getArrayizeString() публичный Метод

If the configuration option is a string, it will be converted to an array with a single string
public getArrayizeString ( string $name, mixed $default = self::REQUIRED_OPTION ) : array
$name string The name of the option.
$default mixed A default value which will be returned if the option isn't found. The option will be required if this parameter isn't given. The default value can be any value, including null.
Результат array The option with the given name, or $default if the option isn't found and $default is specified.
Пример #1
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $configuration
  * @param string                   $prefix
  * @return array
 private static function pluckConfiguration(SimpleSAML_Configuration $configuration, $prefix = '')
     $extracted = array();
     // ported from
     if ($configuration->hasValue($prefix . 'keys')) {
         $extracted['keys'] = $configuration->getArray($prefix . 'keys');
     // ported from
     if ($configuration->hasValue($prefix . 'certData')) {
         $extracted['certificateData'] = $configuration->getString($prefix . 'certData');
     // ported from
     if ($configuration->hasValue($prefix . 'certificate')) {
         $extracted['certificateData'] = $configuration->getString($prefix . 'certificate');
     // ported from
     if ($configuration->hasValue($prefix . 'certFingerprint')) {
         $extracted['certificateFingerprint'] = $configuration->getArrayizeString('certFingerprint');
     $extracted['assertionEncryptionEnabled'] = $configuration->getBoolean('assertion.encryption', FALSE);
     if ($configuration->has('sharedKey')) {
         $extracted['sharedKey'] = $configuration->getString('sharedKey');
     return $extracted;
Пример #2
  * Get public key or certificate from metadata.
  * This function implements a function to retrieve the public key or certificate from
  * a metadata array.
  * It will search for the following elements in the metadata:
  * 'certData'  The certificate as a base64-encoded string.
  * 'certificate'  A file with a certificate or public key in PEM-format.
  * 'certFingerprint'  The fingerprint of the certificate. Can be a single fingerprint,
  *                    or an array of multiple valid fingerprints.
  * This function will return an array with these elements:
  * 'PEM'  The public key/certificate in PEM-encoding.
  * 'certData'  The certificate data, base64 encoded, on a single line. (Only
  *             present if this is a certificate.)
  * 'certFingerprint'  Array of valid certificate fingerprints. (Only present
  *                    if this is a certificate.)
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $metadata  The metadata.
  * @param bool $required  Whether the private key is required. If this is TRUE, a
  *                        missing key will cause an exception. Default is FALSE.
  * @param string $prefix  The prefix which should be used when reading from the metadata
  *                        array. Defaults to ''.
  * @return array|NULL  Public key or certificate data, or NULL if no public key or
  *                     certificate was found.
 public static function loadPublicKey(SimpleSAML_Configuration $metadata, $required = FALSE, $prefix = '')
     $keys = $metadata->getPublicKeys(NULL, FALSE, $prefix);
     if ($keys !== NULL) {
         foreach ($keys as $key) {
             if ($key['type'] !== 'X509Certificate') {
             if ($key['signing'] !== TRUE) {
             $certData = $key['X509Certificate'];
             $pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . chunk_split($certData, 64) . "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
             $certFingerprint = strtolower(sha1(base64_decode($certData)));
             return array('certData' => $certData, 'PEM' => $pem, 'certFingerprint' => array($certFingerprint));
         /* No valid key found. */
     } elseif ($metadata->hasValue($prefix . 'certFingerprint')) {
         /* We only have a fingerprint available. */
         $fps = $metadata->getArrayizeString($prefix . 'certFingerprint');
         /* Normalize fingerprint(s) - lowercase and no colons. */
         foreach ($fps as &$fp) {
             $fp = strtolower(str_replace(':', '', $fp));
         /* We can't build a full certificate from a fingerprint, and may as well
          * return an array with only the fingerprint(s) immediately.
         return array('certFingerprint' => $fps);
     /* No public key/certificate available. */
     if ($required) {
         throw new Exception('No public key / certificate found in metadata.');
     } else {
         return NULL;
Пример #3
  * Build an authentication request based on information in the metadata.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata  The metadata of the service provider.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata  The metadata of the identity provider.
 public static function buildAuthnRequest(SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata, SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata)
     $ar = new \SAML2\AuthnRequest();
     // get the NameIDPolicy to apply. IdP metadata has precedence.
     $nameIdPolicy = array();
     if ($idpMetadata->hasValue('NameIDPolicy')) {
         $nameIdPolicy = $idpMetadata->getValue('NameIDPolicy');
     } elseif ($spMetadata->hasValue('NameIDPolicy')) {
         $nameIdPolicy = $spMetadata->getValue('NameIDPolicy');
     if (!is_array($nameIdPolicy)) {
         // handle old configurations where 'NameIDPolicy' was used to specify just the format
         $nameIdPolicy = array('Format' => $nameIdPolicy);
     $nameIdPolicy_cf = SimpleSAML_Configuration::loadFromArray($nameIdPolicy);
     $policy = array('Format' => $nameIdPolicy_cf->getString('Format', \SAML2\Constants::NAMEID_TRANSIENT), 'AllowCreate' => $nameIdPolicy_cf->getBoolean('AllowCreate', true));
     $spNameQualifier = $nameIdPolicy_cf->getString('SPNameQualifier', false);
     if ($spNameQualifier !== false) {
         $policy['SPNameQualifier'] = $spNameQualifier;
     $ar->setForceAuthn($spMetadata->getBoolean('ForceAuthn', FALSE));
     $ar->setIsPassive($spMetadata->getBoolean('IsPassive', FALSE));
     $protbind = $spMetadata->getValueValidate('ProtocolBinding', array(\SAML2\Constants::BINDING_HTTP_POST, \SAML2\Constants::BINDING_HOK_SSO, \SAML2\Constants::BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT, \SAML2\Constants::BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT), \SAML2\Constants::BINDING_HTTP_POST);
     /* Shoaib - setting the appropriate binding based on parameter in sp-metadata defaults to HTTP_POST */
     $ar->setAssertionConsumerServiceIndex($spMetadata->getInteger('AssertionConsumerServiceIndex', NULL));
     $ar->setAttributeConsumingServiceIndex($spMetadata->getInteger('AttributeConsumingServiceIndex', NULL));
     if ($spMetadata->hasValue('AuthnContextClassRef')) {
         $accr = $spMetadata->getArrayizeString('AuthnContextClassRef');
         $comp = $spMetadata->getValueValidate('AuthnContextComparison', array(\SAML2\Constants::COMPARISON_EXACT, \SAML2\Constants::COMPARISON_MINIMUM, \SAML2\Constants::COMPARISON_MAXIMUM, \SAML2\Constants::COMPARISON_BETTER), \SAML2\Constants::COMPARISON_EXACT);
         $ar->setRequestedAuthnContext(array('AuthnContextClassRef' => $accr, 'Comparison' => $comp));
     self::addRedirectSign($spMetadata, $idpMetadata, $ar);
     return $ar;
Пример #4
  * Build an authentication request based on information in the metadata.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata  The metadata of the service provider.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata  The metadata of the identity provider.
 public static function buildAuthnRequest(SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata, SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata)
     $ar = new SAML2_AuthnRequest();
     if ($spMetadata->hasValue('NameIDPolicy')) {
         $nameIdPolicy = $spMetadata->getString('NameIDPolicy', NULL);
     } else {
         $nameIdPolicy = $spMetadata->getString('NameIDFormat', SAML2_Const::NAMEID_TRANSIENT);
     if ($nameIdPolicy !== NULL) {
         $ar->setNameIdPolicy(array('Format' => $nameIdPolicy, 'AllowCreate' => TRUE));
     $ar->setForceAuthn($spMetadata->getBoolean('ForceAuthn', FALSE));
     $ar->setIsPassive($spMetadata->getBoolean('IsPassive', FALSE));
     $protbind = $spMetadata->getValueValidate('ProtocolBinding', array(SAML2_Const::BINDING_HTTP_POST, SAML2_Const::BINDING_HOK_SSO, SAML2_Const::BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT, SAML2_Const::BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT), SAML2_Const::BINDING_HTTP_POST);
     /* Shoaib - setting the appropriate binding based on parameter in sp-metadata defaults to HTTP_POST */
     $ar->setAssertionConsumerServiceIndex($spMetadata->getInteger('AssertionConsumerServiceIndex', NULL));
     $ar->setAttributeConsumingServiceIndex($spMetadata->getInteger('AttributeConsumingServiceIndex', NULL));
     if ($spMetadata->hasValue('AuthnContextClassRef')) {
         $accr = $spMetadata->getArrayizeString('AuthnContextClassRef');
         $ar->setRequestedAuthnContext(array('AuthnContextClassRef' => $accr));
     self::addRedirectSign($spMetadata, $idpMetadata, $ar);
     return $ar;
Пример #5
  * Checks the authsource, if defined, for configuration values
  * to the LDAP server. Then sets up the LDAP connection for the
  * instance/object and stores everything in class members.
  * @throws SimpleSAML_Error_Exception
  * @param array $config
  * @param $reserved
 public function __construct(&$config, $reserved)
     parent::__construct($config, $reserved);
     // Change the class $title to match it's true name
     // This way if the class is extended the proper name is used
     $classname = get_class($this);
     $classname = explode('_', $classname);
     $this->title = 'ldap:' . end($classname) . ' : ';
     // Log the construction
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug($this->title . 'Creating and configuring the filter.');
     // If an authsource was defined (an not empty string)...
     if (isset($config['authsource']) && $config['authsource']) {
         // Log the authsource request
         SimpleSAML\Logger::debug($this->title . 'Attempting to get configuration values from authsource [' . $config['authsource'] . ']');
         // Get the authsources file, which should contain the config
         $authsource = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getConfig('authsources.php');
         // Verify that the authsource config exists
         if (!$authsource->hasValue($config['authsource'])) {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception($this->title . 'Authsource [' . $config['authsource'] . '] defined in filter parameters not found in authsources.php');
         // Get just the specified authsource config values
         $authsource = $authsource->getConfigItem($config['authsource']);
         $authsource = $authsource->toArray();
         // Make sure it is an ldap source
         // TODO: Support ldap:LDAPMulti, if possible
         if (@$authsource[0] != 'ldap:LDAP') {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception($this->title . 'Authsource [' . $config['authsource'] . '] specified in filter parameters is not an ldap:LDAP type');
         // Build the authsource config
         $authconfig = array();
         $authconfig['ldap.hostname'] = @$authsource['hostname'];
         $authconfig['ldap.enable_tls'] = @$authsource['enable_tls'];
         $authconfig['ldap.port'] = @$authsource['port'];
         $authconfig['ldap.timeout'] = @$authsource['timeout'];
         $authconfig['ldap.debug'] = @$authsource['debug'];
         $authconfig['ldap.basedn'] = @$authsource['search.enable'] ? @$authsource['search.base'] : null;
         $authconfig['ldap.username'] = @$authsource['search.enable'] ? @$authsource['search.username'] : null;
         $authconfig['ldap.password'] = @$authsource['search.enable'] ? @$authsource['search.password'] : null;
         $authconfig['ldap.username'] = @$authsource[''] ? @$authsource['priv.username'] : $authconfig['ldap.username'];
         $authconfig['ldap.password'] = @$authsource[''] ? @$authsource['priv.password'] : $authconfig['ldap.password'];
         // Only set the username attribute if the authsource specifies one attribute
         if (@$authsource['search.enable'] && is_array(@$authsource['search.attributes']) && count($authsource['search.attributes']) == 1) {
             $authconfig['attribute.username'] = reset($authsource['search.attributes']);
         // Merge the authsource config with the filter config,
         // but have the filter config override the authsource config
         $config = array_merge($authconfig, $config);
         // Authsource complete
         SimpleSAML\Logger::debug($this->title . 'Retrieved authsource [' . $config['authsource'] . '] configuration values: ' . $this->var_export($authconfig));
     // Convert the config array to a config class,
     // that way we can verify type and define defaults.
     // Store in the instance in-case needed later, by a child class.
     $this->config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::loadFromArray($config, 'ldap:AuthProcess');
     // Set all the filter values, setting defaults if needed
     $this->base_dn = $this->config->getArrayizeString('ldap.basedn', '');
     $this->product = $this->config->getString('ldap.product', '');
     // Cleanup the directory service, so that it is easier for
     // child classes to determine service name consistently
     $this->product = trim($this->product);
     $this->product = strtoupper($this->product);
     // Log the member values retrieved above
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug($this->title . 'Configuration values retrieved;' . ' BaseDN: ' . $this->var_export($this->base_dn) . ' Product: ' . $this->var_export($this->product));
     // Setup the attribute map which will be used to search LDAP
     $this->attribute_map = array('dn' => $this->config->getString('attribute.dn', 'distinguishedName'), 'groups' => $this->config->getString('attribute.groups', 'groups'), 'member' => $this->config->getString('attribute.member', 'member'), 'memberof' => $this->config->getString('attribute.memberof', 'memberOf'), 'name' => $this->config->getString('attribute.groupname', 'name'), 'type' => $this->config->getString('attribute.type', 'objectClass'), 'username' => $this->config->getString('attribute.username', 'sAMAccountName'));
     // Log the attribute map
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug($this->title . 'Attribute map created: ' . $this->var_export($this->attribute_map));
     // Setup the object type map which is used to determine a DNs' type
     $this->type_map = array('group' => $this->config->getString('', 'group'), 'user' => $this->config->getString('type.user', 'user'));
     // Log the type map
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug($this->title . 'Type map created: ' . $this->var_export($this->type_map));
Пример #6
  * Build an authentication request based on information in the metadata.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata  The metadata of the service provider.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata  The metadata of the identity provider.
 public static function buildAuthnRequest(SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata, SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata)
     $ar = new SAML2_AuthnRequest();
     if ($spMetadata->hasValue('NameIDPolicy')) {
         $nameIdPolicy = $spMetadata->getString('NameIDPolicy', NULL);
     } else {
         $nameIdPolicy = $spMetadata->getString('NameIDFormat', SAML2_Const::NAMEID_TRANSIENT);
     if ($nameIdPolicy !== NULL) {
         $ar->setNameIdPolicy(array('Format' => $nameIdPolicy, 'AllowCreate' => TRUE));
     $ar->setForceAuthn($spMetadata->getBoolean('ForceAuthn', FALSE));
     $ar->setIsPassive($spMetadata->getBoolean('IsPassive', FALSE));
     if ($spMetadata->hasValue('AuthnContextClassRef')) {
         $accr = $spMetadata->getArrayizeString('AuthnContextClassRef');
         $ar->setRequestedAuthnContext(array('AuthnContextClassRef' => $accr));
     self::addRedirectSign($spMetadata, $idpMetadata, $ar);
     return $ar;
Пример #7
  * Get public key or certificate from metadata.
  * This function implements a function to retrieve the public key or certificate from a metadata array.
  * It will search for the following elements in the metadata:
  * - 'certData': The certificate as a base64-encoded string.
  * - 'certificate': A file with a certificate or public key in PEM-format.
  * - 'certFingerprint': The fingerprint of the certificate. Can be a single fingerprint, or an array of multiple
  * valid fingerprints.
  * This function will return an array with these elements:
  * - 'PEM': The public key/certificate in PEM-encoding.
  * - 'certData': The certificate data, base64 encoded, on a single line. (Only present if this is a certificate.)
  * - 'certFingerprint': Array of valid certificate fingerprints. (Only present if this is a certificate.)
  * @param \SimpleSAML_Configuration $metadata The metadata.
  * @param bool                      $required Whether the private key is required. If this is TRUE, a missing key
  *     will cause an exception. Default is FALSE.
  * @param string                    $prefix The prefix which should be used when reading from the metadata array.
  *     Defaults to ''.
  * @return array|NULL Public key or certificate data, or NULL if no public key or certificate was found.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $metadata is not an instance of \SimpleSAML_Configuration, $required is not
  *     boolean or $prefix is not a string.
  * @throws \SimpleSAML_Error_Exception If no private key is found in the metadata, or it was not possible to load
  *     it.
  * @author Andreas Solberg, UNINETT AS <*****@*****.**>
  * @author Olav Morken, UNINETT AS <*****@*****.**>
  * @author Lasse Birnbaum Jensen
 public static function loadPublicKey(\SimpleSAML_Configuration $metadata, $required = false, $prefix = '')
     if (!is_bool($required) || !is_string($prefix)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid input parameters.');
     $keys = $metadata->getPublicKeys(null, false, $prefix);
     if ($keys !== null) {
         foreach ($keys as $key) {
             if ($key['type'] !== 'X509Certificate') {
             if ($key['signing'] !== true) {
             $certData = $key['X509Certificate'];
             $pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . chunk_split($certData, 64) . "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
             $certFingerprint = strtolower(sha1(base64_decode($certData)));
             return array('certData' => $certData, 'PEM' => $pem, 'certFingerprint' => array($certFingerprint));
         // no valid key found
     } elseif ($metadata->hasValue($prefix . 'certFingerprint')) {
         // we only have a fingerprint available
         $fps = $metadata->getArrayizeString($prefix . 'certFingerprint');
         // normalize fingerprint(s) - lowercase and no colons
         foreach ($fps as &$fp) {
             $fp = strtolower(str_replace(':', '', $fp));
         // We can't build a full certificate from a fingerprint, and may as well return an array with only the
         //fingerprint(s) immediately.
         return array('certFingerprint' => $fps);
     // no public key/certificate available
     if ($required) {
         throw new \SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('No public key / certificate found in metadata.');
     } else {
         return null;