public function actionSave() { $model = new UserAR(); $model->email = $_POST['email']; $model->password = $model->hashPassword($_POST['password']); $model->sex = iconv("utf-8", "gbk", $_POST['sex']); $model->birthday = $_POST['year'] . "-" . $_POST['month'] . "-" . $_POST['day']; $model->height = $_POST['height']; $model->location = iconv("utf-8", "gbk", $_POST['address']); $model->user_name = iconv("utf-8", "gbk", $_POST['name']); $model->insert(); $this->redirect(Yii::app()->user->returnUrl); }
/** * Logs in the user using the given username and password in the model. * @return boolean whether login is successful */ public function change() { $user = UserAR::model()->find('ID=:id', array(':id' => Yii::app()->user->getId())); if ($user->verifyPassword($user->Login, $this->oldpassword, $user->Password)) { $user->Password = $user->hashPassword($user->Login, $this->password); //$user->Password = CPasswordHelper::hashPassword($user->Login.'@'.$this->password); $user->save(); return true; } else { $this->addError('oldpassword', "Старый пароль указан неверно"); //$this->message = "Старый пароль указан неверно"; return false; } }
/** * Authenticates a user. * @return boolean whether authentication succeeds. */ public function authenticate() { $user = UserAR::model()->find('LOWER(user_name)=?', array(strtolower($this->username))); if ($user === null) { $user = UserAR::model()->find('LOWER(email)=?', array(strtolower($this->username))); } if ($user === null) { $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_USERNAME_INVALID; } else { if (!$user->validatePassword($this->password)) { $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_PASSWORD_INVALID; } else { $this->_id = $user->user_id; $this->username = $user->user_name; $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NONE; } } return $this->errorCode == self::ERROR_NONE; }
/** * Authenticates a user. * The example implementation makes sure if the username and password * are both 'demo'. * In practical applications, this should be changed to authenticate * against some persistent user identity storage (e.g. database). * @return boolean whether authentication succeeds. */ public function authenticate() { $user = UserAR::model()->find('Login=:login', array(':login' => $this->username)); if (empty($user)) { //Yii::app()->user->getId(); //echo(Yii::app()->db->last_query()); //die("wrong name"); $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_USERNAME_INVALID; } else { if (!$user->verifyPassword($this->username, $this->password, $user->Password)) { $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_PASSWORD_INVALID; } else { $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NONE; $this->_id = $user->ID; $user->LastVisitDate = $user->CurrentVisitDate; $this->setState('isAdmin', $user->IsAdmin); $user->CurrentVisitDate = new CDbExpression('NOW()'); $user->save(); //$this->setState("Admin","true"); } } return !$this->errorCode; }
public function actionIndex($uid = 0) { $is_self = 0; $user_id = $uid; if (empty($uid)) { $user_id = Yii::app()->user->id; $is_self = 1; } //基本信息 $user_base_info = UserAR::model()->findByPk($user_id); if (empty($user_base_info)) { echo "no user"; exit; } $this->assign('is_self', $is_self); $user_base_info->sex = $user_base_info->sex ? '男' : '女'; $this->assign('user', $user_base_info); //more info 带外键的 $user_more_info = UserInfoAR::model()->findByPk($user_id); $this->assign('user_more', $user_more_info); $this->use_view(); $this->display(); }
public function actionView() { $user = UserAR::model()->find('ID=:id', array(':id' => $_GET['ID'])); $this->render('view', array('model' => $user)); }
/** * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked * when an action is not explicitly requested by users. * * This is the action to handle external exceptions. */ public function actionIndex() { $user = UserAR::model()->find('ID=:id', array(':id' => Yii::app()->user->getId())); $this->render('index', array('model' => $user)); }