Пример #1
function get_pay_url($charge_type, $pay_amount, $payment_config, $subject, $order_id, $model_id = null, $obj_id = null, $service = null, $sign_type = 'MD5', $show_url = 'index.php?do=user&view=finance&op=details')
    global $_K, $uid, $username;
    $charge_type == 'order_charge' and $t = "订单充值" or $t = "余额充值";
    $body = $t . "(from:" . $username . ")";
    $notify = new NativePay();
    $WxPayCfg = new WxPayCfg();
    $Out_trade_no = $WxPayCfg->_mchid . date("YmdHis");
    $attach = "charge-{$charge_type}-{$uid}-{$obj_id}-{$order_id}-{$model_id}-" . time();
    $input = new WxPayUnifiedOrder();
    $input->SetTotal_fee($pay_amount * 100);
    $input->SetTime_expire(date("YmdHis", time() + 600));
    $input->SetNotify_url(BASE_WXPAY_URL . "notify.php");
    $result = $notify->GetPayUrl($input);
    $url2 = $result["code_url"];
    keke_order_class::create_order_charge('online_charge', 'wxpay', null, $obj_id, $uid, $username, $pay_amount, 'wait', '用户充值', $Out_trade_no, null, $attach);
    $baseUrl = urlencode($url2);
    $data = array();
    $data['url'] = BASE_WXPAY_URL . "qrcode.php?data=" . $baseUrl;
    $data['out_trade_no'] = $Out_trade_no;
    return $data;
Пример #2
  * 生成微信支付二维码
 public static function qrcode($product_id, $body, $total_fee, $attach = '', $detail = '', $goods_tag = '')
     // 处理金额
     if (ENV_SCENE == 'dev') {
         $total_fee = 0.01;
     $total_fee *= 100;
     $notify = new NativePay();
      * 流程:
      * 1、调用统一下单,取得code_url,生成二维码
      * 2、用户扫描二维码,进行支付
      * 3、支付完成之后,微信服务器会通知支付成功
      * 4、在支付成功通知中需要查单确认是否真正支付成功(见:notify.php)
     $input = new WxPayUnifiedOrder();
     if (!empty($detail)) {
     $input->SetOut_trade_no(WxPayConfig::$APPID . substr($product_id, 1));
     $input->SetTime_expire(date("YmdHis", time() + 600));
     if (!empty($goods_tag)) {
     $result = $notify->GetPayUrl($input);
     return $result["code_url"];
Пример #3
 public function preOrder($param)
     $order = new WxPayUnifiedOrder();
     $order->SetTotal_fee($param['total_fee'] * 100);
     $re = WxPayApi::unifiedOrder($order);
     if ($re['result_code'] == 'FAIL') {
         throw new Exception("微信 preorder 错误-" . $re['err_code_des'], 9001);
     if ($re['return_code'] == 'FAIL') {
         throw new Exception("微信 preorder 错误-" . $re['return_msg'], 9001);
     return $re;
Пример #4
 public function unifiedOrder($cart, $reference)
     $total = (double) $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH);
     $total = (int) ($total * 100);
     $detail = '';
     $nbProducts = $cart->nbProducts();
     if ($nbProducts > 1) {
         $detail = $this->module->l('Cart') . ' ' . $nbProducts . ' ' . $this->module->l('Products');
     } else {
         $products = $cart->getProducts();
         $detail = $products[0]['name'];
     $time_start = date("YmdHis");
     $time_expire = date("YmdHis", time() + WXP_TIMEOUT);
     if (WXP_TIMEZONE != Configuration::get('PS_TIMEZONE')) {
         $china_timezone = new DateTimeZone(WXP_TIMEZONE);
         $system_timezone = new DateTimeZone(Configuration::get('PS_TIMEZONE'));
         $start = new DateTime($time_start, $system_timezone);
         $time_start = $start->format("YmdHis");
         $expire = new DateTime($time_expire, $system_timezone);
         $time_expire = $expire->format("YmdHis");
     $notify = new NativePay();
     $input = new WxPayUnifiedOrder();
     $result = $notify->getPayUrl($input);
     if (isset($result["code_url"])) {
         return $result["code_url"];
     return false;
 function getWXURI($order_id)
     $WxCfg = $this->getWXCfg();
     $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
     $total = $order->get_total();
     $totalFee = (int) ($total * 100);
     $input = new WxPayUnifiedOrder();
     $input->SetBody("Shop Name: " . get_option('blogname'));
     if (!in_array($this->current_currency, array('RMB', 'CNY'))) {
         $totalFee = round($totalFee * $this->exchange_rate, 2);
     $date = new DateTime();
     $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('Asia/Shanghai'));
     $startTime = $date->format('YmdHis');
     $expiredTime = $startTime + 600;
     $result = WxPayApi::unifiedOrder($input, 6, $WxCfg);
     Log::DEBUG('Response of WxPayApi::unifiedOrder:' . print_r($result, true));
     return $result["code_url"];
Пример #6
  * 统一下单接口
  * @param array $order 站内订单数组
  * @param string $openId openid
  * @return string
 public static function unifiedOrder(array $order, $openId = '')
     if (empty($order)) {
         return '';
     include_once WXPAY_SDK_ROOT . "unit/WxPay.JsApiPay.php";
     $tools = new JsApiPay();
     if (empty($openId)) {
         $openId = $tools->GetOpenid();
     $wx_order_body = '女神送花(' . $order['player_id'] . '号)';
     $order_detail = ($order['goods_type'] == 'flower' ? "送花(" : "送吻(") . $order['goods_amount'] . ")";
     if (!empty($order['order_goods'])) {
       foreach ($order['order_goods'] As $g) {
         $order_detail .= $g['goods_name'].'('.$g['goods_price'].'x'.$g['goods_number'].")\n";
         if (''==$wx_order_body) {
           $wx_order_body = mb_truncate($g['goods_name'], 27);
       $order_detail = rtrim($order_detail,"\n");
     if (1 || empty($order['pay_data1'])) {
         if ('' == $wx_order_body) {
             $wx_order_body = '微信支付商品';
         $now = time();
         $input = new WxPayUnifiedOrder();
         $input->SetTotal_fee(intval($order['order_amount'] * 100));
         $input->SetTime_start(date('YmdHis', $now));
         $input->SetTime_expire(date('YmdHis', $now + 60 * 15));
         $order_wx = WxPayApi::unifiedOrder($input);
         //trace_debug('wxpay_order_wx', $order_wx);
         if ('SUCCESS' == $order_wx['return_code'] && 'SUCCESS' == $order_wx['result_code']) {
             $wxpay_data = ['appid' => $order_wx['appid'], 'mch_id' => $order_wx['mch_id'], 'trade_type' => $order_wx['trade_type'], 'prepay_id' => $order_wx['prepay_id']];
             if (isset($order_wx['code_url'])) {
                 $wxpay_data['code_url'] = $order_wx['code_url'];
             Goods::orderUpdate(['pay_data1' => json_encode($wxpay_data)], $order['order_id']);
     } else {
         $order_wx = json_decode($order['pay_data1'], true);
     $jsApiParameters = $tools->GetJsApiParameters($order_wx);
     return $jsApiParameters;