Пример #1
 public function mark_content_as_cross_talk($json_encoded_parameters)
     //Instanciate the workflow
     $workflow = new \Swiftriver\Core\Workflows\ContentServices\MarkContentAsChatter();
     //run the workflow
     $json = $workflow->RunWorkflow($json_encoded_parameters, $this->apiKey);
     //return the json
     return $json;
Пример #2
  * Communicates with the Swiftriver_Core API to mark the
  * source of a piece of content as cross talk / chatter.
  * @param string $contentId
  * @param string $markerId
 public function markascrosstalk($contentId, $markerId)
     $coreFolder = DOCROOT . "/../Core/";
     $coreSetupFile = $coreFolder . "Setup.php";
     include_once $coreSetupFile;
     $workflowData = json_encode(array("id" => $contentId, "markerId" => $markerId));
     $workflow = new Swiftriver\Core\Workflows\ContentServices\MarkContentAsChatter();
     $workflow->RunWorkflow($workflowData, "swiftriver_apala");
     //MG TODO: Change this to persist category and other nav choices
     //MG It'll do for now though :-)

namespace Swiftriver\Core\ServiceAPI\ChannelProcessingJobServices;

header('Content-type: application/json');
//Check for the existance of the unique Swift instance Key
if (!isset($_POST["key"])) {
    //If not found then return a JSON error
    echo '{"error":"The request to this service did not contain the required post data \'key\'"}';
} elseif (!isset($_POST["data"])) {
    //if not present then return a JSON error
    echo '{"error":"The request to this service did not contain the required post data \'data\'"}';
} else {
    //include the setup file
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../Setup.php";
    //create a new workflow instance
    $workflow = new \Swiftriver\Core\Workflows\ContentServices\MarkContentAsChatter();
    //Check that the key supplied works with this core instance
    if (!$workflow->CheckKey($_POST["key"])) {
        //If not then return an error in JSON
        echo '{"error":"The key you supplied is not registered with this instance of the Swiftriver Core"}';
    //If all the key is ok, then run the workflow
    $json = $workflow->RunWorkflow($_POST["data"], $_POST["key"]);
    //Return the JSON result
    echo $json;