Пример #1
  * Adds a new entry to the Trie
  * If the specified node already exists, then its value will be overwritten
  * @param   mixed   $key     Key for this node entry
  * @param   mixed   $value   Data Value for this node entry
  * @return  null
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the provided key argument is empty
  * @TODO Option to handle multiple values with the same key, perhaps a flag indicating overwrite or
  *          allow duplicate entries
 public function add($key, $value = null)
     if ($key > '') {
         $data = new TrieEntry($value, $key);
         do {
             parent::add($key, $data);
             $key = substr($key, 1);
         } while ($key > '');
     } else {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Key value must not be empty');
Пример #2
 * Makes a trie that can be used to make word suggestions as someone enters
 * terms into the Yioop! search box. Outputs the result into the file
 * suggest_trie.txt.gz in the supplied locale dir
 * @param string $dict_file where the word list is stored, one word per line
 * @param string $locale which locale to write the suggest file to
 * @param string $end_marker used to indicate end of word in the trie
function makeSuggestTrie($dict_file, $locale, $end_marker)
    $out_file = LOCALE_DIR . "/{$locale}/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz";
    // Read and load dictionary and stop word files
    $words = fileWithTrim($dict_file);
    $trie = new Trie($end_marker);
    /** Ignore the words in the following cases. If the word
     *  - contains punctuation
     *  - is less than 3 characters
     *  - is a stop word
    foreach ($words as $word) {
        if (mb_ereg_match("\\p{P}", $word) == 0 && mb_strlen($word) > 2) {
    $output = array();
    $output["trie_array"] = $trie->trie_array;
    $output["end_marker"] = $trie->end_marker;
    file_put_contents($out_file, gzencode(json_encode($output), 9));
Пример #3

include 'Trie.php';
$trie = new Trie();
$words = array("Intro Asian American Studies", "US Citizenship Comparatively", "Asian American Literature", "Hinduism in the United States", "Asian Families in America", "Race and Cultural Diversity", "War, Memory, and Cinema", "Intermed Topics Asian Am St", "Asian American Education", "Race, Medicine, and Society", "Adv Topics in Asian Am Studies", "Intro Agric & Biological Engrg", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "ABE Principles: Machine Syst", "ABE Principles: Soil & Water", "Transport Processes in ABE", "Off-Road Machine Design", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Project Management", "Applied Statistical Methods I", "Drainage and Water Management", "Electrohydraulic Systems", "Engineering Off-Road Vehicles", "Indoor Air Quality Engineering", "Package Engineering", "Bioprocessing Biomass for Fuel", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Graduate Seminar", "Independent Study", "Thesis Research", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Fundamentals of Accounting", "Accounting and Accountancy I", "Accounting and Accountancy II", "Prof Internship in Accountancy", "Atg Measurement & Disclosure", "Decision Making for Atg", "Atg Institutions and Reg", "Accounting Control Systems", "Principles of Taxation", "Principles of Public Policy", "Database Design and Management", "Info Sys Analysis and Design", "Practical Problems in Atg", "Assurance and Attestation", "Advanced Financial Reporting", "Auditing Stds and Practice", "Advanced Income Tax Problems", "Senior Research", "Atg Measuremnt, Rpting & Cntrl", "Accounting Analysis II", "Managerial Accounting", "Auditing", "Federal Taxation", "Financial Reporting Standards", "Risk Measurement/Reporting I", "Risk Measurement/Reporting II", "Auditing & Assurance Standards", "Financial Statement Analysis", "Corporate Income Taxation", "Partnership Income Taxation", "International Taxation", "Tax Research", "Taxation of Closely-Held Bus.", "Constructs in Atg Research", "Intro to ACCY Research", "Special Research Problems", "Thesis Research", "Agr Cons and Resource Econ", "Microcomputer Applications", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Environmental Economics", "Agricultural Marketing", "Personal Financial Planning", "The World Food Economy", "Econ of US Rural Poverty & Dev", "Applied Statistical Methods", "Off-Campus Internship", "On-Campus Internship", "Independent Study", "Food Law", "Principles of Public Policy", "Issues&Careers in Applied Econ", "Finan Decision Indiv Sm Bus", "Tax Policy and Finan Planning", "Honors Research or Thesis", "Seminar", "Environment and Development", "Commodity Price Analysis", "Commodity Futures and Options", "Farm Management", "Global Agribusiness Management", "Finan Serv & Invest Plan", "Case Stud Agr Accy & Fin Plan", "Econ Dev of Tropical Africa", "Intl Trade in Food and Agr", "Consumer Economic Policy", "Practicum", "Seminar", "Applied Economic Theory", "Risk and Info: Theory and App", "Adv Natural Resource Economics", "Food Commodity Markets", "Applied Regression Models I", "Applied Regression Models II", "Career Development for PhDs", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Seminars and Workshops", "Thesis Research", "Contemporary Issues in ACES", "History of Ag in IL Since 1860", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "ACES Transfer Orientation", "International Internship", "International Experience", "ACES Study Abroad", "Bioenergy Systems", "Advanced Bioenergy Systems", "Introduction to Advertising", "Undergraduate Seminar", "Advertising Research Methods", "Content, Contact, Connections", "Consumer Insight", "Intro to Public Relations", "Advertising History", "Writing for Public Relations", "Content Creation", "Advertising and Society", "Advertising Study Abroad", "Special Problems", "Media Entrepreneurship", "Advanced Public Relations", "Creative Concepts I", "Innovation in Advertising", "Psychology of Advertising", "Audience Analysis", "Special Topics in Advertising", "Internship Seminar", "UG Research Project", "Colloquium in Advertising", "The Sandage Project", "Media Entrepreneurship", "Foundations of Advertising", "Advertising Theory", "Qualitative Rsrch in Advert", "Graduate Seminar I", "Special Topics in Advertising", "Advanced Topics in Advertising", "Proseminar in Advertising", "Professional Project", "Thesis Research", "Intro to Aerospace Engineering", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Aerospace Flight Mechanics", "Special Topics", "Incompressible Flow", "Mechs of Aerospace Structures", "Aerospace Dynamical Systems", "Honors Project", "Honors Seminar", "Independent Study", "Orbital Mechanics", "Viscous Flow & Heat Transfer", "Applied Aerodynamics", "Finite Element Analysis", "Mechanics of Composites", "Aerospace Propulsion", "Aerospace Systems Design I", "Aeroelasticity", "Systems Dynamics & Control", "Global Nav Satellite Systems", "Aerodynamics & Propulsion Lab", "Introduction to Robotics", "Aerospace Decision Algorithms", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Optimal Aerospace Systems", "Advanced Gas Dynamics", "Fracture and Fatigue", "Nanoscale Contact Mechanics", "Viscoelasticity Theory", "Aerospace Syst Engineering I", "Robust Control", "Seminar", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Leadership Laboratory", "Found of the US Air Force I", "Evolution Air & Space Power I", "USAF Leadership Studies I", "Nat Sec Afrs/Prep Actv Duty I", "Intro to African American St", "Black America, 1619-Present", "Hist Arch Americas", "Stress and Health in Urban Communities", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Intro African American Theat", "US Citizenship Comparatively", "Black Women Contemp US Society", "Afro-American Literature I", "Spec Topics African-Am Studies", "Race and Cultural Diversity", "Psychology of Race & Ethnicity", "African Amer Families in Film", "Spec Topics Afro-Am Studies", "Racial and Ethnic Families", "Urban Communities & Public Pol", "Immersion Journalism", "Spec Topics African Am Studies", "Problems African American Hist", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Intro to Mod African Lit", "Elementary Swahili I", "Elementary Zulu I", "African Film and Society", "Topics Swahili Lang & Lit I", "Intermediate Swahili I", "Advanced Swahili I", "Egypt Since World War I", "Intermediate Wolof I", "Kinship-Culture-Power-Africa", "Independent Study", "Problems in African History", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Intro to Ag and Env Comm", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Communicating Agriculture", "Communications Internship", "Research Internship", "Independent Study or Research", "Honors Research or Thesis", "Comm in Env Social Movements", "Intro to Ag & Leadership Ed", "Prog Del in Ag & Leadership Ed", "Leadership Communications", "Intro to Leadership Studies", "Training Needs Assessment", "Ag Leadership Internship", "Independent Study or Research", "Leadership Ethics & Pluralism", "Early Field Experience", "Leadership in Groups and Teams", "Honors Research or Thesis", "Foundations of Ag & Extn Ed", "Curr Design & Instruction", "Teaching Strategies in AGED", "Youth Development Programs", "Collaborative Leadership", "Seminar", "Independent Study", "Thesis Research", "Freshmen Scholars Seminar", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "AHS Study Abroad", "Civic Engagement in Wellness", "Comm Partners & Health", "Advanced Open Seminar", "Intro to Amer Indian Studies", "Lang & Culture Native North Am", "Native American History", "Indigenous Thinkers", "Independent Study", "US Citizenship Comparatively", "Adv Topics in Am Ind Studies", "Readings in Am Ind Studies", "Problems in Indigenous Studies", "Intro to Animal Sciences", "Working With Farm Animals", "Life With Animals and Biotech", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Principles of Dairy Production", "Horse Management", "Companion Animal Biology &Care", "Meat Technology", "Cells, Metabolism and Genetics", "Anatomy and Physiology", "Companion Animals in Society", "Undergraduate Seminar", "Human Animal Interactions", "Companion Animal Management", "Meat Production and Marketing", "Meat Selection and Grading", "Advanced Livestock Evaluation", "Horse Appraisal", "Adv Dairy Cattle Evaluation", "Livestock Feeds and Feeding", "Cellular Metabolism in Animals", "Companion Animal Policy", "UG Experiential Learning", "Beef Production", "Ruminant Nutrition", "Advanced Reproductive Biology", "Adv Reproductive Management", "Applied Statistical Methods I", "Biological Modeling", "Animal Growth and Development", "Applied Animal Ecology", "ANSC Leaders & Entrepreneurs", "Integrating Animal Sciences", "Seminar", "Techniques in Animal Nutrition", "Nonruminant Nutrition Concepts", "Topics in Nutrition Research", "Repro Physiology Lab Methods", "Animal Sciences Seminar", "Adv Topics in Animal Science", "Res Studies in Animal Sciences", "Thesis Research", "Introduction to Anthropology", "Anthro in a Changing World", "Talking Culture", "Hist Arch Americas", "Religion & Society in West I", "Biology of Human Behavior", "The Archaeology of Illinois", "Contemporary Social Issues", "Lang & Culture Native North Am", "The Archaeology of Death", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Families in Global Perspective", "Introduction to Archaeology", "Women in Prehistory", "Sociocultural Anthropology", "Human Variation and Race", "Sociality of the Great Apes", "Forensic Science", "Women's Lives", "African Film and Society", "Ancient Cities, Sacred Land", "Evolution and Human Health", "Topics in Lang & Culture", "Culture & Psychology", "Individual Study", "Honors Individual Study", "Special Topics", "Contemporary Central America", "Methods of Cultural Anth", "Primate Form and Behavior", "Methods in Bioanthropology", "Research in Bioanthropology", "The Prehistory of Africa", "Landscape Archaeology", "Archaeological Field School", "Lab Analysis in Archaeology", "Human Osteology", "The Ancient Maya", "Heritage Management", "Kinship-Culture-Power-Africa", "Race, Medicine, and Society", "Honors Senior Thesis", "Individual Field Research", "Individual Field Data Analysis", "Topics in Anthropology", "Seminar on States & Governance", "Seminar in Cognitive Science", "Seminar in Anthropology", "Language in Culture II", "Seminar in Bioanthropology", "Readings in Anthropology", "Dissertation Readings", "Thesis Research", "Lang&Culture of Arab World", "Elementary Standard Arabic I", "Colloquial Arabic I", "Intermediate Stand Arabic I", "Advanced Standard Arabic I", "Topics Stand Arabic Lang&Lit I", "Adv Top Stand Arabic LangLit I", "Introduction to Architecture", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Anatomy of Buildings", "Graphics for Architects", "Environment Tech HVAC", "Environment Tech Ltg & Acoust", "Statics & Dynamics", "Arch Design and the Landscape", "Senior Honors in Architecture", "Independent Study", "Rome: The Eternal City", "Special Topics in Spanish Arch", "Ancient Egyptian & Greek Arch", "Ancient Roman Architecture", "Medieval Architecture", "Twentieth-Century Architecture", "Soc/Beh Factors for Design", "Gender & Race in Contemp Arch", "Theory & Design Steel & Timber", "Overseas Architectural Studies", "Fundamentals of Arch Design", "Arch Design & Development", "Special Topics in Contemporary Architecture", "Arch Professional Internship", "Directed Research in Arch", "Off-Campus Study", "Structural Planning", "Recording Historic Buildings", "Conserv of Building Materials", "Bldg Sys & Design Integration", "Structural Analysis", "Adv Steel Design", "Structural Masonry Design", "Advanced Structural Analysis", "Design:Detail & Architectonics", "Design: Behavior & Environment", "Design:Technology &Performance", "Design:Arch/Urban&Preservation", "Architectural Design Seminar", "Theory of Architecture", "PhD Colloquium", "Directed Research", "Spec Prob Arch Hist & Pres", "Spec Prob Arch Practice & Mgt", "Spec Prob Building Sci & Tech", "Spec Prob Struct Theory & Des", "Spec Prob Arch Design", "Thesis Research", "Understanding Visual Culture", "Drawing for Non-Majors", "Painting for Non-Majors", "Sculpture for Non-Majors", "Visual Design for Non-Majors", "Introduction to Art", "Introduction to Drawing", "Black & White Film Photography", "Digital Photography Seminar", "Digital Video", "Unit One Studio/Seminar", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Art in Early Childhood", "Art in the Elementary Grades", "Exploring Visual Culture", "Special Topics in Art", "Design Thinking", "Writing with Video", "Industrial Design I", "Chado (The Way of Tea)", "Introduction to Typography", "Introduction to Graphic Design", "Design Drawing", "User-oriented Collab Design", "Basic Photography", "View Camera", "Digital Photographic Output", "Spec Topics in Design Courses", "Industrial Design III", "Intermediate Graphic Design I", "Digital Interaction", "Human-Centered Product Design", "Photography III", "Photography Workshop", "RAW Photography", "Special Problems in Design", "Internship in Design", "Industrial Design V", "Advanced Graphic Design I", "Ninth Letter", "Product Innovation", "Advanced Photography", "Senior Honors", "Industrial Design I", "Industrial Design III", "Industrial Design V", "Special Problems in Design", "Design Laboratory", "Industrial Design Thesis", "Methods of Teaching Art", "Everyday Arts Lab", "Practicum Teaching Experience", "Public School Art Programs", "Creative Dance for Children", "Independent Study", "Teaching Seminar", "Art Exhibition Practices", "Senior Honors", "Issues in Art Education", "Professional Teaching Seminar", "Independent Graduate Studies", "Thesis Research", "Contemporary Issues in Art", "Drawing I", "Design I", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Introduction to African Art", "Sustainable Design", "Documenting Inequality", "Development of Ancient Cities", "Baroque Art", "20thCen European Art 1880-1940", "History of Photography", "Graffiti and Murals", "Individual Art History Topics", "Junior Seminar in Art History", "Ways of Seeing in Edo Japan", "Sixteenth-Century Italian Art", "Senior Art-History Honors-BA", "Senior Art-History Honors-BFA", "Topics in Art History", "Senior Seminar in Art History", "Studies in Medieval Art", "Seminar in Art 1750 to 1900", "Seminar in Modern Art", "Individual Readings", "Theory and Methodology", "Thesis Research", "Ceramics Sculpture I", "Jewelry/Metals I", "Life Drawing", "Painting I", "Making and Meaning", "Sculpture I", "Spec Topics in Studio Art", "Jewelry Metals III", "Jewelry Metals IV", "Metal Technology", "Enamelling", "Image Practice", "Time Arts I", "Interaction I", "Intermediate Studio I", "Independent Study", "Advanced Ceramics Sculpture", "Ceramics", "Jewelry Metals V", "Time Arts II", "Advanced Studio I", "Advanced Sculpture", "Senior Honors", "Special Topics in Studio Art", "Graduate Studio", "Seminar: Methods Criticism", "Graduate Laboratory", "Asian Mythology", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Gov & Pol of Middle East", "Individual Study", "Individual Study and Research", "Introduction to Astronomy", "The Solar System", "Stars and Galaxies", "The Solar System Lab", "Stars and Galaxies Lab", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Introduction to Astrophysics", "Individual Study", "Scientific Writing for Astro", "Stellar Astrophysics", "Galaxies and the Universe", "Astrochemistry", "Senior Thesis", "Seminar in Astronomy", "Astronomy Laboratory", "Astrophysical Dynamics", "Star Formation", "General Relativity I", "Astrophysics", "Individual Study", "Seminar in Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Introduction to Meteorology", "Severe and Hazardous Weather", "Climate and Global Change", "General Physical Meteorology", "Atmospheric Thermodynamics", "Atmospheric Dynamics I", "Synoptic-Dynamic Wea Analysis", "Computing and Data Analysis", "Air Pollution to Global Change", "Topics in Atmospheric Sciences", "Applied Meteorology", "Atmospheric Chemistry", "Earth Systems Modeling", "Air Quality Modeling", "Climate & Social Vulnerability", "Biogeochemical Cycles", "Individual Study", "Adv Topics in Atmospheric Sci", "Capstone Undergrad Research", "Dynamic Meteorology", "Physical Meteorology", "Professional Development", "Individual Study", "Atmospheric Sciences Seminar", "Non-Thesis Research", "Thesis Research", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Business Location Decisions", "Technology & Mgmt Seminar", "The Legal Environment of Bus", "Principles of Public Policy", "Mgmt and Organizational Beh", "Individual Behavior in Orgs", "Org Design and Environment", "Human Resource Management", "Principles of Marketing", "Principles of Retailing", "Marketing Research", "Consumer Behavior", "New Product Development", "Supply Chain Management Basics", "Modeling the Supply Chain", "Ethical Dilemmas of Business", "IT for Networked Organizations", "E-Business Management", "Database Design and Management", "Info Sys Analysis and Design", "New Product Marketing", "Mgmt of Innov and Technology", "Management Decision Models", "Business Process Management", "Project Management", "Logistics Management", "International Business", "Multinational Management", "International Marketing", "Senior Research I", "Senior Research II", "Advanced Marketing Management", "Small Business Consulting", "Entrepreneurship Sm Bus Form", "Business Policy and Strategy", "Decision Support Systems", "IT Governance", "Business Process Modeling", "Classics in Business Admin", "Phil of Science and Bus Admin", "Leadership and Teams", "Managing Organizations", "Founds of Organizational Behav", "HR Management and Strategy", "Managing Innovation", "Marketing Management", "Marketing Strategy", "New Product Development", "Sust Products for Subsistence", "Strategic Management", "Found of Strategy Research", "Info Sys Development and Mgt", "Enterprise IT Governance", "Supply Chain Management", "Process Management", "Stat for Mgt Decision Making", "Multinational Management", "Intl Comparative Management", "Seminar in Business Admin", "Proseminar in Business Admin", "Research in Special Fields", "Independent Study and Research", "Business Fundamentals", "Dissertation Research", "Basic Serbian or Croatian I", "South Slavic Cultures", "2nd Year Serbian & Croatian I", "Third-Year Serbian/Croatian I", "Biochemistry Orientation", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Individual Topics", "Physical Chemistry Principles", "Biochemistry Senior Seminar", "Senior Thesis", "Anlys Biochemical Literature", "Individual Topics", "Biochemistry Seminar", "Thesis Research", "Introduction to Bioengineering", "Special Topics", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Conservation Principles Bioeng", "Cell & Tissue Engineering Lab", "Cellular Bioengineering", "Individual Study", "Special Topics", "Biofabrication Lab", "Biomedical Imaging", "Individual Study", "Biomedical Instrumentation", "Biomedical Instrumentation Lab", "Intro Bio Control Systems", "Senior Design I", "Cellular Biomechanics", "Tissue Engineering", "Cancer Nanotechnology", "Whole-Body Musculoskel Biomech", "Musculoskel Tissue Mechanics", "Individual Study", "Special Topics", "Graduate Seminar", "Seminar Discussion", "Analytical Methods in Bioeng", "Computational Bioengineering", "Bioinstrumentation Seminar", "Biological Measurement I", "Biomedical Systems Engineering", "Individual Study", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Introduction to Biophysics", "Photosynthesis", "Lab Rotation I", "Lab Rotation II", "Lab Rotation III", "Special Topics in Biophysics", "Individual Topics", "Biophysics Seminars", "Thesis Research", "Principles Bus Comm", "Principles Tech Comm", "Writing in the Disciplines", "Persuasive Writing", "Individual Study", "Descriptive English Grammar", "Special Topics Prof Writing", "Business Prof Responsibility", "Business Honors Seminar", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "BUS Internship", "Business Study Abroad", "Advanced Study: Special Topics", "Intensive Catalan Language", "Independent Research", "Basic Toxicology", "Repro Physiology Lab Methods", "Ecotoxicology North Hemisphere", "Seminar", "Special Problems", "Interdisciplinary Tox Sem", "Thesis Research", "Special Problems", "Individual Topics", "Graduate Sem Cell Devel Biol", "Thesis Research", "About Civil Engineering", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Systems Engrg & Economics", "Engineering Risk & Uncertainty", "Behavior of Materials", "Transportation Engineering", "Construction Engineering", "Environmental Engineering", "Energy and Global Environment", "Water Resources Engineering", "Structural Engineering", "Geotechnical Engineering", "Special Topics", "Concrete Materials", "Asphalt Materials I", "Pavement Design I", "Railroad Transportation Engrg", "Railroad Track Engineering", "Traffic Capacity Analysis", "Construction Planning", "Environmental Systems I", "Water Quality Engineering", "Env Eng Principles, Physical", "Env Eng Principles, Chemical", "Air Quality Modeling", "Air Quality Engineering", "Atmospheric Chemistry", "Surface Hydrology", "Environmental Fluid Mechanics", "Groundwater", "Steel Structures I", "Reinforced Concrete I", "Reinforced Concrete II", "Design of Structural Systems", "Structural Analysis", "Structural Mechanics", "Structural Dynamics I", "Soil Mechanics and Behavior", "Professional Practice", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Repair of Civil Infrastructure", "Pavement Evaluation and Rehab", "Construction Case Studies", "Water Quality Control Proc I", "Sediment Transport", "Steel Structures III", "Fracture and Fatigue", "Nonlinear Finite Elements", "Earth Dams", "Deep Foundations", "Geotechnical Field Measurement", "Seminar", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Cooperative Education Planning", "Cooperative Education Practice", "CHBE Internship", "Principles of CHE", "Individual Study Sophomores", "Thermodynamics", "Individual Study for Juniors", "Momentum and Heat Transfer", "Mass Transfer Operations", "Chemical Reaction Engineering", "Unit Operations Laboratory", "Process Design", "Process Control and Dynamics", "Microelectronics Processing", "Biomolecular Engineering", "Tissue Engineering", "Special Topics", "Individual Study for Seniors", "Senior Thesis", "Applied Mathematics in CHBE", "CHBE Seminar", "Individual Study", "Special Topics", "Special Problems", "Research Seminar", "Thesis Research", "Introductory Chemistry", "General Chemistry I", "General Chemistry Lab I", "General Chemistry II", "General Chemistry Lab II", "Individual Study Freshman", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Accelerated Chemistry I", "Accelerated Chemistry Lab I", "Quantitative Analysis Lecture", "Quantitative Analysis Lab", "Elementary Organic Chemistry I", "Elementary Organic Chem Lab I", "Fundamental Organic Chem I", "Structure and Synthesis", "Cooperative Education Planning", "Cooperative Education Practice", "Chemistry Internship", "Individual Study Sophomore", "Inorganic Chemistry", "Instrumental Chem Systems Lab", "Inorganic Chemistry Lab", "Elementary Organic Chem II", "Individual Study Junior", "Instrumental Characterization", "Physical Chemistry Principles", "Physical Chemistry I", "Physical Chemistry II", "Physical Principles Lab I", "Physical Principles Lab II", "Astrochemistry", "Drug Discovery & Development", "Polymer Chemistry", "Surfaces and Colloids", "Special Topics in Chemistry", "Lab Safety Fundamentals", "Teaching Secondary Chemistry", "Individual Study Senior", "Senior Thesis", "Advanced Inorganic Chemistry", "Inorganic Chemistry Seminar", "Advanced Inorganic Chem Lab", "Advanced Analytical Chemistry", "Analytical Chemistry Seminar", "Physical Organic Chemistry", "Advanced Organic Synthesis", "Organic Chemistry Seminar", "Quantum Mechanics", "Statistical Thermodynamics", "Physical Chemistry Seminar", "Concepts in Chemical Biology", "Chemical Biology Seminar", "Introduction to Materials Chem", "Materials Chemistry Seminar", "Special Topics in Chemistry", "Preparing Graduate Fellowships", "Thesis Research", "Elementary Chinese I", "Intermediate Chinese I", "Elementary Spoken Mandarin I", "Chinese Reading and Writing", "Advanced Chinese I", "Intro to Classical Chinese", "Fourth-Year Chinese I", "Intro to Comm Lang Tchg", "Readings in Chinese Lit", "Contemporary Health", "Introduction to Public Health", "Orientation KIN & Comm Health", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Mental Health", "Human Sexuality", "Community Health Organizations", "Drug Use and Abuse", "Health Statistics", "Health Care Systems", "Introduction to Medical Ethics", "Introduction to Epidemiology", "Foundations of Health Behavior", "Disability in American Society", "Civic Engagement in Wellness", "Orientation to Internship", "Honors", "Special Projects", "Gerontology", "Public Health Practice", "International Health", "Health Data Analysis", "Research Techniques", "Exercise & Health Psychology", "Health Services Financing", "Organization of Health Care", "Health Planning", "Health Administration", "Social Marketing Health&Behav", "Principles of Epidemiology", "Community Health Internship", "Health Behavior: Theory", "Teaching in the Professoriate", "Biostatistics in Public Health", "Chronic Disease Prevention", "Landscapes and Human Health", "MPH Practicum", "Public Health Capstone Expnce", "Seminar", "Special Projects", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Interdisciplinary Seminar", "Interdisciplinary Seminar ACP", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Content Area App of Educ Tech", "Independent Study", "Intro Tchg in a Diverse Societ", "Tchg Diverse High School Stu", "Intro Tchg Elem Age Children", "Thry Prac in Elem Schl Tch I", "Lang Varieties,Cult,& Learning", "Prin & Prac in Early Childhood", "Families, Communities, Schools", "Teaching Children Mathematics", "Invest Approach Elem Math Inst", "Found of Bilingual Educ", "Culture in the Classroom", "Iss Prac in Address Diversity", "Tchg Elem Social Studies", "Tchg Elem Science I", "Tchg Elem Science II", "Children's Lit for EC Edu", "Tchg Reading in Grades 4-12", "Teach Elem Rdg & Lang Arts I", "Learning Technologies", "Assessing Student Performance", "Issues and Development in Educ", "Prob Trends in Spec Fields", "Curriculum Research", "Evaluation of Edu Programs", "Curr Prob Trends in EC Edu", "Prof Development in Math Ed", "MST Proseminar I", "Learning in Science", "Sociopol Persp Math Science", "Capstone Project", "Methods of Educational Inquiry", "Programs in Teacher Education", "Trends & Issues Language Arts", "Writing Studies", "Topics Discourse and Writing", "Assessment in Reading", "Aesthetics and Curriculum", "Sem for Adv Stu of Education", "Field Study & Thesis Seminar", "Independent Study", "Thesis Research", "CIC Traveling Scholar", "Vocab Building-GRK & LAT Roots", "Medical Terms-GRK & LAT Roots", "Mythology of Greece and Rome", "Introduction to Greek Culture", "Mythology of Greece and Rome", "Classical Archaeology, Greece", "Ancient Greek & Roman Religion", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Ancient Philosophy", "Origins of Western Literature", "Development of Ancient Cities", "Sex & Gender in Antiquity", "Freshman Honors Tutorial", "Ancient Egyptian & Greek Arch", "Ancient Roman Architecture", "Topics Classic Arch & Civ", "Senior Thesis", "Independent Reading", "Senior Survey", "Public Speaking", "Intro to Comm Theory & Res", "Oral & Written Comm I", "Small Group Communication", "Freshman Honors Tutorial", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Internship in Teaching Comm", "Business Communication", "Intro to Organizational Comm", "Communicating Public Policy", "Intro to Interpersonal Comm", "Intro to Intercultural Comm", "Intro to Health Communication", "Intro to Mediated Comm", "Comm Technology & Society", "Communication Internship", "The Rhetorical Tradition", "Strategies of Persuasion", "Argumentation", "Mass Media and the Audience", "Family Communication", "Visual Politics", "Sexual Communication", "Individual Study", "Special Topics in Comm", "Persuasion Theory & Research", "Race and the Mass Media", "Adv Interpersonal Comm", "Interpersonal Health Comm", "Social Marketing Health&Behav", "Honors Individual Study", "Honors Senior Thesis", "Adv Topics in Communication", "Intro to Health Communication", "Health Comm Research MethodsII", "Hlth Comm Orgs Profs & Policy", "Seminar Communication Theory", "Family Communication Theory", "Seminar Rhetorical Theory", "Intro to Comm Grad Study", "Communication Research Methods", "Capstone Individual Study", "Special Problems", "Thesis Research", "Introduction to Crop Sciences", "Environment, Agric, & Society", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Evolution in Action", "The Prairie and Bioenergy", "Introduction to Weed Science", "Genetic Engineering Lab", "Applied Entomology", "Off-Campus Crop Sci Internship", "On-Campus Crop Sci Internship", "Undergrad Research or Thesis", "Organic Chem of Biol Processes", "Undergrad Honors Res or Thesis", "Diseases of Field Crops", "Forage Crops and Pasture Eco", "Midwest Agricultural Practices", "Weed Mgt in Agronomic Crops", "Basic Toxicology", "Applied Statistical Methods I", "Biological Modeling", "Evol Genetics and Genomics", "Genomics for Plant Improvement", "Insect Pest Management", "Photosynthesis", "Crop Sci Professional Develpmt", "Seminar", "Crop Germplasm Resources", "Quantitative Plant Breeding", "Molecular Marker Data Analyses", "Plant Biochemistry", "Adv Studies in Crop Sciences", "Professional Orientation CPSC", "Seminar", "Thesis Research", "Freshman Orientation", "Intro Computing: Engrg & Sci", "Intro Computing: Non-Tech", "Intro to Computer Science", "Discrete Structures", "Freshman Honors", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Ethical & Professional Issues", "Data Structures", "Computer Architecture", "System Programming", "Programming Studio", "Honors Course", "Numerical Methods I", "Individual Study", "Database Systems", "Introduction to Data Mining", "Intro to Combinatorics", "Interactive Computer Graphics", "Parallel Progrmg: Sci & Engrg", "Progrmg Languages & Compilers", "Distributed Systems", "Compiler Construction", "Software Engineering I", "Embedded Systems", "Computer System Organization", "Communication Networks", "Wireless Networks", "Artificial Intelligence", "Computational Photography", "Machine Learning", "Natural Language Processing", "Numerical Analysis", "Computer Security I", "User Interface Design", "Program Verification", "Formal Software Devel Methods", "Stochastic Processes & Applic", "Applied Parallel Programming", "Seminar", "Senior Project I", "Special Topics", "Senior Thesis", "Scientific Visualization", "Topics in Software Engineering", "Computer Systems Analysis", "Seminar in Cognitive Science", "Parallel Numerical Algorithms", "Human-Computer Interaction", "Combinatorial Mathematics", "Extremal Graph Theory", "Randomized Algorithms", "Methods of Combinatorics", "Advanced Seminar", "Individual Study", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Numerical Analysis", "Parallel Progrmg: Sci & Engrg", "Applied Parallel Programming", "Computer System Organization", "Software Engineering I", "Interactive Computer Graphics", "Statistical Data Management", "Advanced Data Analysis", "Computational Mechanics", "Finite Element Analysis", "Atomic Scale Simulations", "Parallel Numerical Algorithms", "Scientific Visualization", "Statistical Learning", "Nonlinear Finite Elements", "Intro to Creative Writing", "Introductory Narrative Writing", "Introductory Poetry Writing", "Reading for Writers", "Topics in Creative Writing", "Intermediate Narrative Writing", "Intermediate Poetry Writing", "Creative Nonfiction Writing", "Inter Expository Writing", "Advanced Narrative Writing", "Advanced Poetry Writing", "Creative Writing Tutorial", "Intro to Literary Editing", "The Craft of Fiction", "Problems in Poetry Writing", "Writing Workshop in Fiction", "Writing Workshop in Poetry", "Special Topics", "Independent Study", "Final Project", "Bible as Literature", "Literature of Fantasy", "Cross-Cultural Thematics", "Lit of Asia & Africa I", "Freshman Honors Tutorial", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Comparative Lit Studies", "Indian Cinema in Context", "Intro to Mod African Lit", "Madness, Myth, and Murder", "Origins of Western Literature", "Qur'an Structure and Exegesis", "Golden Age of Russian Lit", "Italy Middle Ages & Renaiss", "Lit Europe & the Americas I", "Viking Mythology", "Medieval Lit and Culture", "Renaissance Lit and Culture", "Enlightenment Lit and Culture", "Afro-American Literature I", "Sex & Gender in Antiquity", "The Short Story", "Brit, Amer & Contin Fiction", "The Holocaust in Context - ACP", "Sexuality and Literature", "Masterpieces of East Asian Lit", "Arctic Narratives", "Japan Lit in Translation I", "Lit Responses to the Holocaust", "Chekhov", "French & Comparative Cinema II", "Special Topics Comp Lit I", "Petrarch & Boccaccio", "Lit Genres and Forms", "Modern Scandinavian Drama", "Senior Thesis and Honors", "Special Topics in Comp Lit II", "Theory of Literature", "Sem Spanish-American Lit", "Studies in Critical Theory", "Seminar 20thC French Lit", "Special Studies", "Thesis Research", "Elementary Czech I", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Second-year Czech I", "Intro to Contemporary Dance", "Modern Dance I", "Modern Dance II", "Making Dances", "Jazz Dance I", "Jazz Dance II", "Ballet I", "Ballet II", "Ballet III", "Cultural Dance Forms", "Hip Hop", "Tap Dance I", "Production Practicum I", "Beg Contemp Modern Tech Core", "Beginning Ballet Tech Core", "Beginning Ballet Tech Elect", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Int Jazz Technique", "Int Hip Hop Technique", "Int Tap Dance Technique", "Perf Pract Student Works I", "Perf Pract November I", "Perf Pract February I", "Production Practicum II", "Repertory Company", "Dance History", "Contact Improv for Act/Mus/Dan", "Int Contemp Modern Tech Core", "Choreographic Process I", "Intermediate Ballet Tech Core", "Intermediate Ballet Tech Elect", "Yoga Practicum for Dancers", "World Dance Forms", "Dance Documentation", "Production Practicum III", "Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology", "Creative Dance for Children", "Int/Adv Contemp Mod Tech Core", "Choreographic Process II", "Int/Adv Ballet Tech Core", "Int/Adv Ballet Tech Elect", "Alexander Tech for Dancers", "Alexander Technique Practicum", "Adv Hip Hop Technique", "Perf Pract Student Works II", "Perf Pract November II", "Perf Pract February II", "Dance Internship", "Production Practicum IV", "Ind Study and Special Topics", "Supervised Teaching", "Contact Improv Act/Mus/Dan II", "Adv Contemp Modern Tech Core", "Composition Workshop", "Advanced Ballet Tech Elect", "Senior Career Seminar", "Senior Thesis Production", "Senior Thesis Project", "Grad Seminar/Special Topics", "Advanced Research in Dance", "Advanced Physical Practice", "Graduate Composition II", "Aesthetics and Curriculum", "Creative Thesis Project", "East Asian Civilizations", "History East Asian Religions", "Zen", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Traditional China", "Intro to Japanese Culture", "Masterpieces of East Asian Lit", "Japan Lit in Translation I", "Individual Study", "Honors Tutorial", "Colloquium in EALC", "Ways of Seeing in Edo Japan", "Soc-Econ Hist Modern China", "Intro to East Asian Ling", "Individual Study", "Problems in Chinese History", "Seminar in Chinese Literature", "Seminar in EALC", "East Asian Language Pedagogy", "Sem Second Lang Learn", "Individual Study and Research", "Thesis Research", "Introduction to Electronics", "Introduction to Computing", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Seminar", "Elec & Electronic Circuits", "Elec & Electronic Circuits Lab", "Analog Signal Processing", "Analog Circuits & Systems", "Computer Systems & Programming", "Individual Study", "Special Topics", "Photonic Devices", "Digital Signal Processing", "Digital Signal Processing Lab", "Probability with Engrg Applic", "Ethics and Engineering", "Fields and Waves I", "Power Ckts & Electromechanics", "Green Electric Energy", "Semiconductor Electronics", "Electronic Circuits", "Electronic Circuits Laboratory", "Fields and Waves II", "Biomedical Imaging", "Digital Systems Laboratory", "Computer Systems Engineering", "Advanced Digital Projects Lab", "Honors Project", "Individual Study in ECE", "Special Topics in ECE", "Electronic Music Synthesis", "Applied Parallel Programming", "Computer Organization & Design", "Biomedical Instrumentation", "Biomedical Instrumentation Lab", "Embedded DSP Laboratory", "Computer Security I", "Distributed Systems", "Communication Networks", "Wireless Networks", "IC Device Theory & Fabrication", "Senior Design Project Lab", "Artificial Intelligence", "Adv Microwave Measurements", "Electromagnetic Fields", "Wireless Communication Systems", "Optical Electronics", "Global Nav Satellite Systems", "Communications Systems", "Logic Synthesis", "Power Electronics", "Optical Communications Systems", "Optical Communications Lab", "Power Electronics Laboratory", "Introduction to Robotics", "Power System Analysis", "Digital IC Design", "Control Systems", "Robot Dynamics and Control", "Numerical Analysis", "Parallel Progrmg: Sci & Engrg", "Senior Research Project", "Senior Thesis", "ECE Colloquium", "Control System Theory & Design", "Nonlinear & Adaptive Control", "Adv Semiconductor Nanotech", "EM Waves & Radiating Systems", "Distributed Algorithms", "System-On-Chip Design", "Large-Scale System Analysis", "Theory of Guided Waves", "Random Processes", "Theory of Semicond & Devices", "Speech Processing Fundamentals", "Computer Systems Analysis", "Topics in Signal Processing", "Digital Signal Processing II", "Advanced Digital Communication", "Information Theory", "Nonlinear Optics", "Power System Control", "Advanced Analog IC Design", "Topics in Decision and Control", "Grad Sem in Special Topics", "Master's Project", "Individual Study in ECE", "Special Topics in ECE", "Thesis Research", "Microeconomic Principles", "Macroeconomic Principles", "Economics at Illinois", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Economic Statistics I", "Economic Statistics II", "Environmental Economics", "Intl Economic Principles", "Inter Microeconomic Theory", "Inter Macroeconomic Theory", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Public Sector Economics", "Urban Economics", "International Economics", "Economics of Labor Markets", "Development Economics", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Economics of Risk", "Intro to Applied Econometrics", "Industrial Comp and Monopoly", "Govt Reg of Economic Activity", "Health Economics", "Topics in Economics", "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics", "Economic Statistics", "Introduction to Game Theory", "Economics of Taxation", "International Trade", "Monetary Policy", "Microeconomic Theory I", "Macroeconomic Theory I", "Econometric Analysis I", "Applied Econometrics", "Labor Economics I", "Collective Bargaining", "Workplace Dispute Resolution", "Econ of Ed, Hlth & Hum Capital", "Urban Economics", "Adv Natural Resource Economics", "Topics in Microeconomics I", "Topics in Microeconomics II", "Topics in Macroeconomics I", "Political Economy", "Econometrics II", "Industrial Organization", "Individual Study and Research", "Workshop and Research Seminar", "Thesis Research", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "School & Community Experiences", "Ed Prac Students with Sp Needs", "Ed Prac in EC & EIEd", "Ed Prac in Special Fields", "Ed Prac in Secondary Ed", "Education Orientation Seminar", "Freshman Honors Seminar", "Identity and Difference in Edu", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "TESL in the Elementary School", "TESL in the Secondary School", "Intro to TESL Methodology", "Engl Grammar for ESL Teachers", "Lang and Social Interaction I", "Principles of Language Testing", "English Phon & Morph for TESL", "Task Based Language Teaching", "Practicum in Teaching ESL", "Classroom Lang Acquisition", "Seminar in Second Lang Studies", "Research in Special Topics", "Engineering Orientation", "Engineering at Illinois", "Special Topics", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Introduction to Innovation", "Technology & Mgmt Seminar", "Special Topics", "Engineering Study Abroad", "Engrg Transfer Orientation", "Engineering Internship", "Creativity, Innovation, Vision", "Lect in Engrg Entrepreneurship", "Special Topics", "Entrepreneurship for Engineers", "Technology Entrepreneurship", "High-Tech Venture Marketing", "Seminar Energy & Sustain Engrg", "Interdisciplinary Design Proj", "Special Topics", "Engineering Practice", "Managing Advanced Technol I", "Technol Innovation & Strategy", "Finance for Engineering Mgmt", "Venture Funded Startups", "Theory Energy & Sustain Engrg", "Energy Systems Practicum", "Energy Systems Project", "Special Topics", "Honors Independent Study", "Intro to Poetry", "Intro to Drama", "Intro to Fiction", "Intro to Film", "Intro to Fiction-ACP", "Bible as Literature", "Intro to British Literature", "Intro to American Literature", "Literature of Fantasy", "Science Fiction", "Comics and Graphic Narratives", "Fictions of Sustainability", "Cultures of Debt", "Freshman Honors Tutorial", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Intro to the Study of Lit", "Medieval Lit and Culture", "Renaissance Lit and Culture", "Enlightenment Lit and Culture", "British Lit to 1800", "British Lit 1800 to Present", "Intro to Mod African Lit", "Modernist Lit and Culture", "Introduction to Shakespeare", "Latina/o Popular Culture", "Intro to Latina/o Literature", "Beginnings of Modern Poetry", "The Short Story", "The British Novel", "Brit, Amer & Contin Fiction", "The American Novel to 1914", "The American Novel Since 1914", "Topics in Lit and New Media", "Survey of American Lit I", "Afro-American Literature I", "Topics in Lit and Culture", "The Holocaust in Context - ACP", "American Cinema Since 1950", "Women Writers", "Women in the Lit Imagination", "Postcolonial Lit in English", "Asian American Literature", "Individual Study", "Writing About Lit Text&Culture", "CriticalApproaches to Lit&Text", "Topics in LGBT Lit & Film", "Lit Responses to the Holocaust", "Special Topics in Film Studies", "World Cinema in English", "Topics in Writing Studies", "Advanced Individual Study", "Honors Individual Study", "Honors Seminar II", "Honors Seminar III", "Descriptive English Grammar", "History of the English Lang", "Engl Grammar for ESL Teachers", "Introduction to Old English", "Shakespeare", "Later Renaiss Poetry & Prose", "18th Century Fiction", "19th C British Fiction", "American Lit 1945-Present", "Major Authors", "Topics in Lit & Environment", "Comp Theory and Practice", "Writing Technologies", "Intro to Criticism & Research", "Writing Studies", "Seminar in 17th C Literature", "Seminar Victorian Lit", "Seminar Mod British Lit", "Seminar Earlier American Lit", "Seminar Later American Lit", "Seminar Lit &Other Disciplines", "Seminar Literary Theory", "Topics Discourse and Writing", "Research in Special Topics", "Masters Exam Tutorial", "Prof Seminar College Tchg", "Thesis Research", "Air Pollution to Global Change", "Thesis Research", "Environmental Economics", "Communicating Agriculture", "Ind Studies of Env. Topics", "Comm in Env Social Movements", "Environmental Sociology", "Principles of Epidemiology", "Basic Toxicology", "Sustainability Experience", "Adv Natural Resource Economics", "Interdisciplinary Tox Sem", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Prof Issues for Teachers", "Econ of Ed, Hlth & Hum Capital", "Intro to Educational Leadershp", "Leading School Improvement", "School Dist Improvement", "Public School Finance", "Education Law", "Poli & Cultural Context of Ed", "Administration Theory", "Clinical Experience Admin", "Diversity, Leadership & Policy", "Organization of Higher Ed", "The College Student", "Access to Higher Education", "Critical Issues in Higher Ed", "Advanced Seminar", "Independent Study", "Thesis Seminar", "Thesis Research", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Foundations of Education", "Foundations of Education-ACP", "Race and Cultural Diversity", "Education and Social Justice", "History of American Education", "Asian American Education", "Historical & Social Barriers", "Critical Thinking for Teachers", "Sociology of Education", "Racial and Ethnic Families", "Uses/Abuses of Educ Research", "Traditions in Philosophy of Ed", "Critical Race Theory & Educ", "Global Youth & Citizenship", "Globalizing Educational Policy", "Globalization of Higher Ed", "Access to Higher Education", "Advanced Graduate Seminar", "Field Study and Thesis Seminar", "Independent Study", "Thesis Research", "Honors Symposium in Education", "Educational Psychology", "Exploring Cultural Diversity", "Social Issues Group Dialogues", "Career Theory and Practice", "Lang&Culture Deaf Communities", "Elements of Statistics", "Independent Study", "Psyc of Learning in Education", "Child Language and Education", "Res Methods in Learning Scienc", "Personality and Soc Dev", "Adult Learning and Development", "Theories of Psychotherapy", "Human Performance and Cognition in Context", "Intro to Evaluation Theory", "Educational Statistics", "Assessing Student Performance", "Principles of Language Testing", "Developments in Educ Psyc", "Educ Psyc Field Instruction", "Evaluation in Society", "Econ Analysis & Ed Policy", "Voc Psych Theories and Assess", "Counseling Psych Practicum", "Seminar in Cognitive Science", "Analysis of Educational Tech", "Evaluation of Edu Programs", "Methods of Educational Inquiry", "Mixed Method Inquiry", "Statistical Inference in Educ", "Advanced Statistical Methods", "Single Case Experimntl Design", "Hierarchical Linear Models", "Advanced Seminar in Educ Psyc", "Field Study and Thesis Seminar", "Independent Study", "Thesis Research", "Geographies of Globalization", "The Oceans", "Natural Disasters", "Severe and Hazardous Weather", "Extinction: Dinosaurs to Dodos", "Climate and Global Change", "History of Life", "Nature Religion", "Earth Systems", "History of the Earth System", "Environment & Sust Field Study", "Water Planet, Water Crisis", "Environmental Writing", "Intro to GIS Systems", "ESE Capstone", "Geomorphology", "Earth Systems Modeling", "Special Topics in ESE", "Engl Pronun for Acad Purposes", "Intro to Academic Writing I", "Intro to Academic Writing II", "Principles of Academic Writing", "Oral and Written Communication", "Intro to Academic Writing", "Advanced Academic Writing I", "Advanced Academic Writing II", "English Pronunciation for ITAs", "Intl Business Communication", "Oral Communication for ITAs", "Adv Academic writing MATSEL", "Seminar for Intl TAs", "Engl Pronun for Acad Purposes", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Arctic Narratives", "EU Institutions and Governance", "Directed Ind Study", "Thesis Research", "Arts at Illinois", "Exploring Arts and Creativity", "Introduction to Fashion", "FAA Study Abroad", "FAA Professional Development", "Action Research Seminar", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Corporate Finance", "Introduction to Insurance", "Fundamentals of Real Estate", "Financial Markets", "Advanced Corporate Finance", "Finance Academy", "Investment Banking Academy", "Investment & Portfolio Mngt", "Options and Futures Markets", "Urban Economics", "Financial Modeling", "Real Client Managed Portfolios", "Financing Emerging Businesses", "Mergers and Acquisition", "Private Equity/Venture Capital", "Employee Benefit Plans", "Personal Wealth Management", "Urban Real Estate Valuation", "Real Estate Investment", "Real Estate Development", "Investment Banking", "Special Topics in Finance", "Senior Research", "Senior Research", "Introduction to Finance", "Financial Economics", "Investments", "Financial Derivatives", "Term Structure Models", "Advanced Corporate Finance", "Real Estate Economics", "Retirement Policy", "Health Care Policy", "Business Tax Policy", "Govt Market Economy", "Applied Portfolio Management", "Special Topics in Finance", "Individual Study and Research", "Empirial Analysis in Finance", "Seminar in Corporate Finance", "Thesis Research", "Elementary French I", "Elementary French II", "Intermediate French I", "Intermediate French II", "Accel Intermediate French I", "Accel Intermed French II", "Freshman Honors Tutorial", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Oral French", "Grammar and Composition", "Critical Writing and Reading", "Intro to French Lit I", "Intro to French Lit II", "French Phonetics", "Study Abroad", "Major Literary Figures", "Politics of the European Union", "French & Comparative Cinema II", "Indiv Study Major Tutorial", "Advanced Grammar and Style", "Techniques in Translation I", "French Civilization II", "Studies in French", "Principles of Language Testing", "Intro to Comm Lang Tchg", "Topics Secondary Lang Tchg", "Theoretical Foundations of SLA", "Senior Thesis", "Beginning French Grads", "Tchg College&Secondary French", "Studies in French Linguistics", "French Studies", "Sem Romance Ling", "Seminar 20thC French Lit", "Classroom Lang Acquisition", "Sem Second Lang Learn", "Individual Topics", "Thesis Research", "Intro Food Science & Nutrition", "Contemporary Nutrition", "Intro to Human Nutrition", "Introduction to Food Science", "Introduction to Hospitality", "Introduction to Dietetics", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Principles of Nutrition", "Food Sci Professional Issues", "Science of Food Preparation", "Off Campus Internship", "On Campus Internship", "UG Research or Thesis", "Sensory Evaluation of Foods", "Science of Food Systems", "Food Production and Service", "Hospitality Purchasing", "Food Service Sanitation", "UG Honors Research or Thesis", "Food Chemistry", "Food Chemistry Laboratory", "Neuroscience of Eating & Drinking", "Nutritional Aspects of Disease", "Advances in Foods & Nutrition", "Biochemical Nutrition I", "Community Nutrition", "Nutrition Assessment & Therapy", "Applied Statistical Methods I", "Dietetics: Professional Issues", "Food Processing I", "Principles of Food Technology", "Food Product Development", "Package Engineering", "Basic Toxicology", "Cur Topics in FS & Human Nutr", "Topics in Nutrition Research", "Advanced Food Chemistry", "Value Added Biotransformation", "Dietetic Internship I", "Graduate Internship Experience", "Food Science Advanced Topics", "Graduate Seminar", "Advanced Special Problems", "Thesis Research", "Graduate Domestic Study Away", "Graduate College Study Abroad", "Thesis Research", "Sustainable Design", "Fictions of Sustainability", "Documenting Inequality", "Cultures of Debt", "Stress and Health in Urban Communities", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Introduction to ISE", "Engineering Graphics & Design", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Business Side of Engineering", "Independent Study", "General Engineering Design", "Control Systems", "Emotional Intelligence Skills", "General Engineering Seminar", "Independent Study", "Engineering Law", "Comp-Aided Product Realization", "Component Design", "Nondestructive Evaluation", "Digital Control Systems", "Robot Dynamics and Control", "Decision Analysis I", "Senior Engineering Project I", "Senior Engineering Project II", "Independent Study", "Data-Based Systems Modeling", "Multiattribute Decision Making", "Seminar", "Project Design", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Introduction to Meteorology", "Global Development&Environment", "Social and Cultural Geography", "Geographies of Globalization", "Geography of Intl Conflicts", "Freshman Honors Seminar", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Cities of the World", "Business Location Decisions", "Intro to Social Statistics", "Water Planet, Water Crisis", "Intro to GIS Systems", "Population Geography", "Individual Study", "Honors Individual Study", "Watershed Analysis", "Geospatial Tech & Society", "Earth Systems Modeling", "Biological Modeling", "Recent Trends in Geog Thought", "Digital Cartography & Map Design", "Programming for GIS", "Climate & Social Vulnerability", "Landscapes and Human Health", "Qualitative Research Methods", "Advanced Studies in Geography", "Thesis Research", "Planet Earth", "Extinction: Dinosaurs to Dodos", "Physical Geology", "Exploring Geology in the Field", "The Oceans", "Natural Disasters", "History of Life", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "History of the Earth System", "Water Planet, Water Crisis", "Individual Study", "Individual Honors Study", "Geomorphology", "Structural Geol and Tectonics", "Field Geology", "Mineralogy and Mineral Optics", "Introduction to Seismology", "Earth Systems Modeling", "Senior Thesis", "Honors Senior Thesis", "Special Topics in Geology", "Integrated Graduate Geology", "Advanced Field Geology", "Current Research in Geoscience", "Advanced Studies in Geology", "Thesis Research", "Beginning German I", "Beginning German II", "Intermediate German I", "Intermediate German II", "Freshman Honors Tutorial", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Conversation and Writing I", "Conversation and Writing II", "The Holocaust in Context - ACP", "Sexuality and Literature", "Study Abroad", "German for Business", "Intro to German Literature", "Politics of the European Union", "Global Issues in German", "Translation, Theory & Practice", "Principles of Language Testing", "Intro to Comm Lang Tchg", "Topics Secondary Lang Tchg", "Theoretical Foundations of SLA", "Honors Senior Thesis", "Special Topics German Studies", "Readings in German Grads I", "Introduction to Graduate Study", "Studies in Critical Theory", "20thC German Studies", "Open Seminar in German Studies", "Classroom Lang Acquisition", "Theories of German Lang Tchg", "Sem Second Lang Learn", "Research in Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Intro to Global Studies", "Geography of Intl Conflicts", "Natural Disasters", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Energy Systems", "Governance", "Career Development:Internships", "Global Health", "Warfare Milit Insts & Soc", "Intro to Intl Security", "Global St Foundation Seminar", "Global Studies Seminar Abroad", "Poverty in a Global Context", "Research Methods I", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Elementary Greek I", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Classical & Koine Greek I", "Elementary Modern Greek I", "Intermediate Modern Greek I", "Greek Prose Composition", "Senior Thesis", "Independent Reading", "Senior Survey", "Advanced Composition", "Intro to Classical Studies", "Thesis Research", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Elementary Modern Greek I", "Intermediate Modern Greek I", "Advanced Modern Greek I", "Exploring General Studies", "DGS Study Abroad", "Intro Gender & Women's Studies", "Contemp Women's Issues", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Race, Gender & Power", "US Citizenship Comparatively", "Women in Prehistory", "Black Women Contemp US Society", "Sex & Gender in Antiquity", "Women's Lives", "US History of Medicine", "Sexuality and Literature", "Women Writers", "Women in the Lit Imagination", "US Gender History to 1877", "US Gender History Since 1877", "War, Memory, and Cinema", "Lesbian/Queer Media Cultures", "Gender, Relationshps & Society", "Sex & Gender in Popular Media", "Queer Theory", "Individual Study", "Chicanas&Latinas: Self&Society", "Intermediate Topics GWS", "Leading Post-Perform Dialog", "Devising Social Issues Theatre", "Gender & Race in Contemp Arch", "Locating Queer Culture", "Transgender Studies", "Individual Study", "Feminist Theories & Methods", "Transnational Feminisms", "Community In American Society", "Advanced Research Methods", "Advanced Statistical Analysis", "Seminar", "Special Problems in HCD", "Thesis Research", "Issues & Careers in HDFS", "Intro to Human Development", "Intro to Family Studies", "Intro Gender & Women's Studies", "Biology of Human Behavior", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Early Childhood Curriculum Dev", "Child Fam with Special Needs", "Families in Global Perspective", "Asian Families in America", "Close Relationships", "Self-Help Group Dev & Process", "Motor Develop, Growth & Form", "Leisure Services and Diversity", "Intro to Research Methods", "Off-Campus Internship", "Research Internship", "Independent Study or Research", "Infancy & Early Childhood", "African Amer Families in Film", "Gender, Relationshps & Society", "Creative Dance for Children", "HDFS Study Abroad Experience", "Honors Research or Thesis", "Socialization and Development", "Gerontology", "Racial and Ethnic Families", "Critical Family Transitions", "Practicum in HDFS", "Physical Activity & Aging", "Applied Research Methods", "Seminar", "Professional Development", "Human Development Theories", "Intimate Partner Violence", "Parenting", "Youth and Family Acculturation", "Advanced Studies in HDFS", "Elementary Modern Hebrew I", "Intensive Biblical Hebrew", "Intermediate Modern Hebrew I", "Advanced Modern Hebrew I", "Global History", "Latin America to Independence", "East Asian Civilizations", "History of Islamic Middle East", "Western Civ to 1660-ACP", "Western Civ to 1660", "Western Civ Since 1660", "Western Civ Since 1660-ACP", "US Hist to 1877-ACP", "US Hist to 1877", "US Hist Since 1877", "Black America, 1619-Present", "Freshman Honors Tutorial", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Intro Hist Interpretation", "History of Eastern Africa", "Traditional China", "Medieval Europe", "Warfare Milit Insts & Soc", "The Holocaust", "Enlightenment to Existentialsm", "British Isles to 1688", "20thC World to Midcentury", "US History of Medicine", "Science in Western Civ", "Jewish History Since 1700", "United States History to 1815", "Nineteenth Century America", "US & World Since 1917", "Native American History", "Caribbean Latina/o Migration", "Nature and American Culture", "US Gender History to 1877", "US Gender History Since 1877", "History of Religion in America", "Latina/o Social Movements", "Topics in Film and History", "Andean Countries of S America", "Twentieth Century Europe", "Euro Thght & Soc Since 1789", "Origins of the Civil War", "Soc History Indus Am from 1918", "US in an Age of Empire", "Sport and Society", "Oral History Methods", "Special Topics", "Internship in Public History", "Independent Study", "History of Terrorism", "Soc-Econ Hist Modern China", "Egypt Since World War I", "Byzantine Empire AD 284-717", "Early Modern British Isles", "Twentieth-Century Germany", "The Balkans", "Locating Queer Culture", "Immigrant America", "History of the American West", "Honors Independent Study", "Honors Senior Thesis", "Honors Research & Writing Sem", "Research and Writing Seminar", "Thesis Seminar", "Prob in Comparative History", "Prob in Latin American Hist", "Problems in African History", "Problems in Chinese History", "Prob European Hist Since 1789", "Prob in US Hist Since 1815", "Problems African American Hist", "History and Social Theory", "Approaches to History", "Individual Research Project", "Reading Course", "Teaching of College History", "Thesis Research", "Language and Culture in India", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Elementary Hindi-Urdu I", "Intermediate Hindi I", "Advanced Hindi I", "Business Hindi", "Introduction to Horticulture", "Vegetable Gardening", "Home Horticulture", "Introduction to Floral Design", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Introduction to Weed Science", "Plant Propagation", "Professional Internship", "Resident Internship", "Undergrad Research or Thesis", "Woody Landscape Plants I", "Herbaceous Plants I", "Landscape Graphics & Design", "Vegetable Crop Production", "Tree Fruit Production", "Postharvest Handling Hort Crop", "Ug Honors Research or Thesis", "Horticultural Physiology", "Urban Food Production", "Special Topics", "Plant Biochemistry", "Principles of HRE", "Training in Business/Industry", "Training System Design", "Work Analysis", "Learning Technologies", "Issues and Developments in HRD", "Organization Development", "Economics of Human Resources", "Adult & Professional Education", "Innovation in E-Learning", "Program Evaluation", "Independent Study", "Thesis Research", "Freshman Honors Tutorial", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "French & Comparative Cinema II", "Individual Study", "Special Topics Junior", "Senior Thesis", "Special Advanced Topics", "Special Topics Senior", "Biological Sciences", "Animal Biology", "Environmental Biology", "Extinction: Dinosaurs to Dodos", "Organismal & Evolutionary Biol", "Organismal & Evol Biol Lab", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Ecology", "Genetics", "Applied Entomology", "Evolution of Molecules & Cells", "Undergraduate Special Course", "Fish and Wildlife Ecology", "Evolution and Human Health", "Vertebrate Natural History", "Ecology and Evolution", "Introductory Research", "Introduction to Entomology", "Bioinspiration", "Photosynthesis", "Plant Development", "Env and Evol Physl of Animals", "Animal Behavior Lab", "Behavioral Ecology", "Evolutionary Ecology", "Ecosystem Ecology", "Mammalogy", "Principles of Systematics", "Insect Classification and Evol", "Genomics for Plant Improvement", "Evol Genetics and Genomics", "Insect Pest Management", "Independent Study", "Biological Modeling", "Theoretical Biology + Models", "Discussions in Plant Biology", "Disc in Plant Physiology", "Plant Biochemistry", "Seminar in Entomology", "Topics in Ecology & Evolution", "Individual Topics", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Analysis of Data", "Operations Research", "Operations Research Lab", "Human Factors", "Facilities Planning and Design", "Independent Study", "Design & Anlys of Experiments", "Stochastic Processes & Applic", "Optimization of Large Systems", "OR Models for Mfg Systems", "Economic Found of Quality Syst", "Human Performance and Cognition in Context", "Independent Study", "Statistical Methods in Finance", "Financial Computing", "Optimization in Finance", "MSFE Professional Development", "Seminar", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Introduction to i-Health", "Survey of Interdisc Health", "Leadership in Health", "Interdis Collab in Health Serv", "Pre-Field Experience in Health", "Field Experience in i-Health", "Interdisciplinary Health Study Abroad", "Social Aspects Info Tech", "Writing Across Media", "New Media, Culture & Society", "Special Topics", "Individual Study", "Special Topics", "Orientation Seminar", "Research Practicum", "Advanced Special Topics", "Individual Study", "Thesis Research", "Elementary Italian I", "Elementary Italian II", "Intermediate Italian I", "Intermediate Italian II", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Practical Review Italian", "Comtemp Italian Oral & Written", "Italy Middle Ages & Renaiss", "Spec Topics Italian Studies", "Italian Culture", "Petrarch & Boccaccio", "Principles of Language Testing", "Topics in Italian Cinema", "Theoretical Foundations of SLA", "Sem Romance Ling", "Proseminar For Lang Tchg", "Classroom Lang Acquisition", "Sem Second Lang Learn", "Spec Topics in Italian", "Thesis Research", "Elementary Japanese I", "Intermediate Japanese I", "Advanced Japanese I", "Fourth Year Japanese I", "Intro to Comm Lang Tchg", "Readings in Japanese Lit", "Study Abroad", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Introduction to Journalism", "History of American Journalism", "Newsgathering Across Platforms", "Multimedia Reporting", "Journalism Ethics & Diversity", "Media Law", "Adv Public Affairs Reporting", "News Editing", "Audio Journalism", "Video Reporting & Storytelling", "The Media and You", "Multimedia Editing and Design", "Video Storytelling 2-Producing", "Great Books of Journalism", "Special Topics", "Advanced Reporting Topics", "Immersion Journalism", "Professional Project", "Internship Seminar", "Multimedia Storytelling", "Journalism Proseminar", "Master's Readings", "Master's Project", "Advanced Topics in Journalism", "Development Activities", "Dance Activities", "Individual and Dual Activities", "Indoor Court Activities", "Skating Activities", "Aquatic Sport Activities", "Team Sport Activities", "Prescribed Exercise", "Injuries in Sport", "Physical Activity and Health", "Orientation KIN & Comm Health", "Analysis of Basic Movement", "Social Sci of Human Movement", "Contemporary Issues in Sport", "Bioscience of Human Movement", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Leisure Services and Diversity", "Intro to Sport Psychology", "Sport & Modern Society", "Coordination, Control & Skill", "Teaching Activities I", "Motor Develop, Growth & Form", "Children's Movement", "Soc & Psych of Phys Activity", "Sport and Society", "Bioenergetics of Movement", "Biomechanics of Human Movement", "Adapted Physical Education", "Curriculum in Grades K-6", "Exper in the Common School", "Civic Engagement in Wellness", "Coaching Strategies", "Comm Partners & Health", "Exper in Kinesiology Research", "Exercise Instruction & Elderly", "Exper in the Agency Setting", "Honors", "Special Project-Problems", "Honors Thesis", "Measure & Eval in Kinesiology", "Exercise & Health Psychology", "Skeletal Muscle Physiology", "Motor Learning & Control", "Physical Activity & Aging", "Technology & Pedagogical KINES", "Clin Exper in Sports Medicine", "Special Topics", "Health Behavior: Theory", "Physical Activity & Cognition", "Teaching in the Professoriate", "Independent Study", "Seminar", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Elementary Korean I", "Intermediate Korean I", "Korean Reading and Writing I", "Korean Reading and Writing III", "Advanced Korean I", "Fourth Year Korean I", "Introduction to Landscape Arch", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Foundation Design Studio", "Nature and American Culture", "Environmental Site Analysis", "Design Communications I", "Senior Honors", "Community & Open Space Studio", "Design Workshop Studio I", "Site Engineering", "Professional Internship", "Professional Practice", "Independent Study", "Off-Campus Study", "Regional Design Studio", "Natural Precedent in Planting", "Landscape Archaeology", "Heritage Management", "Social/Cultural Design Issues", "Landscape Arch Theory & Prac", "Landscape Plan & Design Studio", "Landscapes and Human Health", "Graduate Seminar", "Directed Research", "Master's Project", "Thesis Research", "Freshman Seminar", "Leadership and Society", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "LAS Study Abroad", "Leadership & Prof Development", "Senior Project", "Introduction to Latin America", "Special Topics", "Native Latin Amer Languages", "Individual Study", "Interdisc Seminar Latin Am St", "Thesis Research", "Elementary Latin I", "Elementary Latin II", "Intermediate Latin", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Survey of Latin Literature I", "Intro to Comm Lang Tchg", "Topics Secondary Lang Tchg", "Readings in Latin Literature", "Senior Thesis", "Independent Reading", "Senior Survey", "Proseminar", "Intro to Classical Studies", "Thesis Research", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Introduction to Law", "LAW Study Abroad", "LLM Legal Writing and Research", "Professional Responsibility", "Thesis Research", "Pro Bono Service", "Contracts", "Property", "Torts", "Criminal Law", "Criminal Proc: Investigation", "Civil Procedure", "Legal Writing & Analysis", "Administrative Law", "Environmental Law and Pol I", "Legal Research", "Bankruptcy", "Business Associations I", "Securities Litigation", "Trademark & Unfair Competition", "Patent Law", "Income Taxation", "International Business Trans", "International Law", "Labor Law I", "Workplace Dispute Resolution", "Family Law", "Decedents' Estates and Trusts", "Workers Compensation", "Professional Responsibility", "Evidence", "Complex Litigation", "Field Placements", "Clinical Training", "Trial Advocacy", "Fundamentals of Trial Practice", "Legal Problems", "Moot Court", "Independent Study", "Current Legal Problems", "Advanced Litigation Topics", "Adv Topics in Business Law", "Comparative Law Topics", "Intellectual Property Topics", "Seminars", "Introduction to Labor Studies", "Labor and Social Movements", "Contemporary Labor Problems", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "The Media, Workers, and Unions", "Introduction to Employment Law", "Comparative Labor Relations", "Economics of Labor Markets", "Government Regulation", "Org Fundamentals for HR", "Labor Economics I", "Collective Bargaining", "Workplace Dispute Resolution", "Economics of Human Resources", "Labor Law I", "Faculty-Student Workshop", "Micro Research Methods", "Compensation Systems", "HR Planning and Staffing", "HR Training and Development", "HR Management and Strategy", "International HR Management", "Negotiation in HR Decisions", "Firm Performance and HR", "Internship", "Individual Topics", "Employment Relations Systems", "Quantitative Methods in LER", "Managing Diversity Globally", "Employee Motivation & Perfmnce", "Impl High Perf Work Systems", "Thesis Seminar", "Intro to Language Science", "Talking Culture", "Language in Globalization", "Language and Culture in India", "Freshman Honors Tutorial", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Language History", "American Sign Language II", "Elements of Psycholinguistics", "Language in Human History", "Language Diversity in the USA", "Individual Study", "Anat & Physiol Spch Mechanism", "Elements of Syntax", "Elmnts Semantics & Pragmatics", "American Sign Language III", "Honors Individual Study", "Intro to Linguistic Structure", "Intro to General Phonetics", "Tools & Tech Spch & Lang Proc", "Tutorials in Non-Western Lang", "Language Acquisition", "Intro to East Asian Ling", "Philosophy of Language", "Sociolinguistics I", "Theoretical Foundations of SLA", "Special Topics in Linguistics", "Syntax I", "Practicum", "Topics in Computational Ling", "Language in Culture II", "Acoustic Phonetics", "Psycholinguistics", "Phonology II", "Sem Romance Ling", "Seminar in Cognitive Science", "Sem Second Lang Learn", "Special Topics in Linguistics", "Seminar in Linguistic Analysis", "Thesis Research", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Social Aspects Info Tech", "Design Info Interfaces", "Special Topics Info Studies", "Lit and Resources Children", "Intro to Network Systems", "Foundations Info Proc in LIS", "Systems Analysis and Mgt", "Instruction and Assistance Sys", "Writing Technologies", "Advanced Topics Info Studies", "Info Org and Access", "Libraries Info and Society", "Reference and Info Services", "Adm Mgt of Libs Info Centers", "Youth Services Librarianship", "Intr to Bibliographic Metadata", "Collection Development", "Community Informatics", "Soc Sc Research in LIS", "Literacy, Reading, and Readers", "Info Needs of Part Communities", "Foundations of Data Curation", "Digital Libraries", "Information Modeling", "Metadata in Theory & Practice", "Academic Librarianship", "Financial Management", "Rare Book and Spec Colls", "Adm and Use Archival Materials", "Preserving Info Resources", "International Librarianship", "Digital Preservation", "Advanced Problems in LIS", "Practicum", "Independent Study", "CAS Project", "LIS Practice", "Thesis Research", "Intro Latina/Latino Studies", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "US Citizenship Comparatively", "Mexican & Latin Am Migration", "Latina/o Social Movements", "Latina/o Popular Culture", "Intro to Latina/o Literature", "Graffiti and Murals", "Mapping Latina/o Inequalities", "Caribbean Latina/o Migration", "19thC US Latina/o Lit-ACP", "Spanish in the United States", "Race and Cultural Diversity", "Latina/Latino Politics", "Theory and Methods in LLS", "Independent Study", "Oral History Methods", "Chicanas&Latinas: Self&Society", "Adv Topics Latina/o Studies", "Found of Bilingual Educ", "History of the American West", "Race, Medicine, and Society", "Senior Research Project", "Senior Honors Thesis", "Seminar in Latina/o Studies", "Independent Study", "Graduate Seminar in LLS", "Intro to Popular TV & Movies", "Intro to the Media", "Intro to Film", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Social Aspects Info Tech", "Contemporary Movies", "Indian Cinema in Context", "Survey of World Cinema I", "Creative and Information Economies", "American Cinema Since 1950", "Intro Media/Cinema Topics", "Topics in Film and History", "Media History", "Popular Culture", "New Media, Culture & Society", "Social Aspects of Media", "Sex & Gender in Popular Media", "Film Theory and Criticism", "Special Topics in Film Studies", "French & Comparative Cinema II", "International Communications", "Individual Study", "Media Ethics", "Language Acquisition", "Topics in Italian Cinema", "Internship Seminar", "Senior Thesis", "Introductory Algebra", "Theory of Arithmetic", "Algebra", "Preparation for Calculus", "Ideas in Geometry", "Finite Mathematics", "Elementary Linear Algebra", "A Mathematical World", "Freshman Seminar", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Theory of Interest", "Basic Discrete Mathematics", "Calculus", "Calculus I", "Introductory Matrix Theory", "Calculus II", "Calculus III", "Honors Supplement", "Intro Differential Equations", "Intro to Differential Eq Plus", "Topics in Mathematics", "Fundamental Mathematics", "Fundamental Mathematics-ACP", "Numerical Methods I", "Probability with Engrg Applic", "Actuarial Problem Solving", "Individual Study", "Math/Actuarial Internship", "Non Euclidean Geometry", "Euclidean Geometry", "History of Calculus", "Actuarial Statistics II", "Lin Algebra & Financial Apps", "Graph Theory", "Intro to Combinatorics", "Applied Linear Algebra", "Abstract Linear Algebra", "Intro to Abstract Algebra", "Differential Geometry", "Honors Real Analysis", "Honors Abstract Algebra", "Philosophy of Mathematics", "Differential Equations", "Intro Partial Diff Equations", "Elementary Real Analysis", "Applied Complex Variables", "Real Variables", "Complex Variables", "Numerical Analysis", "Elementary Theory of Numbers", "Probability Theory", "Statistics and Probability I", "Statistics and Probability II", "Methods of Applied Statistics", "Actuarial Theory I", "Actuarial Risk Theory", "Linear Programming", "Nonlinear Programming", "Math Methods In Engineering", "Dynamics & Differential Eqns", "Undergraduate Research in Math", "Introduction Graduate Research", "Abstract Algebra I", "Commutative Algebra", "Modern Algebraic Geometry", "Differentiable Manifolds I", "Algebraic Topology II", "Analytic Theory of Numbers I", "General Topology", "Real Analysis", "Complex Variables I", "Harmonic Analysis", "Dynamical Systems I", "Partial Differential Equations", "Linear Anal & Part Diff Eq", "Theory of Probability II", "Applied Stochastic Processes", "Topics in Actuarial Theory I", "Mathematical Logic", "Combinatorial Mathematics", "Extremal Graph Theory", "Methods of Combinatorics", "Mathematical Internship", "Advanced Topics in Math", "Reading Course", "Literature Seminar in Math", "Thesis Research", "Issues in Business", "Foundations of Business I", "Foundations of Business II", "Internship", "Special Projects", "Introductory Microbiology", "Intro Microbiology Laboratory", "Molec & Cellular Basis of Life", "Molec & Cellular Laboratory", "Society and the Brain", "Human Reproduction & Society", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Human Anatomy & Physiology I", "Human Anat & Physiol Lab I", "Molecular Genetics", "Exp Techniqs in Molecular Biol", "Cells, Tissues & Development", "Exp Techniqs in Cellular Biol", "Undergraduate Research", "MCB Honors Discussion", "MCB Honors Lab Discussion", "MCB Merit Program Discussion", "Microbiology", "Experimental Microbiology", "Introduction to Neurobiology", "Genetics and Disease", "Biochem & Phys Basis of Life", "Special Topics Human Physiol", "Cancer Cell Biology", "Cell & Membrane Physiology", "Cell & Membrane Physiology Lab", "Endocrinology", "Bacterial Pathogenesis", "Bacterial Pathogens Laboratory", "Microbial Physiology", "Global Biosecurity", "Introductory Biochemistry", "Cell & Molecular Neuroscience", "Senior Thesis", "Special Topics Mol Cell Biol", "Advanced Biochemistry", "Advanced Molecular Genetics", "Curr Topics Mol & Int Physiol", "Adv Bacterial Pathogenesis", "Special Topics Cell Devel Biol", "Reproductive Physiol Seminar", "Advanced Microbial Physiology", "Repro Physiology Lab Methods", "Scientific Writing", "Anlys Biochemical Literature", "Mechanisms Viral Pathogenesis", "Res Ethics & Responsibilities", "Laboratory Rotation I", "Laboratory Rotation II", "Laboratory Rotation III", "Current Topics in Microbiology", "College of Media Orientation", "Special Topics", "Introduction to Media Sales", "Media Study Abroad", "21st Century Documentaries", "Special Topics in Media", "Special Topics", "Psycholinguistics", "Proseminar I", "Advanced Interpretive Methods", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Medieval Lit and Culture", "Italy Middle Ages & Renaiss", "Medieval Europe", "Viking Mythology", "British Isles to 1688", "Introduction to Old English", "Medieval Architecture", "Petrarch & Boccaccio", "Early Christian Thought", "Byzantine Empire AD 284-717", "Old Norse-Icelandic I", "Studies in Medieval Art", "Computer-Aided Design", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Design for Manufacturability", "Thermodynamics", "Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics", "Heat Transfer", "Engineering Materials", "Dynamics of Mechanical Systems", "Signal Processing", "Mechanical Design I", "Mechanical Design II", "Seminar", "Design of Thermal Systems", "Internal Combustion Engines", "Intermediate Thermodynamics", "Viscous Flow & Heat Transfer", "Intermediate Heat Transfer", "Failure of Engrg Materials", "Introduction to Robotics", "Robot Dynamics and Control", "Modeling Materials Processing", "Computer-Aided Mfg Systems", "Computer Cntrl of Mech Systems", "Senior Design Project", "Finite Element Analysis", "Whole-Body Musculoskel Biomech", "Musculoskel Tissue Mechanics", "MEMS-NEMS Theory & Fabrication", "Honors Project", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Advanced Gas Dynamics", "Nanoscale Energy Transport", "Control System Theory & Design", "Seminar", "Interest Group Seminar", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Individual Topics", "Microbiology Graduate Seminar", "Thesis Research", "Introduction to Leadership", "Leadership Laboratory", "Individual Leadership Studies", "Leadership Laboratory", "Leadership and Problem Solving", "Leadership Laboratory", "Leadership Laboratory", "Independent Study", "Leadership and Management", "Individual Topics", "Seminars in Physiology", "Thesis Research", "Materials in Today's World", "Introduction to MatSE", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Phases and Phase Relations", "Engineering Materials", "Materials Laboratory I", "Introduction to Research", "Independent Study", "Thermodynamics of Materials", "Synthesis of Materials", "Thermal-Mech Behavior of Matls", "Ceramic Processing", "Ceramic Processing Laboratory", "Mechanical Behavior of Metals", "Design of Engineering Alloys", "Polymer Laboratory", "Plastics Engineering", "Mechanics of Composites", "Polymer Chemistry", "Electronic Materials Lab", "Design and Use of Biomaterials", "Surfaces and Colloids", "Electron Microscopy", "Atomic Scale Simulations", "Matl Select for Sustainability", "Lab Safety Fundamentals", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Senior Thesis", "Statistical Thermodyn of Matls", "Hard Materials Seminar", "Soft Materials Seminar", "Thin Film Materials", "Research Seminars", "Materials Colloquium", "Independent Study", "Thesis Research", "Seminar in Music Education", "Music Theory and Practice I", "Beginning Composition", "Aural Skills I", "Aural Skills II", "Introd Art Mus: Intl Perspect", "English Diction", "Italian Diction", "French Diction", "Introd to the Art of Music", "Introduction to World Music", "String Instrument Class", "Supp WW Inst: Clarinet", "Supp WW Inst: Flute", "Supp WW Inst: Oboe", "Supp WW Inst: Saxophone", "Supp WW Inst: Bassoon", "Supp Brass Inst: Trumpet", "Supp Brass Inst: Horn", "Supp Brass Inst: Trombone", "Supp Brass Inst: Euph/Tuba", "Supp Percussion Instruments", "Jazz Keyboard Studies I", "Applied Jazz Instruction", "Class Jazz Improvisation I", "Unit One Sem Instruct in Music", "Grp Instr Pno for Mus Major I", "Grp Instr Pno for Mus Maj III", "Harpsichord", "Piano", "Voice", "Organ", "Violin", "Viola", "Cello", "Double Bass", "Harp", "Flute", "Clarinet", "Oboe", "Bassoon", "Saxophone", "Trumpet", "Horn", "Trombone", "Euphonium", "Tuba", "Percussion", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Music Theory and Practice III", "Intermediate Composition", "Aural Skills III", "Orientation Mus Tchg Lrng K-HS", "Music for Elementary Teachers", "Elements of Conducting", "University Orchestra", "Ethnomusicology Perf Ensembles", "Woodwind Ensemble", "Brass Ensemble", "Percussion Ensemble", "Piano Ensemble", "Oratorio Society", "Choral Ensemble", "Women's Glee Club", "Men's Glee Club", "Opera", "Jazz Ensemble", "Chamber Music", "Wind Symphony", "Wind Orchestra", "Hindsley Symphonic Band", "Concert Band", "Marching Illini", "Basketball Band", "Thesis/Adv UG Honors in Music", "The History of Music I", "Intro to Piano Literature", "Pre-Student Tchng Experience", "Advanced Choral Conducting I", "Advanced Wind Band Conducting and Rehearsal Strategies", "Cond/Teach Strings-Grp Setting", "Elem and Mid Sch Instrum Music", "Princpls and Technqs in Mus Ed", "Music in Adolescence", "Mus Methods in Early Childhood", "Teaching of Choral Music", "Choral Literature", "Jazz Improv:Theory and Prac I", "Jazz Arranging I", "Jazz Composition I", "Jazz Improvisation Styles I", "Counterpoint and Fugue", "Contemp Compos Techniques", "Advanced Composition", "Elect Music Techniques I", "Analysis of Musical Form", "Music and Performance", "Regional Studies in Musicology", "Intro to Piano Technology", "Applied Music Pedagogy", "Piano Pedagogy I", "Music Interdisciplinary Curriculum", "Jazz Pedagogy I", "Designing Musical Experiences", "Differentiating Music Instruction", "Orchestral Repertory", "Songwriting", "Computer Music", "Music in Early Childhood", "Advanced Ensemble Music", "Basso Continuo", "Special Topics in Harpsichord", "Special Topics in Organ", "Advanced Keyboard Skills I", "Professional Internship", "Jazz Listening Seminar I", "Jazz History I", "Applied Jazz Instruction", "Opera Studio", "Vocal Repertoire I", "Principles of Accompanying", "Harpsichord", "Piano", "Voice", "Organ", "Violin", "Viola", "Cello", "Double Bass", "Harp", "Flute", "Clarinet", "Oboe", "Bassoon", "Saxophone", "Trumpet", "Horn", "Trombone", "Euphonium", "Tuba", "Percussion", "Proseminar in Music", "Artist Diploma Recital", "Grad Music History Review", "Graduate Theory Review", "Grad. Jazz Improv. I", "Individ Topics in Music Theory", "Graduate Level Composition", "Sem in Music Comp and Theory", "Fdns/Methods of Musicology I", "Seminar in Musicology", "Rdgs in Musicol and Mus Theory", "Res & Bibliography in Music", "Critical Readings in Mus Ed", "Graduate Wind Band Conducting", "Doctoral Sem in Music Educ", "Orchestral Literature I", "Advanced Jazz Harmony I", "Graduate Orchestral Conducting", "Vocal Literature", "String Instrument Literature", "Wind Instrument Literature", "Percussion Instruments Lit", "Hist of Voc Ens and Chor Music", "Adv Choral Perform Techniques", "Graduate Applied Jazz Instruc", "Music Education Thesis", "Prac Pno Tchg Child and Teens", "Doctoral Orchestral Conducting", "Doctoral Wind Band Conducting", "Jazz Arranging III", "Doctoral Projects", "Advanced Accompanying", "Graduate Level Harpischord", "Graduate Level Piano", "Graduate Level Voice", "Graduate Level Organ", "Graduate Level Violin", "Graduate Level Viola", "Graduate Level Cello", "Graduate Level Double Bass", "Graduate Level Harp", "Graduate Level Flute", "Graduate Level Clarinet", "Graduate Level Oboe", "Graduate Level Bassoon", "Graduate Level Saxophone", "Graduate Level Trumpet", "Graduate Level Horn", "Graduate Level Trombone", "Graduate Level Euphonium", "Graduate Level Tuba", "Graduate Level Percussion", "Thesis Research", "Introduction to Museums", "Museum Internship", "Core Prob Museum Theory & Prac", "Introduction to Neurobiology", "Memory and Amnesia", "Principles of Psychophysiology", "Evolutionary Neuroscience", "Cell & Molecular Neuroscience", "Topics in Neuroscience", "Adv Topics in Neuroscience", "Indiv Topics Neuroscience", "Proseminar in Psychology", "Thesis Research", "Orientation to NPRE", "Energy Systems", "Modeling Nuclear Energy System", "Independent Study", "Nuclear Power Engineering", "Nuclear Power Econ & Fuel Mgmt", "Plasma Laboratory", "Plasma Engineering", "Materials in Nuclear Engrg", "Nuclear Engrg Materials Lab", "Imaging w/Ionizing Radiation", "Radiation Interact w/Matter I", "Nuclear Syst Engrg & Design", "NPRE Laboratory", "Safety Anlys Nucl Reactor Syst", "Special Topics", "Fundamentals of Nuclear Engrg", "Controlled Fusion Systems", "Independent Lab Investigations", "Seminar in Nuclear Sci & Engrg", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Fundamentals of Env Sci", "Introduction to NRES", "Introductory Soils", "Environmental Economics", "Principles of Ecosystem Mgmt", "Communicating Agriculture", "Nature and American Culture", "Applied Entomology", "Introduction to Field Pedology", "Field Experience", "Professional Internship", "Resident Internship", "Undergrad Research or Thesis", "Environ Social Sci Res Meth", "Fish and Wildlife Ecology", "Introduction to Environmental Chemistry", "Vertebrate Natural History", "UG Honors Research or Thesis", "Watersheds and Water Quality", "Fishery Ecol and Conservation", "Native Plant ID and Floristics", "Forest Biology", "Env and Plant Ecosystems", "Restoration Ecology", "Earth Systems Modeling", "Renewable Energy Policy", "Comm in Env Social Movements", "Applied Statistical Methods I", "GIS in Natural Resource Mgmt", "Ecosystem Ecology", "Pedology", "Environmental Psychology", "Special Topics", "Graduate Seminar", "Special Problems", "Adv Natural Resource Economics", "Discussions in NRES", "Spatial Ecological Modeling", "NRES Professional Orientation", "Experimental Graduate Courses", "Thesis Research", "Leadership Laboratory", "Introduction to Naval Science", "Navigation/Naval Operations I", "Intro to Naval Engineering", "Leadership and Ethics", "History of Amphibious Warfare", "Nutritional Aspects of Disease", "Biochemical Nutrition I", "Community Nutrition", "Nutritional Sciences Seminar", "Topics in Nutrition Research", "Grantsmanship and Ethics", "Disciplinary Seminar", "Individual Topics in Nutrition", "Thesis Research", "Discovery Seminar", "Undergraduate Research", "Principles of Epidemiology", "Mechanisms Viral Pathogenesis", "Parasitology/Epidemiology Sem", "Ocular Pathology", "Necropsy for Non Path Majors", "Vet Diagnostic Path 1", "Vet Diagnostic Path 2", "Pathology Seminar", "Interpretive Cytopathology", "Diagnostic Cytology", "Exotic/Wild Animal Diag Path 1", "Exotic/Wild Animal Diag Path 2", "Exotic/Wild Animal Path Sem", "Surgical Pathology", "Vet Info Tech/Computer App", "Communication Vet Consultation", "Vet Leadership Organ Behavior", "Adv Concept Swine Health Med 1", "Seminar", "Special Problems", "Interdisciplinary Tox Sem", "Non-Thesis Research", "Thesis Research", "Veterinary Forensic Medicine", "Bioscientific Writing", "Special Problems", "Thesis Research", "Elementary Persian I", "Intermediate Persian I", "Advanced Persian I", "Intro to Philosophy-ACP", "Introduction to Philosophy", "Logic and Reasoning", "Logic and Reasoning QR II", "Intro to Ethics-ACP", "Introduction to Ethics", "Ethics and Social Policy", "Religion & Society in West I", "World Religions", "Freshman Honors Tutorial", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Symbolic Logic", "Ancient Philosophy", "Early Modern Philosophy", "Biomedical Ethics", "Philosophy of Religion Intro", "Conceptions of Human Nature", "Philosophy of Science", "Elmnts Semantics & Pragmatics", "Ethics and Engineering", "Intro Cognitive Science", "Individual Study", "Medieval Philosophy", "Classical Modern Philosophers", "Space, Time, and Matter-ACP", "Space, Time, and Matter", "Ethical Theories", "Recent Developments in Ethics", "Philosophy of Religion", "Evolutionary Neuroscience", "Philosophy of Language", "Philosophy of Mathematics", "Topics in Recent European Phil", "Contemporary Phil of Science", "Thesis", "Seminar History of Philosophy", "Seminar Ethical Theory", "Seminar in Cognitive Science", "Seminar Contemporary Problems", "Seminar Theory of Knowledge", "Dissertation Seminar", "Individual Topics", "Directed Research", "Thesis Research", "Thinking About Physics", "College Physics: Mech & Heat", "College Physics: E&M & Modern", "Physics Careers", "How Things Work", "Physics of Societal Issues", "Science and Pseudoscience", "Physics of Music", "Behavior of Complex Systems", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "University Physics: Mechanics", "University Physics: Elec & Mag", "Univ Physics: Thermal Physics", "Univ Physics: Quantum Physics", "Enrichment E & M", "Relativity & Math Applications", "Classical Mechanics I", "Classical Mechanics II", "Atmospheric Dynamics I", "Classical Physics Lab", "Light", "Modern Experimental Physics", "Electronic Circuits", "Space, Time, and Matter-ACP", "Space, Time, and Matter", "Thermal & Statistical Physics", "Electromagnetic Fields I", "Electromagnetic Fields II", "Condensed Matter Physics", "Atomic Scale Simulations", "Introduction to Biophysics", "Atomic Phys & Quantum Theory", "Quantum Physics I", "Quantum Physics II", "Individual Study", "Senior Thesis", "Classical Electromagnetism", "Mathematical Physics I", "Nonlinear Dynamics", "General Relativity I", "Astrophysics", "Nonequilibrium Stat Mechanics", "Condensed Matter Physics II", "Theory of Semicond & Devices", "Subatomic Physics", "Quantum Mechanics I", "General Field Theory", "Graduate Physics Orientation", "Individual Study", "Special Topics in Physics", "Thesis Research", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Plants, Pathogens, and People", "Undergrad Research or Thesis", "Plant Disease Diagnosis & Mgmt", "Diseases of Field Crops", "Thesis Research", "Elementary Polish I", "Intro to Polish Culture", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Second Yr Polish I", "Third-Year Polish I", "Fourth-Year Polish I", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Intensive Beginning Portuguese", "Intensive Intermediate Portuguese", "Readings in Portuguese", "Luso-Brazilian Culture", "Studies in Brazilian Lit", "Principles of Language Testing", "Theoretical Foundations of SLA", "Sem Romance Ling", "Proseminar For Lang Tchg", "Classroom Lang Acquisition", "Sem Second Lang Learn", "Special Topics Port & Braz Lit", "Thesis Research", "Intro to Political Science", "Intro to US Gov & Pol", "The New Middle East", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Intro to Public Policy", "Environmental Politics &Policy", "Intro to Pol Research", "Intro to Comp Politics", "Comp Politics in Dev Nations", "Intro to Intl Relations", "Intro to Intl Relations-ACP", "Intro to Intl Security", "Special Topics", "The US Constitution I", "The US Constitution II", "The US Presidency", "Congress and Foreign Policy", "Latina/Latino Politics", "Principles of Public Policy", "Intro to Political Behavior", "Politics in Intl Development", "Gov & Pol of Middle East", "Gov & Pol in Western Europe", "Gov & Pol of Latin America", "Democratization", "Classical Political Theory", "Democratic Theory", "International Cooperation", "Politics of the European Union", "International Communications", "American Foreign Policy", "Authoritarian Regimes", "Strategic Interntl Relations", "Individual Study", "Internship", "UG Research Assistance", "Junior Honors Seminar", "Senior Honors Seminar", "Senior Honors Thesis", "US Congress", "Proseminar Pol Behavior II", "Founds of Organizational Behav", "The Comparative Method", "Quant Pol Analysis I", "Political Economy", "Topics in Comparative Politics", "Proseminar Intl Rel I", "Research Seminar in IR", "Research in Selected Topics", "Preparing Future Faculty", "Thesis Research", "PSM Industry Seminar I", "PSM Industry Seminar III", "Special Topics-Sci & Business", "PSM Internship", "Intro Psych", "Psych Orientation", "Intro Experimental Psych", "Psych Introduction", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Intro to Social Psych", "Intro to Brain and Cognition", "Behavioral Neuroscience", "Child Psych", "Cognitive Psych", "Perception & Sensory Processes", "Intro to Statistics", "Abnormal Psych", "Community Psych", "Industrial Org Psych", "Learning and Memory", "Psych of Personality", "Research Experience in Psych", "Behavioral Neuroscience Lab", "Psychology of Race & Ethnicity", "Intro Intellectual Disability", "Social Psych in Society Lab", "Topics in Clin/Comm Psych", "Community Projects", "Personality Lab", "Social Cognition", "Intro Cognitive Science", "Human Factors", "Developmental Child Psych Lab", "Culture & Psychology", "Adv Prac in Mental Hlth I", "Adv Prac in Mental Hlth II", "Memory and Amnesia", "Statistical Methods I", "Neuroscience of Eating & Drinking", "Theories of Psychotherapy", "Principles of Psychophysiology", "Language Acquisition", "Evolutionary Neuroscience", "Human Performance and Cognition in Context", "Personality and Soc Dev", "Environmental Psychology", "Personnel Psych", "Measurement & Test Develop Lab", "Capstone Undergrad Research", "Advanced Research in Psych", "Internship Capstone Experience", "Adv Current Topics in Psych", "Senior Honors Seminar", "Seminar in Cognitive Science", "Psycholinguistics", "Intro to Clin-Comm Psych III", "Intern in Ind Org Psych", "Intro to Clin-Comm Psych II", "Intervention & Assessment", "Soc Psych Theory and Meth II", "Founds of Organizational Behav", "Cognitive Development", "Prin and Meth of Tchg Psych", "Clin/Comm: History & Systems", "Microskills & Prof Standards", "Clinical/Community: Diversity", "Clinical/Community: Biological", "Hierarchical Linear Models", "Individual Research", "Seminar", "Proseminar in Psychology", "Thesis Research", "Intro to Polish Culture", "Intro to Russian Culture", "Intro to Russia and Eurasia", "Individual Study or Research", "Honors Senior Thesis", "Senior Seminar", "Seminar in REEE Studies", "Individual Study or Research", "Thesis Research", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Intro Intellectual Disability", "Disability in American Society", "Introduction to Rehabilitation", "Medical Aspects of Disability", "Rehabilitation Research", "Counseling Internship", "Rehabilitation Practicum", "Special Problems", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Rhetoric Tutorial", "Principles of Writing", "Writing and Research", "Adv Rhetoric & Composition", "Bible as Literature", "Asian Mythology", "Archaeology and the Bible", "Religion & Society in West I", "World Religions", "Elementary Greek I", "Language and Culture in India", "History East Asian Religions", "Zen", "Ancient Greek & Roman Religion", "Nature Religion", "Freshman Honors Tutorial", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Classical & Koine Greek I", "Intensive Biblical Hebrew", "Introduction to Islam", "The Qur'an (Koran)", "Philosophy of Religion Intro", "History of Religion in America", "Viking Mythology", "Jewish History Since 1700", "Hinduism in the United States", "Lit Responses to the Holocaust", "Independent Study", "Intro Readings of the Talmud", "Philosophy of Religion", "Early Christian Thought", "Muslim-Christian Interactions", "Honors Senior Thesis", "Topics in Religious Thought", "Topics in Asian Religions", "Topics in History of Judaism", "Topics in Biblical Studies", "Graduate Intro to Religion", "Seminar in Study of Religion", "Independent Study", "Thesis Research", "Sem Romance Ling", "Population Issues", "Environmental Sociology", "RST in Modern Society", "Orientation to RST", "Service Delivery in RST", "Foundations of Sport Mgt", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Leadership in RST", "Public Recreation", "Leisure Services and Diversity", "Nature and American Culture", "Ethical Issues in RST", "Leisure Programming", "Leisure and Human Development", "Leisure Services Marketing", "Leisure and Consumer Culture", "Facility Management in RST", "Legal Aspects of Sport", "Civic Engagement in Wellness", "Research Methods & Analysis", "Honors", "Special Problems", "Administration of Leisure Serv", "HR Management in RST", "Contemporary Issues in RST", "Tourism Development", "Orientation to Practicum", "Practicum", "Concepts & Applications in Recreation, Sport & Tourism", "Adv Leisure Research Methods", "Managing Recreation, Sport & Tourism Organizations", "Marketing in RST", "Finance & Budgeting in RST", "Event Management", "Critical Issues Sport Mgt", "Critical Issues Tourism Mgt", "Theory and Methods of Leisure", "Teaching in the Professoriate", "Management Internship", "Doctoral Research Seminar and Colloquium", "Special Problems", "Special Topics in Leisure", "Thesis Research", "First-Year Russian I", "Intro to Russian Culture", "Freshman Honors Tutorial", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Second-Year Russian I", "Golden Age of Russian Lit", "Readings in Russian", "Third Year Russian I", "Chekhov", "Fourth Year Russian I", "Intro to Comm Lang Tchg", "Honors Senior Thesis", "Russian for Grad Students I", "Russian Literature 1800-1855", "Russian Writers", "Lang&Culture of Arab World", "The New Middle East", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Introduction to Islam", "Special Topics", "Independent Study", "Beginning Scandinavian I", "Intermediate Scandinavian I", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Madness, Myth, and Murder", "Vikings to Volvos: Scandinavia", "Arctic Narratives", "Viking Mythology", "Introduction to Old Norse I", "Modern Scandinavian Drama", "Honors Senior Thesis", "Special Topics in Scan Studies", "Old Norse-Icelandic I", "Living-Learning ASL Part 1", "Child, Comm, & Lang Ability", "Hearing Processes & Disorders", "Intro Hum Comm Sys & Disorders", "Freshmen Seminar", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "American Sign Language II", "Lang&Culture Deaf Communities", "Comm Disability in the Media", "Communication and Aging", "Communication Neuroscience", "Research Lab Experience in SHS", "Anat & Physiol Spch Mechanism", "Development of Spoken Language", "American Sign Language III", "Civic Engagement in Wellness", "Comm Partners & Health", "Individual Study", "Honors Individual Study", "Devel & Disorders Phonol Artic", "Lang Disorders Preschool Child", "Intro Audiol & Hear Disorders", "Aural Rehab Children to Adults", "Neural Bases Spch Lang", "Prepracticum in SHS", "Beginning Practicum in SHS", "Head/Neck Ca & Neuro Voice Dis", "Lang Disorders Schl-Age Child", "Aphasia and Related Disorders", "Assess Audition & Aud Disorder", "Hearing Aids and Amplification", "Advanced Audiological Assess", "Adv Clin Prac Aud Assess Rehab", "Audiological Assessment Lab", "Amplification Lab", "Teaching in the Professoriate", "Quant Reasoning Spch Hear Sci", "Counseling in Comm Disorders", "School Intrnshp Spch-Lang Path", "Advanced Practicum in SHS", "Adv Sem Development Com Dis", "Prosem Spch & Hear Sci", "Special Problems", "PhD Early Research Project", "Thesis Research", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Problems in Slavic Literature", "Individual Topics", "Thesis Research", "Topics in Global Culture", "Principles of Language Testing", "Classroom Lang Acquisition", "Introduction to Sociology", "Religion & Society in West I", "Intro Gender & Women's Studies", "The New Middle East", "Global Ineq and Social Change", "Issues in Sociology", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Intro to Sociological Theory", "Race, Gender & Power", "Mexican & Latin Am Migration", "Black Women Contemp US Society", "Sport & Modern Society", "Population Issues", "Criminology", "Mapping Latina/o Inequalities", "Intro to Social Statistics", "Queer Theory", "Gender, Relationshps & Society", "Technology and Society", "Social Aspects of Media", "Social Research Methods", "Individual Study", "Chicanas&Latinas: Self&Society", "Internships", "Sociology of Education", "Racial and Ethnic Families", "Environmental Sociology", "Climate & Social Vulnerability", "Comm in Env Social Movements", "Collective Action & Revolution", "Urban Communities & Public Pol", "Population Trends and Patterns", "Organization of Health Care", "Methods of Field Research", "Advanced Independent Study", "Advanced Special Topics", "Classical Sociological Theory", "Professionalization Seminar", "Sem in Transnational Studies", "Megacities of Global South", "Community In American Society", "Founds of Organizational Behav", "Advanced Interpretive Methods", "Qualitative Research Methods", "Individual Topics in Sociology", "Readings in Sociology", "Thesis Proposal", "Thesis Research", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Introduction to Social Work", "Intro Stat for Social Work", "Death & Dying", "Asian Families in America", "Diversity: Identities & Issues", "UG Research Assistance", "Social Entre & Social Change", "Current Topics in Social Work", "Generalist SW Practice Methods", "Practice I", "Practice II", "Practice III", "Social Welfare Pol and Svcs", "Social Services for the Aged", "Child Welfare Issues & Trends", "Independent Study", "Subst Use in Social Context", "Social Work Research Methods", "HBSE I: Human Development", "Health Planning", "Prof Practice Seminar I", "Field Practicum", "Prof Practice Seminar II", "BSW Special Field Project", "SW Practice with Indiv and Fam", "SW Practice with Groups", "Trauma Informed SW Practice", "Behav and Cogn Methods for SW", "SW Practice with Child/Adol", "Adv Clin Assess & Interviewing", "Social Welfare Planning", "SW Practice with Communities", "Practice in Org Settings", "Practice Evaluation", "Clinical Research Seminar", "Program Evaluation", "HBSE II: Mental Disorders", "Special Studies in Soc Work I", "Special Studies in Soc Work II", "Field Instruction I", "Field Instruction II", "National Social Welfare Policy", "Social Work and the Law", "Applied Qualitative Research", "Individual Research", "Dissertation Research", "Intermediate Spanish", "Intensive Elementary Spanish", "Intro to Spanish Grammar", "Spanish in the Professions", "Freshman Honors Tutorial", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Readings in Hispanic Texts", "Spanish for Business", "Practical Review of Spanish", "Oral Spanish", "Spanish Composition", "Spanish in the Community", "Latina/o Popular Culture", "Intro to Latina/o Literature", "Intro to Literary Analysis", "Intro to Hispanic Linguistics", "Intro to Cultural Analysis", "The Sounds of Spanish", "The Structure of Spanish", "Bilingualism", "Spanish in the United States", "Spanish Cultural Studies I", "Spanish Cultural Studies II", "Cultural Studies Americas I", "Cultural Studies Americas II", "Advanced Study Abroad", "Spanish/English Translation", "Spanish Phonology", "Spanish Sociolinguistics", "Principles of Language Testing", "20th-21stC Spanish Studies", "Colonial Span Amer Studies", "Intro to Comm Lang Tchg", "Span Grammar Comm Lang Tchg", "Topics Secondary Lang Tchg", "Theoretical Foundations of SLA", "Advanced Readings in Spanish", "Topics for Honors Students", "Sem Spanish-American Lit", "Sem Romance Ling", "Proseminar For Lang Tchg", "Classroom Lang Acquisition", "Sem Second Lang Learn", "Topics in Hispanic Studies", "Special Topics in Spanish", "Thesis Research", "The Culture of Disability", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Introduction to Special Needs", "Intro Intellectual Disability", "Thesis", "Independent Study", "Gen Educator's Role in SPED", "Assessment in ECSE", "Assistive Tech & Phys Disab", "Instructional Strategies I", "Career Dev & Indiv with Disab", "Curriculum Development I", "Curriculum Development III", "Introduction to ECSE", "Augmentative Communication", "Curriculum and Methods in ECSE", "Learning Environments I", "Learning Environments II", "Legal Aspects of Disabilities", "Equity Issues in Spec Educatio", "Disability Issues in SPED", "Supervised Prac in SPED", "Methods of Educational Inquiry", "Single Case Experimntl Design", "Seminar for Advanced Students", "Field Study and Thesis Seminar", "Concepts and Issues in SPED I", "Independent Study", "Thesis Research", "Statistics", "Statistical Analysis", "Biostatistics", "Honors Individual Study", "Statistics and Probability I", "Actuarial Statistics II", "Statistics and Probability II", "Methods of Applied Statistics", "Applied Regression and Design", "Time Series Analysis", "Topics in Applied Statistics", "Statistical Data Management", "Professional Statistics", "Advanced Data Analysis", "Mathematical Statistics I", "Statistical Learning", "Theory of Probability II", "Probability and Measure I", "Applied Stochastic Processes", "Multivariate Analysis", "Topics in Statistics", "Hierarchical Linear Models", "STAT Internship", "Elementary Swahili I", "Intermediate Swahili I", "Advanced Swahili I", "Topics Swahili Lang & Lit I", "Mechanics in the Modern World", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Mechanics for Technol & Mgmt", "Introduction to Statics", "Statics", "Introductory Dynamics", "Introductory Solid Mechanics", "Behavior of Materials", "Introductory Fluid Mechanics", "Intro to Nonlinear Dyn & Vib", "Mechanics of Structural Metals", "Mechanics of Composites", "Intermediate Fluid Mechanics", "Intermediate Solid Mechanics", "Cellular Biomechanics", "Computational Mechanics", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Senior Thesis", "Seminar", "Viscoelasticity Theory", "Inviscid Flow", "Turbulence", "Fluid Mechanics Seminar", "Mathematical Methods I", "Solid Mechanics I", "Plasticity", "Advanced Independent Study", "Advanced Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Introduction to Innovation", "Special Topics I", "Lect in Engrg Entrepreneurship", "Special Topics II", "Entrepreneurship for Engineers", "Technology Entrepreneurship", "High-Tech Venture Marketing", "Independent Study", "Special Topics III", "Managing Advanced Technol I", "Technol Innovation & Strategy", "Finance for Engineering Mgmt", "Venture Funded Startups", "Special Topics IV", "Practicum I", "Introduction to Theatre Arts", "Text to Stage", "Stage Mechanics I", "Fundamentals of Acting I", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Theatre of Black Experience", "Dramatic Analysis", "Introduction to Playwriting", "Survey of Theatrical Design", "Intro to Technical Direction", "Intro to Lighting Design", "Intro African American Theat", "Relationships in Acting I", "Voice and Movement I", "History of Theatre I", "Chekhov", "Acting Studio I: Dynamics", "Acting Studio I: Voice", "Acting Studio I: Movement", "Acting Studio I: Acting", "Individual Topics", "Individual Topics", "Undergraduate Group Seminar", "Practicum II", "Directors Workshop", "Scenic Design I", "Leading Post-Perform Dialog", "Devising Social Issues Theatre", "Advanced Lighting Design", "Scene Painting", "Technical Direction", "Convergence Design II", "Convergence Design III", "Professional Lighting Systems", "Software for Lighting Design", "Costume Rendering", "Costume Fabrication", "Management Seminar", "Principles of Stage Management", "Theatre Sound Technology", "Audio Production", "Model Making for the Stage", "Sound Systems", "Acting Studio III: Dynamics", "Acting Studio III: Voice", "Acting Studio III: Movement", "Acting Studio III: Acting", "Modern Scandinavian Drama", "Professional Internship", "Colloquium Design & Theat Tech", "Seminar in Theatre History", "Colloquium in Acting: Dynamics", "Colloquium in Acting: Voice", "Colloquium in Acting: Movement", "Colloquium in Acting: Acting", "Special Problems", "Creative Project", "Thesis Research", "Mgmt of Innov and Technology", "Business Process Modeling", "Intro to Translation Studies", "Translation, Theory & Practice", "Translation for Professions", "Terminology and CAT", "Translation Tools & Practice", "Spanish/English Translation", "Translation Methods and Ethics", "Applied LiteraryTranslation II", "Conference Interpreting", "Special Topics in Translation", "Technical Systems in Agr", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Materials and Construction Sys", "Metallurgy & Welding Process", "Off-Campus Internship", "Undergrad Research or Thesis", "Humanity in the Food Web", "Environ Control & HVAC Systems", "Grain Drying & Storage Systems", "UG Honors Research or Thesis", "Ag Health-Illnesses Prevention", "Project Management", "Elec Computer Ctrl Sys", "Renewable Energy Applications", "Independent Study", "Graduate Seminar", "Independent Study", "Special Topics", "Thesis Research", "Elementary Turkish I", "Intermediate Turkish I", "Advanced Turkish I", "Basic Ukrainian I", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Second-Year Ukrainan I", "Introduction to City Planning", "Undergraduate Open Seminar", "Planning in Action", "Cities: Planning & Urban Life", "Environmental Economics", "Social Inequality and Planning", "Communication for Planners", "The Modern American City", "Economic Development Planning", "Planning Internship", "Undergraduate Project", "Watershed Ecology and Planning", "GIS for Planners", "Plng for Historic Preservation", "Community Development in the Global South", "Urban Design and Planning", "Disasters and Urban Planning", "Sustainable Planning Workshop", "Transportation/Land Use Policy", "Neighborhood Revitalization", "Urban Communities & Public Pol", "Special Topics in Planning", "Planning History and Theory", "Physical Planning", "Urban History and Theory", "Economics for Planners", "Community In American Society", "Regional Planning and Policy", "Qualitative Research Methods", "Professional Internship", "Capstone Seminar", "Urban Planning Research", "Master's Project", "Thesis Research", "Zoological Medicine Seminar", "Current Lit in Equine Med Surg", "Topics in Pathophysiology", "Adv Comp Theriogenology", "ECC Journal Topics", "Ocular Pathology", "Advanced Diagnostic Imaging", "Clinical Epidemiology", "Advanced Large Animal Medicine", "Emergency Diagnostic Imaging", "Current Concepts Comp Surgery", "Current Lit Sm Anim Medicine", "Advances in Vet Internal Med", "Special Problems", "Adv Topics Vet Clin Med", "Manuscript Research", "Thesis Research", "Clinical/Laboratory Practice", "Bereavement Issues", "Advanced Soft Tissue Surgery", "Equine Emergency Medicine", "Lab Animal Science I", "One Medicine: One Health", "Avian Medicine and Surgery", "Lab Animal Science II", "Shelter Medicine II", "Food Supply Disease Prevention", "Study Abroad Germany", "Wildlife Medicine", "ZooMed: What is Your Diagnosis", "Canine Occupational Health I", "Special Problems", "Food Supply Decision Making", "Fish Medicine and Surgery", "Structure and Function I", "Pathobiology I", "Pathobiology II", "Medicine and Surgery I", "Medicine and Surgery II", "Clinical Practice V", "Clinical Practice VI", "The Basics of Business", "Veterinary Medical Spanish", "Contemporary Issues in Vet Med", "Fundamentals of Management", "Intermediate Wolof I", "Issues in Tutoring Writing", "Writing Across Media", "Beginning Yiddish I", "Lit Responses to the Holocaust", "Elementary Zulu I");
foreach ($words as $word) {
$searchKey = $_POST["searchKey"];
if ($trie->prefixSearch($searchKey) != false) {
    foreach ($trie->prefixSearch($searchKey) as $key => $value) {
        echo $key;
        echo "\n";
} else {
    echo "No data";

namespace PHPTrie;

include_once "trie.php";
include_once "dbconnect.php";
$trie = new Trie();
$query = 'SET GLOBAL group_concat_max_len=15000';
mysqli_query($connection, $query);
$sql = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(S) as S,term FROM ginix_single, index_terms where ginix_single.termId=index_terms.termId group by term order by term";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($connection));
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
    $term = $row['term'];
    $data[$term]['S'] = explode(",", $row['S']);
$sql = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(L) as L, GROUP_CONCAT(U) as U, term FROM ginix_interval, index_terms where ginix_interval.termId=index_terms.termId group by term order by term";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($connection));
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
    $term = $row['term'];
    $data[$term]['L'] = explode(",", $row['L']);
    $data[$term]['U'] = explode(",", $row['U']);
foreach ($data as $term => $leaf) {
    $trie->add($term, $leaf);
$s = serialize($trie);
file_put_contents('data\\index\\trie_ginix\\trie_ginix_' . $nrec . 'k', $s);
echo "Trie + GINIX index created succesfully!";