Пример #1
	<hr />
	<span class="gen">' . $content . '</span>
	<hr />
    $submit = ' &nbsp;
	<input type="submit" name="send" value="' . _SEND . '&nbsp;' . _NEWSLETTER . '" class="mainoption"' . $status . ' /> &nbsp;
	<input type="submit" name="discard" value="' . _DISCARD . '" class="liteoption" />
	<input type="hidden" name="n_group" value="' . $group . '" />';
// Load the required wysiwyg class
require CORE_PATH . 'wysiwyg/wysiwyg.inc';
// Create as many wysiwyg instances as you need
$wysiwyg = new Wysiwyg('newsletter', 'content', '90%', '300px', $content);
// Set all the required wysiwyg headers
require 'header.php';
echo '<form name="newsletter" action="' . URL::admin() . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="utf-8">
' . $wysiwyg->getSelect() . '
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%" class="forumline" style="margin:auto;">
	<td align="center" class="catleft" colspan="2"><b><span class="gen">' . $title . '</span></b></td>
</tr>' . $preview . '<tr>
	<td class="row1"><span class="gen">' . _SUBJECT . '</span></td>
	<td class="row2"><input type="text" name="subject" size="50" maxlength="255" value="' . htmlprepare($subject) . '" /></td>
	<td class="row1"><span class="gen">' . _CONTENT . '</span></td>
	<td class="row2">' . $wysiwyg->getHTML() . '</td>
Пример #2
        $CPG_SESS['submit_story'] = false;
        list($waiting) = $db->sql_ufetchrow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$prefix}_queue", SQL_NUM);
        cpg_error(_SUBTEXT . '<br />' . _WEHAVESUB . ' <strong>' . $waiting . '</strong> ' . _WAITING, _Submit_NewsLANG, URL::index('&file=submit'));
    } else {
        $CPG_SESS['submit_story'] = true;
        $story = isset($_POST['story']) ? $_POST['story'] : false;
        $storyext = isset($_POST['storyext']) ? $_POST['storyext'] : false;
        $subject = isset($_POST['subject']) ? htmlprepare($_POST['subject']) : false;
        $topic = isset($_POST['topic']) ? intval($_POST['topic']) : 0;
        $alanguage = isset($_POST['alanguage']) ? $_POST['alanguage'] : '';
        require_once BASEDIR . 'includes/wysiwyg/wysiwyg.inc';
        $story_editor = new Wysiwyg('submitnews', 'story', '100%', '200px', $story);
        $storyext_editor = new Wysiwyg('submitnews', 'storyext', '100%', '300px', $storyext);
        require_once 'header.php';
        if ($story) {
            $f_story = decode_bb_all(encode_bbcode($story), 1, true);
            $f_storyext = decode_bb_all(encode_bbcode($storyext), 1, true);
            if ($topic < 1) {
                $topicimage = 'AllTopics.gif';
                $warning = '<div style="text-align:center;" class="option">' . _SELECTTOPIC . '</div>';
            } else {
                $warning = '';
                $result = $db->sql_query('SELECT topicimage, topictext FROM ' . $prefix . "_topics WHERE topicid='{$topic}'");
                list($topicimage, $topictext) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
            echo '<div style="text-align:center;" class="gen"><b>' . _NEWSUBPREVIEW . '</b></div><br />
		<div style="text-align:center;">' . _CHECKSTORY . '</div><br />