $obj;
     } else {
         // addon format 0.1
         $addon_info->addon_name = $addon;
         $addon_info->title = $xml_obj->title->body;
         $addon_info->description = trim($xml_obj->author->description->body);
         $addon_info->version = $xml_obj->attrs->version;
         sscanf($xml_obj->author->attrs->date, '%d. %d. %d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $addon_info->date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $author_obj->name = $xml_obj->author->name->body;
         $author_obj->email_address = $xml_obj->author->attrs->email_address;
         $author_obj->homepage = $xml_obj->author->attrs->link;
         $addon_info->author[] = $author_obj;
         if ($xml_obj->extra_vars) {
             // 확장변수를 정리
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
             if (!$extra_var_groups) {
                 $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
             if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
                 $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
             foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
                 $extra_vars = $group->var;
                 if (!is_array($group->var)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($group->var);
                 foreach ($extra_vars as $key => $val) {
                     if (!$val->type->body) {
                         $val->type->body = 'text';
                     $obj->group = $group->title->body;
                     $obj->name = $val->attrs->name;
                     $obj->title = $val->title->body;
                     $obj->type = $val->type->body;
                     $obj->description = $val->description->body;
                     $obj->value = $extra_vals->{$obj->name};
                     if (strpos($obj->value, '|@|') != false) {
                         $obj->value = explode('|@|', $obj->value);
                     if ($obj->type == 'mid_list' && !is_array($obj->value)) {
                         $obj->value = array($obj->value);
                     // 'select'type에서 option목록을 구한다.
                     if (is_array($val->options)) {
                         $option_count = count($val->options);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $option_count; $i++) {
                             $obj->options[$i]->title = $val->options[$i]->title->body;
                             $obj->options[$i]->value = $val->options[$i]->value->body;
                     $addon_info->extra_vars[] = $obj;
     return $addon_info;
Пример #18
  * Returns list of need update
 public function getNeedUpdateList()
     $oModel = getModel('autoinstall');
     $output = executeQueryArray('autoinstall.getNeedUpdate');
     if (!is_array($output->data)) {
         return NULL;
     $result = array();
     $xml = new XmlParser();
     foreach ($output->data as $package) {
         $packageSrl = $package->package_srl;
         $packageInfo = new stdClass();
         $packageInfo->currentVersion = $package->current_version;
         $packageInfo->version = $package->version;
         $packageInfo->type = $oModel->getTypeFromPath($package->path);
         $packageInfo->url = $oModel->getUpdateUrlByPackageSrl($package->package_srl);
         if ($packageInfo->type == 'core') {
             $title = 'XpressEngine';
         } else {
             $configFile = $oModel->getConfigFilePath($packageInfo->type);
             $xmlDoc = $xml->loadXmlFile(FileHandler::getRealPath($package->path) . $configFile);
             if ($xmlDoc) {
                 $type = $packageInfo->type;
                 if ($type == "drcomponent") {
                     $type = "component";
                 if ($type == "style" || $type == "m.skin") {
                     $type = "skin";
                 if ($type == "m.layout") {
                     $type = "layout";
                 $title = $xmlDoc->{$type}->title->body;
             } else {
                 $pathInfo = explode('/', $package->path);
                 $title = $pathInfo[count($pathInfo) - 1];
         $packageInfo->title = $title;
         $result[] = $packageInfo;
     return $result;
Пример #19
  * @brief parse xml, retrieve plugin info.
  * (this function will be removed in the future)
 function getPluginInfoXml($plugin, $vars = array())
     $plugin_path = _XE_PATH_ . "modules/epay/plugins/" . $plugin;
     $xml_file = sprintf(_XE_PATH_ . "modules/epay/plugins/%s/info.xml", $plugin);
     if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $tmp_xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($xml_file);
     $xml_obj = $tmp_xml_obj->plugin;
     if (!$xml_obj) {
     $plugin_info->title = $xml_obj->title->body;
     $plugin_info->description = $xml_obj->description->body;
     $plugin_info->version = $xml_obj->version->body;
     sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
     $plugin_info->date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
     $plugin_info->license = $xml_obj->license->body;
     $plugin_info->license_link = $xml_obj->license->attrs->link;
     if (!is_array($xml_obj->author)) {
         $author_list[] = $xml_obj->author;
     } else {
         $author_list = $xml_obj->author;
     foreach ($author_list as $author) {
         $author_obj->name = $author->name->body;
         $author_obj->email_address = $author->attrs->email_address;
         $author_obj->homepage = $author->attrs->link;
         $plugin_info->author[] = $author_obj;
     $buff = '';
     $buff .= sprintf('$plugin_info->site_srl = "%s";', $site_srl);
     // 추가 변수 (템플릿에서 사용할 제작자 정의 변수)
     $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
     if (!$extra_var_groups) {
         $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
     if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
         $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
     foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
         $extra_vars = $group->var;
         if ($extra_vars) {
             if (!is_array($extra_vars)) {
                 $extra_vars = array($extra_vars);
             $extra_var_count = count($extra_vars);
             $buff .= sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var_count = "%s";', $extra_var_count);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $extra_var_count; $i++) {
                 $var = $extra_vars[$i];
                 $name = $var->attrs->name;
                 $buff .= sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->group = "%s";', $name, $group->title->body);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->title = "%s";', $name, $var->title->body);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->type = "%s";', $name, $var->attrs->type);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->default = "%s";', $name, $var->attrs->default);
                 if ($var->attrs->type == 'image' && $var->attrs->location) {
                     $buff .= sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->location = "%s";', $name, $var->attrs->location);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->value = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                 $buff .= sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->description = "%s";', $name, str_replace('"', '\\"', $var->description->body));
                 $options = $var->options;
                 if (!$options) {
                 if (!is_array($options)) {
                     $options = array($options);
                 $options_count = count($options);
                 $thumbnail_exist = false;
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $options_count; $j++) {
                     $thumbnail = $options[$j]->attrs->src;
                     if ($thumbnail) {
                         $thumbnail = $plugin_path . $thumbnail;
                         if (file_exists($thumbnail)) {
                             $buff .= sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"]->thumbnail = "%s";', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->attrs->value, $thumbnail);
                             if (!$thumbnail_exist) {
                                 $buff .= sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->thumbnail_exist = true;', $var->attrs->name);
                                 $thumbnail_exist = true;
                     $buff .= sprintf('$plugin_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"]->val = "%s";', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->attrs->value, $options[$j]->title->body);
     if ($buff) {
     return $plugin_info;
  * @brief 주어진 xml 파일을 파싱해서 쪽지 정보 입력
 function importMessage($key, $cur, $index_file)
     if (!$cur) {
         $cur = 0;
     // xmlParser객체 생성
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     // index파일을 염
     $f = fopen($index_file, "r");
     // 이미 읽혀진 것은 패스
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cur; $i++) {
         fgets($f, 1024);
     // 라인단위로 읽어들이면서 $cur보다 커지고 $cur+$this->unit_count개보다 작으면 중지
     for ($idx = $cur; $idx < $cur + $this->unit_count; $idx++) {
         if (feof($f)) {
         // 정해진 위치를 찾음
         $target_file = trim(fgets($f, 1024));
         // 대상 파일을 읽여서 파싱후 입력
         $xmlObj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($target_file);
         if (!$xmlObj) {
         // 객체 정리
         $obj = null;
         $obj->receiver = base64_decode($xmlObj->message->receiver->body);
         $obj->sender = base64_decode($xmlObj->message->sender->body);
         $obj->title = base64_decode($xmlObj->message->title->body);
         $obj->content = base64_decode($xmlObj->message->content->body);
         $obj->readed = base64_decode($xmlObj->message->readed->body) == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
         $obj->regdate = base64_decode($xmlObj->message->regdate->body);
         $obj->readed_date = base64_decode($xmlObj->message->readed_date->body);
         $obj->receiver = base64_decode($xmlObj->message->receiver->body);
         // 보낸이/ 받는이의 member_srl을 구함 (존재하지 않으면 그냥 pass..)
         if (!$obj->sender) {
         $sender_args->user_id = $obj->sender;
         $sender_output = executeQuery('member.getMemberInfo', $sender_args);
         $sender_srl = $sender_output->data->member_srl;
         if (!$sender_srl) {
         $receiver_args->user_id = $obj->receiver;
         if (!$obj->receiver) {
         $receiver_output = executeQuery('member.getMemberInfo', $receiver_args);
         $receiver_srl = $receiver_output->data->member_srl;
         if (!$receiver_srl) {
         // 보내는 사용자의 쪽지함에 넣을 쪽지
         $sender_args->sender_srl = $sender_srl;
         $sender_args->receiver_srl = $receiver_srl;
         $sender_args->message_type = 'S';
         $sender_args->title = $obj->title;
         $sender_args->content = $obj->content;
         $sender_args->readed = $obj->readed;
         $sender_args->regdate = $obj->regdate;
         $sender_args->readed_date = $obj->readed_date;
         $sender_args->related_srl = getNextSequence();
         $sender_args->message_srl = getNextSequence();
         $sender_args->list_order = $sender_args->message_srl * -1;
         $output = executeQuery('communication.sendMessage', $sender_args);
         if ($output->toBool()) {
             // 받는 회원의 쪽지함에 넣을 쪽지
             $receiver_args->message_srl = $sender_args->related_srl;
             $receiver_args->list_order = $sender_args->related_srl * -1;
             $receiver_args->sender_srl = $sender_srl;
             if (!$receiver_args->sender_srl) {
                 $receiver_args->sender_srl = $receiver_srl;
             $receiver_args->receiver_srl = $receiver_srl;
             $receiver_args->message_type = 'R';
             $receiver_args->title = $obj->title;
             $receiver_args->content = $obj->content;
             $receiver_args->readed = $obj->readed;
             $receiver_args->regdate = $obj->regdate;
             $receiver_args->readed_date = $obj->readed_date;
             $output = executeQuery('communication.sendMessage', $receiver_args);
     return $idx - 1;
Пример #21
  * Load a xml file
  * @param string $xml_path A file name to be loaded
  * @return boolean
 function load($xml_path)
     $this->_xml_ruleset = NULL;
     $xml_path = realpath($xml_path);
     if (!is_readable($xml_path)) {
         return FALSE;
     $parser = new XmlParser();
     $xml = $parser->loadXmlFile($xml_path);
     if (!isset($xml->ruleset) || !isset($xml->ruleset->fields) || !isset($xml->ruleset->fields->field)) {
         return FALSE;
     // custom rules
     if (isset($xml->ruleset->customrules) && isset($xml->ruleset->customrules->rule)) {
         $customrules = $xml->ruleset->customrules->rule;
         if (!is_array($customrules)) {
             $customrules = array($customrules);
         $rules = array();
         $messages = array();
         foreach ($customrules as $rule) {
             if (!isset($rule->attrs) || !isset($rule->attrs->name)) {
             $message = $rule->message ? $rule->message->body : NULL;
             $rule = (array) $rule->attrs;
             $rule['message'] = $message;
             $name = $rule['name'];
             $rules[$name] = $rule;
             if (isset($message)) {
                 $messages['invalid_' . $name] = $message;
         if (count($rules)) {
     // filters
     $fields = $xml->ruleset->fields->field;
     if (!is_array($fields)) {
         $fields = array($fields);
     $filters = array();
     $fieldsNames = array();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $name = '';
         $filter = array();
         if (!isset($field->attrs) || !isset($field->attrs->name)) {
         $title = $field->title ? $field->title->body : NULL;
         $filter = (array) $field->attrs;
         $filter['title'] = $title;
         $name = $filter['name'];
         if (isset($title)) {
             $fieldsNames[$name] = $title;
         // conditional statement
         if (isset($field->if)) {
             $if = $field->if;
             if (!is_array($if)) {
                 $if = array($if);
             foreach ($if as $idx => $cond) {
                 $if[$idx] = (array) $cond->attrs;
             $filter['if'] = $if;
         $filters[$name] = $filter;
     $this->_xml_ruleset = $xml->ruleset;
     $this->_filters = $filters;
     $this->_message = $messages;
     $this->_fieldNames = $fieldsNames;
     $this->_xml_path = $xml_path;
     return TRUE;
Пример #22
  * Returns a information of addon
  * @param string $addon Name to get information
  * @param int $site_srl Site srl
  * @param string $gtype site or global
  * @return object Returns a information
 function getAddonInfoXml($addon, $site_srl = 0, $gtype = 'site')
     // Get a path of the requested module. Return if not exists.
     $addon_path = $this->getAddonPath($addon);
     if (!$addon_path) {
     // Read the xml file for module skin information
     $xml_file = sprintf("%sconf/info.xml", FileHandler::getRealpath($addon_path));
     if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $tmp_xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($xml_file);
     $xml_obj = $tmp_xml_obj->addon;
     if (!$xml_obj) {
     // DB is set to bring history
     $db_args = new stdClass();
     $db_args->addon = $addon;
     if ($gtype == 'global') {
         $output = executeQuery('addon.getAddonInfo', $db_args);
     } else {
         $db_args->site_srl = $site_srl;
         $output = executeQuery('addon.getSiteAddonInfo', $db_args);
     $extra_vals = unserialize($output->data->extra_vars);
     $addon_info = new stdClass();
     if ($extra_vals->mid_list) {
         $addon_info->mid_list = $extra_vals->mid_list;
     } else {
         $addon_info->mid_list = array();
     if ($extra_vals->xe_run_method) {
         $addon_info->xe_run_method = $extra_vals->xe_run_method;
     // Add information
     if ($xml_obj->version && $xml_obj->attrs->version == '0.2') {
         // addon format v0.2
         $date_obj = new stdClass();
         sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $addon_info->date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $addon_info->addon_name = $addon;
         $addon_info->title = $xml_obj->title->body;
         $addon_info->description = trim($xml_obj->description->body);
         $addon_info->version = $xml_obj->version->body;
         $addon_info->homepage = $xml_obj->link->body;
         $addon_info->license = $xml_obj->license->body;
         $addon_info->license_link = $xml_obj->license->attrs->link;
         if (!is_array($xml_obj->author)) {
             $author_list = array();
             $author_list[] = $xml_obj->author;
         } else {
             $author_list = $xml_obj->author;
         $addon_info->author = array();
         foreach ($author_list as $author) {
             $author_obj = new stdClass();
             $author_obj->name = $author->name->body;
             $author_obj->email_address = $author->attrs->email_address;
             $author_obj->homepage = $author->attrs->link;
             $addon_info->author[] = $author_obj;
         // Expand the variable order
         if ($xml_obj->extra_vars) {
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
             if (!$extra_var_groups) {
                 $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
             if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
                 $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
             foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
                 $extra_vars = $group->var;
                 if (!is_array($group->var)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($group->var);
                 foreach ($extra_vars as $key => $val) {
                     if (!$val) {
                     $obj = new stdClass();
                     if (!$val->attrs) {
                         $val->attrs = new stdClass();
                     if (!$val->attrs->type) {
                         $val->attrs->type = 'text';
                     $obj->group = $group->title->body;
                     $obj->name = $val->attrs->name;
                     $obj->title = $val->title->body;
                     $obj->type = $val->attrs->type;
                     $obj->description = $val->description->body;
                     if ($obj->name) {
                         $obj->value = $extra_vals->{$obj->name};
                     if (strpos($obj->value, '|@|') != FALSE) {
                         $obj->value = explode('|@|', $obj->value);
                     if ($obj->type == 'mid_list' && !is_array($obj->value)) {
                         $obj->value = array($obj->value);
                     // 'Select'type obtained from the option list.
                     if ($val->options && !is_array($val->options)) {
                         $val->options = array($val->options);
                     for ($i = 0, $c = count($val->options); $i < $c; $i++) {
                         $obj->options[$i] = new stdClass();
                         $obj->options[$i]->title = $val->options[$i]->title->body;
                         $obj->options[$i]->value = $val->options[$i]->attrs->value;
                     $addon_info->extra_vars[] = $obj;
     } else {
         // addon format 0.1
         $addon_info = new stdClass();
         $addon_info->addon_name = $addon;
         $addon_info->title = $xml_obj->title->body;
         $addon_info->description = trim($xml_obj->author->description->body);
         $addon_info->version = $xml_obj->attrs->version;
         $date_obj = new stdClass();
         sscanf($xml_obj->author->attrs->date, '%d. %d. %d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $addon_info->date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $author_obj = new stdClass();
         $author_obj->name = $xml_obj->author->name->body;
         $author_obj->email_address = $xml_obj->author->attrs->email_address;
         $author_obj->homepage = $xml_obj->author->attrs->link;
         $addon_info->author = array();
         $addon_info->author[] = $author_obj;
         if ($xml_obj->extra_vars) {
             // Expand the variable order
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
             if (!$extra_var_groups) {
                 $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
             if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
                 $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
             foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
                 $extra_vars = $group->var;
                 if (!is_array($group->var)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($group->var);
                 $addon_info->extra_vars = array();
                 foreach ($extra_vars as $key => $val) {
                     if (!$val) {
                     $obj = new stdClass();
                     $obj->group = $group->title->body;
                     $obj->name = $val->attrs->name;
                     $obj->title = $val->title->body;
                     $obj->type = $val->type->body ? $val->type->body : 'text';
                     $obj->description = $val->description->body;
                     if ($obj->name) {
                         $obj->value = $extra_vals->{$obj->name};
                     if (strpos($obj->value, '|@|') != false) {
                         $obj->value = explode('|@|', $obj->value);
                     if ($obj->type == 'mid_list' && !is_array($obj->value)) {
                         $obj->value = array($obj->value);
                     // 'Select'type obtained from the option list.
                     if ($val->options && !is_array($val->options)) {
                         $val->options = array($val->options);
                     $obj->options = array();
                     for ($i = 0, $c = count($val->options); $i < $c; $i++) {
                         $obj->options[$i]->title = $val->options[$i]->title->body;
                         $obj->options[$i]->value = $val->options[$i]->value->body;
                     $addon_info->extra_vars[] = $obj;
     return $addon_info;
Пример #23
  * Return theme info
  * @param string $theme_name
  * @param array $layout_list
  * @return object
 function getThemeInfo($theme_name, $layout_list = NULL)
     if ($GLOBALS['__ThemeInfo__'][$theme_name]) {
         return $GLOBALS['__ThemeInfo__'][$theme_name];
     $info_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'themes/' . $theme_name . '/conf/info.xml';
     if (!file_exists($info_file)) {
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $_xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($info_file);
     if (!$_xml_obj->theme) {
     $xml_obj = $_xml_obj->theme;
     // 스킨이름
     $theme_info = new stdClass();
     $theme_info->name = $theme_name;
     $theme_info->title = $xml_obj->title->body;
     $thumbnail = './themes/' . $theme_name . '/thumbnail.png';
     $theme_info->thumbnail = FileHandler::exists($thumbnail) ? $thumbnail : NULL;
     $theme_info->version = $xml_obj->version->body;
     $date_obj = new stdClass();
     sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
     $theme_info->date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
     $theme_info->description = $xml_obj->description->body;
     $theme_info->path = './themes/' . $theme_name . '/';
     if (!is_array($xml_obj->publisher)) {
         $publisher_list = array();
         $publisher_list[] = $xml_obj->publisher;
     } else {
         $publisher_list = $xml_obj->publisher;
     $theme_info->publisher = array();
     foreach ($publisher_list as $publisher) {
         $publisher_obj = new stdClass();
         $publisher_obj->name = $publisher->name->body;
         $publisher_obj->email_address = $publisher->attrs->email_address;
         $publisher_obj->homepage = $publisher->attrs->link;
         $theme_info->publisher[] = $publisher_obj;
     $layout = $xml_obj->layout;
     $layout_path = $layout->directory->attrs->path;
     $layout_parse = explode('/', $layout_path);
     $layout_info = new stdClass();
     switch ($layout_parse[1]) {
         case 'themes':
             $layout_info->name = $theme_name . '|@|' . $layout_parse[count($layout_parse) - 1];
         case 'layouts':
             $layout_info->name = $layout_parse[count($layout_parse) - 1];
     $layout_info->title = $layout_parse[count($layout_parse) - 1];
     $layout_info->path = $layout_path;
     $site_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     // check layout instance
     $is_new_layout = TRUE;
     $oLayoutModel = getModel('layout');
     $layout_info_list = array();
     $layout_list = $oLayoutModel->getLayoutList($site_info->site_srl);
     if ($layout_list) {
         foreach ($layout_list as $val) {
             if ($val->layout == $layout_info->name) {
                 $is_new_layout = FALSE;
                 $layout_info->layout_srl = $val->layout_srl;
     if ($is_new_layout) {
         $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
         $args = new stdClass();
         $args->site_srl = (int) $site_module_info->site_srl;
         $args->layout_srl = getNextSequence();
         $args->layout = $layout_info->name;
         $args->title = $layout_info->title;
         $args->layout_type = "P";
         // Insert into the DB
         $oLayoutAdminController = getAdminController('layout');
         $output = $oLayoutAdminController->insertLayout($args);
         $layout_info->layout_srl = $args->layout_srl;
     $theme_info->layout_info = $layout_info;
     $skin_infos = $xml_obj->skininfos;
     if (is_array($skin_infos->skininfo)) {
         $skin_list = $skin_infos->skininfo;
     } else {
         $skin_list = array($skin_infos->skininfo);
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $skins = array();
     foreach ($skin_list as $val) {
         $skin_info = new stdClass();
         $skin_parse = explode('/', $val->directory->attrs->path);
         switch ($skin_parse[1]) {
             case 'themes':
                 $is_theme = TRUE;
                 $module_name = $skin_parse[count($skin_parse) - 1];
                 $skin_info->name = $theme_name . '|@|' . $module_name;
             case 'modules':
                 $is_theme = FALSE;
                 $module_name = $skin_parse[2];
                 $skin_info->name = $skin_parse[count($skin_parse) - 1];
         $skin_info->path = $val->directory->attrs->path;
         $skin_info->is_theme = $is_theme;
         $skins[$module_name] = $skin_info;
         if ($is_theme) {
             if (!$GLOBALS['__ThemeModuleSkin__'][$module_name]) {
                 $GLOBALS['__ThemeModuleSkin__'][$module_name] = array();
                 $GLOBALS['__ThemeModuleSkin__'][$module_name]['skins'] = array();
                 $moduleInfo = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoXml($module_name);
                 $GLOBALS['__ThemeModuleSkin__'][$module_name]['title'] = $moduleInfo->title;
             $GLOBALS['__ThemeModuleSkin__'][$module_name]['skins'][$skin_info->name] = $oModuleModel->loadSkinInfo($skin_info->path, '', '');
     $theme_info->skin_infos = $skins;
     $GLOBALS['__ThemeInfo__'][$theme_name] = $theme_info;
     return $theme_info;
Пример #24
  * @brief Modules conf/info.xml wanted to read the information
  * It uses caching to reduce time for xml parsing ..
 function getWidgetStyleInfo($widgetStyle)
     $widgetStyle_path = $this->getWidgetStylePath($widgetStyle);
     if (!$widgetStyle_path) {
     $xml_file = sprintf("%sskin.xml", $widgetStyle_path);
     if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
     // If the problem by comparing the cache file and include the return variable $widgetStyle_info
     $cache_file = sprintf(_XE_PATH_ . 'files/cache/widgetstyles/%s.%s.cache.php', $widgetStyle, Context::getLangType());
     if (file_exists($cache_file) && filemtime($cache_file) > filemtime($xml_file)) {
         @(include $cache_file);
         return $widgetStyle_info;
     // If no cache file exists, parse the xml and then return the variable.
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $tmp_xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($xml_file);
     $xml_obj = $tmp_xml_obj->widgetstyle;
     if (!$xml_obj) {
     $buff = array();
     $buff[] = '<?php if(!defined("__XE__")) exit();';
     $buff[] = '$widgetStyle_info = new stdClass();';
     // Title of the widget, version
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->widgetStyle = "%s";', $widgetStyle);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->path = "%s";', $widgetStyle_path);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->title = "%s";', $xml_obj->title->body);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->description = "%s";', $xml_obj->description->body);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->version = "%s";', $xml_obj->version->body);
     sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
     $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->date = "%s";', $date);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->homepage = "%s";', $xml_obj->link->body);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->license = "%s";', $xml_obj->license->body);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->license_link = "%s";', $xml_obj->license->attrs->link);
     // preview
     if (!$xml_obj->preview->body) {
         $xml_obj->preview->body = 'preview.jpg';
     $preview_file = sprintf("%s%s", $widgetStyle_path, $xml_obj->preview->body);
     if (file_exists($preview_file)) {
         $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->preview = "%s";', $preview_file);
     // Author information
     if (!is_array($xml_obj->author)) {
         $author_list[] = $xml_obj->author;
     } else {
         $author_list = $xml_obj->author;
     foreach ($author_list as $idx => $author) {
         $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->author[%d] = new stdClass();', $idx);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->author[%d]->name = "%s";', $idx, $author->name->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->author[%d]->email_address = "%s";', $idx, $author->attrs->email_address);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->author[%d]->homepage = "%s";', $idx, $author->attrs->link);
     // Extra vars (user defined variables to use in a template)
     $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
     if (!$extra_var_groups) {
         $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
     if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
         $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
     $extra_var_count = 0;
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var = new stdClass();', $extra_var_count);
     foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
         $extra_vars = !is_array($group->var) ? array($group->var) : $group->var;
         if ($extra_vars[0]->attrs->id || $extra_vars[0]->attrs->name) {
             foreach ($extra_vars as $var) {
                 $id = $var->attrs->id ? $var->attrs->id : $var->attrs->name;
                 $name = $var->name->body ? $var->name->body : $var->title->body;
                 $type = $var->attrs->type ? $var->attrs->type : $var->type->body;
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s = new stdClass();', $id);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->group = "%s";', $id, $group->title->body);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->name = "%s";', $id, $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->type = "%s";', $id, $type);
                 if ($type == 'filebox') {
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->filter = "%s";', $id, $var->attrs->filter);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->allow_multiple = "%s";', $id, $var->attrs->allow_multiple);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->value = $vars->%s;', $id, $id);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->description = "%s";', $id, str_replace('"', '\\"', $var->description->body));
                 if ($var->options) {
                     $var_options = !is_array($var->options) ? array($var->options) : $var->options;
                     foreach ($var_options as $option_item) {
                         $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"] = "%s";', $id, $option_item->value->body, $option_item->name->body);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var_count = %d;', $extra_var_count);
     FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, implode(PHP_EOL, $buff));
     if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
         @(include $cache_file);
     return $widgetStyle_info;
Пример #25
  * @brief 특정 위치의 특정 스킨의 정보를 구해옴
 function loadSkinInfo($path, $skin, $dir = 'skins')
     // 모듈의 스킨의 정보 xml 파일을 읽음
     if (substr($path, -1) != '/') {
         $path .= '/';
     $skin_xml_file = sprintf("%s%s/%s/skin.xml", $path, $dir, $skin);
     if (!file_exists($skin_xml_file)) {
     // XmlParser 객체 생성
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $_xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($skin_xml_file);
     // 스킨 정보가 없으면 return
     if (!$_xml_obj->skin) {
     $xml_obj = $_xml_obj->skin;
     // 스킨이름
     $skin_info->title = $xml_obj->title->body;
     // 작성자 정보
     if ($xml_obj->version && $xml_obj->attrs->version == '0.2') {
         // skin format v0.2
         sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $skin_info->version = $xml_obj->version->body;
         $skin_info->date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $skin_info->homepage = $xml_obj->link->body;
         $skin_info->license = $xml_obj->license->body;
         $skin_info->license_link = $xml_obj->license->attrs->link;
         $skin_info->description = $xml_obj->description->body;
         if (!is_array($xml_obj->author)) {
             $author_list[] = $xml_obj->author;
         } else {
             $author_list = $xml_obj->author;
         foreach ($author_list as $author) {
             $author_obj->name = $author->name->body;
             $author_obj->email_address = $author->attrs->email_address;
             $author_obj->homepage = $author->attrs->link;
             $skin_info->author[] = $author_obj;
         // 확장변수를 정리
         if ($xml_obj->extra_vars) {
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
             if (!$extra_var_groups) {
                 $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
             if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
                 $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
             foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
                 $extra_vars = $group->var;
                 if (!is_array($group->var)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($group->var);
                 foreach ($extra_vars as $key => $val) {
                     if (!$val->attrs->type) {
                         $val->attrs->type = 'text';
                     $obj->group = $group->title->body;
                     $obj->name = $val->attrs->name;
                     $obj->title = $val->title->body;
                     $obj->type = $val->attrs->type;
                     $obj->description = $val->description->body;
                     $obj->value = $extra_vals->{$obj->name};
                     $obj->default = $val->attrs->default;
                     if (strpos($obj->value, '|@|') != false) {
                         $obj->value = explode('|@|', $obj->value);
                     if ($obj->type == 'mid_list' && !is_array($obj->value)) {
                         $obj->value = array($obj->value);
                     // 'select'type에서 option목록을 구한다.
                     if (is_array($val->options)) {
                         $option_count = count($val->options);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $option_count; $i++) {
                             $obj->options[$i]->title = $val->options[$i]->title->body;
                             $obj->options[$i]->value = $val->options[$i]->attrs->value;
                     } else {
                         $obj->options[0]->title = $val->options->title->body;
                         $obj->options[0]->value = $val->options->attrs->value;
                     $skin_info->extra_vars[] = $obj;
         // history
         if ($xml_obj->history) {
             if (!is_array($xml_obj->history)) {
                 $history[] = $xml_obj->history;
             } else {
                 $history = $xml_obj->history;
             foreach ($history as $item) {
                 if ($item->author) {
                     !is_array($item->author) ? $obj->author_list[] = $item->author : ($obj->author_list = $item->author);
                     foreach ($obj->author_list as $author) {
                         $author_obj->name = $author->name->body;
                         $author_obj->email_address = $author->attrs->email_address;
                         $author_obj->homepage = $author->attrs->link;
                         $obj->author[] = $author_obj;
                 $obj->name = $item->name->body;
                 $obj->email_address = $item->attrs->email_address;
                 $obj->homepage = $item->attrs->link;
                 $obj->version = $item->attrs->version;
                 $obj->date = $item->attrs->date;
                 $obj->description = $item->description->body;
                 if ($item->log) {
                     !is_array($item->log) ? $obj->log[] = $item->log : ($obj->log = $item->log);
                     foreach ($obj->log as $log) {
                         $log_obj->text = $log->body;
                         $log_obj->link = $log->attrs->link;
                         $obj->logs[] = $log_obj;
                 $skin_info->history[] = $obj;
     } else {
         // skin format v0.1
         sscanf($xml_obj->maker->attrs->date, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $skin_info->version = $xml_obj->version->body;
         $skin_info->date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $skin_info->homepage = $xml_obj->link->body;
         $skin_info->license = $xml_obj->license->body;
         $skin_info->license_link = $xml_obj->license->attrs->link;
         $skin_info->description = $xml_obj->maker->description->body;
         $skin_info->author[0]->name = $xml_obj->maker->name->body;
         $skin_info->author[0]->email_address = $xml_obj->maker->attrs->email_address;
         $skin_info->author[0]->homepage = $xml_obj->maker->attrs->link;
         // 스킨에서 사용되는 변수들
         $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
         if (!$extra_var_groups) {
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
         if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
             $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
         foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
             $extra_vars = $group->var;
             if ($extra_vars) {
                 if (!is_array($extra_vars)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($extra_vars);
                 foreach ($extra_vars as $var) {
                     $group = $group->title->body;
                     $name = $var->attrs->name;
                     $type = $var->attrs->type;
                     $title = $var->title->body;
                     $description = $var->description->body;
                     // 'select'type에서 option목록을 구한다.
                     if (is_array($var->default)) {
                         $option_count = count($var->default);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $option_count; $i++) {
                             $options[$i]->title = $var->default[$i]->body;
                             $options[$i]->value = $var->default[$i]->body;
                     } else {
                         $options[0]->title = $var->default->body;
                         $options[0]->value = $var->default->body;
                     $width = $var->attrs->width;
                     $height = $var->attrs->height;
                     $obj->group = $group;
                     $obj->title = $title;
                     $obj->description = $description;
                     $obj->name = $name;
                     $obj->type = $type;
                     $obj->options = $options;
                     $obj->width = $width;
                     $obj->height = $height;
                     $obj->default = $options[0]->value;
                     $skin_info->extra_vars[] = $obj;
     // colorset
     $colorset = $xml_obj->colorset->color;
     if ($colorset) {
         if (!is_array($colorset)) {
             $colorset = array($colorset);
         foreach ($colorset as $color) {
             $name = $color->attrs->name;
             $title = $color->title->body;
             $screenshot = $color->attrs->src;
             if ($screenshot) {
                 $screenshot = sprintf("%sskins/%s/%s", $path, $skin, $screenshot);
                 if (!file_exists($screenshot)) {
                     $screenshot = "";
             } else {
                 $screenshot = "";
             $obj->name = $name;
             $obj->title = $title;
             $obj->screenshot = $screenshot;
             $skin_info->colorset[] = $obj;
     // 메뉴 종류 (레이아웃을 위한 설정)
     if ($xml_obj->menus->menu) {
         $menus = $xml_obj->menus->menu;
         if (!is_array($menus)) {
             $menus = array($menus);
         $menu_count = count($menus);
         $skin_info->menu_count = $menu_count;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $menu_count; $i++) {
             $obj->name = $menus[$i]->attrs->name;
             if ($menus[$i]->attrs->default == "true") {
                 $obj->default = true;
             $obj->title = $menus[$i]->title->body;
             $obj->maxdepth = $menus[$i]->maxdepth->body;
             $skin_info->menu->{$obj->name} = $obj;
     return $skin_info;